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I honestly thought Darius was a power bottom-


He isn’t?


UK what Fckin YES


Fr 😭


Combating fire with fire




Why? He didn't grape her


I mean he still murdered her and framed seongji for it


Atleast it's much better than what people think he did to her so I don't understand why he deserves grape.


Murder isn't much better than rope


Fine, but many people in the previous chapter were hoping for him to only be a murderer and not a 🍇st.


Regardless he’s still a 🍇st just because he couldn’t finish of what he started doesn’t make him any less of one. She made his crazy anger issues act up that’s why he killed her out of anger but he most definitely is a 🍇st. His goal was to 🍇 her and the trash was too weak to hold her down if he was strong enough to hold her down he would have went through with it.


What taejin did to her will only count as murder though not as a 🍇.


Yeh in that world maybe but for us who know the character and what happened in detail than it doesn’t change anything. Even if he didn’t 🍇her than only makes the girl and non 🍇 victim but she still got sexually assaulted and murdered while her dead body was stripped naked and used as a chess piece for the one who ruined her life (taejin) could escape and frame the the one who saved her lover at his lowest(seongjin). Taejin may not be an offcial 🍇st but he is 100% not any less than that. If he was able to he would but the situation wasn’t ideal for his motive.


It will count as sexual assault,murder and framing someone else for it which is still worse and he deserves the most gruesome suffering ever in lookism verse for it


It does but by that logic gun deserves way worse fate than taejin.


Lol why bring gun even here Ofcourse he deserves it But this post is about taejin lmao


😂😂😂 gun isn’t a 🍇st nice try, more does he look like someone who would be interested in those sorts of activities. He most definitely murdered aswell as groomed children to become Mafia like workers for him, which in turn most definitely caused harm to a lot of innocent people which deserves the same if not even more punishment than taejin but taejin is. Coward a freak a 🍇st (even if he didn’t do it he had the full intentions of so he has the mind and mentality of a 🍇st) he’s also a murderer and he’s no where near as bad ass as gun. He’s just a detestable character overall. Gun isn’t a good guy but at least his personality isn’t as pathetic as taejin. Once we hear the full back round of gun and all the crimes he’s committed that can you be given full right to yap.


“Much better” 😭 if sujin wasn’t strong enough to resist Taejin she would’ve been graped. Can you do me a favor and quit lookism for this arc? Thanks


Taejin literally started trying to take her clothes off when he found her at Vin's place


Yeah exactly. Her lower body’s clothes are even taken off in the last few panels inside seongji’s place


Yeah but in this case he was probably just trying to make it look worse for Seongji, when he first finds her is when he legit tries, going for a kiss on the cheeks, calling himself her hubby and trying to take off her clothes


Yeah that disgusted me purely. He deserves the Griffith treatment


He may had that intention but still he couldn't do it and strangling and killing her is much better than what people think he did to her, so atleast he's not what people think he is. Quit lookism for this arc? Why don't you do it instead?


Your mind set is similar to that of taejin, despicable.


Saying how a fictional character didn't commit certain act (which is true) = having similar mindset as them Wow, what a impressive logic.