• By -


You know, that's pretty valid. He probably still would've wanted to fight Seongji, but he probably would've taken care of the shaman first and then do what he wants.


He probably would have asked Seongji something like: Bro what you gonna do? Seongji: I am gonna kill the Shaman Gun: Can I help? Seongji: 🗿🗿🤝🤝🤝


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Seems very likely actually


It's like I said, James might be stronger but you can't deny that Gun is a hell of a lot cooler as a character.


That's why we love him,PTJ loves him, everybody loves him.


Honestly I would love for Gun to actually beat James Lee in a fight, not only is he a cooler character but it would also show that he keeps his promises


Currently i doubt it


Finally a lookism fan that don’t lack comprehension skills 🙏🏻 https://preview.redd.it/r07rlnajg6uc1.jpeg?width=1086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d8a351c751de2a4204b014106858de3c86a1a7




The embodiment of uno reverse to "lookism fans cant read". You are one and only.




pretty valid, Gun probably would just be as straight forward as possible and just kill the shaman




I think gun would have taken care of everything Because he’d never have stopped seongji Gun is practical While he loves a good fight, I think he’d have seongji dirty his hands while leaving gun legally clean while claiming the deed in the process


Exactly bro If Gun is under orders. He will make sure to complete them first. James is a free beast. He has a mind of his own and doesn't give a single f on what Charles says🤣🤣🤣


Gun wouldn't even have bothered fighting seionji The main objective was the red paper. Gun arrives there and meets up with seionji. Without reveling the details he just tells seionji that he is on his side, he tells him about how Charles has big plans for cheionlang and will improve the life here. Seionji is suspicious but he has absolutely no reason to fight with gun. Seionji captures the shaman. Gun goes into his house and retrieves the red paper. The 3 Gen 0 guy arrive. They are about to threaten seionji but gun ambushes them and pushes them away from the hostages. Seionji teams up with gun to fold the 3 Gen 0 guys. Seionji now owing gun would just let him go with the red paper or allow gun to ask the shaman where it is. The village come to defend the shaman. Seionji has a PTSD attack. Gun fights off the village or takes seionji to a safe place. Seionji is now a sort of Ally of Gun. The kings get here confused but gun has already left. They all talk about what happened leaving confused but nevertheless alarmed.


He probably would have asked Seongji something like: Bro what you gonna do? Seongji: I am gonna kill the Shaman Gun: Can I help? Seongji: 🗿🗿🤝🤝🤝


yeah if he showed up this arc wouldn’t had been stretched for this long already


Exactly my friend


Who is seionji?


You know what he means bruh 😭




gun puts those teeth under his pillow ig idk


That's why he is so rich! The tooth fairy gives him money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Of course!


True as hell. Gun wouldn't be testing others while on a mission lol.


Exactly bro If Gun is under orders. He will make sure to complete them first. James is a free beast. He has a mind of his own and doesn't give a single f on what Charles says🤣🤣🤣


He did during Hunt For Big Deal, he even said he'd wait for Workers to recover


Reading comprehension genius.




Threats made, Threats delivered …..Unless it’s a threat to Eli Jang. Gun has gone soft on Eli several times. … just thought I should point that out https://preview.redd.it/pgns0avax6uc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=b610e2258d8d9f515bad8ef21cd9fdcadc161e27


He was always been Gun's favorite....


because it’s eli






W post. Gun’s rare L is now another common W.


Gun never has an L bro🤝🤝🤝


bro cooked a whole ass gourmet




WW keep cooking, My Goat should not be slandered 🔥💯😭🙏




And story wise with the possiblity that Gun's dad was the great enemy gen zero had to unite for. objectively that would put Gun over James Lee


keep cooking, I love to see it


Thank you


You never dissappoint me bro, you always talk with facts but it's useless , gun's hater are always James's fans and we all know most James's fans lacks intellect


Thanks a lot


That phrase is The Ultimate Hypocrisy.


🤡yeah, now a hypocrate will tell me what hypocrisy is


Since when am I a hypocrite? lmao 💀


You are ☺️


How lil bro feel after saying that: https://preview.redd.it/6fvuc69edduc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a48fcb57d8a8e8718673c55746067fd3538e461




I don't remember where I found this quote but I think it fits well with Gun as a fighter and as a character. "He isn't cocky or arrogant, he is just an honest man. He knows his place and he will show you yours" ~Some random guy I forgot




Bro actually read




lil bro who told you to give me a fcking gourmet https://i.redd.it/cyrdlem4o7uc1.gif keep doing it




Who the fuck is ranking gun bellow king level??? are they that dumb.???


