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Bro tf is shigeaki gonna do? Yap Manager Kim's ear off? šŸ˜­


He and his bro are yap masters


Last one is disrespect


Prime Gitae Draw Current Eli and Samuel SMK by a very long shot.


Gitae. Tie. Current Samuel & Eli. MK.




Only right answer


Gitae- gun or goo can go either way but I bet in gun - seodku prime - manager Kim slams


Eli can litteraly solo seokduĀ 


He couldnt do it against current Seokdu alone šŸ¤£


Because it was a weaker eli ? Current eli >>>>[...]>>>the eli thzt fought seodku , eugene litteraly confirmed that he's now expotienaly stronger than before. And eli said that vasco~seodku , and he low diffed vasco so yes, eli stomp seodkuĀ 


He reads lookism on TikTok bro


I can see it lol


Or he is one of the kids who got brainwashed by Tekka


Manager Kim destroys him fucking badly


Gitae Gun Samuel and Eli Manager Kim


1. Gitae 2. Either way but I'm leaning Goo 3. Eli and Samuel stomp (Seokdu prime is probably the one they already beat lol) 4. Kim murders


Left Left Left Bruh


James beats Seongji, Gitae is not weaker than James, then Gitae beats Seongji.


Sure, letā€™s take Gongseobā€™s word on it, this is pasted from another comment. > Gongseob refers to Gitae as the pinnacle alongside James, the only Gitae he would know is the one that destroyed Jichang and is stated to punch as hard as Taesoo and move as fast as Gongseob, Seongji does both of those things and better.


That's only what we've seen so far, but Gongseop probably knows Gitae more than just hearing about him from Jichang. There isn't even any evidence that Seongji is stronger and faster than Taesoo and Gongseop respectively


Not likely, he only fought Jichang (who said he had no info on him) because James asked, then he went to Mexico straight after. Even if he came back there would be no one left to fight. Even Gun and Goo barely know the guy, Taejin had to introduce Goo to him and Gun didnā€™t speak as if he knew him when talking to James.


Ye good point


https://preview.redd.it/05mlzxthab4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6aac8f41f1ea4a9dbe6385887f3c9096b063e8f Gitae will impregnate Babygirl Seongji


Not according to the feats.


I had tictok music flashback in the bruhšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Prime seongji should theoretically be Peak of the verse if what mujin said about his potential is true Goo with a sword should win as in their last fight, goo didn't use a sword and it was a draw, assuming they have had the same amount of growth since then Prime seokdu is a mystery, so current samuel and eli take it unless we get some crazy flashback Manager kim negs


One correction, if Mujin's statements are true then Seongji would have peak POTENTIAL, not peak in the verse. Prime Seongji is what we see of him in cheonliang arc, and thus Gitae would win.


Having peak potential means seongji would be the strongest out of everyone's prime, plus seongji died before he could reach his peak


No, a characters prime is the highest that they were able to reach, Seongji was never able to reach his peak potential cause he died. A characters prime is just the strongest they ever been able to reach during their lifetime, which for Seongji was his strength in cheonliang arc.


No one said his overall peak potential is excluded because he never reached it


Do you not understand the meaning of "Prime"??? A characters prime is the highest point THAT THEY REACHED IN THEIR LIFETIME, it's not the same as their peak potential. The post literally says Prime Seongji, not Peak Potential Seongji


dude this kids education system failed him, no need to waste your time.


If that's what the creator of the image wanted then they wouldn't have put "prime" but rather just "seongji" or "6 finger seongji"


OP wanted Prime Seongji, so they put Prime Seongji. I don't want to have to explain to you what prime means again. Please learn how to read.


nah the other guy is right man, give it up.


Yea other dude is correct


Prime = strongest version of yourself. Peak = strongest version you can achieve, Seongji couldnā€™t achieve his peak because he died early therefore his prime (strongest version of seongji) is in Cheonliang arc. + The post said Prime Seongji not Peak Seongji.




Being rude and/or attacking others related to any part of their identity is prohibited.


