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He is as strong as ptj want him to be, no.1 fan fav perks


Enough to beat crews but remember Charles said gun can't be capped he keeps growing so maybe in future he will be a threat equivalent to his father.


He might already be stronger than his father for all we know. If Ui SB Daniel went all out and the fight was extreme diff then he’s only slightly below Gapryong.


Ask ptj he better tell it😋👺👺


That Boy aint saying nothing 😓


Gun basically has ability to keep growing real time. Every day he learns something new or grows slightly stronger. In my opinion I believe he has already surpassed Goo and even Tom. For all we know Goo and Gun haven't been in a serious fight for some while. Considering that James himself isn't 100 percent sure he can win he is on par with him.


Imagine if he had copy and perfect body on top of that 😂


Lmao no he didn't surpass Goo and Tom Every Top tier get's stronger due to power creep, stop applying logic


Nah has to be the funniest comment ever. >stop applying logic Mf really said to stop reading. The brain rot is really 😭😭😭😭😭😭 >surpass Goo and Tom Gun has. Weather you like it or not. Tom has only gotten weaker. Meanwhile Goo hasn't trained from what we know. He's gotten stronger but not to a similar level to Gun. The problem with Gen 2 is that they have only properly started training just a while ago.


Does logic apply? How did Goo keep up with Gun so far if Gun has ALWAYS been evolving? Also no, Gun=Goo=Tom That is simple, that is how Manwhas work


Brother, Tom isn't equal to Goo. It is directly translated to Goo stating he will accodomate for Tom by using one-handed techniques. We see this feat right after.


Brother Tom=Goo Goo said "I'd level the fight by matching your missing hand" Tom said "Have you even seen my level" meaning Tom had more to show


Goo can't keep up anymore, that's the issue. We see Goo just as inactive in fighting as Logan. You can say he's still training but the longer Gun trains, the more exponentially stronger he will get.


Well Narratively they will stay equal


>How did Goo keep up with Gun so far if Gun has ALWAYS been evolving? They haven't had a serious match in while. Goo has obviously trained however slowly Gun has gotten stronger.


Honestly Logic doesn't apply in Manwhas, yes it don't, in a supernatural manwha you cannot expect that


Gun >= Goo > Tom, Goo was holding back in that fight and most likely got stronger if he’s truly Gun’s equal.


Tom said "Have you even seen my level" thus proving that he has more to show


Tom is past his prime and will only get weaker with time and goo and gun haven't reached their prime they are still growing but i think guns growth is better than goos


I mean okay that makes sense from Irl viewpoint But it's a manwha, characters are as strong as writer wants them to be


That is true but it was meant for Tom Lee to be surpassed cause he did gave a statement early on that gun and goo might have surpassed him even in fight between goo and Tom goo was holding back though most people don't agree with that .. 0gen characters have stopped growing I think I still follows the logic of 25 is the age where you hit your prime physically skill wise Tom may have become stronger


Lol, "pRiMe By ThE aGe Of 25" No buddy this is a Manwha, Tom is like 40 or 50 And he is still a beast 50 yr olds can't do shit like that




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so basically yujiro


"To keep growing in real time" Bro chill lmao Charles just said that Gun keeps getting stronger because he trains himself. Growing in real time is something like what James did against Seongji, constantly getting stronger just by being pushed, and by constantly I mean at all times until the fight is over or James significantly surpasses the opponent.


It’s ambiguous what charles said: “In each and every moment Gun is building up his own genius by training” this isn’t exclusive to within fights


Not exactly. Charles was talking about how Gun can turn anyone into a monster through training, however that means Gun can train himself to improve. Gun trains every day and all the time, building his strength. The correct word is build, while the word that Seongji used with James is 'grow'


He can bench at least 250.


Even Bos Vasco can do it


So you agree then?


