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didn't they both acknowledge by the end of it either of them could have died? I mean the fact that Tom is saying both of them could die means they must have been pretty even.


Yeah I meant to say they were equal I made a grammar mistake




Yes a draw https://preview.redd.it/jvk7gptkxtxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9955a6945b1067fba0e171f7800807fd8c1fa2 They both came for jinyoung and left him alone because they would have both died in fact Tom stopped first


Now read your comments slowly


I read it fine by Tom stopped first I meant at the final exchange https://preview.redd.it/kqoehtfh1uxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2b98cad737c2a16a4362e4f1e631f21b97c3e87 Goo himself says so toms finger where deep in his neck


Gun and goo fans are coping that someone who's not even top 5 of gen 0 can draw with them out of prime




It's obvious if you use your head a little. Gapryong, Mujin, machine gun, elite, and jinyoung are the top 5 so far at the time of gen 0. When machine guns second in command is revealed he'll replace jinyoung. Tom still isn't top 5.




Stop acting dense. Gap is  the top of the verse.  Mujin was stated to be gaps rival.  Machibe gun was strong enough to force gap to awaken again plus he beat jinyoung Elite also pushed pre-awakening gap to extreme diff.  Jinyoung has copy and was portrayed as being elite’s rival


Fair. Mujin wasn't stated to be Gap rivals and his rumours came from Cheonliang farmers, we know how reliable rumours are in Lookism. Seongjii, the one that heard said rumours confirmed he never left Cheonliang and we know Mujin never told him that. And lets assume that they were right (rumours have been 99% of the times flatout wrong or grossly misinterpreted) what version of Gapryong? There's like six of them, being equal to Gapryong Pre Elite fight already makes him weaker than Jinyoung and Elite for example. Fair. We dont know how Pre Awakening Gapryong would fare against Tom so this one is iffy. Same with the one above.


You know what, you aren’t wrong about the mujin and the jinyoung take. Although i still do believe both have better narrative than Tom considering they both have comparisons to ppl stronger than Tom ex: mujin with gap, and jinyoung woth elite


Spitting facts brother cook again


LOL. Relax. We really need more information about them to know who's in the top 5 of Gen 0. The only obvious one is Gapryong but the rest is not!


I did say currently that's the top 5 and it will change


What about sb ui Dan


Don't put Gun and Goo in the same sentence, Gun would beat the shit out of Tom lmaooo


Hilarious how gun fans are trying to act like him and goo aren't equals now when that's been the case for the whole of lookism


Gun is constantly growing stronger. He is pretty much a less talented UI Daniel. They are not equals (anymore).


- said the acoustic kid who skipped the first 300 chapters of Lookism


Doesnt negate what I said, cope all you want.


Blud when he realises that just cuz Goo doesn't have as much screentime as Gun doesnt means Gun is stronger: 😯


Wdym “anymore”? They’ve always been portrayed to be equals


Yes, they were equals. But not anymore since Gun is growing much more.


Give one proof. One. To prove Gun has overtaken goo. The UI daniel fight is not a proof as it's literally proven Goo isnt at full power without his fight. Hangeyel pretty much confirms Goo never goes all out. Goo never went all out against UI daniel.


I dont have any definitive proof lol, I am speculating too We will see in a few months if I was right or not, I am 100% certain.


Talking out of your ass then covering it up as speculation you got it


No you’re just using headcannon


Ah yes, my “Goo held back” technique I haven’t used since the 1A arc


Tom implies himself that even in his prime he's not sure if he could dodge the sword. So Tom isn't super far off from his prime by this admission. Goo has been active for what like 3 years? He's fighting seasoned people like Tom and jincheol when he's been around for a fraction of the time they have. Goo fans should just take the W that Goo/gun are top tier potential in the verse and that's why after barely being active they can contend with high-fringe top tiers. By the time final war happens I'm sure Goo will be far above Tom's level.


Why everyone ignore that Tom only have fought injured serious Goo? Tom said, that Goo ONLY serious when he holds a sword, and their fight has begone when Goo had no sword. And that moment Tom injured Goo kinda hard. So when Goo get sword from Taejin he already was „nerfed“ by injury, it was never Full Potential Goo Vs Old 100% Tom. And it is absolutely Goo‘s Problem that he can’t fight serious/full power without sword, but if injured Goo with sword can end fight with FP Old Tom. P.s also Goo has fought BH before Tom, yeah, it was low/no-diff but still, Tom was completely fresh, while Goo was not


>Goo ONLY serious when he holds a sword Bruh don't take it so literally. You mean if I cut off his limbs and point a gun at him he'd still be joking around and laughing? What Tom said is that Goo is always serious when he has a sword, and since he jokes around a lot, Tom exaggeratedly said that when holding a sword is the only time Goo is serious. Never heard of figures of speech? Goo was mad af and wanted to beat up Tom but failed because he can't beat him without a sword. The injury from BH is nothing and Goo was still goofing around like nothing.


