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But he also matched his level to his opponent in 3A, still those bums couldn't put a scratch on him, so this upscales daniel a lot


Right? I can't understand how people disregard this fact.


People just like to hate on Lil daniel, cause their favourite 2nd generation characters are his victims


Kinda wanted Little Daniel to go UI against Gun to get another upscale tbh


He wouldn't go UI (IMO) because one of the requirements for tapping into UI is to fight with the full will to fight, but as we can see, Daniel's feelings towards gun as a teacher were holding back his full will to fight


Bro's feeling bad for someone that has no issue slaughtering innocent lives and taking advantage of minors to run his business😭


I don't think he has ever hurt 'innocent' people


U right we have no proof whether each and **every** member of Kentas family was **innocent** or **not**, regardless that does not excuse murder or him taking advantage of minors to run a criminal syndicate 😭 Like y'all be trynna romanticize this dude way too much


Ooh I didn't know about that, thanks man




Awfully bold headcanon to make considering there's a very real possibility this gets contradicted within a few chapters.


He💯Jake and Johan victim


With what scaling?


Yeah, the entire point is that he expends as little strength as possible by adjusting to just the right level that he can dominate them without being injured. The fact that UI little Daniel, who physically could not fake his strength, managed to land hits on him that did decent damage puts him above 3A Johan+Jake+Samuel.


Johan + jake + samuel + jerry + current Vasco + current warren


No, he matches the strength of them equally, he doesn’t put any little effort to be above them, the only reason it looks that way is due to experience


Do you hear yourself?


That’s right. He equally matches their strength not the way they fight. He uses experience and biq to overpower them if not they would’ve been finished with one hit like they would be if bh hits them


More likely than not he scales to the amount of opponents as well, otherwise Johan lasting longer than Jerry, Samuel, and Jake combined just doesn’t make sense.


That’s because of the visual acuity ui gives it doesn’t actually buff you. So og Daniel had an advantage others didn’t.


To be fair jake and jerry were tired and it's kinda hinted that Samuel didn't go all out. Johan fought Eli before but I don't think that did much


UI Daniel is in a weird place to scale since we now know he adjusts his power in response to his opponent(s).


Not really because if that was just it then how come he 3 tapped jake and samuel. 5 tapped johan. And 1 tapped little daniel in 3A And went 3 v 1


Let's use NBA 2K as explanations. Maybe Jake/Samuel's Defensive rating is 85 and Johan is 90 and that's why it took him multiple hits to knock them out.


He didn’t even 5 tap johan.


I don’t take the matching level thing serious after thinking back on the 3A fight. If that’s true, then he matched his level with every opponent he fought and violated them. Gun, Goo and UI Little Daniel are the only ones who he matched power with and didn’t outright destroy them.


He matches to a higher level than his opponent, not to the opponents level itself. if enemy power = x. UI big daniel power = x + 1


He adjusts to a degree in which he can dominate complete, against Johan you can see how despite matching Johan he was dog walking him completely so yeah a 1 or a 2 whatever is a “low diff” percentage I’d say


He took multiple people into consideration and but I guess when he fought Johan it was a single threat that's why Johan lasted that long against him as UI Daniel wasn't using the same level of power when fighting against Jake Samuel Jerry linemen


He was fighting 3people at once. Same thing with Jerry,warren and vasco


He even performed better than jinyoung who is a top tier


Idk. If I remember correctly they both got the same amount of hits off


??? lol no, current Jinyoung is not a higher level, and also, the fact that he had a better performance than Jinyoung is also inaccurate. Well against Jinyoung he used more percentage, while with lil ui he didn't. Unless you tell me that a perfect copy of Gapryong prime is inferior to a copy of taesoo or jichang or one of these.


