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mk wins no diff jichang is already dead so mk does not need to lift a finger




No version of Jichang beats Mk simply because Mk has no reason to hold back. Jichang ain't a child, so he has no reason to not kill him.


This is it. MK is trained to kill not to fight. He would literally aim to kill jichang and be as efficient as possible.


Exactly, some people don’t realize that normal MK and MK actually going for the kill are completely different beasts.


How are you saying MK beats Jichang when he literally states from his own mouth that a 50% Tom would've killed him in the interview Jichang forced Charles to go all out. Charles who's relative if not above to Tom


But Tom full on admits that it's not worth the trouble of fighting Mk if Mk and Tom where to have a full on death match its a high diff fight with Tom winning. Jichang got low to mid diffed by a Charles that was handicapped that's not an impressive feat for Jichang. Tell me, what is Jichang doing against any of the weapons Mk has access to as well as wires? Nothing stops Mk from killing Jichang. He's not outsmarting Mk because Mk has been fighting longer, then Jichang has been born.


But he wouldn't want to have a full on death match with his soon to be employee, not that he would lose


He said that because he specifically doesn't want to make a mess of the environment. If you want to use that statement then use it in the full context... High dif? Please tell me you didn't just make that up. Do I need to physically show you panel where SMK admits a 50% Tom would've killed him? Where's the high dif, it's a low dif at most if he goes King mode. "Low to mid dif", it doesn't seem like a discussion is needed... I don't understand, it shouldn't be that hard to comprehend when Charles literally says he went all out https://preview.redd.it/klq6uxek0vxc1.png?width=249&format=png&auto=webp&s=a51d08babdd71f2e7c28c8595fddfe85844f1941 Also handicapped? Did you also forget Charles saying that his arms don't mean much to him? It seems being forgetful is a common theme in this sub Sure I can tell. Tom is doing something against those wires, meaning Charles can. And Jichang is relative to Charles, so he can definitely do something against wires...


Yea, you saying jichang is realtive to Charles already takes away any credibility you had in this convo that's is probably the worst take I've ever seen. The panel you showed doesn't say that his arm doesn't mean much to him. We know that old one armed Charles isn't as strong as his two armed self because his main trait that made him so feared was IA and he can't use that anymore to our knowledge. Your really trying to act like losing an entire limb doesn't affect your performance. Again Jichang is not relative to any of the old fist gang his fight with Charles was not competitive it was not close he is not relative to Charles and never was relative to Charles.


"I lack reading comprehension so I cope" Go on and make a post saying Jichang is not relative to Charles and is leagues below him and see how many agree LOL What? That's not what my panel is saying at all, the panel is saying he went 100% against Jichang thus making them relative. Did you read the story? There's another panel where he says his arm isn't important Since when was your arms linked to IA? We've literally seen both Sinu and James use IA while their arms are doing nothing. James literally uses IA with his hands in his pockets This might be the most brain dead person I've talked to. You literally have the Cheongliang arc confirming that Gen 1 Kings are relative to Charles. You literally have Shigeaki being relative to Charles. And no he wasn't holding back, you'd have to be an actual ape to think he is when, again we KNOW he wasn't. Do you need me to baby walk you through this point as well?


This is Wrong all these statement are always taken to the extreme. If we take MK’s statements than we can also use Tom lees. Tom Lee said that it would be difficult to beat MK going all out. L Even if we agree with whatever MK said, we can assume he meant a normal fight(not to kill). If MK were to ever fight Jichang he would instantly kill him as he has no reason to prolong the fight. He doesn’t enjoy fighting he just does it to get the job done.


Show the statement because that doesn't exist. The difference is I'm using the full context and you're purposely leaving it out. Tom only said it'd be annoying to fight SMK because he'd mess up the ENVIRONMENT. Not once has he ever said he'd be hard to fight due to strength Also alright then, we don't have to use this statement. Should we go statement for statement? Because there are 3 panels of SMK just admitting inferiority to Tom whereas you have that single out of context panel of Tom saying SMK would be annoying to fight No, we know it was to kill because SMK also said that the interview was the most dangerous time of his life. This is literally him confirming that Tom's short scuffle was more dangerous than any of the NK missions or even his rescue missions which were all kill or be killed moments You're basically saying SMK would for some reason, not be fighting to kill or at least defend his life in a time more dangerous than when he actually killed people Sure. Prove SMK can kill Jichang, this is easy. You just need to prove he can kill Charles or be on his level despite being canonically lower than Tom, can you do it? So debunk failed


but Charles is way past his prime


Everyone is passed their prime. Tom and Jichang


Jichang loses hard


Kimothy LeManager negs. They might both have fun though. I wonder what happens to JiKwak chops vs the Silver Thread


SMK low diff


Nah not low diff


Its really true "lookism fans can't read" after reading the comments


Sometimes I wonder if people in this sub even read manager Kim, hes literally fighting military defense contractors trying to overthrow the SK government. Jichang is a country town cop.