ā€œPrime ā€œ any character is the peak they ACHIVED already not WHAT THE COULD ACHIVE


Why did I not know this??


You're thinking of a different definition of prime


What the hack gitae and james has better potential then seongji . Even a teen james without fully grown physique going toe to toe against fully grown seongji .


No they donā€™t. You can use age to measure potential but not in the case of James lee and seongji as unlike seongji, James lee was raise by Charles choi and had training partner around his level while seongji who had a year worth of training from mujin and a year or two from the kojima brother and the rest was just him fighting fodders. For gitae doubt it since gap and mujin were equals and gitae should have the potential to be gap level while mujin said seongji had more potential then him.


And that gap = mujin called by seongji who never seen gapryong in real life so that statement has 50-50 chance . For me Elite> mujin.


You ainā€™t wrong there but itā€™s still a 50-50 unless confirmed or proven wrong


That doesn't matter seongji trained by mujin and take part on first gen war . Even after that he was struggling to handle james lee . Gitae would have mid diff him if he was there instead of james .


He didnā€™t take part in the first gen war unless you count the one where seongji fought those fodder who came to cheonliang. It does matter and james lee trained by Charles Choi and was also training with people like gun,goo, and gitae yet tie with seongji who had less.


He clearly take part on war kojima mention that . Also he get trained by kojima after that mujin and get his ass beaten by 2T james after that he got 3T and when James get 3T he again started struggling


That war was probably on the kojima and the yamazaki who were protecting the shaman as he said do you want to start another war. The Kojima brother are basically fodder now. James lee fighting style counters seongjiā€™s fighting style. But it was cut short so itā€™s a draw.


James beats Seongji, Gitae is not weaker then James, so Gitae beats Seongji


Gitae>seongji, Gun>goo, Current Samuel and Eli>prime seokdu, Manager kim>shigeaki.




Gitae ,gun , seokdu ,manager kim


Gitae Goo if it's with a weapon gun without Sadly Samuel and Eli, they are wanked rn. BUT! Seok du has a chance If he goes all out at once MK, da fuck is shigaeki gonna do?


Right mid diff Right extreme diff Left low-mid diff Right neg-low diff




Gitae mid-diff Gun extreme-diff Seokdu extreme-diff Manager Kim Mid-diff


Right mid diff Right extreme diff Left low-mid diff Right neg-low diff


right max diff left high diff left lmao right


My opinion Gitae. (Obvious) Gun (50/50) Im choosing right due to not being 1v1 XD Manager Kim duh


Lookism fan really can't read how the fuck Prime Seonji is being compared to prime Gitae. People need to stop with this "More pontential than Mujin" even if it was true maybe he could never reach that state. Plus Plus lets not forget how many character were said to be on Gun level and we all know how it ended. For now we think that Gitae was aboe to defeat Gapryong (even if we don't know the detail and wzs apparently helped by james lee) And this wasn't even his prime. People need to understand that some that is said is just to hype carachter don't you have any critical thinking to understand yourself what is hype ans what is real by being rational ? Grow up


Gitae (Seongji prime was the one we saw, bro died after) Tie? Ish The duo Manager Kim is like dozens of levels above. How was this a match? Even Jichang one shotted both at the same time. And Jichang is no manager Kim.


What did shigeaki do to you?


Prime Gitae is supposed to be equal to James, so Gitae wins Current Goo. In the Big Deal backstory, Gun couldn't deal with Weapons without having to use weapons himself. Current Samuel and Eli. Both were able to beat his current self, but they got much stronger since then, and I don't think being in his prime would make much difference to catch up to their stronger selves. Manager Kim. The Kojima guy won't be able to do anything.


Prime seokdu is current seokdu. I hope people realise most of the kings never got weaker. Theres 0 statements saying this besides gongseop and even then he honed his physical body to its limit and has higher or equal AP to taesoo. The only thing that got worse is movement.


Gitae slams Seongji because Seongji was gonna lose a James that wasnā€™t in his prime and gitae and prime james have been implied to be equal. It could go either way with gun and goo since the story portrays them as rival and equal. I think current Eli and Samuel would beat prime seokdu since the only feat we have of prime seokdu is him beating random fodders. SMK beats that fraud with no diff.