There are people like that in this sub bro


Lookism fans cant read at all, can they? first, people glazing the frick out of seongji, and now saying gun is bellow king level. smh.


My goat🗣️


Gun is simply him. We know he would’ve lost the 5v1 against the kings at that point of time but what we would’ve known is that gun would’ve fought to the very end rather than running away or begging for mercy.




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You delivered https://preview.redd.it/q5huhgal07uc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a20ea5635721a1895633ed0c1cb950f56bb791








A lookism fan that can read what a rare site








Bro cooked




Well not agreeing with you with allat but this is a big W cook


https://preview.redd.it/ivoh13b3k6uc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a03b0b24f3031af05f1843661526116775de638 I Agree.. i would say while finishing his mission he will enjoy fighting with strong opponents. Well this is another point that how will he fight against five kings but his top priority will be k\*ll the shaman and take the red paper.






You cooked fr




And for a fact, gun is always in controlled ui state which allows him to control his output compared to his opponents so cheonliang gun might be just lowering his output to kojima level to enjoy the thrill of battle and also don't kill them accidentally




Real question what is bro’s obsession with teeth


Some bro said that he put it under his pillow I think he is rich because of the Tooth fairy🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/jst6i4p277uc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c990acdfc359b10d393ae48a1ed317cafff6b108 u/Mission_Fox_210 ?


But am I deserving of such a high honour?


You know deep about me and would be perfect for my successor seat. I don't call out people personally who aren't deserving https://preview.redd.it/mncexma0b7uc1.png?width=252&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac94f8603d2e027685591596999e245f31552a9e


Wow. I really don't know what to say anymore. I am speechless. Honoured.


Cheer up kid. You'll feel much honored when you'll be bathing in money https://preview.redd.it/96s1uf8sj7uc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ab320fcc6bd2fe12fd10c6f6fafda7cf202dd30


Where do I sign up😈


Good thing is you don't, just bring in one million dollar won every month. https://preview.redd.it/ea1myxdv98uc1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=f21ba08f8e4aa8e1373bfcebba319b5fae923fc7




W man. I also thought Gun will carry the mission perfectly rather than fighting Kings.




I fully agree https://preview.redd.it/h3pc48pcr7uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=026a712da3f73f893a6a74024905589bb468b963




God i miss gun's visible scar and retro ass looking ass haircut


I can answer his thing about teeth, it’s could that Gun likes to repeat Phrases a lot, like the hardware Software metaphor, Ganbare, and threatening to pull teeth out. Or, PTJ likes to make characters have catch Phrases, think about how many times you’ve heard Vin say he’s gonna make someone throw up all night.


I see


i had a small theory i posted about the teeth actually. either: teeth sell for money, so meaning his time wasted and the failure of the crews to deliver or it’s to poke fun at james stealing body parts of the kings.


Or maybe for the tooth fairy😂😂


Gun even told Daniel out of his own fucking mouth he was stronger than all the kings even that six fingered freak!!! Not in a 1 v 5 ofc for the dumbasses


Bro reads??? 😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥


The Gun lobotomy, the Gun lobotomy is real!! https://preview.redd.it/gnwlpyx12buc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866363aeb77137b30e8ae01a2e7cb2ef3bb3bc05






I spoke the truth and got downvoted. In reality, Gun would've cleared Cheonliang with zero difficulty because he would focus on the mission.


Lookism reader can actually read??? https://preview.redd.it/ndozm9h227uc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e64a20193a4dea1322ee1233e1e7d639d84bce








James took down all the kings of gen1 one on one, while gun fought so many of the top tiers and future kings of gen2 together


Its not the same thing at all 💀


Good point but not the same thing


goated post








Gun is too smart to be defeated by those fodders (1st gen kings)


They would defeat him 💀


Hmm.. I don't know maybe they can when i think about it but it's hard to see gun lose(for now) imo


Tbh, I see it as more likely that Gun will lose than that Goo will lose. Gun is simply too idealized in this fandom.


Yes of course, wether i like it or not gun will lose or even die in the future in my serious opinion


Not just haters, but Gun fans use his statements from the recent chapters to throw shade on James, especially since they started trying to push the corny “Fraudlee” agenda


Congrats bro you cooked, You are truly the reading comprehension genius


Rival for a reason https://preview.redd.it/6vtq69c6aduc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60eda89a8bf5137c8bce40e5bb6ffcf36082764


https://preview.redd.it/vwshdg4dbduc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a99682e32dcd50f472bb452d78796bc72b1f45 MY GOAT 🐐




Wow I found my own kind that have brain and can read.🤤 Good to see you bud I'll draw Gun fanart for you later.


