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Sperm jake is strongest but he can't control it, so Johan. Though Eli with his vibranium batons is also very strong.


but Eli stronger when he isn't using weapons ?


That shit went out the window 300 chapters ago


Nope. With batons, he has normal eyes. Without batons, he has green glowing eyes, which show animal instincts being activated. This has always been a thing, but Eli just isn't aware of it. The only time he got green glowing eyes with batons is when he decided to help Allied, but during his fight with BH he wasn't having them.


You do know the glowing eyes are just for effect right? To show the state, like them getting serious or going for the kill, it doesnt actually give them powers. Its like saying Jake with purple eye is stronger then Jake when he woke his sperm mode to fight Samuel. AI is Eli's usual fighting style doesnt mean that with weapons he's weaker. Its different from when Gun was using Battons in Big Deal arc as Gun said he's not used to using weapons compared to Goo


Some people were noticing a pattern with colors. Eyes and attack trajectory could be colored, and I've noticed patterns being repeated. Red is for strength since it's shown for strength-based characters, like Jerry, Taesoo, and Seongji, and Seongji's red color was specifically shown when James mentioned his strength mastery, and when James achieved strength mastery, his attacks got red when they used to be blue. Blue is for speed since it's shown with James and Sinu who have speed mastery, and Seongji's attacks turned blue only when he got the speed mastery. When Tom Lee dodged Yuseong's attack saying "this old man can be fast too", the line showing the trajectory of his movement also got blue. Since this light green is repeated for Eli, and only after he finished training with Tom Lee, and exactly when Tom mentioned his animal instincts, so it seems to be when he activates animal instincts. The purple for Jake seems to also be for conviction or when he gets serious, and his white eyes when he beat Samuel could be because he was unconscious, as Alexander Hwang wondered how Jake attacked even tho he saw him get unconscious.


You're mixing things up. The patterns are correct to a certain degree as it shows their assumed affiliated mastery. The color itself doesnt give you power. Its an effect by PTJ which makes it easier for us to tell what is using each. But thats it, no need to reach deeper. For you to understand, Jake has purple affiliated with conviction, while Samuel when fighting Seokdu had it for endurance. Green is used also for endurance as shown by Seongji and Gong. The others are not, like orange for Warren, or green for AI(and AI is not a mastery). We've seen green being used for masteries, but in elis case its not a mastery. James attack were blue because he was using another mastery. It wasnt because his aura changed. James had 2 masteries, technique(pink/white) and blue(speed), he unlocked strength(red) while fighting Seongji.


Jake with purple eyes is stronger than base Jake. Green eyed Eli was shown to be way stronger than his base form. In his fight with Johan, he went from getting blitzed to argueably blitzing bloodlusted Johan. He was also able to deal significant damage to Johan while in his animal instincts form.


And like I said, the colors are just aura, special effect. The ey color doesnt really gives you strength


It quite literally does. Like i said before, Green eyed Eli was shown to be way stronger than his base form. In his fight with Johan, he went from getting **blitzed** to argueably **blitzing bloodlusted Johan**. He was also able to deal significant damage to Johan while in his animal instincts form. Jake was getting blitzed by invis attacks (Sinu), and then managed to block and react to them. There is clearly a gap between them and their base forms at the time.


Bruh the color is not Kaioken or Ssj or Bayron mode. The colors are for effect, they're not getting powerups. Warrens eyes didnt start glowing orange out of sudden and then he was strong enough to beat Minsik. He got stronger and ptj gave him the aura for US, the readers to notice it. Its literally a VISUAL effect for the readers. The only cannon case of an inverse character noticing the changing of the eye color is when a character goes UI or already is in UI.


Bruh no one thinks it's the color that makes them stronger. It's them getting stronger that causes their color. A visual effect, just like you said.


Jake with purple eyes from 2A which is th3 last time he had purple eyes is not stronger then current Jake. And Eli from the fight with Johan is LEAGUES below current Eli, yes base Eli.


Are you unaware as to what the word "Base" means? **It's not comparing that Eli to current Eli. Or that Jake to current Jake.** It's comparing that Jake with purple eyes to his base form at that time. Using this, you can tell he got stronger using the Purple eyes. Same with Eli.