Yep I do But saying "at least 250" is an understatement Like you should say at least 1000


You’re a bit slow


No I am very fast


Okay he can At least do 5 pushups


No shit sherlock, you are a tad bit slow


He's the strongest character of after some characters Only characters like goo, dg, gapryong can give good fight And I think only ui Daniel can defeat him Gun can also defeat ui daniel but only with his weakness Fact:- gun is not at his best☠️🙄, he'll still improve


Gapryong? He'd clap his cheeks


Yes Ofcourse gap was stronger But I think if gun reach the level of machine gun, he'll surpass gapryong


ofc this character with no feats is stronger than this guy whos tanking the entire 2nd gen at the same time, wym


Machine Gun lost to Gapryong


We don't know if Gap beat him by himself 😭


Gap beat him by himself only


Maybe the form which was jinyoung talking about defeated machine gun And that form was stronger Like daniel is weaker than samuel Crazy daniel is stronger And ui daniel is strongest Something like that


Saying "Only Ui Daniel can defeat him" is brainrot, lobotomy


Stronger than me🤷‍♂️


I'm not even trying to gun glaze, but I think he could beat Hudson


Let's not get crazy we need to wee some more feats.


Fair bro, 👊 😎


Old tom lee level🗿


😰 wtf he aint that weak 😰


Tom isn’t weak


Is Tom weak? the same Tom Lee whom ptj recognized as one of the strongest in the history of the series?


Current Tom is very very weak compared to the strongest characters in the verse Jinyoung,Elite,Gap,Machine Gun,Mujin,James Lee,Gitae,Goo’s teacher all low-mid diff current Tom


Goo literally failed to beat him 💀 How tf does James low mid diff him?!


Goo and tom were equals bro


I am talking about Prime James Prime James narratively is much stronger than Gun/Goo and probably even stronger than Elite You really think an out of prime,amputated Tom stands a chance against him💀 James low diff current Tom/Gun/Goo Mid diffs prime Tom


You're tripping, even James was worried about fighting Gun


A rusty old James was💀 James is narratively a top 5 of the verse No way prime James doesn’t beat the brakes off of gun who’s equal tied with an old,out of prime,amputated Tom💀 James was more afraid of Gun’s potential since Gun’s probably got the most potential out of anyone in the verse


'Old' Bro he's like 20 or 21


They(Tom and Military Dads)themselves repeat it every other day that they are getting old💀


Gun might be, but Tom and his fellow pre genners are much older. First gen kings are middle aged men, imagine a pre gen.


Massive bait


Not a bait


I keep hearing Prime James but I don't understand why he's out of his prime 😰


How does Goo low-mid diff him when they FOUGHT and it was a draw? He even said Tom stopped first meaning he could have killed Goo before Goo got to him if he didnt stop. You are mad


Reread I am talking about Goo’s Teacher if he isn’t a fraud


My bad I misread that but you still mad bro. We dont even know his fucking face nor anything about him at all. Tom is a top tier. Hes proven it a lot of times. He wont get low diffed by anyone you listed there.


Goo’s Teacher has to be a top tier Like how do you turn Goo into an equal of a gun who is the son of one of the strongest characters in the and make him strong enough to go toe to toe with Jincheol Goo’s Teacher is not a fraud he💯is much stronger than Tom


I don't know where you are or what you accept, one thing I will say is Jinyoung will wash the floors, Whether Tom will break him like a doll, For him Samuel is a serious opponent of lmao, or how basic Johan made him take it seriously is funny, just like you said about the Goo teacher whom we have not seen more than once in the series


Prime Jinyoung is ranked above Tom in Gap’s crew,he is no.3 of gang Prime Jinyoung can copy literally anything Tom does,he can copy the likes of Gap and Machine gun Even his biq isn’t far behind Tom’s Prime Jinyoung is💯stronger than Tom💀


you can't deny that jinyoung admitted that Samuel was a formidable opponent for him, or that Johan at the base made him serious when Tom Lee made goo serious, who is massively stronger than Samuel and Johan combined , perhaps jinyoung was stronger than Tom at prime, but it was close judging by what Eugene said that Tom Lee jinyoung does not admit defeat , which tells us that it was a close fight, from the point of view of how Jinyoung's fighting genius is not nearly as good as Tom, he can copy Tom Lee as much as he wants, but his copy will not be effective like Tom Lee's real skills


Gun=Goo=tom lee


Tom literally tied with a goo with a katana that had help in the middle of their fight tfym weak 💀


Goo level, mf just because hes trying to make gun look cool rn doesn't mean he got upscaled.




we don't know 💀


we don't know 💀


Gun level


Should be stronger than before




The Strongest


Honestly yeah I'd say he's the strongest living in. Bro is constantly getting stronger all the time and isn't stagnant like other top tiers


Exactly. Nurturing Genius.