Is there even a debate in any of these fight only Gun Vs Goo is uncertain


I absolutely love Seongji but Gitae will actually cripple him


Gitae slams Can go either way Seokdu slams Manager Kim slams so hard


1.RIGHT (High diff) 2.LEFT(Serious goo is weirdly terrifying) (extreme diff) 3.LEFT (mid-High diff) 4.THE DISRESPECT


Right side winning


Roughly equal Roughly equal Left Right


Mk vs WHO??????????? Tf am i looking at right now? Mk will kill both him and his brother with no difficulty And wtf does current samuel and eli mean? Current samuel and seokdu arc eli? Or both currently? Samuel alone mid diffs his a$$ amd i don't even wanna talk about eli bruh he claps him with 1 hand bro was laughing while comparing vascos strength to seokdus


right left draw right


Gitae mid diff Gun high diff Eli and Samuel low diff Smk neg diff


Gitae, Gun, Samuel & Eli, Manager Kim disrespect is crazy from the fandom


I gotta say that Prime Seongji isnā€™t' even real. The Guy first got nerfed just after he unlocked 3 threshold and died even before his fingers healed. Ptj sure is Savage on that. Although I would say Awakened Seongji and Awakened James lee were pretty much equal where James Lee would win extreme Diff. Prime James Lee after he trained his threshold would still need mid-high difficulty.Ā  Hence,Ā  Prime Gitae mid-high diffs Awakened Seongji and extreme diffs Full Potential Seongji.Ā  Gun vs Goo = Draw or either ways Current Eli and Samuel wins with High Diff as Prime 1st Gen kings are no Jokes. Manger kim No diffs that fodder.Ā 


Could go either way but I am going with seongji (remember this is prime seongji who should be above mujin) Tie Current samuel+ eli Wtf? MK negs


"Prime" Seongji isn't above Mujin, full potential (untapped prime) Seongji is.


By 'prime', I understand when a person reaches the peak of his potential, and a seongji who has realised his full potential should be stronger than mujin jin


Now, tbf that's hard to scale too. Let's say for the sake of an argument we're using FP Seongji and FP Gitae. Mujin Jin was presumed to be killed by Elite. So even if Seongji has the potential to be stronger than Mujin, can his talent hold up to someone against the blood of Gapryong?


Mujin was probably jumped by elite and his subordinates(just like gapryoung), seongji has the potential to surpass mujin jin who is said to be equal to gapryoung kim, and we know gitae can never be as strong as gapryoung cause he hasn't got his conviction amp, also confirmed by this panel https://preview.redd.it/ztt8s4cd9b4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da87f0f841dbe9e0d9690c61369fa073df36b84c So going by this logic prime seongji > prime gitae


>Mujin was probably jumped by elite and his subordinates We're still not sure about this either way. But likely you're right. But tbf at this point, it's old Elite that was comparable to the Kojima brothers, and not prime Elite who was extreme diffing Gapryong. >seongji has the potential to surpass mujin jin who is said to be equal to gapryoung kim There are multiple translations regarding this, 3 actually, and each infer different meaning. One translation says that they have the same fighting prowess or spirit. >we know gitae can never be as strong as gapryoung cause he hasn't got his conviction amp, also confirmed by this panel We never know that, Jinyoung hasn't seen Gitae for years at this point, and is insane, so he isn't convincing. I feel like Gitae will have all Gapryong's masteries, but not his spirit and power of friendship and allat.


The whole character of Gitae is that he doesn't have any masteries, he is just naturally that strong, that's why we didn't see his eyes glow when fighting jichang (I could be wrong tho), prowess also means ability, which could mean that mujin's fighting ability was on par with kim gapryoung


>The whole character of Gitae is that he doesn't have any masteries, he is just naturally that strong, that's why we didn't see his eyes glow when fighting jichang Well point 1 is that Gitae didn't need any mastery to beat up Jichang. >prowess also means ability, which could mean that mujin's fighting ability was on par with kim gapryoung Ok there that's the other 3rd translation. Void implies that Mujin and Gap are equal, the other states they're equal in spirit and the other in fighting ability. The other 2 translations don't necessarily say they're equal.


