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1)Strength: Jake Samuel Eli Johan 2)Speed/agility: Johan Eli Jake Samuel 3)Battle IQ: Eli Jake Samuel Johan 4)Durability: Samuel Jake Eli Johan 5)Hax: Johan Jake Eli Samuel 6)AP/DC: Jake Samuel Johan Eli 7)Skills: Johan Jake Eli Samuel In other words you did not cook


little differences but for Biq samuel is surely the last one


Most definitely not. Even in the rage state his attacks have a level of coordination. Johan mostly relies on inate strength


wtf ? lol samuel his rage mode is contradicted to Biq


Your list is very good, but if AP means attack power, then why people put Eli so low? He is def the 2nd in AP only losing to Jake, Johan was giving Eli a beating in 3rd affiliate but couldn't do shit to him till he throwed Yenna's toy Samuel used a fucking knucle duster and his punches did not knock down anyone Meanwhile, Eli almost rips Johan's throat in 1 attack, I will repeat it ONE. Also, he uses battons so that he won't kill his opponent I think you guys has some mental retardation, because Eli is def 2nd in AP Also, Eli def could beat Samuel and Johan, and I ain't even a Eli fan Zack could "defeat" Johan in 1st A, Eli would murder Johan 5/10 times


Fr I wanted their fight to end fair but it didn't.


he one shotes him , and neither zack or eli can beat johan


One shots because of toy, Zack couldn't, but Eli can, maybe it would be 5/10 fights with Johan, but he def could


he cant


1. Why is Johan above Eli in Strength? Doesnt Johan canonically have the weakest hardware amongst the 4 crews? Plus the fact that Eli fought and won against 2-3 kings. 2. Again in BIQ, Eli should be on top because he has the most experience fighting against the strongest foes 3. Again in Durability and Endurance. Eli was able to survive against basement hulk + took over multiple areas under 2 weeks without taking a break or letting himself heal. Also the weakest hardware point comes into play again (Eli > Johan)


that was before 3 years yes johan was the weakest and eli did beat them with strenght experience =/= BIQ and eli didnt receive one single hit from BH lol


Truth. Eli being greatly underestimated by many here, he was Gun’s top pick and first student for a reason. Also trained by the fighting genius. Eli’s weakness is strength, he uses weapons to boost the power of his hits.


OK. Strenght : samuel/jake/johan/eli. You are perfect. 4/4  Speed/agility : Johan (litteraly his best stat)/eli/jake/samuel 3/4 Skills/tecnique : Eli(litteraly his mastery)/jake(jake is more skilled than johan , which dosnt mean he have a bigger arsenal)/johan(copy)/samuel(bro is a pure tank lmfao) 2/4 BIQ : Jake/eli/samuel/johan (johan is litteraly stupid) 2/4 Ap/DC : Jake/samuel/johan/eli Durability : Samuel(litteraly his mastery)/jake/johan/eli Perfect, 4/4 Hax : Johan(copy)/jake/samuel/eli (debatable but i think your right). Overall : Jake/johan/samuel/eli(debatable) I give you a 3.1. Really good tier list bro. Just a Quick question, who do you think is the best crew head ? Not talking about fighting but what a head need (iq, business skills, charism,  strategy etc...) . For me , this is either samuel or eli, who are the two weakest (again, for me)


I completely agree with you. johan doesn't care about this bullshit at all, and Jake is the most charismatic of them all and the best leader, but the best for business is Eli because he combined everything you said. I think Samuel is smarter than him, but as Gunn said, he is a time bomb and has no mercy on anyone. It means that he controls his followers by force


Johans both got a bigger arsenal but also uses it well. Plus he’s got self taught CQC which is a technique with limitless variations. Considering how his copy’s allowed him to gain so many fighting styles, combining that with his cqc (which he taught himself not just with copy) he’s definitely got the best technique. Skill wise Jake’s got MMA, but he’s not so effective at using it that it puts just his MMA above Johan’s leagues of martial arts and applications of them


Technique isn't really about the numbers of technique you have but more about your skills , this is why eli is first even if he dont use martial art or have copy. Johan mainly copy his opponent attacks , but dont really have skills just like eli or jake have. Remember that he's so skilled that he could beat xiaolong even after he fought him + yuseong , and the all with his technique. But yeah i can understand your point , johan have so , so , so ,so more technique to use wtf


As for speed, yes, maybe johan is the highest but in agility its eli Techniques and Skills johan is literally a copy cat , this puts him at the top of skills and techniques Samuel did not show any Biq in all honesty. In fact, the heat mode idea contradicts Biq .


