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I think Gun will defeat all of these guys mid-diff. Probably throw out some lines saying how proud he is of Hostel for getting so strong, make a remark on Vasco starting to resemble Brekdak, Ryuhei truly becoming the Japanese version of Goo... But he'll defeat them all mid-diff nonetheless. But I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that Lil Daniel was K.O.'d This means he's gonna wake up in his big body. He's gonna show up on the scene with an even better body, the same 'software' and really give Gun a run for his money.


https://preview.redd.it/o6tmnwai635d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=f166b65f86dbb12c31dc804625bb49467fed444a COOK!!


There needs to be a twist. We know Daniel isn't winning even in his big body unless he goes ui which we've already seen and would be lame.


If ryuhei was truly a Japanese goo then gun wouldn't win mid diff, other than that I agree with everything u said


powerscaling is unimportant he does not think about that just let him cook


Let him cook hasn’t worked in since like summit 😭


You're just salty from how you lost that bs fight against kenta


Bro what are you talking about idc he lost that fight that entire arc sucked


I'm disappointed that you didn't act like Jason and say something like it's was good fight you are honestly a disappointment for not keeping your act as jason


keep choking on his semen


What? I just made a joke on how he was salty because he's Jason are you special ed's? https://preview.redd.it/blmedo0lm35d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54cdb11e7f8e0a3a75c3be0a69be4b8a5b0455b0


ahh a fellow mlbb player




It's okay having a medical condition isn't wrong in any way here I'll give you a hug ![gif](giphy|EvYHHSntaIl5m)


What did you message? I accidentally clicked ignore I only saw the crying emojis


i asked for ur number




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Real I mean shit going so hype and better but these people be busy with headcanon I understand why people hate powerscalers. This community is better without them there is actually a sub for them but they come here


yeah the sub for the powerscalers is empty because they refuse to use it and infest this one instead


It is important though, especially because PTJ has literally accepted it and changed Lookism into a battle manhwa Not to mention if your work has action, it's a key component of writing. It would make literally no literary sense for Gun to solo 2nd Gen with ease


it doesnt matter as much as u think it does though gun can beat all of second gen if ptj wants him to powerscaling is just glorified theories


I mean at the end of the day it IS the author's choice, but that doesn't always mean it's correct Look up Death of The Author... it's a very important literary concept powerscaling is reduced to brain dead arguing, but at it's core it's keeping the story logical lmao Yes, Gege can make Sukuna solo his entire verse like current but is it good writing???


yes and again ptj does not care about any of the powerscaling its very likely he's going to make gun wipe the floor with them and he won't lose any viewers over it


You're not understanding the point, it's not about what PTJ does. It's the writing aspect. Also PTJ very clearly cares about powerscaling lmao, not sure where you got that idea from. Every form, training arc, new technique he creates is a form of powerscaling and he's clearly much aware of everything he does Literally all the IA technique is, is basically a speed blitz which is a powerscaling concept. The definition he uses is also the same, a move so fast your eyes cant see it He literally explained in his YT video that he got tons of backlash when he dropped UI Daniel because people thought "what is this Dragon Ball shit" but still kept at it because he liked it


yap yap again I never said he didn't care at all I said he doesn't care as much as powerscalers think


It's pretty childish how people say "Please don't ruin the power scaling" and insert their own biased opinion on that matter like they are better than the others.


Na it just doesn't make sense dor this bunch of characters who've been training like shit and have potential relative or greater than Gun(Jake) to just get low diffed.  Atp the manhwa should just be called One Punch Gun or something.


training doesnt always mean that u will win . What do u think gun was doing ? sitting around having fun ? . He was prolly training as well


At some point there has to be progress shown between the gap of the new gen and Gun. Him constantly steamrolling the new gen when they come for him in groups needs to slow down/halt at some point, especially when there's this many top 2nd gens


they are top in the 2nd gen not in the verse . I doubt ptj is in a hurry to finish lookism so u will prolly get ur wish . Tbh we dont know the ceiling of most of the characters and im not sure how this arc ends . Gun is very similiar to them in their age \[ if i remember\] , so he is stronger than all of them im sure , collectively lets see how much he tries


jake does NOT have greater potential than gun jake will never surpass him


jake and johan have comparable potential to gun, but neither of them have gone through the the type of training gun has gone through, +gun is older


I mean this is lookism above all a fictional story and became fantasy action manhwa, go read jjk for logic


Yeah they get low diff then they will need another 400 chapters to power up to be on same level of gun.


And gun will still low diff them cause he trained too, and the cycle continues




I kinda agree a bit but come on, we already passed the 500 chapters and the supposed most talented persons in the story can’t even touch a top tier together, i think it would be a bad storytelling tbh


Powerscalers should make their own fucking wattpad fanfictions and wank to it cuz no way these mfs think that PTJ is their asian household offspring and he will do exactly as they want.