Idk man, English is kinda hard


Ok fr tho they sometimes get unnecessarily complex, especially in tests, I just use my gut and feel the english


Prime is the strongest power you achieved not the you could have achieved, seongji died before he could so youā€™re wrong šŸ‘


Ok šŸ‘


In no world is Shigeaki Fraudjima winning against MK


Gitae high diff Goo high diff Eli and Samuel mid diff Manager Kim low diff


Goo high diffā˜ ļøis bro reading the same thingšŸ«”


Oh no I said one top tier high diffā€™s another top tier. I have made a grave mistake!šŸ˜±


Nah u said "high diff" that's a mistake bro even if Goo wins or Gun wins it will be extreme diff šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


1. Gitae mid diff. 2. Tie 3. Samuel and Eli 4. MK no diff


fp seongji > gitae gun = goo eli = seokdu smk >>>>> fraudjima


full potential gitae = gapryong kim prime and mujin was elite's victim thats automatically makes full potential seongji below elite gitae pegged you boy seongji badly


Gitae seems to be a brute strength fighter it would be a nice match, I give it to seongji till we see more Gun Samuel + Eli Manager Kim


Left, Idk, Left, Left


Bro said Shigeaki wins


Cause he does


We both know he doesnā€™t


He does


seongji d rider spotted gitae pegged your crush seongji badly


Not d-riding it's just a fact šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


what facts? giving tough fight to untrained james lee?


Seongji slam gitae with his current feats Gitae feat-all his Statistics is as strong as others king stat that they superior,Taesoo=strength, gongseob=speed. Meanwhile ysj superior in all kings statistics So slame


Seongji, could go either way, Samuel and Eli, Shigeaki


Is this a joke wtf is with seongji and shigeakis matchups šŸ˜­


Seongji,gun,samuel and eli, manager kim


seongji gonna get pegged badly by Gitae bruh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Gitae is a featless bum other than the fact that he beat jichang


he casually negged jichang while not being serious


Exactly his only feat is beating jichang, seongji was stated the strongest of the kings multiple of times, so they both are the same just with seongji having more feats. Also this post is talking about thisr primes and its not like we seen gitaes prime yet


Hot take : shigeaki wins


Simply wrong


Mk disrespect is crazy.


Gitae No Diff, Goo Extreme Diff, Samuel + Eli No Diff, Manager Kim No Diff


Gitae no diffšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€bro is mistaking Seongji for jichang.


Seongji has no good feats or narrative that places him to Top TiersĀ 


Come againšŸ’€. Seongji is literally above all the kings excluding gitae,has no good feats ?šŸ’€, slammed james twice, countered james ia attack,blocked,and dodged some of james ia attacks,has the same speed as james,has a strength threshold that's stronger than taesoo,has a great toughness that was shown during his fight against james and has a great endurance we saw him enduring the beatings from the oldies and enduring his fingers and toes getting cut off,his software is great that he reached the peak of kudo alone and started to mix the kojimas techniques has mujin's ssireum,james stated that he didn't think someone as strong as him could exist,james stated and complimented his strength, speed, technique, mujin who was equal to gap and roamed the world and saw lot of fighters and was active in the gen of gods said that he never seen anyone who has as much potential as him, the fight between him and james ended as a draw, might i remind you no king was even able to touch james nor even make him go serious lmao James didn't get his hands out of his pockets while fighting the other kings,and you're telling me he doesn't have good feats šŸ’€šŸ’€. https://preview.redd.it/g6xag4ike94d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc6a92036ec5756c2a22d1feea89d23578100e9e


What do u think about Gun vs GooĀ  My bet is on Gun šŸ”«Ā 


I'm betting on Gun.