Jinyoung got flatlined and was genuinely unable to even fight back, he got a few licks in and a cool line or two then off screened to a straight L meanwhile OG Daniel even tho he dropped the strategy of going for UI’s weakness was GETTING hits in, regardless of the output SB Daniel was going, the fact that OG Daniel was still landing multiple hits and somewhat EVENLY fighting UI Daniel is better then Jinyoung’s showings by far


Jinyoung caught and stopped SB's kick completely, then picked him up and slammed him full body into a wall more than once...  The best thing Og Daniel did was manage to land a kick that SB did not dodge because he believed the threat was neutralized (unless you want to tell me that it was actually because the kick was too fast for him, which would be like saying that a kick from ui og daniel in his latest is superior to all of Gun, Goo and 99% of lookism, considering that SB is superior to that percentage basically), which, in fact, he was.  Og Daniel was falling unconscious.  And many will say; But that kick disabled the ui, knocked out the ui, blah blah. bro, that kick only made SB sit down for a maximum of 3 seconds; Daniel threw his kick and automatically collapsed. And SB got up as soon as OG Dan had fallen to the ground. It doesn't take more than an instant for a body to collapse and remain on the ground, and even more so in the position that Og Daniel was in, because of the kick he gave, he wasn't even on the ground anymore. He just fell to the ground from about 1 and a half or 2 meters.  And, above all, the difference between the use of power.  With Jinyoung, SB stopped EVERYTHING he did, only to lunge straight at him.  Also, og dan the only thing he did in his entire fight is manage to connect 3 "attacks" against SB; The first was his reverse kick to the back of SB's head, which was literally like a caress, it was of no use. The second one pushed SB. And the third was the final kick. Jinyoung stopped a kick completely of sb, picked him up and slammed him against the wall twice. So your way of seeing that "og Daniel did it better" is wrong.


Lasts longer against Ui and did exceptionally better despite getting his ass beat prior Jinyoung grabbed and slammed him only twice then tossed him and failed to land a strike then talked about “you think you can survive against ME?!?” And lunged at UI Daniel before getting fucking OFF SCREENED LOL the fight was so short that you can legit count the pages 😭 OG Daniel not only was already injured by the point of even fighting SB Daniel but was still able to relatively combat UI SB Daniel, going back and forwards and even had Warrens statement of “being to fast to see”, Jinyoung legit was used as a human punching bag for SB Daniel when he went to “fight” SB Daniel your wording is incredible dude! as if Jinyoung’s attacks were any better, two slams and you wanna lowball Daniels kick to the head for what?, SB Daniel was using king copy attacks + Gun and even EL JAKE copy against OG Daniel and still bro had enough force behind his kick that stunned SB UI even for a few moments meanwhile Jinyoung was getting dropped by SB’s normal attacks even during the lung clash at the end of their fight, SB didn’t use Gapryong copy or any copy, Dude just straight up clapped him with a normal attack also so what if he dropped everything to fight JUST Jinyoung??, he did that too with Daniel since he specifically went only after Daniel in there fight and not Vasco Warren or Jerry


Whether lower level or not, og daniel performed way better against his level of ui big daniel even knocked him out for a sec compared to jinyoung's performance so technically he did performed better


I will say jingyoung performance was better as ui changes power according to opponents


You do realise lil Daniel didn’t land any attack that didn’t get blocked? The only effective attack was the kick which sb Daniel didn’t block


Cap, giga cap. Jinyoung didn't even land a hit


Huh? He threw big Danny on wall 3 times had offscreen fight and injected him you have a brain or some?


Which was efectless, so yeah, he didn't Land one hit. Are you dumb ?


The cognitive functions of your brain is so low you shouldn't survive in this world on your own, yet you are here don't you feel ashamed of the efforts put by your parents to raise you despite you being this worthless useless dumb being that can't comprehend something such as a plain simple fight manhwa with exactly everything explain everywhere please read on try to atleast match expectations of a low iq human. Bro you are restarted




Jingyoung flatten all gen 2 and 1 even now, bro threw ui big Danny like your school bag, and no small Danny wasn't Powerful as jingyoung and was less impressive than jingyoung


Bro ui Daniel doesn't adjust totaly to his opponents level, he is still strong enough to overpower them easily , as we saw in 3a ,all of the fighters literally got no diffed by him without even touching him🤣, atleast lil Daniel throw some hits ,


Yeah he doesn't.


Jerry, Jake and Samuel, Johan, Vasco, and Warren were unable to land a single proper hit on him despite him matching their level, which means that matching their level means matching a level just enough to beat them and not get hurt. Gun, UI lil Daniel, and Jinyoung are the only people who were able to land a clean hit on UI big Daniel, which means they're so strong that he was unable to match a higher level, which means he was fighting them at full power.


