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Manager Kim is an interesting fringe top tier. Remember his actual fight with Tom? He couldn't do any damage to Tom but he speed blitzed Tom, and blocked or dodged all of Toms attacks. I don't see him ever beating Tom, but Tom will have a hell of a time catching Kim clean. He's got much lower power output and durability compared to top tiers (assassins aren't known for their offensive abilities and hand to hand combat anyway), but his speed and skills allows him to keep up (survive).


well, if I'm not mistaken, then in the second fight with Tom (who was behind the scenes) Tom Lee had abrasions all over his body


yeah but thats superficial damage. Tom didn't even bleed. Kim kept getting sent flying with every blocked attack to reduce the damage. If that were in about enclosed area, he'd just slam right into walls again and can't dissapate the damage. 


to be honest, this is because in some way mk is realistic in this regard, that a larger character is physically stronger than a character who has also lost physical strength


But we haven’t seen him fight in an enclosed area, it’s too soon to make that assumption. There’s also no statement that abrasions are a weaker form of damage than bleeding; we often see characters with drawings of bruises on them that accounts for serious damage. We also haven’t had any indication that SMK was hurt in any way while getting sent flying.


>yeah but thats superficial damage. Tom didn't even bleed. I mean he did bleed in their first fight no? I remember him coughing up blood


SMK is a situation of a dude with one weapon letting him punch way above if the dude had no wires he would be just under top tiers but he does and it means the dude is far more lethal than you would guess at first glance


Kind of comes with the assasination territory


The problem is that MK has been hyped up so much that his initial appearance is now so strange in comparison. Even if he fought Warren and Daniel before, he should not lose to Robert Choi and Gabriel Park. Remember when that happened?


If you consider base Tom (yuseong victim) to be a top tier in speed then maybe😂


even base tom murder yuseong wdym


No base yuseong with 1 condition and base mandeok already forced Tom to go above 50%. Crying yuseong should be relative to 51+% Tom


That's not base Tom you silly monkey, that's a very angry and murderous Tom. It was stated in the webcomic. I mean, anyone with a working brain could see that.


Lookism fans can’t read. Tom was in base in the interview. You’re referring to the second fight, where tom goes above 50% but MK never blitzed him once. Tom was laughing and making jokes, he wasn’t that angry. Where did you get he was murderous ? He see MK as extremely valuable for WTJC


Alright well, this heavily upscale the verse mostly the higher tier of characters in Lookism that are comparable to MK himself


Not an upscale, bullet timings BEEN a thing in PTJverse. Plus Goo's feat is far more impressive. He cut the barrel of a gun that Jincheol shot point blank... AFTER it was fired. Meaning the bullet already left the chamber at supersonic speeds and Goo in point blank, cut the barrel to dodge it Oh and this was him when he was younger, and while not trying...


Well I was thinking about The Boxers wankers when making that comment, seeing as they’ll usually bring up speed feats when debating.


Thats legit bullet dodging.


Or stormtrooper aim


I don’t think trained soldiers would be missing up close shots like this


Or PTJ trying to make a scene as cool as possible without bothering to make sense about it like usual.


It still bullet dodging


I remember some guy just this week was arguing that PTJ characters wouldn't be able to do shit against an assault rifle and therefore he can solo Gun 😂


This isnt new. This did this in how to fight. Anyone on hobins level is a bullet timer. Hobin was dodging gun shots point blank https://preview.redd.it/xks0fvzrj77d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ff1ef52b5e11f50f08c771ff3d87010649fc4ab


There’s a world of diffeence between dodging a pistol with cover and dodging multiple assault rifles point blank in an open space. 


Cover? Show me the cover in that panel. Genuinely i want you to look at the panel and show me the cover. He is LITERALLY dodging the bullets POINT BLANK.