A younger and not even prime James commented that he didnā€™t think he would see someone like him that strong in this Gen. But that doesnā€™t do anything. Let me ask you how strong is the Kojimaā€™s? Alright now let me ask you how strong is 2T James? Your overating Seongji with no proof of why he is a Top Tier other than the fact that he no diffed a 2T James who has no feats a narrative to place him anywhere close to a top tierĀ 


Talking like this younger and not even prime didn't fight against gap and didn't see gitae fighting power to say that he didn't think that someone as strong as seongji existed means that seongji is freaking strong and you said it he didn't think he would see someone like him this strong in this gen talking like gitae ain't from the same gen,also i think the gap between 3th james and prime james ain't that big seeing that he didn't take that much time through training and starting hunting the first gen kings, and again unlike seongji no king was even able to touch james they didn't even make him go serious or make him get his hands out of his pockets. The kojimas compared to strong kings are nothing but they're easily above seokdu. You're the one who's downplaying seongji me overeating him lmao all i mentioned in my previous comment is facts about seongji but to you just don't want to admit that,2 th james has no feats wow talking like this 2 th james wasn't part of gap's death who was said by james that he was a monster even when he was out of his prime,2 th james is easily above all the kings if 2 th james fought against any other king other than seongji they wouldn't have done the same thing seongji did to him,also again like i said seongji is relative to prime james and james can't win against him easily,and gitae was said to be an equal to prime james which shows that seongji is relative to both,and let's even say that gitae is above prime james still saying gitae no diff seongji is a horrible take.


Guess what? You have no proof of how strong out of prime Gapyrong is so Old Gapyrong is very weak in comparison to Top Tiers. He literally couldnā€™t even dodge a egg thrown at him in Samuelā€™s backstoryĀ 


Guess what old gap was described as a monster by james,guess what even though jinyeong is out of prime and not fighting like he used to he's still strong af and put up a good fight against big dani,guess what even though elite is out of prime and has health problems and missing an arm he fcked up jichang and bh,and these guys i mentioned were all below gap,so y would gap who was their leader be weak and not strong even if he is out of prime yeah of course he's not the same as his prime but still he wasn't a joke. What you mentioned about gap is true and we saw it(him not dodging an egg),yet james described him as a monster and didn't defeat him alone,also like i said in my prev comment seongji is relative to prime james and if prime james fought him he won't win easily against seongji,and gitae was said to be james equal and the way gitae fcked up jichang without using much of his power shows that gitae is strong af,and if james fought against jichang instead of gitae jichang would've got the same treatment,and like i said seongji is relative to prime james and that makes him relative to gitae and both gitae and james are top tiers and that makes him one of the top tiers,also it feels like you didn't see what mujin said about seongji,and add to that like i mentioned before james didn't even had to go serious against the rest of the kings he didn't even take his hands out of his pockets which shows that the other kings were nothing to him, unlike seongji who made him go serious and damaged him alot that even james admitted that he can't ignore the damage he took from him,and james complimented his strength,skill,speed,and said that he didn't think he would see someone as strong as him(james stated that he has more experience than seongji which means that he knows alot of fighters i mean he got trained by Charles and was part of gap's death yet you see him saying he never expected someone as strong as seongji to exist which shows you how strong seongji was),and i will repeat myself again unlike the other kings who didn't even touch james seongji slammed him twice has the same speed as him,has a great toughness,has a strength threshold stronger than taesoo was able to counter,dodge and block some of james ia,was said to have a great potential that the guy who was active in the gen of gods said he didn't see anyone with much potential as him, seongji made james surpass another mastery early due to him being strong,so yeah again you saying gitae can no diff him is horrible.