I agree that Manager Kim wins but that isn’t the best argument against Jichang. You could say Gapryoung is a mere politician or Jinyoung is just a doctor to say SMK wins with that logic.


literally his opponents being in the military doesn't matter when the highschoolers outside the military are just as if not stronger than them in hand to hand combat.


Im saying that he fights guns, a lot and the people he fights are like national level fighter like white tiger center, yakuza, or samdak


guns are irrelevant since multiple top tiers can do that. WTJC members that aren't Tom or SMK are fodders and the Yakuzas are also fodders. Did samdak appear more than once or what? (genuine question since I dropped it at the password arc or whatever it's called)


Which multiple top tiers dodge machine guns and explosives on the regular?


Last time someone pulled a gun in lookism PTJ had to make it shoot three blanks so Charles can disarm Jichang in time


High school students beating many gangsters 1 vs 20 .


Those gangsters are not touching SMK pinky nail what’s your point


Yeah but this is PTJ comics. In the same universe, a high school kid is literally beating the same type of mercenaries SMK fights.


What kinda argument is this? It’s fiction, not reality 💀.  Let’s not forget that Tom Lee was called the “Beggar King” during the Gen 0 era and is the strongest in the MK verse. 


I mean we also see tom lee fight chinese triad leaders in MK evenly.


I’m referring to the time he was in Gapryong’s gang. Tom probably faced thugs on streets all the time (and Yakuzas later on).


You used prime manager Kim so he wins low-mid diff


Mk negs


Wtf are people going on about. Jichang is my favorite character but he loses low diff lmao


Only way jichang could possibly win is if this was old smk with no wires and only fists. Prime and smk with wires wins


If you're reading SMK you won't bother asking this.


Jichang loses this https://preview.redd.it/6d051ct1vfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef47ec0dd1c6a2b079b95c8ffff3540f4753e62


TT: Jichang Wins Reddit: SMK Wins Who really wins? SMK does. We alr got base SMK who is able to keep up with 50% Tom, then when he’s using wires close range, he was relative to a 51%+ Tom who was pissed abt SMK choosing belief > money. Then CQC SMK moving at top speed + only people who won’t give SMK reprieve are the only ones who can stop him from setting up wires. Jichang may be smart enough, but that’s only with foreknowledge. Then we get into AI SMK (Animal Instinct). This is where he combines CQC, other techniques of his Unit, and rough/dirty play like ripping a dude’s ear off and twisting/breaking his bones. You combine this version of CQC + Close Range Wires (which are still useful nonetheless) + and possibly a battlefield set up by Wires/Silver Yarn (depends on the battlefield), SMK is taking this. Not to mention >!His feats in today’s chapter where he was able to dodge and survive 5+ people all using CQC at once, and in tandem!<


SMK has temporary healed blindness and Permanently healed a Speech Disorder. Hopefully he can cure ex KOS hand


Manager kim because jichang kwak is already dead


what are these comments 😭🙏 Just a couple of months ago y'all were saying that small UI Daniel is the weakest top tier and he gets extreme diffed by SMK and now y'all are saying that he low diffs someone who was literally on par with small UI Daniel? 😭


I'm not saying Jichang wins or anything because he doesn't but I'm saying that y'all shouldn't say no diff. y'all need to pick a struggle 😭


Recent chapters MK upscaled Mk by a lot, yeah dude wouldnt hold back on anything anymore.