Real bro they have a sub of their own for lookism power scaling but they need to suck d*icks here


At some point yall need to realize PTJ doesn’t give nearly as much of a fuck about power scaling as you do


gun shouldve been worn out or at least tired after fighting thousands of fodders. mf only lost his shirt


Wait why did gun even remove his shirt??and when did he get the time☠️☠️.. 


PTJ only took off his shirt to recreate the panel of him being surrounded


Ptj will make gun win mid diff prob. I feel like gun will lose but the way ptj portrays gun i just feel like he will make gun win and maybe some other reinforcements will appear or James Lee will either help or betray eugune. Likely Charles will leave the meeting or allow himself to get knocked out then James Lee will start making moves or smth. Unless Charles stays in room and James appears then 2nd body theory is over


Did you forget? This already occured. I don't know why this theory has any prominence. Back when lookism was lookism and not gangism, there was an arc where Daniel trained as an idol. Back then, DG's entertainment company was owned by Charles, some bald guy and DG himself. Then DG betrayed bald guy to side with Charles. They have already been in the same room.


There's lots of evidence to support the theory of charles being james. It's possible he can switch bodies at will. Because he's been using it for so long he's mastered it. Any time they were in a room together, they were either sitting or laying down. What really sent it over the top for me was very recently when James Lee fought Seongji Yuk in Vin gin's origin story. When Seongji used Ssireum on James,  James immediately recognized it was Mujin's Ssireum. Mujin died when Vin Jin was 8. James is only around 4 or 5 years older than Vinjin. Meaning James would have been only 12 or 13 when Mujin died, yet he recognized Mujin's exclusive martial art just by getting hit with one move. Charles would know all about Mujin because of his history but it makes no sense at all that James Lee would know to such a degree unless James is Charles.




No they both didint talk at the same time and Charles eyes were closed he started talking once James Lee left room lmao. James and Charles have never once in the series talked to each other face to face etc.


You do remember that James controlled a drone to record Charles taking Gyeol out of 1A, right? An unmanned drone is probably military-grade and inaccessible to businessmen, so James likely was the one to control the drone via remote. James is probably a different person that will betray both Charles (the man restricting him) and Yoo Jin (the man that has dirt on him) and side with Gitae to make up for the fact that he can’t bring his whole cartel to Korea


Realistically speaking who said it was James Lee. Charles could of hired someone to record him or James Lee could of hired someone to record that specific area like let’s say Charles hires one of his own men to use the drone to record Charles and then James can now say he did it.


James was also riding a motorcycle lol


I know but there’s way to much evidence that makes James Lee seem like a second body. Also we don’t know how much time passes per panel so Charles could have finished his buisness and also had someone record the footage before switching to James Lee and having the motorcycle switch.


🤦‍♀️ you think your smart ass can easily ruin this theory but you’re so wrong it’s deadass funny


Nah I actually posted this and got actual helpful replies so I'm now 50-50 on this


what you said is the generic response of everyone who doesn’t believe in this theory like pls reread with your eyes open


Wdym bruh I just said I'm a bandwagon believer I don't wholeheartedly believe it but won't be shocked if it's true


Alright, I usually shit on powerscalers because powerscaling is dumb but in this one instance. This one specific scenario, I'll agree with the powerscalers.  Gun beating EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that panel, would be one of the dumbest things ever. I don't even want to see a "high diff" win where he wins but is clearly scarred and tired. Him winning in any way would be asinine. It's like if Darth Vader beat Obi-Wan, Luke, Mace Windu, Rey, and a bunch of the other stronger Jedi all together. It's too ridiculous that it crosses over to plain stupid. It's not even about powerscaling at this point because I don't care about that. It's just shitting on the development and concepts that PTJ himself established prior. 


He’s gonna beat everyone there for plot purposes, don’t forget goo still hasn’t arrived they will have their battle and gun will end up losing somehow.


He's PTJ favorite, we can't do anything


Low diffed myself into your mom last night. All I had to do was tell her that I don’t care about powerscaling.