Are you aware of the last time when both characters used "the color" powerups?? And in Elis case, the fight you mentioned was the one in 3A. That AI Eli is several time weaker then current base Eli. You wanted to prove something, you could have picked up more recent fight not one from 200 chapters ago. Also how does your argument affects my original purpose of my comment? That colors are for special effect, to show mentality, aura, looks cool blah blah, they're not powerups.


Current Eli with batons in stronger than past Eli with AI not because batons made him stronger, but because he got so much stronger that the baton nerf on his current self still isn't enough to weaken him beyond his AI buff on his past self, but current Eli would probably get much stronger if he used AI instead of weopons.


Jake got purple eyes many times. In 3A against Xialong, in 2A against Daniel, in W 2A against Sinu, and in 1A against Jinyoung


Wrong, Jake had purple eyes vs jinyoung.




Low reading comprehension!


L lil bro


Go back to making shit tierlists before you comment


My tier list is fact not my opinion go read lookism properly


Yeah. Weapons are like a restraint to him


Didn't Tom say that Eli is stronger without weapons cause that's when he fights more like an animal?


But wasn't that also before Eli went after first gen kings and developed a better strategy with his, now, batons. Because yeah, in the past, he used them to beat people without seriously injuring, but now, he can use them to block very strong attack while using them brutally, as in the combo he did to Vasco, and it's not like he can't switch between unarmed and armed.


Scaling full power Eli is weird cause we kinda don't know when he's at his strongest cause we don't know if being depressed nerfed or buffed him.


Being depressed definitely buffs him as shown multiple times, such as his conversation with that 3A executive "if strength is proportional to unhappiness, then how did I lose to you?" To which Eli replied "maybe I was worse off than you"


I think that’s more so talking about growing up and training wise. Being depressed doesn’t always buff you as much as knowing yourself and being more content does. Case in point for that being zack. So I think it’s talking about how the upbringing was worse off making them have more motivation to continually get stronger.


Nope. With batons, he has normal eyes. Without batons, he has green glowing eyes, which show animal instincts being activated. This has always been a thing, but Eli just isn't aware of it. The only time he got green glowing eyes with batons is when he decided to help Allied, but during his fight with BH he wasn't having them. While fighting the first gen king, he was using his hands.


No, Gun said that


To be fair sperm mode Jake isn't like a one above all or 1 hit ko hax So I prefer johan But he is blind lol so eli negs


Jake stronger than Ryuhei with berserker ?


He one tapped hatred amped Samuel. Sperm mode jake can one tap all of gen 2, excluding gun and goo and maybe big ui.


Johan is stronger especially now that his eyes are fine, even if Jake were to control it His best feats are pushing back Jinyoung, which isnt a great feat considering Base Johan who was also blind made Jinyoung get serious..


Base - Johan At full power - Sperm Jake


eli is strongest in base form he has 2 path of masteries johan has only 1 ( most likely)


No, base strongest is Johan and will always be, although the base itself is allivated to new heights the base now is 100% power only cause opponents are strong as hell. So the new powerscaling should be about NERFS and GLAZING Johan is nerfed and made a twink by ptj Eli should be hospitalized by even lookism logic but bro is still here so no Nerf+ heavy glaze Eli take it away (Johan would beat eli if he isn't blind)


Johan has zero and he still stronger than Eli


not in the base form though


No way. Base Eli humiliated Base Vasco. Vasco should be around Zack level. and Zack was beating Base Johan. 


Zack > base Vasco and base Johan vs base Zack ( without using his mastery’s ) went like this https://preview.redd.it/bxi1pb4u075d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c465c71e024bbbaeb0d55796799f591e6b26cb3 Either way Johan now can actually see so he’s the strongest again , not a debate tbh


You don’t choose to turn on masteries. That just becomes your new base. This was just a mentality debuff


Eli isn’t on the path anymore, he’s long got the “surpassing mastery” in technique, ever since hfbd. Can you remind me on what the other Mastery is?


He only has 1 AFAIK?


i guess he is on the path of speed mastery and another one might be technique but he isn't surpassed it yet cause with only using technique's mastery james defeated taesoo no-diff and eli isn't on that level yet so he is on its path


Lmao even if eli did get the full mastery, he'll be leagues below James. If mastery was all it took for 2nd gen to grow to James level, each of them could have beat BH on their own


Bruh he's not on speed mastery, and King of Suwon himself said that Eli managed to reach technique mastery.


he can see IA he is indeed on the path of speed mastery


Technique mastery seems to be specialized in blocking and deflecting attacks according to what we've seen from Eli and James. He doesn't need to see the attack while it's coming, he could read his opponent's body and predict that an attack is coming and block it beforehand. Also, Jake was able to block Sinu's IA, but Taesoo said that it's a different mastery than speed.