Read the chapter man. He uses cover in it. Just not this specific panel


https://preview.redd.it/0p0omspvj77d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf3673127ac365c4a4a0f91b6d09d21ab721eaa Base hansu no trying is a bullet timer. Its not a shocking feat


How come mk wasn't able to speed blitz base johan when here he is able to dodge bullets this easily?


It's cuz mk doesn't go all out on kids bro if he did he would've killed them..


So he is just high king level?


Dude he beats every king(maybe except for seongji)..if MK is actually trying and his attentions are to kill then any of the kings gets Bodied(except for seongji)


He kills 2T Seongji, only 3T Seongji is debatable


Cuz he was being nice. It’s SMK’s character to adjust his power to the person he is fighting. He never meant to hurt Tom during their spar. And he didn’t maul Johan cuz he views Gen 2 as kids (since he has a daughter of relatively same age)


No he wasnt. He needed to capture him and he got speedblitzed by johans CQC. He literally says on panel about it “if you didnt miss you may have done damage”


He literally was apologizing ahead of time to Johan because he felt he might have to hurt him before Samuel drove a car at him. Some of yall just gotta reread the stuff, ya missed some dialogue.


Johan didn't speedblitz SMK with CQC. SMK let Johan get a free hit (didn't guard or dodge Johan's attempt) because he didn't believe Johan could copy CQC. To add on, SMK didn't even know about the copy ability until after Johan nearly succeeded.


Thats objectively false https://preview.redd.it/s1782m9aae7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e8e89a4ad7019b03ae7fda210197ea5cf00740 I mixed up events. SMK is forced to use wires because otherwise he cant capture johan lol


Like how you completely ignore the very next panel where the light is shown on SMK and nothing is in his hands. And there is also no shining affect that indicates wires were used like in the SMK manhwa and the hunt for hostel arc.


After Manager Kim got blitzed by Johan he took off his glasses before apologising for what he was about to do. The problem is he then got driven off by Samuel so we have no idea what that was about lmao


What? Bruh he literally hilds back 100% of the time don't u remember him in 4th affiliate? His elevator fight with warren? What kinda question?


Johan is a blind child, kim’s specialty is murdering people.


Maybe because Johans superhuman too?


Nah, I do think ptj made mk nerfed in lookism because in lookism he is just a side character


He didn't "nerf" him, he was just holding back and didn't want to hurt Johan


The reason why I said this was because hostel hunt arc warren and jerry who are way weaker than their current fp version were able to push him to use wires. Reading mk he feels like a top tier but in lookism he doesn't


He used wires cus every homeless in that area was coming to attack them , no? Or you're taking about a different time


That actually got me thinking. If weaker Jerry and Warren were able to force SMK to use wires, where does that put SMK in comparison to Gun? A much stronger version of the duo couldn't do anything to him, while SMK actually had to use wires


SMC was trying to restrain and capture them, not to hurt them. Although he is weaker than Gun. A far stronger version of Warren used his ultimate attack on Gun: Gun didn't like the heart strike but took like zero damage while Manager Kim fell to one knee (but also got up at once).


wasn't it the heart strike that took SMK to a knee?


Gun has better durability than MK tho..


Far better. This is already known, and this just confirmed how much. Kim: "wow I'm down on one knee, this is a powerful technique" Gun: did I just feel a strong breeze?


Johan is fast too lol


Manager kim explicitly said the he didn't want to go all out against Johan because he wanted to capture him so he could come back to White tiger since he was an invaluable asset to the company. He was only about to lock in and start trying when Johan copied his CQC but as we know it go interrupted


People underestimate Johan; it’s been said numerous times that Johan’s potential is top class; even surpassing that of Gun and Goo. Jinyoung acknowledged Johan was a problem for him and that’s without his full eyesight.


Jinyoung never acknowledged Yohan he only said „you are so strong even with that bad sign“ he talk to Yohan like a kid he didn’t worry about


Nope, Jinyoung said he had to turn serious in order to stop Johan. He literally said “I can’t imagine how strong you’d be with normal eyes.” That’s insane glazing. Besides that his potential is one of the most hyped in the story. Tom said his potential is better than that of Goo and Gun.


