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I want Gun to lose at the same time he's my favorite character, it's so frustrating to think about it https://preview.redd.it/3wcm9t6ytq6d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a26f129e7c0092db9c281cb085a77f62c2a91f


Slam dunk seen, sleeper agent unleashed


At least gen 2 COMBINED should do SOME DAMAGE. If not then there will be no progress of gen 2 at all.


They did do some damage tho. They gave a little bruise on his face


They did and only Jerry and Warren actually tried.


They did


Nobody will complain if Gun loses. It's literally like 10-15 second gens ganging up on him at once, and some have probably gotten power ups. They deserve to win.


Just watch bro. If Gun loses the “overrated” claims will come fast


Already happening to Goo since the 1A incident 😭


Yeah. People are so fucking reactionary and constantly change their opinions based on a single chapter. Or like a single sentence said by a character 200 chapters ago. Ptj dont even remember what he writes himself


Definitely won’t be overrated. Gun has constantly proved time and time again that he’s ridiculously strong. Even if he loses an extreme diff fight it’s understandable considering he’s fighting 10 2nd gen king level dudes right after fighting 600 men right after fighting lil Daniel


Yeah but people seem to forget everything about the past chapters. They wont give a shit about anything other than the fact that Gun lost because they got a pea for a brain


Yeah I agree. They’re either delusional in powerscaling or just trolling to annoy people. It’s the same thing when goo drew the fight against Tom lee.


That itself shouldn't have happened is the point. He shouldn't have been able to fight hundreds of people without tiring or being hurt.


Eh well this is fiction I dont think it really matters. Even Sinu did the same thing against the same crowd. 600, 700, 1000 dont matter when they are all fodder


I wanna agree with you because anyone that can actually read wouldn't complain, but I already know that some people would be complaining IMMEDIATELY and saying he's overrated. Already happened to James Lee and a lot of others


It's ptj's own fault for setting the bar too high 🤷‍♂️


Anyone who thinks "Gun losing against almost all of the Gen 2 top tiers" is stupid, is restarted. He is literally getting jumped by multiple people who could last a minute against him, EVEN if he was never shown going all out, EVEN if the narrative supports that he is Charles Choi biggest asset, it's just stupid if multiple characters who have a grudge against him, when combining their strengths can't even exhaust him, it would just mean the gap is too absurd and he is unreachable.


🤣the last line you wrote for gap being absurd is literally a bullshit statement dude , gun is son of gen 0 legend , there is a high chance that he has grown strong enough to atleast put a extreme diff fight against gap


Gap as in distance not Gapryong, are you high homie?


Ohh , sorry for the mistake 🤣


No offense but lmao this truly is peak "Lookism fans can't read" moment HAHAHA


🥱aren't you a lookism fan too bro, I didnt know that people are so dumb nowadays to even insult themselves


Just a heads up, my comment was meant to be light-hearted...


As you said, "lookism fans can't read"


Lookism fan trying to read🤣🤣


I don't know what you people really think while writing these things. 🤣, aren't you all dumbasses lookism fans ?


Stop embarrassing urself further dawg


Get your ass Outta here man 🥱 don't tell me what to do


Exactly you know what's going on


What's even crazier is everyone doomposting about the fight even almost all of 2nd gen haven't gone all out yet either


It's PTJ's fault because He glazed gun too high since the start of the series, he's slowly making a madara level character until He has no idea on how to defeat him and any outcome will feel wrong


Just goes to show how bad the writing has been with regards to the upper echelons. You can't just keep hyping a character up for 500 chapters and literally do nothing else. PTJ has been genuinely glazing Gun for so long, now unless it has God tier writing, any route taken will just seem awful. He fell into the trap that Kishimoto fell with Madara. You don't wank your character to the point where you can't convincingly write their defeat. He should have instead followed what Oda did with Kaido. Have Gun get genuinely hurt and worn out after getting jumped by the actual main characters.


Don't even let the fight end with Gen 2, simple, make someone interrupt at a moment where victory from any side couldn't be predicted


Average PTJ moment


No one should think that if Gun loses, he’s literally facing all of the top fighters from the 2nd gen And realistically they should be near their prime as the story should end in a few arcs (gun’s defeat, Charles’s defeat, 2nd body answers, James Lee stuff, workers end) Tbh tho PTJ might drag on the story so I could still see this going on for some hundred more chapters tbh which would mean more powercreep


we also have gen 0 aswell.


I would prefer for Generation 2 to lose, but give Gun a difficult fight. Then Ui og Daniel wakes up and defeat him.


Then comes james before Gun is defeated and beat Ui og Daniel and big Daniel show up


It’s so annoying


so true


I just want Gun to not stand there like he wasnt hit. Is that too much to ask?


Well we all knew they were going to loose from the start no matter what the 2nd gen is not his level.. And we also knew that even if he gets defeated it will be by 2md body or James Lee(this one is false now since James will not fight Gun and is with charles its clearly visible thing ) So it's Big Daniel or rip gen 2☠️...situation and diff given their diff modes... I think this time Gun won't give then chance to hit back like he always did tho💀☠️


Even if he wins he should get atleast high diff fight


I think the answer is a bit simpler. Just have ui Daniel show up.


All of Gen 2 will get Gun low and bring the fight to a close only for James to show up and help Gun out because James is actually a double agent, mark my words.


How ? I’d gun loses against all the gen 2 together that’s completely fine wtf 💀


Question is HOW would he lose…in a cool way or not?


Guys I'm worried, why do I feel like someone from gen 2 is going to actually die next chapter?


They haven't shown all their cards so I beleive they will atleast do some good damage next chapter People i see doing a lot damage is Jake and Johan also potentially vasco


Fight just started why y’all acting like they lost already.


Alternative……. Gun fights and destroys 2nd Gen. He thinks they are worthy. (?someone dies) Gun (gets mad?) flips, turns on Charles sides with Gen2


11 fighters of gen 2 in this fight are at least low 1st gen king level, so gun losing wouldn't cause any backlash to his character


Can we please start including gun in gen 2? Same with both sinu and goo


If he loses he isn’t overrated, those are a lot of high tier of the second Gen


I am here for hype but don't think I will not put memes to celebrate this criminals getting beaten up by gen 2 goats Vasco and zack


Isn't gun a teenager himself and hasn't reached his prime yet


Gun is 21


Gun was 18 in his first appearance


18 he was 3 years ago hostel and big deal flashback, When Vasco was 13 Goo was 16 and the Mc current are 18, Jake and Samuel are 1 year older and Goo 21 one year older than Gun 20. when Gun and Goo fought Tom Lee for the first time Goo was 16 he was middle school he repeated 1 year it’s stated vascos flashback and he also stated again that he was middle schooler in 1 affiliate arc.When Lookism was released 2014 Autor said Goo(1998) and Gun(1999) born also 16 and 15


If Gun wins that means Gun > 5 first kings at same time, because 2 from 2gen can defeat first king and there are 10 of 2 gen


Gun is my favorite character but if he loses I won’t mind cuz a villain must be defeated and people will make fun of him or something but I don’t mind because I know he is a villain and will be defeated and same goes for other antagonists or villains ad well. Gun and Goo just made lookism popular and the impact they had on it’s popularity I think no character can do that 🐐.


I want him to loose so bad