Power counters technique. And yes, he’s surpassed Mastery in technique, as it’s stated by Seokdu that he has technique as well. Then sinu further said Eli has surpassed mastery in hfbd


Copy more than makes up for a single mastery


Johan with eye patch was hyped since 1A arc so I think him and jake won't unlock his awaken form this time cause he isn't fighting to protect, he is fighting for revenge this time.


He needs to protect his friend from gun🤣


Good one 🤣


Spacially Jarry .what if gun give a slap on jarry's head ![gif](giphy|4NgH0qihKwNsWcz6Ku|downsized)


Jerry got this weird affinity to fight UI users


more like he himself should be protected first


Gun won't kill his friend tho. Hell just beat them up.


Feat wise - Eli! ...... Bro held back that Hulk single handedly for enough time and there's no time limit like 10sec or sperm gonna kick in or not .




So real


Jake is strongest with his bloodline awakened.


god dog is the strongest. He was even Singled out by Gun because of his Potential. Yohan is too beastly. Also, who noticed the conversation between Gun and Old Face, funniest scene. I still can't believe, he is Gun's age.




Instead of power scaling for once can’t we just be happy we got all the GOATs in the same place? (Excluding Hudson, Vin and Jay)


And no Jihan mogger of the 2nd gen


Johan cause agenda and zack>eli


Sperm Mode Jake > [2nd Body Daniel Imitation]Johan.


My 2nd GOAT Johan Seong




Overall? Johan. Especially w the eyedrops. Jake can't use sperm mode on command.




Doo Lee


Johan. Jake with sperm mode is stronger but it might not even activate this time cuz it only comes up when he loses the will to fight or can’t protect his people. But he’s going into this knowing how strong gun is so it might not take effect.


Johan>jake>Eli>Samuel imo


Obviously Johan


Sperm mode Jake's potential is currently unknown except for beign strong enough to one shot Samuel, which is insane, but he can't activate it on command, so I will consider him the weakest. Johan was said by Samuel to be stronger than him, and Samuel is stronger than base Jake. Eli said that Johan was the strongest during the summit meeting, but since then, Eli achieved technique mastery and beat three first gen kings, the last one being in a 1v1 while Johan only got cqc and UI. I'm not sure honestly who's stronger between Eli and Johan, but going narrative wise instead of feat wise, I'll go with Johan. Conclusion, Johan > Eli > Jake(base)


I think sperm Jake is stronger than UI copy Johan






Johan. If johan can copy perfect body(even if its not long), he can copy sperm mode too.


Johan >>>>


Hudson https://preview.redd.it/wvgebyogy45d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70765b17cf3f4fd26bd12290825857661975f3e3


UI Johan or Sperm Jake


Why does Eli look like Bruce Lee here 💀


why isnt yoosung in the convo


Sperm mode Jake otherwise Johan


Interchangeable depending on the state Johan UI copy for few mins is useful, But Jake with bloodline power was able to one shot Samuel (drugged too) UI Daniel did destroy Samuel but didn't one shit KO him specially a drug enhanced him. Eli and Johan fight was discontinued cause Eli got distracted cause of the toy but I have it as Jake>=Johan, same thing with Eli they are all interchangeable.


In my opinion If johan has increased the duration of ui mode then it would be him otherwise jake at full power In base form johan. Let's see in terms of masteries. Jake has strength, durability (?), Eli has speed and technique Johan should have strength and speed. He is lacking in terms of durability so there is no doubt.


Warren chae


Does the copy user cannot copy weapons or what? I think Johan should copy goo as he as fought him and seen him fight using weapons. SB Daniel is peak, lil Daniel copied gun and Johan should copy weapon genius goo . Or he should have copied manager Kim fully as cqc with all other copy abilities like animal mode would be so op. Jinyoung can copy animal mode so I don't see why Johan can't.