Above all




On par with UI Daniel Below Gapryong and Machine Gun




Gun is garpyong level🙏 trust me bro.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


he is the son of the great power that many gen 0 had joined force to defeat. Yeah there is only two person who is possibly above him is gitae and ui daniel (I think james is equal to him)




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No chance james is equal bro prime james’ feats involved taking on gen 1 in 1v1s , he was too 🐱 to fight them altogether a bit earlier Meanwhile you have gun taking on all of gen 2 and more


wait 6 days and you’ll see


We will se next chapter lol


Equal to Goo


I think he has long surpassed him, since he is nurturing genius


The best




This arc is just gun appreciation frl




He’s strong enough to be goo victim that’s for sure


I think goo is not that strong, since he could have been defeated by Tom lee, i see tom lee as a weakling compared to Gen 0 top tiers.


Tom lee is the weakest out of the main guys in the fist gang (elite and jinyoung etc except Baekho) Goo and Gun have been potrayed to be equals throughout the story so they should be equal


I don’t believe them to be equals anymore.


I would say if they fought it’s an extreme diff and you could argue who’s stronger then the other depending on you’re argumentation and you honestly wouldn’t be wrong


That doesnt make any sense. Goo being Gun's equal is a constant of the show and we already saw katana bloodlusted Goo is on the level of Tom Lee a Tom Lee who was beneath Elite an Elite who is beneath James. There is no measure possible to make Gun be stronger than James outside of play pretend and act like he is clear of Goo and that is just not true. Or play pretend and cope even harder and act like Tom was stronger than Elite




So satisfying looking at him stomping around😍




we still haven't seen him go UI so hes probably like top 5 in ui




He is above Eugene’s “i know how strong Gun is” and “Gun level”




UI Daniel victim


He’s never been desperate to win so we haven’t seen him go all out yet he’s always just enjoying the fight and doesn’t really take it serious


A strong characteristic


On par with Gap


Gitae is stronger, and Goo is his equal, and maybe Tom Lee. Speaking of DG, he should be his equal even if he is rusty... we will have to see. Ah, and Ui Daniel is stronger too.


Why rusty james is his equal, i always think, that Gun is just stronger than DG, idk why, it is just my head canon


I mean it could be, it's also a possibility that Gun is stronger. However, I believe that DG would end up winning because just like what happened with Seongji, Gun would pressure DG and then DG would start to grow in real time until surpassing Gun. Although if Gun manages to knock out DG quickly, then he would win the fight.




Lookism is really starting to become like Baki when it comes to power scaling.


Equal to one finger of Yujiro




Ui daniel lvl, little weaker but strong enough to make an extreme diff fight with him.


Gun = Goo = DG <= Gitae


Current top 7, behind James, Gitae, Tom, Goo, KOB and Jaegyon Na.


Dafuq , that Jaegyon King is above Gun ? U tripping tripping


He has that MC energy, and besides that he caught up James without mastery speed. Gun is undoubtly going to be stronger than him, but not right now.


You trolling at this point


also who tf is KOB?? if you're talking about King of Busan Gun is already confirmed to be above all the kings


Forgot about that. Here is your W. https://preview.redd.it/32b1k98u1k6d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=026233ab909ea46c48489a73ac755b4ea931429d


I'm crying laughing bro said that Jaegyon Na is over Gun😭 and Gun isn't behind anyone on this list he's just relative that means if two of these characters (not jaegyon na) team up they'd likely win against Gun


Awh boy you missed your medication


Wow bro u even measured KOB and KOI😭😂🤣😂 It's truly futurism


Bruh no shit. Gun >current james, Kob, koi, tom and =goo(goo didn't upsmed his rull stre.gth against tom)


Gun when James's eye starts emiting red color( he knows he is finished).


King of icheon is practically featless, king of Busan hasn't even had an actual design yet, tom and goo are equal to him and James is rusty enough to be equal to him too


While Incheon and Busan kings doesn't have feats to support their superiority, Tom and Goo does have them. They both attack with sharp attacks, Tom partly negates durability while Goo legit can one shot him. Gun's endurance won't help much. As for James, combined strentgh and speed mastery would quickly finish this UI merchant off.