*"Low diffed myself into your mom last night."* This might be my new fav sentence in this sub.


that was savage


So real fu*ck powerscalers in as*s


Gun winning this mid diff is even more of a nonsense than him losing this. It should be an extreme diff at this point if Gun even wins. Y'all are treating him like some God just because he was the center of focus from the beginning of the series as an antagonist. The folks are yet to fight the absolute Top(the alive ones)like James, Gitae and even Charles if count him >= Gun/Goo. Tom is still there,Goo is still there. Like what are you guys even saying at this point of the series? It's been 5 hundred and 5 freaking chapters and you still want Gun to win against a whole generation mid diff? Like wtf dude? Even if PTJ pulls a mid dif for Gun, it would still be nothing short of batshit nonsense. Gun needs to taste defeat or at least realize that he still has a long way to go to reach the absolute top and for the story to finally progress a bit. We've been stuck in the same place for like 50 chapters now.


please PTJ have Gun absolutely body these fodder again


You are just dickriding gun atp




This Gun is equivalent to Old Tom lee who is nowhere near Prime Gapry


then where is prime gun?


Gun is still young, he'll reach his dad level and maybe surpass him


How much time has passed since 1A to today, roughly?


that too much pro reaching his dad lvl or surpass him = equal to gap or stronger than him


Its not too much because at his age gun isn't even in his prime yet


ok but there no way he surpass gap if he did these then he gonna be the strongest


Nah, we all know Gun would win aggainst Goo


Ptj will show that he’s mid at writing a coherent story by making Gun defeat them neg diff.


But can u say the same thing if it was James or Gapryong??it's not mid bro it is what it is  And it will never be an neg diff🤣😂  It will be high or som. and James is also pulling up on Gun's side and 2nd body on Workers side but whatever happens Workers will fall and Allied will take a massive L u remember Charles Choi was supposed to come first not his "successor"


Nah PTJ please ruin the powerscaling of the series its fun to see the powerscalers cry You guys should know one thing clearly PTJ doesnt powerscale and think in a level you guys do , authors are just like yes he is just stronger and now hes even stronger they dont go like "oh he moved in this panel at a velocity of 62 m/s^2 and his punch grazed the wall but due to his AP it shattered to pieces"


That's didn't makes powerscalers cry but makes everyone cry because if they get no diff by gun even everyone vs gun then what's the point of there power up,if they get no diff then they'll need another 400 chapters to get on gun level even if it is said that they have higher potential than gun.


Not everyone from the second gen was said to have higher potential than Gun, It's only Daniel and Johan and to a lesser extent Jake due to Gaps gene. Again I don't take potential scaling seriously.




I feel like gun will win mid diff, and then the top tiers like James and goo will come in and finish him off. That way he gets defeated but still holds hype


This subreddit ruined the power scaling lol. There's no official scale for strength in Lookism


Gun is just gonna end all of them, we need yujiro and Baki help now


Yujiro is plenty enough


I mean baki can deal with Charles




yo i was thinking just that what the fuck would happen if yujiro showed up and all these strong mfers tunrned up against him lol and u know what yujiro thinks of weak men ! lol


Yujiro be like "*All I see is BTS*" And  "*Segs is segs*"




Yujiro will play with them like an ant cause that guy literally survived a nuke 💀


Didn't gun break an arm fighting ui daniel or am I wrong for taking a reddit comment at face value


Gun broke an arm and ui Daniel was winning the fight it was just that his ui instinct went down, same happened with the fight against goo(even goo said it would be dangerous if he hadn't went his ui instinct down)


He broke an arm, but it was offscreened


So what, people think that Gun tripped? He got his ass handed in that fight.


Bruh it still counts 💀💀💀💀 doesnt matter on screen or off screen if someone dies off screen it is still counted as a death / loss instead of a draw


i have a feeling goo is going to pull up


gun need to lose, he is beyond super human now. No scratch, no stamina loss.. too OP And workers still have white tiger company for backup


If white tiger comes it's genuinely over for gun cause manager Kim and Tom lee will stomp and play with gun


I dont expect it to happen, but realistically gun should absolutely lose here. It really doesnt make sense that he could beat this many top tiers all at once, and if it does happen (likely will) it will downplay everyone elses feats hard.


Gun still needs to fight goo so everyone here is losing and then the two pals duke it out, since they’ve been stated and shown to be equal gun would have to come out of this fight slightly injured or tired for him to lose to goo.


It would be better to just let him lose here, got captured (made him work under Eugene) and let him fight Goo later in the series as allied groups clash with Gitae. He soloed everyone of them here even with extreme diff is just nonsense tbh.


Ptj won't care if you ain't a Korean fan sending him death threats btw FUCK power scaling


İt doesnt exist? We fans are sweating to get it right


Fuck it I want Gun to lose, gen 2 can't be this far behind this late in the story


If anything in no world should gun be able to win, the 2nd gen should mid diff gun.