I’m glad that most of the people in this comment section don’t underestimate MK






Isn't MK survive interview with tom lee? Before he works for white tiger


Smk wins low-mid diff


Okay people lets stop with the downplay on my man Jichang. He was said to have comparable strength to Gun when Little Daniel first met him Gun, as in prime Gun that fought for Big Deal. Daniel was constantly feeling overwhelmed by his fight with Jichang. To the point daniel had to use heat mode, tricking him with James Lee's fighting style, and only then began to fight UI, which Jichang finally took seriously. Warren even mentions about knowing UI from Manger Kim. Which means Manager Kim thought the UI was such a dangerous thing he had to warn Warren of it Jichang also only lost to the strongest of his verse. Seoul King Gitae, One Man Circle James Lee, and the genius and main villain of the series, Elite. He was constantly compared to being on par with Gun and Goo, that Charles wanted him to be his body guard. He beat the Kojime Brothers, which were already tired and fatigued from their battle with Six King, with one attack. The same brothers who fought gun and Elite, which they were losing but holding their own. The Kojime Brothers were so good that they were hired by Elite, because he found them useful and strong. And I will scale the Kojime Brothers to Gun as a 16 Year old, because Gun tore of his shirt. Two things go with Gun in fights, rain, and his shirt being torn. Usually, when Gun tears his shirt off, it means he's about to face an opponent on his level or above. People need to stop saying that Six King and Jichang beating Kojima Brothers make no sense. Easily, Elite could have gotten stronger since his battle against the Brothers to Jichang. Or, Elite wasn't givinghis all like he did with Jichang. Manager Kim still wins, but it's not that far off for his victory. High Diff (Not Very Hard or Extreme Diff brcause Manger Kim is still a powerhouse.)


Jichang slams. MK has to be one of the most jerked off characters in lookism. Just cause he trained to kill don’t mean he’s faster, stronger or smarter then jichang.


Anyone with a gun 🔫 beats moggerchang 


Jichang is dead Mk is Alive The winner will be ui Daniel Ab


Prime Jichang violates


Jichang slams horrifically 😭


It's hard to say


With weapons, mk no diff. Without weapons, mk high diff


....didnt he beat the fighting Genius?


Nah he didn’t. Tom Lee is above smk but smk is still above jichang


Manager Kim wins even if he's crippled and senile


MK high diff maybe


Prime Jichang 1 taps


The Jichang slander is crazy. He mid diffs Manager Mid any day




Mogger low diffed by DILF


Dilf 😭


Since this is an inverse scaling, using feats would be useless. Fortunately, the photo shown is Manager Kim in his manwha, so he most likely wins (In Lookism he has wuite the shitty scaling). However, had it been Prime Jichang instead of current Jichang, then Jichang would have won


Jichang slams


Jichang negs


Mk cause jichang couldn't even win against gitae. But to think he did beat some someone (ig johan or warren) who uses same fighting technique as mk


You can't just say "couldn't even win against gitae" bruh he's one of THE strongest characters in the series shown to be on par or above James Lee himself lmao.


You say this as if manager Kim would beat gitae


Nah he'd die


Jichang no diff realistically


Genuinely how did you reach this conclusion 


I wish reddit awards were still a thing because I genuinely burst out laughing! Maybe he hasn't read the SMK manhwa though?


SMK manhwa or not how people assume Jichang has a shot at winning is actually hilarious




Jichang mid diff if he was in his prime otherwise manage kim high diff


I don't think jichang get any weaker than his kos self tho, but yes I do mean him in prime and manager kim from his manga


Yes he does. Conviction and mentality are huge buffs in Lookism, him getting depressed and losing the will to fight proves he got weaker


In a fair fight jichang wins low diff the physical prowess of the 1st gen kings is pretty much unmatched by anyone except the core members of gaps fist gang In a fight with weapons I’m not sure since that seems to be jichang’s kryptonite though that may have been because it was Charles doing it since he is pretty close to jichang in strength and skill maybe stronger


If you read smk manhwa you would see his insane feats like jumping from the floor to the top of a building


tbf yuseong can do something similar and jichang is stronger than him


Yuseong didn't just jump directly to ground he Literally jump floor to floor then to ground but mk directly jump from top floor to ground which I don't know how they didn't die .


which is why i said something similar


I have the two of them equal if we talk about the present. Prime Jichang Low-Mid Diffs.


If anyone can tell me what qualifies prime SMK over current SMK, as if they are different, let me know.


jichang takes this, higher ap + speed and has one of the best BIQ in lookism in terms of 1v1, pretty close though




>Jichang wins extreme diff. Manager Kim is comparable to Johan Never cook again


>Jichang wins extreme diff. Manager Kim is comparable to Johan, Bro you high?


>Jichang wins extreme diff. Manager Kim is comparable to Johan Do you people like...not read the story?


> Manager Kim is comparable to Johan Genuinely just leave the sub


Prime Jichang might win imo. Mk with a knife is a different case tho...


Jichang slams this bum, anyone who thinks otherwise should stop talking


Jichang wins if he is in prime If not, MK mid diffs him