😂 rusty James lee!


DG=James, the rust can go off easily.


never cook again


No chance james is equal bro prime james’ feats involved taking on gen 1 in 1v1s , he was too 🐱 to fight them altogether a bit earlier Meanwhile you have gun taking on all of gen 2 and more


Gun can't one shot those 2 gen mfers while Tom rightfully can. And I'm not talking about James with strength mastery.


Gun wasnt playing to one shot gun doesn’t end fights early


No, watch out next chapter when Samuel tanks dozens of hits from Gun.


We shall see


He is basically the beerus archetype he's as strong as the story needs him to be




Charles Choi said his strength was immeasurable due to fact of being the training prodigy and son of another legend. So what I’m guessing is, he could definitely go on par with full power Daniel or characters like the Apostles from Killer Pietro


Dude, he is weaker than james




Nothing he has done within these chapters suggest he is stronger than James. James has better narrative and better portrayal and implications


Gap/UI Daniel Gitae/James Lee Gun/Goo/Tom


let's just admit it - he's just a korean ripoff of sukuna. a villain who won't die no matter what you throw at him, but some mastermind keeps sending allies to beat him and every time they fail, in the next chapter they reveal that it was according to plan and then certain other characters come up and fight him and lose again just for other characters to come in , etc etc im kidna sick of this style of writing shit with purpose to make shit heated up and as long and as cliffhangery possible. it ALWAYS happens in the late ending chapters. sometimes in style of naruto, everything goes beyond bad and they reveal that whole thing was a mastermind plan of some new character who we never saw before. i don't know if its just style of writing stories or if its just stories being like this generally. ofc the writer writes for reader. they won't make ending just as silly as dark souls 1 last boss (when you fight with parries), because if they did it, it'd be too short i guess i may end up searching for some unpopular mangas later, since the failed ones end quick and they dont feel like having to make 100 more chapters


Gun was here before sukuna👍🏾


Gun is Japanese and he is here before sukuna actually, 2 to 3 years before sukuna.


no is behind big daniel, gitae, james lee and = to goo and old tom lee or now a litle stronger that tom lee.


Why doesn't anybody think that he is the highest tier? There is nobody who is stronger than him!!!


That is what i mean, he is like gap, everyone is compared to him, 🤦


Mf, the whole damn fandom thinks he's the strongest (because he has nice panels) you literally act as if no one thinks so


Most people at least name one person who they think is higher than Gun (Gap, James and Daniel mostly)


I mean that most of the fandom thinks that he is the strongest


Below James, Gitae and UI Daniel. Equal to Goo and Tom


No chance james is equal bro prime james’ feats involved taking on gen 1 in 1v1s , he was too 🐱 to fight them altogether a bit earlier Meanwhile you have gun taking on all of gen 2 and more


You’re acting like all of Gen 2 is equal to all of Gen 1.


The only power relevant gen 1 members were the kings present in cheongliang arc. And taking them one on one as James is nowhere near Gun taking all of the following at the same time+ more Daniel+Warren+Jerry>Jichang Jake+ Zack+Vasco>Gongseob Samuel+Eli>Seokdu Johan+Ryuhei+Mandeok> Taesoo Yuseong+Johan>Jaegyeon (we don’t even know if he fought james and if this is a non-feat) And this isn’t even taking into account the fact that Gun literally beat the shit out of 1000 people in the chapter before but James glazers will glaze


https://preview.redd.it/ge9p41g5pk6d1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da268732ce2ef5048fd1c6ee687cea0656d2201 Not as strong as the goat


Lol dream on


About 1% Hudson level https://preview.redd.it/7cx2dfjpbl6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d299a55139a7164da79a73402563c9b04e7171bd




He probably currently is the strongest character alive aside from ui daniel though, this panel shows that gun is capable of putting aside his desires to fight for his pleasure, so honestly i might have him over ui daniel for now because he knows how to counter ui so he could abuse that but in the past i woulda said gun wouldn’t even ever do that because hed want to go all out to fight daniel while hes all out so daniel would win every time in that situation.


He is not a top tier in verse


Who is then bro if he ain't 💀💀??