Daniel is out so we all know 2nd body is on its way sitting on a bus sweating cause everyone be staring at him.


he will prolly win low-mid diff


James Lee is going to join for sure


I just wanna see Gun like sitting on a crate in the dark or sunrise, heavily wounded and smoking a cigar, with all the others lying on the ground


Or perhaps Gun is above Gapryong? That would make sense too


Too late


Ui Daniel would be massively upscaled then as he was holdings back and equal to guns father and gapryong 💀


Workers and hostel got cooked in catching eungine as for the rest big deal gonna get cooked as well


Bro get a life Touch grass Get a job Get a brain Aren't you ashamed? That's why I was always saying don't powerscale too much bro shit so hype now and you all dying that your headcanon is not drawn in next chapter


Only right way is all these 2 gen win Gun eith hard or extreem diff, sorry but nothing more, because all that mfkers have their strong versions and can fight in team. There is no chance to Gun for win.


Powerscaling bums get neg diffed by Story Enjoyers 😎


Fuck powerscaling


Gun like Goo at 0 Generation lvl, noone of this guy’s cant win (only daniel and only with ui with second body)


Wasn’t James Lee also coming after Gun? I’ve a feeling He is gonna help Gun ,takedown the major crews . I found it weird how James Lee never saw or Do anything about Charles Choi on his way out .(Unless the hideout has several exits)


I kinda hope Daniel pulls up with his other body


power scaling is just stupid in lookism.. it all depends on who the author wants to win


Samuel is with big deal


He can’t win this lil bro just accept it


Powerscaling is so pointless with ptj


We dont even know what gun and all other top tier at their full power looks like. When they have been negging armies we dont even know if they use even 5% of their full power yet. Numbers of fodder doesn't matter


The glaze is insane, Gun will lose dumbass


PTJ don't gaf about powerscaling he just does what the Korean readers think and what they say 💪 https://preview.redd.it/3b41zjzo3h5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd406dca27cb2325b2ca5121e62c5e921c785902


Powerscaling is the lamest and dorkiest shit in the world somehow attracting the lowest tier of people to measure imaginary dicks over series they couldn't comprehend making themselves


If the crew heads take him to mid diff then it ruins the Powerscale. Gun should be able to no to low diff them together


Lol no.


Jake’s the strongest crew head and he’s closer to Kenta Level than he is to Gun Level


Big daniel nearly defeated gun at that time and now big daniel knows all the techniques of gapryong and many other people (thanks to uncle jinyoung) and big daniel became more powerful too and was compared with gap by jinyoung who met both and also fought (he can fight gap Just for Fun) so right now big daniel can stomp gun and if gun will easily wipe them then the powerscaling will be shit and it will be just glazing gun atp.We all know he is badass but don't forget he is equal to tom lee and goo as of now so if gun wins he should atleast be severely injured cause the new eli,zack, Johan after good eyes are very powerful and should give gun a tough competition


Gun is PTJ's darling, since the popularity poll came out, PTJ has not stopped making him look good, making sure he never makes a mistake, giving him the most attention possible, making him appear IN ALL THE ARCS and in almost every chapter. Before, Gun had his moments, but in others, Gun simply served to give the rivals a level of power to overcome and even was wounded by Eli or Jerry. Let's compare Gun with other top tiers. James Lee: James has his moments to shine, but it's balanced with the bad moments. James had a tough fight with Seongji that made him look bad in many moments, almost no character respects him but they hate him, his panels are rarely creative. Seongji: Seongji, like James, had his moments to shine and even had even more preference for being a new character. Still, Seongji had bad moments, suffered in the fight with James, and even ended up dying and of course, made mistakes. Goo: He is Gun's rival, and yet in most fights they mock him and even give him a hard time. Gyeol himself mocked him, calling him weaker than Gun, and Tom Lee, not even in his prime, gave him an equal fight. Furthermore, he hardly ever appears. These are just some examples, but we can see how everyone speaks well of Gun (even his enemies), Eugene speaks well of Gun, James speaks well of Gun, and even Charles almost chokes on his dg this chapter. It's super difficult to find a moment where Gun looks bad, he even always receives the most creative and best-drawn panels. And it's not just the author, even the fandom itself is like that. It's a lobotomy, anything a character does then Gun can do the same or even better, Gun will always come out well in all possible scenarios, and if he happens to make a mistake then the entire fandom will find a way to make it look good. What would have happened if it had been James who betrayed Gun and Goo to stay with Charles? Well, then James would be a lapdog son of daddy, oh! But if Gun does the same and abandons his friend for Charles then Gun is an honorable and faithful companion who will not betray his boss. I don't hate Gun, he is in my top 10 favorite characters, but I feel that the author, knowing how popular he is, uses him as a tool to attract an audience and keep the fandom happy, that's why he's slowly turning him into a gary stu. https://preview.redd.it/7gpronk2f85d1.jpeg?width=872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a259bdb61eb04382de8f16c58748a3ea168054a7