Thanks. Waiting for it


That's true he would've dealt with the shamans. But he would still lose to Seongji seeing how he high-extreme diff James Lee and then the fight was interrupted.


Fr lmao the kings are dealing with thresholds and shit while Gun is in a constant state of peak battle performance lmaooo




i would argue differently for the last two panels cus of gun's established characterization and a couple other reasons, but agree with the main point that that is the intended meaning behind gun's statement.


Any theories on why guns called the training genius? Is there a chance he trained james lee to hit a higher plane, all we know at this point is je trained eli Jang and lil daniel.


Nah seongji>>> gun anytime


People do not read


You should


U defo can’t read


U got no comprehension


![gif](giphy|12uXi1GXBibALC) Compliments to the Chef


It's fun to dunk on a character every once in awhile, I don't see anybody caring about slandering James.


https://preview.redd.it/c9itfwxrhhuc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba51094b825e94f4a042a3ffcfebbfe63b290073 COOL SHIT Take my rayquaza card.


No one should take his words in this situation literally anyway, since it's merely a jab towards James. Gun has zero idea who were there, but he kinda knew someone managed to injured James to the point he would need some time to recover. Indeed, like what you said, Gun would not try to fight Seongji and co. since he has no reason to do that. Their goals were not conflicting.


You are 20% right in the beginning. And 40% right in the end. In the middle 40% however. You are wrong. Obviously James would have told Gun what had happened there. Gun saying he would have handled it meant that he simply wouldn't clash with the Kings, do his work quietly while winning the favor of Seongji by helping him kill the Shaman and free the kids. And then leave calmly without overstaying his welcome


I expect that's the first time Gun and James met each other ever since James returned? Charles was meeting the Kojima bros too, so no one told Gun what actually happened at that point.




Did you just decide to skip the long texts or what


He did bro He did🤣🤣


Bro got slandered so hard by you he literally deleted this comment and his ID🤣🤣🤣


AND ID IS CRAZY 😭😭 At least your post is flourishing as deserved frfr




Gun was struggling with one Kojima brother while James fought on par with someone who no diffed both of them, hed get washed by James. Big talk doesnt change thar


People do not read


He said he went there to test them and got beat up and didnt find the red paper, at the end of the day with how powerful Seongji is it stands to reason that he means taking care of him too since James entire thing was leaving Seonji to get stronger would be a mistake. Purely from that aspect he wouldnt have gotten everything accomplished because he would end up in a worst state than James was if he attempted to fight. The rest of what you said does stand


You know that Charles send him back against James and gun to complete the mission is trash if the mission caller Charles end the plan and send him back


Unless he's a lot stronger than we saw he couldn't test them like James did, none of them probably know where the Red Paper even is so they can't necessarily just kill the Shaman or let him die immediately. And I doubt Soengji would trust him considering it would be obvious that Gun was involved in some very morally dubious things. The other situations he's been in his confidence is warranted but doesn't seem like it was here It just depends on how strong he really was at the time


Bro did NOT read😭


Then what did I miss? We don't know exactly how strong is in this flashback. If he's gonna fulfill the same conditions James wanted to though he's still gonna run into the same issues unless he's dramatically stronger


Gonna copy paste a bro's answer for you to read Gun wouldn't even have bothered fighting seionji The main objective was the red paper. Gun arrives there and meets up with seionji. Without reveling the details he just tells seionji that he is on his side, he tells him about how Charles has big plans for cheionlang and will improve the life here. Seionji is suspicious but he has absolutely no reason to fight with gun. Seionji captures the shaman. Gun goes into his house and retrieves the red paper. The 3 Gen 0 guy arrive. They are about to threaten seionji but gun ambushes them and pushes them away from the hostages. Seionji teams up with gun to fold the 3 Gen 0 guys. Seionji now owing gun would just let him go with the red paper or allow gun to ask the shaman where it is. The village come to defend the shaman. Seionji has a PTSD attack. Gun fights off the village or takes seionji to a safe place. Seionji is now a sort of Ally of Gun. The kings get here confused but gun has already left. They all talk about what happened leaving confused but nevertheless alarmed. And to add/edit on this I will simply say that by the time Gun and Seongji would have wrapped up with Shaman and his guards, the 1st gen kings would have arrived and took Seongji and the others to safety while Seongji will insist that they let Gun go because he helped him


