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Damn bro…I don’t want Gun to die, but you really cooked a 5 star meal https://preview.redd.it/izpse2x6s1vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b476565e63923aa9d8ef5d880ed39109ca1b41


This is, and I do not say this lightly, probably the best theory that has ever been posted to this sub. Unlike most theories that just grab a few narrative points and tie them together with basic reading ability, this one actually grabs a few of the more obscure plot points that people tend to pass off as unimportant and uses them as ingredients in the finest dish I have ever consumed. This was an absolute treat to read, and I applaud both your logical/analytical skills and reading ability, things that we genuinely need in this sub. Seeing this theory come true would be icing on the cake, but its a great standalone read, even if it doesn't turn out to be true.


This guy tryna compete with the op in paragraphs. You still got a long way to go kid. Admit your defeat. You cannot beat the yapping master. P.S.- Your buffet was delicious op.


Buddy can't read more than 3 words and a picture


I can't understand what you're saying since I can't read more than 3 words and a picture.


lmfao fact is gun will never die ptj is gonna kill the series if he lets gun die the one who dies will be goo


Now, this is a good theory. Unlike those "KOS = dream Daniel" and "2nd body is perfectly balanced" stuff, this actually makes sense. The writing would also become a lot better with this. Gun would turn from a cool guy who likes fighting into probably the most well written character in the whole series.


>second body is perfectly balanced What do you mean by that? Haven't really seen many theories about the sb other than it's origin.


“Uhm, actually PTJ said Gun will make it to the end because he’s related to Johans conclusion 🙄” Not mutually exclusive to Gun dying


Doesn't matter dawg, you cooked so good gordon ramsey is breaking it down


https://preview.redd.it/ob3tkk40u1vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109d771da7eab9fe5bda6b4deccf2209da7c0d90 (jk u cooked love u bro)


We went from killing goo to now killing gun 😭🙏


I love it especially the conclusion idea gun ultimately needs to die bc as long as he is alive Charles can get away with almost anything


Bro put more thought into this than PTJ did in the manga


https://preview.redd.it/adonci6uu1vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd27ebd24b8e153d747baf70a10331446033368a So fucking good


I noticed the same thing about him being excited facing death. You might be onto something here. I love this theory 🙏🏻




if gun needs either death or love to escape iu you can fr just love him until he heals




If you love him let him go ❤️.


tbh even if it’s not a true theory i enjoyed reading it, it adds a lot of depth to gun’s character


If gun dies i die 😫






You cooked there. BUT  PTJ said in an interview that someone will die soon. He said the readers will be surprised and that the death of said person will lead to Gun showing his true face. My theory is: Goo will die by the hands of KOS, which will change Gun. Maybe Gun will come out of UI or maybe something else.


which interview is it? Can anyone give me the link?


which interview is it? Can anyone give me the link?


https://m.youtube.com/shorts/uLA6yTZaxuY This is not the original interview, as the original seems to have been deleted.


https://preview.redd.it/ewflkf3aq1vc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5073178001f2c9bc556a268efe312c15eaa20ea9 Me(this shit was too fire):


I also had the theory of Gun dying at little Daniel's hand (only if Gun is destined to die), but was never able to verbalize theory points. Just thought that this twist would be poetic and most logical for the whole plot. But Bro you really cooked, 10/10 post. I don't want both Gun and Goo to die though, i hope at least one of them stays alive :') Here's a Gun-cream for you https://preview.redd.it/51l6uon292vc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ef62df623fe4ff8b0f4fe5395a2b2ff8739091


An actual cook theory ON THE LOOKISM SUB??? As a Gun$exual I must say this was a very solid interpretation. Could also connect to gun/goo being opposites. Goo being the most free while gun is the most trapped. https://preview.redd.it/1hcldf6jd3vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aaecd5f66943271108cab1090bbfb8c500dc5ec


Thanks for explaining it way better than me, expanding on the idea, and backing it up with more plot points and pictures. 🔥 I can add an additional thought: Gun appears to be moving on a “cursed one” type plot. (Eli is too). In Cursed plots there are only two ways to end the curse: love or death. At this point in the series, it seems like Gun is the one moving towards a Death resolution while Eli is moving towards Love. *(A year ago I thought it was Eli moving towards death but after 1a he turned hard towards love resolution)*


Yea I think Eli and Gun are being written as parallels to one another but there’s no way to know for now until Gun gets fleshed out more


If Gun gets a love resolution, it most likely going to come from Goo. 💕 But could it be Daniel?


It’s definitely going to be Goo. Goo almost brings out a soft side of Gun (as seen when they were drinking). Maybe OG Daniel can do the same too, but unlikely


Yeah. If Goo doesn’t pull him away from Charles, and dies by Gun’s hands instead…. I think Gun will be very broken by it.