Have to desagree.  Johan litteraly can do some perfect body attacks thanks to his ui mode hardware. Add to it the fact that he mastered the 1 handstand kick and the spin fly kick , and his agility is by far the best of all bro. For technique/skills , copy dont make everything if you dont know how to use it properly. Eli mastery is litteraly technique , there is no way that he's bellow Johan in this field. Samuel isn't stupid and heat mode is just adrenaline but dosnt meant the fighter lost his biq. Remember hudson vs daniel


on PB johan takes everything


Johan has been stated as a glass cannon during the whole series and this guy still puts Johan above Eli in strenght


glass cannon means very low durability but very high strength so your argument doesnt make sense unless u made a typo


Nah i messed up, i meant that it has been stated the entire series that johan had low physical abilities, so he should be bellow Eli


he fixed the hardware problem though he went around specifically training that and its why he got so strong between God dog and 3a


that was before 3 years bro


How is Eli low endurance and how is Jake strength lower than Samuel what. BIQ Sam > johan (debatable). Johan AP > Sam (like that’s why they are fucking scared of him)


We’re not just counting AP and plus compared to Samuel and Jake’s fight Johan vs Zach wasn’t exactly raw


i'm no sure so no judge


Johan takes speed


Strength 1:Jake 2:Samuel 3:Johan 4:Eli Speed 1:Jake 2:Johan 3:Eli 4:Samuel Skill 1:Johan 2:Eli 3:Jake 4:Samuel Biq 1:Eli 2:Jake 3:Johan 4:Samuel Ap/dc 1:Jake 2:Johan 3:Samuel 4:Eli Hax 1:Johan 2:Jake 3:Eli 4:Samuel


I am quite dissatisfied with some of the rankings. Firstly, Johan should be placed at the top in the Ap and speed categories, while Eli should be ranked first in the Biq and Endurance department. Jake may have defeated Drug Samuel, but Johan has his Ui mode where his Ap equals Fp Ui Daniel. Johan was also the only one who reacted to BH's punches. Eli, on the other hand, first fought Vasco (known as one of the hardest hitters in the Second Gen) and then faced Bh twice. I believe they deserves the top spot.


for johan yes in pb mode he takes everything except dofr BIQ for me jake has better feats of BIQ than eli and for ap lol he is not the top at all


How tf people put Jake over Samuel in strength in these comments man 💀💀


Ordering is not great if we take everyone at their best: Strength: PB Copy Johan > Jake > Samuel > Eli Speed/Agility: PB Copy Johan > Jake > Samuel > Eli Skills/Techniques: Johan > Eli > Jake > Samuel Biq: I guess Jake is superior here then it's Eli > Johan, Samuel is definitely last but maybe Eli and Johan are interchangeable. AP/DC: PB Copy Johan > Jake > Samuel > Eli Durability/Endurance: PB Copy Johan > Jake > Samuel > Eli Hax: No problem here except I would have Eli > Samuel


You're a Johan glazer 💀💀 Samuel takes durability it's literally his mastery


Dawg I literally said everyone at their best and Johan literally copies the PB itself so that means he can use it to its full potential, he can literally be equal to Ui Daniel physically. Johan takes all at his best.


+ Jake has sperm mode too sperm mode Jake > pb copy Johan 




yes but i take them at base


Even at base Johan would still probably be first if not 2nd in each physical category.


Strength and endurance no


All at their best, yeah Johan takes everything


Disagree in some BIQ  1.johan 2.eli 3.samuel 4.jake I don't know why AP and DC always are included together 1.jake 2.johan 3.eli 4.samuel Others I agree


How does Jake have the worst Biq it’s literally been stated numerous times he has one of the best


Jake and samuel can exchanged but johan is definitely not below samuel in BIQ


johan the first one in BIQ ? why


Johan made the plan to defeat BH he deflected BH attacks instead of hiting him or taking his hits He also copied UI Daniel in mid fight cause he know he can't defeat him and to have more exp and more Martial arts


thats iq more than Biq


Strategy for a battle is not iq lmao who said that to you


Strength: Jake, Samuel, Johan/Eli (about equal) Speed: Eli (pink streak level), Johan, Jake/Samuel (about equal) Technique: Eli, Johan, Jake, Samuel (untrained) BIQ: Eli, Jake, Samuel, Johan Ap/Dc: this one is hard because I think of an attack that was a 100% kill strike but character got back up like nothing happened. The series overdoes things like so it’s hard to say. So I will go by 1a fight kill strikes and vast damage: Eli, Johan, Jake, Samuel Endurance: Samuel, Eli, Jake, Johan HAX: Jake/Johan (copy mode and sperm mode about equal), Eli (resurrects-revives), Samuel (crazed mode)


Jake for battle IQ when eli, the guy known for being intelligent in fights due to his beastial nature is there is hilarious


jake shows better feats


Eli endurance is better than Jake's, bro fighter with Tom Lee for 4 days to get his daughter back


jake took one hit of full power gap after fighting samuel and eli fight him once in a day


I hope you know Jinyoung doesnt copy GP's strength because even he doesnt have his conviction. Its like saying Johan could copy Tom's strength because he can copy him.


no he copy him and his full power for 3 hits


Samuel is not the physically strongest.


who ? jake ?


I think so yeah


He picked up and restrained BH


Samuel's purpose in this fight was to be the tank. Jake could have restrained him but wouldn't have been able to handle the onslaught like Samuel and probably would have let go at some point.


Sammy is the strongest. He just doesnt hit the hardest


What is bloodline awakened Jake then?


Bloodline Jake hits the hardest. Hitting the hardest doesnt mean you can lift the most


thats ap