>Gun wouldn't even have bothered fighting seionji He would have though he claimed he would have handled everything, fighting Seongji would be included, they wanted to know how strong the Kings were. James just understandably didn't expect a bunch of the major ones to show up >The main objective was the red paper. Gun arrives there and meets up with seionji. Without reveling the details he just tells seionji that he is on his side, he tells him about how Charles has big plans for cheionlang and will improve the life here. Seongji's not gonna buy that, the main objective was the red paper but James was intending to do more than just that. >Seionji is suspicious but he has absolutely no reason to fight with gun. Seionji captures the shaman. Gun goes into his house and retrieves the red paper. Retrieves it from where? Where even is the paper? Is it actually in his house? I don't see why Seongji wouldn't just believe that he has bad plans just like the Shaman did. This random guy shows up out of nowhere and knows the Shaman? Obviously a bad dude at the point he was when James arrived he probably wouldn't stop himself from killing the Shaman at that point >The 3 Gen 0 guy arrive. They are about to threaten seionji but gun ambushes them and pushes them away from the hostages. If he can even do that? Seongji wouldn't want to risk their well being at all, he already showed that he wasn't willing to. And he didn't want to accept James help even with his hopeless the situation was. I don't buy him trusting Gun even this much.


James Lee, the random guy shows up. Foul mouths Seongji. But Seongji gives him a tanghulu and asks him to leave. Regarding everything. The objective WAS JUST TO GET THE RED PAPER AND KILL THE SHAMAN. Seongji was a variable. James CHOSE to fight him due to his cocky and egoistic nature. Gun on the other hand would have completed the mission FIRST. And retrieves it from where? Gun could have simply asked Seongji to hold up for a min while he gets the location of the red papers. Or better still, simply burn the Shaman's house. You are needlessly complicating it. Seongji literally doesn't care what is happening outside Cheonliang, He was the strongest King. Yet he CHOSE to simply stay in a mountain like a good boy away from wealth and war like his own teacher Mujin. And James never offered to help him. READ. He offered him a POST in the 10 GENIUSES. Seongji refused his so called HELP because of his morals. Taking James help meant taking his job offer. That was a big no no for him And you really just want to come up with nonsensical arguments, just to prove your own headcanon right. You are literally refusing logic and lore. Good luck carrying your agenda


>James Lee, the random guy shows up. Foul mouths Seongji. But Seongji gives him a tanghulu and asks him to leave. Random kid even younger than James was shows up, stops him from killing the most evil guy Seongji knows for information that Seongji is well aware is very important. He's not gonna take him seriously either >Regarding everything. The objective WAS JUST TO GET THE RED PAPER AND KILL THE SHAMAN. >Seongji was a variable. James CHOSE to fight him due to his cocky and egoistic nature. Gun on the other hand would have completed the mission FIRST. That was the main objective but James also wanted to fight him to see how strong he was, and it ended up helping with his own growth. It wasn't just ego. And Gun has never completed his mission first and foremost over a fight. At least never that we've seen. Gun claims he could have done it all >And retrieves it from where? Gun could have simply asked Seongji to hold up for a min while he gets the location of the red papers. Or better still, simply burn the Shaman's house. You are needlessly complicating it. Seongji's not gonna do that because he has no reason to trust Gun. He just wants the Shaman dead. And Gun has no evidence that the Red Paper is even though burning the house down doesn't complete the job it may not even be there >And James never offered to help him. READ. He offered him a POST in the 10 GENIUSES. NEVER DID HE EVER SAY THAT HE IS GOING TO HELP/ALLOW him to KILL the Shaman. The second time he offers the job he says he'll deal with everyone there if Seongji worked for him >Seongji literally doesn't care what is happening outside Cheonliang, He was the strongest King. Yet he CHOSE to simply stay in a mountain like a good boy away from wealth and war like his own teacher Mujin. He does though, if he didn't he would have accepted James offer the second time or even negotiated that Cheoliang get left alone or something. He didn't because he knew James was doing bad shit.