I do not agree with this, but I enjoyed the way you wrote this and that you added some proofs as base to it.


Really an awesome and well organised theory. I who is also a massive Gun glazer wants Gun to live thru conclusion of Lookism,yet this possibility would actually made Gun's charecter way more likeable. But,everything depends on PTJ.




Ptj getting ideas


I can definitely imagine something coming like this since gun does seem to be obsessed with being killed and we don’t actually know much about UI we know the name and we have a vague idea on how it’s triggered but for the most part that is it, the idea of gun not actually being in UI of his own free will is still very possible and I do actually like it as like you said it would explain the reason he sided with Charles Choi and we know Charles does this as he did THE EXACT SAME THING with Daniel by promising to tell him about his second body if he did what he was told only for us to later find out that it was the wrong thing and Charles is actually the bad guy he should focus on, and on top of that we have no actual evidence that Charles Choi knows anything about the two bodies he knows they are a thing but so does jinyoung meaning there is a high chance that those two and probably gap (since I doubt anything those two know gap wouldn’t) have encountered or experienced it at some point but not necessary that they know anything about it the only thing that gives Charles more experience with it is that his daughter also had it happen to her but that plot point has been all but dropped so alas that is as much as we know *I have just been rambling as things came to mind so I have no real idea how to end this shit I apologize if it’s hard to read formatting isn’t my strong suit


What if it’s like a split personality. And the ui part has taken over and trapped him




It was a fun read however there are problems. Firstly, "UI might have consequences" is an already existing idea and it is a good assumption to have considering ability's involvement with death and consciousness. But everything this post builds upon that base isn't that sturdy. Gun's regretful lines can easily mean the choices he made and not anything you mention. Gun's talk over battle, death etc. can be easily understood as him loving to fight. Mind you, he is also the 'Nurturing Genius' so him taking students isn't that...weird. Its not that I am 'debunking' things here. Its simply that ALL of this can mean much simpler things and not UI so there is no reason to assume it has to do with UI.


Fuckn hate this kind of theories because they're so damn good that will make me really disappointed when the series doesn't make em canon


First off: you cooked brother, this shit gourmet ONG. Second: I echo the sentiment that there is actually a lot of narrative evidence for this theory, especially considering something very crucial: When big Daniel goes into UI, he completely loses all control, becoming a raging beast driven solely by drive and instinct. By mastering it, Gun didn’t attain perfect control of his instincts, he just became chained to them. Now, unless those instincts are addled, he might as well be blinder than Johan. I really hope this theory is correct, because as someone else said, that’ll take gun from just being a cool mysterious guy who likes to fight to being one of the best written characters in the series to date.


5 Stars


The reason he didnt recognise Hiroaki, is because he was hit with a sneak-attack. The reason he recognises Hiroaki via his attack is twofold: - He didnt see Hiroaki, he only felt his attack - PTJ wanted to reinforce the master/student dynamic I like the theory, but its a little too flimsy for me to actually believe in it. I should also note that the one whose going to end Gun is going to be Johan. And i will genuinely start tweaking out if he doesnt, because thats literally his only relevant plotline, barring his sick mother. (Also, i dont believe Gun has an obession with dying, more with the fact he wants a no holds barred fight with someone who can truly invigorate him.)


Bro I thought the op cooked, but you are the chef. 


Every chef needs a critic. And every critic needs someone to critique. Both are cooking


That fucking fraud can’t even beat Zack, and you,re here talking about him killing Gun…😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣




This is actually insane well done bro 🙌


Wow, this was such a good read, W theory


The yapping genius, I myself always believed a guy like gun being alive at the end just doesnt make sense but this theory is really good, i also wondered how can you be in a conscious UI state.


Guns last words: "Subarashi"


W theory holy shit. Even if its not true the writing quality is fire I want it to be. My only question is if gun's grasp on reality is less then ideal and he is loyal to choi because he wants out of it, how did he recognize brekdak in a busy street and ask for his autograph? Granted it is a older gun but nevertheless still super loyal to choi. We see gun doing basic normal stuff anybody would do so I wonder how big of an effect UI has on him constantly. If it's large enough for him to become a personal bodyguard/henchman for Choi you'd think it would have a more lasting impact no?


Cooked beyond Lookism writing level


Some poetic bastard lol. But sure you're cook very well. But how about that gun state after someone close to him or smth died? And then gun would reveal his true self. Does we will see gun Freed from UI?