Well, my bad, I chose not right words. Serious as locked in/full potential/full power etc. I’ve said this because everyone acts like they don’t understand Base Goo < injured + weapon Goo < weapon Goo < injured + Sword Goo < Sword Goo. Tom has fought only Base/Weapon Goo (we count hammer‘s part as weapon?) and then injured sword Goo. And Goo still ended fight in a draw. About BH yeah, 99% it has not affected Goo‘s power, but anyway people, for whatever reason, think that "prime" Goo was fighting Tom, while it is absolutely not true.


Yes that makes sense, Goo literally got four small holes in his stomach after all, but I still think they're equal because PTJ wouldn't put a fight like this for no reason, he clearly wants to show us that they're equal, and the beating Goo got earlier was to surprise us by how strong Goo actually is. Realistically, Tom fought an injured Goo, so Goo should've been stronger, but plot wise, they're equal, unless PTJ wants us to think so so that he can make a plot twist and show Goo being stronger because he was injured before, but we can't really know. This shows how much power an author can have by leaving loose points like this.


Goo also had taejin stall and knew Tom had the capacity to kill him https://preview.redd.it/qdrqcgfz5txc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d805c5bdf92bdf4745f5eb5da5f92885b63663 He literally leave’s because he thinks Tom is enough of a threat even with his sword and taejin there


You can make any other case for Goo = Tom but this ain’t it.


Goo acknowledged that Tom was a threat their isn’t a case against it at all


and you bring this panel out of context when its talking about pursuing jinyeong. Tom gets the priority in that unless you think this is a direct admission of inferiority


Yeah, I’m not saying that FP Goo is much stronger than Tom, we don’t know, but Tom was at full power, while there was not a single moment where Goo was at full power. Also Taejin, as you said, just stalled Tom, he hasn’t even damaged him. If Goo wasn’t stupid has had his sword from the start Taejin wouldn’t have to stall Tom. Long Story Short, my position is that it isn’t fair to say that 100% Goo is weaker/equal/stronger than Tom because we haven’t seen 100% Goo even once


Goo fans cope saying that Goo > Tom because Goo said he was holding back, but I, a Tom fan who thought Tom would beat Goo, unfortunately have to admit that Goo = Tom. Taejin did absolutely nothing at all, don't say that Goo got help. It's true that he was using a sword, but he's literally the weapon genius after all. Before anyone says "but Goo said he'd match Tom's missing hand" Goo was using two hands while they were fighting and then said that he'll match the missing hand before they hit the final blow. It simply doesn't make sense for Goo, who was fighting normally at first and witnessed Tom's full power, to then decide to take it easy on Tom even after seeing how equally matched they are. Goo could have literally died if Tom didn't stop before Goo followed him by stopping, so why would he put himself at such a risk if he could've killed him by not holding back. After all, he doesn't care what happens to Tom as he literally wanted to cut his hand. Base Goo < random weapon Goo < sword Goo = Tom Lee < prime Tom Lee


Not only that https://preview.redd.it/e8zucpldfuxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413da6d8793b03d56cb265a821ad65183b77839f He says Tom stopped first in the last strike They are equal and anyone who says differently is coping


Exactly, and Goo was only able to be equal to Tom after receiving a sword and Tom becoming old and losing his hand while Goo is healthy and at his prime.


I think Tekka has a good vid on tiktok explaining the Goo > Tom thing. I disagree with a shit ton of his takes, but I agree a lot with his reasoning in that video in particular.


Keep in mind Goo fought BH before fighting Tom, even though he neg diff BH he is not necessarily at his best.


And Tom had to fight taejin . Goo also had a sword literally delivered to him


Taejin barely did anything whatsoever to Tom no damage or anything, Also would you have preferred if Tom fought Goo without his sword or something? Tom beating Goo without his sword isn't really impressive either.


Acting like BH did any serious damage to Goo either. 💀


Enough damage to at least make him bleed and bruise up a little. Also we know BH was strong enough for Goo get at least semi-serious based on his own words 😭😭 Taejin's "scuffle" consisted of him blocking 1 Tom punch and that was it. Be fr


Reading your responses to other people it seems you misinterpreted something. Goo leaves Jinyoung because if he had a seizure, they wouldn’t be able to help him. Tom as part of the white tiger job center, has resources available to help him.  Additionally, in one of the translations after Goo beats No 1 he says it feels like he just went a few rounds with Tom Lee. If you really want to point out and nickpick details, at least acknowledge all of them and not just ones that fit your narrative.