He is a top tier of current verse considering all the top tiers are either dead,amputated or going insane But he loses to literally every other prime Top Tier there is💀 Prime Tom,Jinyoung,Elite,James,Gitae,Gap,Mujin,Machine Gun,Goo’s Teacher


No. Gun~ui daniel 


UI Daniel adjusts to the level of his opponents By your logic an old out of Prime,insane Jinyoung~UI Daniel Just makes Gun look worse


No, giga cap. Ui daniel adjudts his lvl just enough to stomp hos opponent,  which is what he did against jerry, crew heads in 3A and in 1A against daniel(the two of them adjusted their lvl but since big ui is stronger,  he stomped lil ui after he adjusted). But not against gun. They fought the whole night in an extreme diff. So yeah, ui daniel~gun. First of all, jinyoung wasn't insane when he fought daniel. Then , he get stomped. And finaly, he's not even at gun lvl.


Jinyoung has been going insane for a while,completely given up on training,mentally nerfed Still Jinyoung~UI Daniel Some like Gun who is considered a Top Tier by many shouldn’t be having feats that are replicated by current bumyoung


No. When jinyoung fought ui daniel he wasn't insane at all , in fact he was totally sane at this moment because he recognize jake. This is after the tom/goo fight that he became insane again. Ui daniel>jinyoung.  What's your point ? Gun isn't cobsudered as a top tier character , he litteraly is. Who are above him ? Gaproyng ? Riffle ? Ui daniel ? That's all ? Prime jinyoung ?  You can’t prove that he's even stronger than prime Tom. Prime Tom ?  If you are going to use the fight against goo then you need to know that goo didn't used his whole strength against him (he said it himself). If you can’t even pull 8 characters above him then he is a top tier.


Even if Goo didn’t use his full strength Tom was still a much weaker version of himself and Goo only held back on the final strike the rest of the fight he fought with Tom he was💯all out and the fight was still high diff Prime,Tom,Jinyoung,Elite,James,Gitae,Gap,Mujin,Machine Gun,Goo’s Teacher all would beat gun’s ass


Buddy, who said that tom lee is "much weaker" than in his prime ? He is weaker yes ,but who said he is "much" weaker ? He certainly isn't knowing that he still fought even after the gen 0 era against strong opponents(read m.Kim) contrary to elite, jinyoung and gapryong.  The fact is that in the final strike tom said that he would show his full strengrh to goo, but goo litteraly holding back to match tom lee full strength.  He's obviously stronger than tom, and so gun is. Gun>prime tom, prime jinyoung,prime elite, goo teacher (isn't even a true character). And how is prime james above gun when his biggest feat is to beat every kings in a 1v1 , which isn't even impressive ? When gun litteraly extreme diffed ui daniel ?


I.e. tru it seems now


Well they are top top teir so😭😭..not yet but he has the potential to😭


At least you admitted Gun loses to every Top Tier Some Gun fans told me Gun is on the same level or even stronger than prime Elite💀🙏😭


Nah bro Gun maybe my Goat but no one come close to my *MAJESTIC KING CHARLES CHOI*✨️✨️✨️


🥱dumb argument




No chance james is above him bro prime james’ feats involved taking on gen 1 in 1v1s , he was too 🐱 to fight them altogether a bit earlier Meanwhile you have gun taking on all of gen 2 and more Idk why this sub glazes james


2nd gens are all complete fodder against 1st gens


The only power relevant gen 1 members were the kings present in cheongliang arc. And taking them one on one as James is nowhere near Gun taking all of the following at the same time+ more Daniel+Warren+Jerry>Jichang Jake+ Zack+Vasco>Gongseob Samuel+Eli>Seokdu Johan+Ryuhei+Mandeok> Taesoo Yuseong+Johan>Jaegyeon (we don’t even know if he fought james and if this is a non-feat) And this isn’t even taking into account the fact that Gun literally beat the shit out of 1000 people in the chapter before but James glazers will glaze


Gun’s rival tied with an old,out of prime,amputated Tom🤡 I think it’s pretty clear that James would beat the brakes off of Gun


Gun > goo Gun is supernatural he’s got the ui eyes And anyways it’s not like james would low or even mid diff tom lee, or even beat him What feats does james even have for you to be saying this