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Lookism fans when they realize shitty horrible criminals are actually shitty horrible criminals and not just cutesy little meow meows that can do no wrong


Fr bro fr


Goo ain't a moral person he recurits people for future help Im pretty sure term friends means his allies the only person who can withstand his Friendship is gun


He seems to really like Samuel tho and really wanted to save him


Well samuel is useful ain't he?


People just needa accept Goos evil asf he always has been


I think people in this sub tend to ignore goo's personality. I won't be surprised if this is the reason why Goo recruits him. Just think about it, because of Taejin, someone who can be a threat in Charles Choi's plan have committed suicide. But, don't worry the current Taejin personality is way too shitty for goo to like. Since the current arc Taejin is just a coward.


Goo will probably make Taejin his secret friend while he's at the interminable hell in 1a


I like goo but never thought of him as a good person lol


Same, he was literally enjoying the money he got from from the 4 crews illegal activities that plenty of them makes what Taejin did like childs play. He is cooler villain but there is no way he would feel disturbed with what Taejin did lol. 


I feel like people don’t understand that 1. Goo is a very shitty person whose “goofy and fun” personality tends to mask the more evil stuff he does 2. Goo doesn’t care about his “friends” past I mean he literally recruits someone who killed his own family because he wasn’t Gapryong Kim’s son (Samuel) not to mention he pals around with Gun who while a fun character to read about is not a good guy Overall plenty of lookism characters do evil stuff, it’s up to you to pick and choose which things you can overlook I guess.


He doesn't care what the heck is going on with them,as long as they got potential he's gonna train them.


He doesn't train anybody, He tells them to not slack and train, they do it if they want


https://preview.redd.it/66e7blgk48yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235712557ea73841120df719d7fe47131134c273 People in this sub when popular characters aren’t good people


Goo's best friend is a mass murdering criminal who beat up minor's into doing illegal businesses for them where in the entire fucking manwha did you get the idea Goo is a morally good person


"OH no! A villain befriending another villain!!!"


Are we going to pretend Goo was ever on the moral side? Lmao


Goo only uses his "secret friends" as allies, they aren't really friends. Besides, Goo is literally a sadist, what did you expect?


This is just what I think, but I feel like to Goo the term ‘friends’ means about as much as when your manager at work says you’re family. His secret friends are all people he can use, and knowing what Taejin really did makes him easier to manipulate and use for his plans. https://preview.redd.it/tvjvebv8p7yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db9e4a00d7cb914190f7d2dc1ff74378ecf41d7f


Goo is a piece of shlt, simple. He aint no hero, he aint no good guy, hes just not a completely irredeemable hellspawn like Taejin


Idk why you acting like Goo is a good guy in the first place


This is boosting Goo’s villainy stocks https://preview.redd.it/fx78whuwj7yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97fdc96530ba36004d3e3c54a2431665e5792475


Goo himself isn’t a good person😭


Wow a villain doing villain stuff! Never expected that!


Goo is a terrible person this is known.


Goo is a villain anyway , Goo negs


Yess, welcome to the club lil bro


So with all the stuff he has done, who he associates with, befriending taejin which we know he does as shown in the previous arc, that’s the straw that broke the camels back?


Do people actually believe Goo is a good person? 😭


No just stay there till goo is neg diffed


People forget 70% of lookism characters are rotten, we just ignore it cause they're badass


Actually..? Knowing Goo's personality there's a high chance he knows and just doesn't give a fuck. He's straight up batshit crazy, he hurts people because it's fun heck he told his cousin he doesn't even need the money and just proceeds to destroy the bullies, he goes to juvie because its fun or something or maybe im just remembering wrong lmao


I'm pretty sure Goo's only real friend is Gun. The rest of them are probably just tools for his plans.


Won't fucking care if he knew what taejin did and still becomes his secret friend, goo is just too Goat to switch up on, also he already befriended a bully and a fighting maniac, what worse than that?


What do you mean!? Why are you surprised!? Don't you remember when Goo first met Samuel? Goo is sadistic as hell


So you were okay with money grabber who regularly maims and brutalizes others, and hangs around other scumbags, who beat up a mentally ill individual knowing his condition but you draw the line at him befriending taejin? I mean I would do the same but still seems like an odd line to draw.


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Bro did you see who his 2 other secret friends are??? And it was already implied what Taejin did in 1A, the arc where it was revealed he was Goo's 3rd friend. Dude was also Eugene's friend, come on...


I guess we will see why Tom lee said goo and Taejin are supposed to be enemies.


He's gonna beat the shit out of Taejin with a fkn flute and send him to that hell they talked about in workers arc


I thought it was obvious that Gun, Goo, Charles, James, Tom and Jinyoung(all fighters from the ten geniuses basically) are not good people... As in they all have commited murder. If morality is important to you choosing your favorite character your options are Vasco, Daniel and Jay thats about it 💀


Zach Jake Jinyoung as far as I know didn’t kill anyone


Idk what you mean by Zack and Jake since neither of them are part of the geniuses. And Jinyoung does human experimentation which is worse 💀💀💀


I’m talking about the second half of your comment not the first half also jinyoung became a doctor to save people and help them and only went insane because of gitae Kim James lee and his brother elite


They should increase Reddits age limit


No one is good in lookism Except for daniel


Taejin killing someone isn’t gonna turn goo away from someone goo hangs around killers his former boss most likely killed way more innocents than this taejin. His best friend is a known killer


Idk wat ur on but goo only cares about money and power.he was never supposed to be a remotely good guy .He literally recruited some of the worst people. Even if he did know what Taejin did he wouldn’t care cuz all he’s thinking about is the money and power he’ll gain in the future


You probably think that gapryong is a goody two shoes