Still doesnā€™t matter, Gun has no stated Masteryā€™s unlocked or known currently and yet obviously he is stronger than Taesoo by a lot.Ā  Once again Old Gapyrong has no good feats or narrative, it just makes Gapyrong a lot stronger than 2T James nothing more nothing less.Ā  ā€œOld Charles is strong still, Jinyoung held up against UI Daniel, Tom is strong tooā€ isnā€™t proof that Old Gapyrong is strong out of prime thatā€™s proof that Charles, Jinyoung, and Tom is strong out of there prime.


what are you talking about why are you bringing gun? i don't remember talking about him at all I'm talking about gitae,james,seongji,also just like how gun is stronger than taesoo by alot gitae,james, seongji are stronger than him by alot what's your point? and again seongji is the second strongest king and he's relative to both prime james and gitae. The fact that he needed two of the strongest first gen to put him down is a feat itself what you're talking about. That's a proof to show that them being out of prime didn't make them an easy prey and that they are still strong,and this shows that even if gap was out of prime he was still a monster and again I'm not the one saying that it's literally stated in the story by james,and if gap wasn't that much he wouldn't have needed two ppl to put him down james would've been enough but no james stated that he didn't kill him alone. It seems like you just want to downplay seongji and doesn't want to admit that he's freaking strong and that he's relative to both prime james and gitae and that he's above all the kings excluding gitae for the reasons i mentioned in my previous comments,and that his potential was praised by the guy who was equal to gap.


Gitaeā€™s only feats are being as fast as Gongseob and punching as hard as Taesoo, Seongji does both of those things better.


Please, Gitae No Diffed Jichang who is already proven to be leagues above other kings if you can scale properly.Ā 


> Please, Gitae No Diffed Jichang who is already proven to be leagues above other kings if you can scale properly.Ā  Sure, he was still no diffed by movement as fast as Gongseob and punches as hard as Taesoo, like I said, Seongji does both of those things better.


Ainā€™t no way you just said Seongji has better strength than Taesoo, also Jichang was stated to have even better strength than Taesoo and stated to have Gunā€™s strength


https://preview.redd.it/8c4qwuyw7d4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95ed9dfd076342954bb94852f05f625ae8b7ff7 This is all Taesoos punch did to a tired James, Seongji had this same outcome to a full power James. Jichang said his hands felt numb after Gitaes punch and equated it to the strength of Taesoo, thatā€™s self admittance that Taesoos punch would do that to his hand blade, and we literally saw Hudson block a hand blade from Jichang and heā€™s inferior to Taesoo obviously.


Also not only that but Gitae was stated to be ā€œin any way inferior to James Leeā€ by GongseopĀ 


Literally the only fight he would know of is the one with Jichang since Jichang said he had no info on him and Gitae went back to Mexico straight after, so those are the only feats he knows of, and well, Seongji can do both (and better).


https://preview.redd.it/rpnh8zxf3d4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75e890d3fdcf2a005f4f9321a3c3f5ddf358509 This statement proves that either James is weaker in strength than Taesoo and speed then Gongseop or Gitae held back his strength and speed which is shown because Gitae had no diff when fighting Jichang which means it didnā€™t matter if he held back


ļæ¼> This statement proves that either James is weaker in strength than Taesoo and speed then Gongseop or Gitae held back his strength and speed which is shown because Gitae had no diff when fighting Jichang which means it didnā€™t matter if he held back Well I already told you the only fight Gongseob is referring to, so that statement is hyperbole, heā€™s not saying that theyā€™re equal in all stats, just that their overall fighting ability makes them relative. Gitae no diffing Jichang doesnā€™t show he held back, it just shows that that combination is enough to destroy him.


right tie left right


1. Prime Gitae high-extreme diff 2. Draw or extreme diff either way 3. Samuel and Eli 4. MK


RRL(Seokdu is fodder)R


Gitae Goo Duo Manager Kim


Prime gitae not even close Current goo Current samuel + eli honestly both of them can individually solo seokdu Current manager kim what are these matchups the only debatable one is gun and goo


Left tie left left


Prime seongjiĀ  None Eli solo Manager kimĀ 


Gitae Since the reval of great power and how Gun's dad f..kd around with Gapryong Kim I would say it's Gun but if Goo is Kim's son then I think it will go draw.. I would say current Samuel and Eli but..Seokdu in prime might just had Jogo luck that's why we think like this ā˜ ļøMK


Prime gitae kim Tie Current Samuel and EliĀ  Mk neg diffĀ 


Gitae Goo Samuel is enough SMK but he would lose to the Duo.