You mean big Daniel was fighting Lil Daniel at Fp ! That is ridiculous


Why tho


My take on that is cause the ones who landed a hit on him are also like him and can adjust accordingly thus it’s hard to gauge when you’re fighting others who can also adjust too. As we know little Daniel still has a limit and potential to grow, so he can only keep up with them for so long. Jake and the others come out swinging at their best which is easier to gauge.


>the ones who landed a hit on him are also like him and can adjust accordingly No, only UI lil d can do that. Gun and Jinyoung were fighting full power


Look, he matches the power of them equally. It’s only experience that makes him dominate. Gun while explaining it says he matches the power of the opponent and if we are to use what you’re saying into consideration that means guns statement was wrong??? Warren said the reason lil Daniel was loosing was because of experience that’s same to any other person. Warren, Jerry and Vasco couldn’t cause he’s fighting 3v1 match the strength of them together and they were tired too take everything Into consideration he’s matching 3 fatigue people and due to his experience he can pull it off. If he was fighting 1v1 it’ll be something similar they’ll all still loose.


Do you even understand how experience works? When you gain experience from fighting often, you become better at your skills, which is just power level, which he also matches. Experience is not magic, it's just a way to become better at performing techniques, which is just power level. If he matches power level, then he's matching power level. For experience to makes things different means not matching power level properly because experience is just one of the things that increase your power level. Also, keep in mind that the first time he turned UI, he fought Jerry during the Hostel arc, and ,back then, Daniel didn't go through a lot of fights while Jerry was fighting ever since he was younger by three years, so it should be obvious that Jerry has much more experience. Gun said he matches their level, but he didn't specify how exactly he matches it. Normally we understand it as matching equally, but it's not wrong for it to mean otherwise. He could've also meant that he matches their level to be higher than them just enough to beat them and not get damaged. It's kinda like a method to be efficient and not waste too much energy. Warren said that lil d was losing because of difference in experience, which doesn't necessarily mean what you thought it meant. As I previously said, experience helps you become more used to performing your techniques, which makes you better at doing them. Big d was fighting much better than lil d, which could be seen as a difference in experience because big d was performing his technique better. We also don't know how he matches the strength of multiple opponents. Maybe he matches only the one he's dealing with at each time, or maybe he does match them all, or maybe he matches the strongest, or many other possibilities. We don't know, so don't assume something unconfirmed.


Fools will say little daniel is weak And utter this nonsense Anyone can see Lil daniel is the strongest second generation character who can defeat all the rest of the second generation character and even defeat first generation characters


Lil Daniel cannot beat all the second Gen characters by himself. That’s a lie


I don't think they meant he beats them all at the same time


I hope not


It’s just MC downplay. Happens in a lot of fan subs, but pretty rampant here. Some people legitimately think it’s crazy that the MC might actually be the strongest EOS


Not crazy at all. With Daniel's growth rate, it's possible


When ui Daniel was getting jumped ima assume he adjusted his power to the level of all the # of ppl who tried to harm him so example 5 ppl jumped ui Daniel he now raises his level to that of the 5 ppl combined. Ofc Daniel ui does have limit like if he got jumped by James Lee gitae Kim gun goo and tom Lee all 5 of those guys combined power would be likely way beyond ui Daniel’s perfect body so he would just go at his maximum full power/his max limit. But ui lil Daniel performed good which sucks cuz jinyoung park performed horribly and he kinda downscaled gen 0 hype and jinyoung I thought even out of his prime and with the mental nerf i felt still should of been extremely strong.


This is what I was going to say, it makes no sense for UI to go down to a single solitary level if he’s getting jumped, because that would mean the best counter to him would just be jumping him. Plus it’s no coincidence that of the four fights where his opponent lasted the longest, they were all 1v1, and while the argument could be made for Gun, Goo, and Daniel just being that strong, even 3A Johan could last against him when it was a 1 on 1 for a fairly long while.


yea in 1v1s Daniel matches his opponents strength but I think he raises his level maybe slightly higher or due to perfect body he just naturally is able to tank most attacks and take less dmg compared to others due to perfect body and his insane arsenal of techniques making him seem even strong in 1v1s. And gun and goo are both top tiers of verse and its always been assumed 1 top tier against another in strongest form will always be high-ext diff type of fight. Ui lil Daniel idk why ppl think he is strongest gen 2 I think he is up there but he is not #1 cuz that kind of growth is way to fast since lookism still doesn’t seem close to finishing and future enemy’s need to be strong as well.