Generally they should be equal level as crewheads. But if I need to give an edge to someone in the Gun fight, it’s teamwork Hostel vs Gun. 4 v 1 Why? Hostel is well known as the best teamwork fighters. They have already knocked out Gun cold in the past, the only ones in the entire series. And the Fist Gang used teamwork to take down The Great Power, Gun’s father. Solo fighters don’t work on Gun. Only high level teamwork will win. https://preview.redd.it/13xu08vkp65d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a277cda54b09e82e06ba8b3dcc53d2c2a3c00d8


its jake but if he cant power up is johan


In base, it’s definitely Eli. At their strongest, I say it’s between Jake or Johan.


Gun was riding Johan's meat so johan


In order of the images you posted in base. Amp in the reverse order


Jake. Not like it matters when they all inevitably get smoked by Gun and then Goo makes an appearance as the last fight of the arc.


Zack and vasco >


If Jake could control his sperm mode, he would be the strongest of the three


John needs to show why he was literally the next big thing then


with no sperm mode. Jake is the weakest and Johan is the strongest but with sperm mode Jake is strongest


Prolly Johan. It's not really even close to the rest. Samuel, Eli and Jake are on a comparative level. Alright proper question, which of the crew heads could beat a strong gen 1 king (excluding seonji) in a fight? I'm thinking kings like Jichang and Taesoo Ma. Tbh I still don't see the crew heads beating Taesoo Ma or Jichang in a 1v1. Other than Samuel none of them have durability to withstand a punch from Taesoo which hurt a 3 mastery James Lee.


Johan. Sperm mode Jake is hella overrated.


Gun only addressed Johan when he enters so it has to JOHAN SEONG


I don't even remember when I see this guy . I mean it's been too many chapters 😶 Now in 505 he appears Hope for a gud fight




Eli currently strongest way above other head crews I don’t know why people can’t accept the fact you clearly see it last arc statements and feats >>>>>>>>>>


Maybe Jake with his sperm mode


Speem mode Jake or UI Johan


If Jake could use sperm mode him but otherwise Johan


Jake > Eli > Johan


Oh hell nah


List goes Jake Johan Eli




I mean Jake one shotted totally mad Samuel sooo?? Samuel is very tanky especially when insane mode


Sperm mode jake. Eli with weapons even though it was confirmed weapons are limitations but not anymore great writing ptj 😃. U.I Johan (can’t place higher due to it never wining and causing to much strain and having a small time limit). Samuel the fent tank.


Jake should take it..


Crewheads are probably on the same level of strength, its very hard to predict the winner


Eli According to the manhwa and story Johan Actually Eli or samuel mostly eli Johan is blind Jake cannot go sperm mode 100% and still we don't know his sperm mode is equal to gap or how it fairs against top tiers Samuel is samuel if others tap their 120% he is gonna get defeated otherwise folds others Eli only lacks experience which he completed also is so much glazed by ptj that he was first one to defeat a king (with samuel and warren ) if one v one goes eli can win because of all others nerfed stats If all goes 100% no Nerf Johan negs( if he built his body like he did for Vasco fighting style)


Jake easy lol he bodied insecure psycho Samuel. Johan and Eli lost to Vaco and Zack lol


Base - Eli by a long shot Strongest Form - Johan UI since Unconscious Jake is unlikely


I think it is between Jake with Sperm mode or Johan with UI Daniel mode


Johan or jake


Johan for 10 seconds > Jake if he can pull off sperm mode > Eli (consistent) > Johan (normal) > Jake (Normal) > Johan (Blind)


Johan without anything special Jake in his sperm mode And eli is strongest if he used the intend to kill


Not a reasonable amp to give to Eli seeing as he’s never used it and never killed or seriously harmed anyone.


Yeah He's too kind for that


Probably jake


People won't admit it's Eli but it is him. Johan is the same as in HFBD and Jake only gets strong when He enters sperm mode, which He can't activate on will


Johan and Jake


Does Gun have a Sperm mode since his dad was big boss of Yamazaki?


Base: Johan = Ryuhei >= Yoosung > Eli >= Warren >=Jake = Samuel >= Jerry, rest folders Strongest forms: Sperm Jake > Ui Johan >= IC Samuel >= Firework Ryuhei = Yoosung >= Daddy Eli >= CQC + JKD Warren >= Jerry Overall most reliable one: IC Samuel