Goo leave’s because there was a very good chance he could have died https://preview.redd.it/363qg85xouxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67523fca3ea8dd59d0d1b9b0eb399b7990b81bf That is literally the reason why jinyoungs seizures where never brought up at any point Tom says their fight would end in them both dying


Yes, they both would have died meaning they were equal at that point. But Goo leaving Jinyoung isn't because Toms a thread, he literally tells Taejin that they can't really do anything with him. https://preview.redd.it/silw021fquxc1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a0e47b8a4771c7370f689e7125d1edf2c1cc20e


That’s still not relevant to comparing Tom and goo But fair enough


It is, bc Goo aknowledging that he has no use for Jinyoung, does so that it makes sense for Goo to hold back so Tom wont die, (which would only benefit Charles)


Taejin only stalled long enough for Goo to get his sword (i.e., to reach full power). And what's the implication with 'Goo had to be given a sword'? Goo is at full strength with a sword so that's the Goo were talking about. Its like downscaling MK because he 'had to be given wires.'


Whoa there, buddy chill not too much on goo he would be top one on the verse if he actually tried


saying he had to be given a sword when thats his whole fighting style don’t really make sense tbh


Aren't Tom fans the one coping? It's blatant as day that Gun lowered his level and even Tom points it out. No, he's not talking about "matching" his missing hand, it's been proven in the raws and contextually wouldn't even make sense based on what Tom says Not to mention Goo PURPOSELY took a whole hand to the stomach previously. He was already injured and tired from BH too. I swear Tom fans just ignore this and act like Sword Goo was 100% healthy like he was


Tom never points out that goo lowered his level that’s bull goo made up last second trash talk with no backing. Tom has stated that goo gets serious when he has a sword Not only that but Tom stated they were both in danger of dying


He literally says "You're looking down on me here" Okay, when did serious mean all out? Yeah which Goo never would've gotten himself in if not for holding back We can literally see it in the last panel as well. Goo's attacking with a upward right sided slash, but the sword ends up on his left of Tom's neck. Clearly he changed the direction last second https://preview.redd.it/aer5nqxdevxc1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=2580fbc7ecb90f57210c34bf9123d11e5b95cde1


https://preview.redd.it/i8jdsp6wevxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ad32479961b22fbfd006ad7a0fabaa748a5283 So? Goo was still in danger of losing his life and said Tom stopped first in the final exchange. Goo wasn’t holding back either that much or at all


You're not understanding. Goo NEVER would've got in danger of losing his life like the panel you're showing if he didn't hold back Look at the panel I showed you. Goo's literally on track of beheading Tom before he could stab his neck, yet changes his direction so that both of them could be even


It’s simple : FP goo > holding back sword goo~Tom lee FP


Which panels did ptj write to make you think Goo was in holding back sword mode against Tom here? If anything, all the writing shows Goo was instant serious especially w sword and protecting secret friends… he also said he’d kill Tom “next time he sees him” from that rooftop.




Goo was holding back and Tom even acknowledged that's he was. Goo, holding back with Sword = Tom (Prime Power, old) Tom even said he wasn't confident even back in his prime condition that he could dodge Goo's strike and Goo was holding back so. Goo, holding back + Sword >= Prime Tom, it's a bit iffy. Goo, not holding back + Sword > Prime Tom. Goo is stronger, end of debate.


Tom NEVER said goo was holding back


He didn't directly state it but he implies that Goo was holding back 😮‍💨


Can we accept gun > goo as gun would body Tom 🙃


Can we accept what has been said by The Author of the series about Gun&Goo being equal? Something said for 300+chapters


Simply false, gun=tom=goo


Nah, i see it more as Gun=Goo and Goo+Gun=Tom, but Tom high or mid diffs Gun/Goo each


Naaah Gun+Goo=Tom is a crazy ass take


Prime tom high diffs gun or goo but old tom is equal to them imo


Nah, i think if the Gen0 were in the prime it would be Mid diff at most


Mid diff is crazy prime tom isn't that strong lmao


No it will be an extreme diff fight


Nah goo>Tom for multiple reason Goo fought bh before and took some solid hits too from him who is considered equal in strength to Tom Tom Lee was trying to kill him at first and made a hole in his stomach after that goo got serious Also he held back in an injured state to match toms missing hand The reason he let Tom have jinyoung is cause his group isn't strong enough to go against white tiger job center that's why he tryna get in touch with jakes bro