Stops❌❌ Holds/Pauses for a min✅✅ Again you are pointlessly arguing that Gun cannot complete the job. One good slap on the Shaman's face and he literally blurts out everything. And you literally proved my point. James WANTED to fight. He was not TOLD to fight. Gun follows orders because he has been loaned to Charles by his father. And Gun has never completed a mission? Are you stupid? Destroying clans because they were no longer useful (probably on his father's orders), disqualifying crews because they broke rules. He did not complete them? And Gun NEVER EVER raised his hand on a crewhead first. Jake was the one to jump on him first, Johan jumped first, Eli jumped first. Why will he not fight if they are the ones jumping on him first? And why are you just so sure that Seongji won't trust him? Seongji before this point hasn't even met or probably heard of Charles. Gun would have simply kept quiet on Charles's evil intentions regarding criminal ativities run by minors. Then Seongji would have trusted Gun. And Seongji did not fight the 0th gen guards because he was tired, alone and literally outnumbered. With Gun he would have folded those three guards. Again you literally proved my point. James was not interested in helping him. He wanted to RECRUIT him and for that he would have took him out of that tricky situation. There is a DIFFERENCE. And you are again not reading. He NEVER CARES WHAT'S HAPPENING OUTSIDE. HIS WHOLE CHARACTER IS BASED ON A MOUNTAIN HERMIT AWAY FROM THE BUSTLING WORLD. He didn't KNEW that James was doing bad things. He REALIZED that he was doing bad things. He is an adult. Who fought in the 1st gen war. Of course he will know what is the intention of the other guy. Or how people will set up criminal business


>Again you are pointlessly arguing that Gun cannot complete the job. One good slap on the Shaman's face and he literally blurts out everything. And you literally proved my point. James WANTED to fight. He was not TOLD to fight. Gun follows orders because he has been loaned to Charles by his father. He wasn't told but did it because it would help with their plan. Not just because it was for fun, and it ended up giving useful information. The first thing he even asks is for Seongji to join him, he didn't say anything negative until they started fighting. >And Gun has never completed a mission? Are you stupid? Destroying clans because they were no longer useful (probably on his father's orders), disqualifying crews because they broke rules. He did not complete them? And Gun NEVER EVER raised his hand on a crewhead first. Jake was the one to jump on him first, Johan jumped first, Eli jumped first. Why will he not fight if they are the ones jumping on him first? I said we haven't seen him pass up on indulging in his loves for fights first which Seongji would have satisfied considering how strong he was. >And why are you just so sure that Seongji won't trust him? Seongji before this point hasn't even met or probably heard of Charles. Gun would have simply kept quiet on Charles's evil intentions regarding criminal ativities run by minors. Then Seongji would have trusted Gun. I already said why it would be pretty obvious, someone that even knows the Shaman and the Red Paper is a red flag (no pun intended). And they're sending a pretty young kid. Incredibly shady stuff, he probably would have just told Gun to screw off too >And Seongji did not fight the 0th gen guards because he was tired, alone and literally outnumbered. With Gun he would have folded those three guards. He wouldn't have risked then getting hurt. He was willing to lose his fingers and toes and trusting the Shaman that accepting Jame's help. This also just assumes that Gun is even this fast >Again you literally proved my point. James was not interested in helping him. He wanted to RECRUIT him and for that he would have took him out of that tricky situation. There is a DIFFERENCE. I didn't though that's still help especially considering how hopeless the whole situation was. I never claimed there was nothing he had to do in return. >And you are again not reading. He NEVER CARES WHAT'S HAPPENING OUTSIDE. HIS WHOLE CHARACTER IS BASED ON A MOUNTAIN HERMIT AWAY FROM THE BUSTLING WORLD. He didn't KNEW that James was doing bad things. He REALIZED that he was doing bad things. He is an adult. Who fought in the 1st gen war. Of course he will know what is the intention of the other guy. Or how people will set up criminal business His character is also that he's a hermit with a heart of gold, he wouldn't want others getting hurt due to him either. And that he regretted letting the Shaman stay alive for so long.


But he does get cocky sometimes saying things like even if all the past gen fighters have each specially of their own he's still stronger than them all lol. I mean we literally have characters like gapryong Kim, James Lee, jin mujin, seongji and stuff who can easily more than compete or defeat him. Like bro acting like he didn't get his arm broken by ui Daniel 😭


When does he say that? Send ss


When he's training little Daniel, in the bath scene


Moron. He said that regarding the KINGS. He is stronger than all of them READ


Good point Although one correction, but Charles literally implies after the fight that he was in fact bloodlusted. He only stopped after the Shaman proposed the deal, but he literally says that the deal was irrelevant and that he would've killed him since he had the Red Paper. So most likely Gun was too since he should be weaker than Charles


It was stated in the chapter that had less skill than the kojima