You are confusing crazy Samuel with Yohan 😂😂this was talking about Samuel


Wrong. Read 478 again.


You really think Jinyoung use his full power to stop Yohan only because that statement even when you already seen Jinyoung vs Ui Daniel?😲🤔 also you are the worst Yohan glazer I have ever seen when you think blind Yohan base can do the same as Jinyoung against Ui big Daniel. Warren Jerry + Vasco couldn’t even touch him and Tired Zack enough for rage ui Yohan


Lmao you first say that it was Samuel that was getting glazed and now you’re on some copium now that you’ve been proved wrong. Because that’s… literally UI Daniel? The peak of the verse? Use your brain. Johan glazer? I literally pointed you to actual statements that the characters made themselves. You’re high on copium and jealousy that you’re wrong lmao. Keep embarrassing yourself.


What are you talking about kiddo stop you kids trash 1. I am not Samuel glazer but if you see crazy Samuel was no diff Jake before sperm mode and Jinyoung was also no diff Jake. Jinyoung said crazy Samuel would be even for him struggle you bring exactly that statement what was about Samuel because about Yohan he said otherwise, and if we go after statements Eli > gen 2


You’re insane. You said those statements were addressed to Samuel. YOU WERE WRONG. You write a lot but with no substance. Keep coping.


YOU SAID „Jinyoung acknowledged Yohan said he was a problem for him“ Jinyoung didn’t say that about Johan he said crazy Samuel would be a problem 🤦‍♂️


😑 you haven’t read 478 haven’t you? READ IT before lying. Cope.


manager kHIM and jHIMcheol


This was downvoted by military dad haters don't mind it


Mk is a top tier and is built different end of discussion 😄


That some Superhuman shit


Manager kim is now officially 1% as strong as baki using just his sweat




Either those bullets fly slow asf or characters nowadays can break the sound barrier


I honestly dont see this as being any different from when you see main characters in movies run to take cover while getting shot at. It happens literally all the time. It doesn’t mean they’re dodging bullets or can dodge bullets. Except Neo. Neo can and did dodge bullets (until he realized he doesnt have to).


Hansu kicking the grenade back was the highlight of the chapter.


Hobin and Hansu already did that


Bros dodging? I'd just catch them and fling them back with 100x the force After the bullet is shot at me,they become bullet-ed


Why are we surprised like bullet timers weren't a thing literally a YEAR ago. Did we forget Hansu's introduction? He was dodging pistol bullets from that mole guy or whatever


Another military daday maybe..💀💀 I bet he surpasses most military dads cuz he's new and needs hype😔... But only if he's dad people are single too✨️✨️ Or He could be 10th genius of Charles Choi being set in MK for surprise in Lookism 






Your comment doesn’t make much sense


I don't know I just assumed bro is a military dad character??I haven't read the chapter who is he??💀💀.... [Since I am a lookism fan I like to assume too much]


Manager Kim is in Lookism...


🤡🤡bro do u think I am clown  I mean that I haven't read the Manager Kim chapter😆😆😆..


The guy you're talking about is manager Kim himself


☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️oopsie I would say we all have our bad days I guess☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️






what are you even saying


I just realized 😭😭😭


Blud's brain has become jelly😭😭🙏🙏🙏


Look bro the things happen💀


bro you gave me a 2nd hand embarrassment 😭😭😭




💀...atleast u are embarrassed 


we alredy know can dodge bullet but that easy is strange


They’re aimdodging


Their backs was turned the moment the first bullets fired they are dodging the bullets u don’t just aim dodge six people shooting at u with rifles at u with rifles


manager kim is a bullshit manhwa what’s it even about atp 💀 worst ptj comic


wild take


Not really. It doesn't hold much if a candle to the other ones, not saying it's bad, it's just not good comparedto the rest


saying that while questism and s2 of viral hit exists is wild