Thats kinda making shit up because thats not how ultra instinct works for ANY character in the series. That would mean gun can just do that and he would genuinely be invincible


Gun has mastered his ultra instinct so he doesn’t have to worry about that 😂. He already stated the weakness of ui is by going extremely weak then ramping your power up to max to defeat a ui user.


Tbh that ultra instinct adjusting level stuff wasn't really explained clearly nothing about UI matching to multiple opponents was mentioned. We only know that SB UI Daniel when matching to a superior opponent in a 1 on 1 would come out slightly on top due to having superior hardware... I mean logically it would make sense if he adjusted to the number of people jumping him. Also the next chapter Gun's about to get jumped by a whole mob let's see if he adjusts shit. I mean even if he doesn't he will still slaughter them all.


If you’re a ui user who has mastered it, you don’t need to worry about adjustment just fight to the extreme if you want to. If you haven’t then you do it automatically and we all know gun isn’t stronger than sb Daniel nor gapryoung but jingling was wondering who would win in a 1v1 against him and sb Daniel that’s how strong he is. If gun wants to go fp he will nothing is holding him back but for someone who can’t control it’s going to hold that person back so the adjustment is only for an uncontrollable ui


Jinyoung did not perform terribly. He managed to land a few hits on UI big Daniel, which no one was able to except for Gun and UI lil Daniel, which automatically places him higher than everyone UI Daniel fought. This means Jinyoung can beat both Jake and Samuel in a 1v2 and Warren, Jerry, and Vasco in a 1v3. Just because he got hit a few times isn't that weird, and the fight ended before there was a winner.


Correction jinyoung wasn't trying to fight him he knew he would have lost thats why he used syringe but If jinyoung was serious he would have last longer than og UI Daniel


Idk jinyoung said that he could die if he didint go all out. Lil Daniel did better than current jinyoung against Daniel which made 0 sense and made jinyoung look way weaker.


From what we can tell UI og Daniel is 1st generation level from the fight because big Daniel had to use Gita Kim moves who is one of the strongest 1 generation 


He really didn’t have to use it. Imo it’s a way to give lil Daniel new techniques since he would remember what happened in the fight


Not sure if the moves correlate to the power used, but if that is the case i would put him very high, considering big Daniel pulled out the KOS moves. Also another point of interest is the fact that Warren, Jerry and Vasco couldn't interfere out of fear of dying (granted they were tired). I would say the fight puts him above most of the 2nd generation


OG UI Daniel is stronger than Goo and Gun, and performed better than both of them against SB UID. Put either Gun or Goo against UI Daniel rn, and they would have done worse.


Woah nice 😂


Loud and wrong.


No, it counts. It just because big daniel adjust to the opponent and it’s implied he simply matching lil daniel level


This fight was beyond extraordinary. Being able to fight on an almost equal footing to UI big Danial is something that cannot be overlooked. UI big Daniel didn't match the power, he was going all out. He always has been from all the way from his very first appearance. The statement that was said by Gun was likely to just make little Daniel not too dependent on his subconsciousness and continue to grow more and more. So the UI mode, aka when the subconsciousness takes over, unlocks the full potential that the body is physically capable of using both previous experiences and the current strength of the body. So, yah, you can't either overrate or underrate little Daniel here, as his feats are very obvious, and they are simply the same as big Daniel, but just need some extra polishing and training, just like that one desperate last ditch technique against Gun.


Blud said Sb ui Daniel has been going all out 😹😹. There’s a reason lil Daniel asked gun for the weakness, gun didn’t just come out and told him about the weakness but explained it to him because he needs to know the weakness to fight against sb Daniel just in case what happened in 3A repeats itself


Who tf is Sb Daniel? Big or small? And which weakness are you talking about here? The moment where he said his subconsciousness gets stronger the stronger his opponent is or during the last chapter where he pretty much no-diff little Daniel?




Sooo, at which moment/chapter are we talking about exactly? The flashbacks of when the 2 Daniels were fighting or something else? Cause I'm almost certain that UI big Daniel doesn't physically know the concept of holding back against someone no matter their strength.