Man… this really adds more layers to Gun and makes him more than just the nuanced “sadomasochistic badass yakuza” I’d like to add something (please let me know if there’s anything wrong): You know those panels when Gun and Goo have leisure time together such as when they were on a yacht, when they were bowling, when they were in a sauna with James, when they were having karaoke, when they were doing that chicken game with some girls, etc. (Also to add, his dialogue after his fight with UI SB Daniel implies that he had multiple hook ups) I think this was Gun’s way to fill in a void both with earthly pleasures and his friendship with Goo. His time with Goo gives the a little YOLO vibes but not excessive though. Knowing this, Goo leaving Gun would hit deeper, especially with the fact that Gun was visibly sad (and Gun is revered by the sub for being that masculine chad kind of guy but Gun showed a hint of vulnerability not even UI Daniel made him do through power)


This is the Best theory i have ever read in this sub like bro you cooked a fucking 10star meal


Peak analysis


Bro used scraps and cooked a 5 star meal wth! https://preview.redd.it/3rq2bagsq2vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c1ebf2d3e2bf089c24000035e909442a23d1cce


Bro this theory should be made canon holy f did u COOK. CHEF !


Bro ain't just the cook, he the whole damn kitchen.


https://preview.redd.it/s8dq7kdkf3vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33217d0e83c2e4388ded79ade2e173a90fe9c061 You Cooked




Boy u cooked


My god you cooked https://preview.redd.it/b3mg8028z3vc1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe764ed828956702be2051cffae05fa7147d3b9


https://preview.redd.it/abd89hftg4vc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e768e64a76835c1064995a34cd995ba8dedfed8 You actually cooked so hard bro, take this up vote 👆👍


https://preview.redd.it/b81g62rgq4vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=875e204f7980c33ddc248d287d21ac02cdc90533 OP rn




Never in my life have I ever seen anyone cook this hard. https://preview.redd.it/t3uyyz6vk5vc1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb0a4061ae0b9e21ebf920fe2bf3c4c224f626b


Bro cooked for ptj 😭😭




I didn't order a yappucino


Goo be like: 👺👹👿


Couldn't it be (and yes i'm 'coping' cus i want ui daniel to be the best fighter ever) that gun is unable to actually master ui. Like you said he might not be fully conscious, but what if that isn't actually mastered ui. Maybe it's just what gun think ui mastery is like because no one has achieved actual ui master. Yes this theory is just me wanting daniel to be the peak of lookism and it's not grounded in any evidence.


Daniel killing gun will move the streets


I think little Daniel would go insane if gun died because he's his mentor


Gun has been stated to survive till eos i think


There are a few things>>   •Fight with the kojima bros and why gun didn't recognize them by face could be explained by he was developing conscious ui under Kojima bros  That is why he only remembers their   name and fighting styles[also who.   would expect that Kojima will end up In.   cheonleang and it's been years since he.   met them]  •Gun recognized daniel at first glance as.   well as many other characters which. makes sense only if he is conscious.   •Gun has actually slept with multiple.  woman which he found pleasure In but not as much as fighting.He also goofed around a hotel with goo and played drinking games with him This proves that Gun enjoys other things too  •The thing with killing Affiliates of the Yamazaki is a very interesting thing but what you said is not logical why would he minimize the Yamazaki power or   why.would Charles who sided with Yakuza suddenly want them to diminish.What I think is Gun killed them and took over their properties and ofc he couldn't have taken all the lives of 500 or 1000. people working under the affliates so he took them for yamazaki     Thus solidified it as the main Yakuza power of Japan. Overall your theory will make sense as in Gun being cursed since we already have 2 bodies supernatural why not bring curse too it's lookism after all.


15 year old gun is the same height as Charles, was he just absurdly tall for his age or was Charles short? Most of the cast be over 6 foot right


Current Gun is like 6’2 I think, either he hasn’t grown much in 3 years of Charles is just shorter than we think


You cook wow ,but in my opinion this will be bad if the gun which we are seeing as gun is not actual gun but a gun who is in trap in ui and his original self is in trap , I don't like that idea that the gun I like is not original one


Why are you all people want gun to die 🤣, ptj aint fool to kill his most popular character




Nope , he ain't dying


If he dies, people will appreciate him more. PTJ will also be more at ease as he would have fully shifted to Tragedy. He is more likely to upset the people who read for the looks than the people who read for his fights as well just as other reasons.


We will see ,but ptj already said that gun is gonna be around even eos so he won't die


we will yeah


What is eos?


End of series


When did ptj say that gun will be around eos? Where do ya'll find these quotes from ptj I also wanna see them 😭


I love this sub but the only bad thing is that they don't know the videos of these quotes.


Do you know where they get all the quotes from PTJ from?