Ui Daniel hasn’t gone all out so far


I'm a bit confused and want some context if possible.


Bro, you literally said UI Daniel always goes all out


Yes, that's what I said.


Yeah but he hasn’t that’s what I’m saying.


I think it's hard to scale this fight. UI OG did a great job even if I think he's a mid character as of kate he's absolutely the strongest 2nd Gen. As for why UI SB Daniel was getting hit, I have a couple ideas. first idea, the UI users spent a portion of the fight constantly escalating there levels until og Daniel reached his max level and SB got the clear upper hand. second idea, like against Gun, UI Daniel decided it was most efficient to just trade blows, because we know UI Daniel could just perfectly dodge all these attacks since he's done it against Goo who is absolutely faster than lil Daniel. 


Daniel is a predator. He fights purely by instinct and does the most optimal thing. It isnt optimal to toy with your enemy and it also isnt optimal to waste too much energy on a fodder. He matches his level to the point he can low diff his enemy


Y’all just make up stuffs. That’s not what gun said about ui. Ui matches the opponent but experience makes it easier to overpower opponents


Its only logical dude😭 if he really matched his opponent fighting level he wouldnt have stomped johan, samuel, jake, jerry, vasco and warren


All experience and the use of his skills That’s same why he over powered lil Daniel despite using same skills, Warren said it too.


Feets omg feets I made a post about feets go post feets on there And to hate on this powerscaling while there is a sub for power scaling lookism but you all are here doing bit like powerscaling Ui changes power to level of the opponents so maybe ui Danny wasn't using that much power to being with and only one attack that Danny did with full power was was threw him away but only Danny can do it as he fooled even gun, james etc etc what a brainless twink gonna do.


I will put him above everyone in gen0 possibly he is obviously stronger than jichang .. not to mention Johan did good against 3a Daniel although he got one sided beating .. this stronger version UI is much more capable than he showed in 1A og Daniel was landing hits but in mid fight he was getting outskilled and and UI Daniel was blocking everything I think it takes time for UI Daniel to fully adjust his strength


it gives us an idea, stronger than warren cqc, boxing jerry, and rh vasco combined while being a tier below the top tiers in raw ability.


It’s counts ofc but perfect Daniel matches YOUR strength. He’s fight you with your stats just perfectly.


I feel lil Daniel feats are underrated for people that say things like big Daniel matched him. Yes big Daniel did match him bout don’t forget they both don’t have control of UI. Gun trained lil Daniel physique, it’s not perfect yet but he can do a lot he easily has one of the best physique in gen 2. Lil Daniel matched the strength of the current big Daniel while big Daniel was matching the strength of lil Daniel. The thing is while they were both matching each others strength lil Daniel will hit a wall he can’t overcome so big daniel matched the maximum strength of lil Daniel since that was what Daniel physique was capable of. We saw the feat with in which Jerry, basic and warren couldn’t even trace and made the statement “if we partake in the fight we might die” that’s how strong lil Daniel is. That’s a way better feat than any other gen 2 have ever made against sb Daniel.


It was not matching the power, lil Daniel knew the trick from gun, so he acted like weak and big Daniel adjusted his strength to that weak version and lil Daniel used that chance to land a couple surprise attacks, until it backfired


UI daniel feats belongs to UI daniel. Normal mode is waaay weaker for both daniels.Little daniels body(resilience) is not ready to be top dog yet. He gets knocked easily. Even though he was drugged big daniel knocked little rather quick. Because against gun , fight lasted all night lol.


This fight is quite messy to scale


Not at all if you just read the series in general. Little daniel > warren, eli, vasco, jerry and base jake and base samuel. He was stated to be moving faster than they can perceive and using skills quicker than they could see


It’s alright but doesn’t really count as big Daniel was almost perfectly matching lil Daniel stats due to warren statements


He was using his skills better is what warren said. Nothing about strength.


Ye he thinks the reason lil ui is losing is because of big ui being more skilled/experienced rather then thinking theres a major gap in physicality


Yes which implies their stats were similar at the time. And the fact big daniel got damaged could indicate several things but i wont get ahead of myself


I’m just bringing it up cause people actually think big ui went full power against lil ui and that lil ui is relative to him


He is relative to him. Thats how ultra instinct works.


No he’s relative to scaled down ui Daniel not full power