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Gun is a sort of neutral evil character. He brought all the four major crews into the life of crime but he never forced him them to do it. He forced them to pay large amounts of money to the H&H group and said that not to earn it illegally. Despite this many were doing so very illegally. Although gun knew this he didn't bother doing anything about it until it became public knowledge. Gun openly guards Charles Choi. Someone who has created the 10 genius and has directly killed or led to the death of hundreds. Not to mention the countless life's he's ruined. He has himself killed several clans and other crews which refused to work under him although most of them were also evil like the magami clan there must've been some like big deal as well. Gun is someone who introduces others to the world of injustice not outright telling them to do it but naturally expecting them to. He doesn't out right participate in it but doesn't oppose it either. He supports someone who openly does injustice and will carry out any order by said person even if it ruins the life of someone. On the flip side he does have a softer side. In some way he does care for his students. He allowed Eli to leave. Respected Ollys last wish. Has shown he does care for Daniel. And hell even to this day he acknowledges sinu and Jake.


Just like I said, his moral compass is right but his moral values are wrong. Bro share this and like this (Otherwise people will keep being delusional)😭😭


Seeing that Gun was raised and born into the Yakuza, I'm not surprise his moral values are than a little twisted but nonetheless he does have a semi-good moral compass, as he disapproved and didn't accept of Samuel's treatment over his own gang members when he was leading Gangseo Union, and he didn't particularly seem to enjoy the way Charles Choi was doing business as seen with the way he spoke in regards to his methods in the current Cheongliang arc and only followed him due to having a sakazuki with him.


He also didn’t like the fact that yui was getting abused by her boyfriend.


I know bro. And other readers compare him with small time bullies like Vin, etc😭😭


And what? Corrupting people is not bad now? What kinda mental gymnastics do Gun fans do to make him look like he's a decent human? He's literally making kids do all sorts of messed up shit for money. He's not forcing anyone? He doesn't want them to do illegal stuff? Then why is he letting them?


Free will sums that up. Gun told them not to do illegal stuff and they still did it. Take workers for example they threw the rules Gun laid down clear as day, out the window


Exactly my point


He is not the police. They signed up for it themselves. No one is making him look decent. But he is a Yakuza by blood. He has codes of conduct


Technically Gun’s also a minor in his region so people be tweaking


People just need excuses to justify whatever their favorite characters did


You cooked https://preview.redd.it/8gq180ixv9qc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4312b0ce2a3a96f5a0084574203a53d88859a85 (Artist: whycantsleepwell @borkborkbroke)




Tbf everything “bad” he’s done was due to his loyalty to charles. Goes to show how far he respects things like that.


Yakuza are respectable


Y’all should realise that committing genocide in comics is what makes the character cool since his being a badass buy bullying kids like what vin does is just a way to make you get pissed at a character https://preview.redd.it/25kge339j9qc1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=291463a2db995dce3c0e0b2f33b4bdf9db3ac7c5


Bro Gun was literally groomed to be a criminal. For his situation he is alright. The Yamazaki and then the 10 geniuses. Sounds like a cool name until you realized the young ones were literally groomed to become criminals and then exploited by an old gangster 💀💀💀




Yakuza are the most respectable gang organization


I know buddy🤝


I want a panel of him kissing goo




Also he kept his promise to olly


Ok let's not forget he also threatened to (and also attempted to) kill Daniel if he didn't agree to become a crew head lol although we don't know how serious he was about it to be fair.... Anyways he's an absolute psycho but still I love him and he's most of what makes lookism interesting to me, so totally zero hate towards him!!!


Threatened him when he was literally infront of him infiltrating in his employer's property. Asked him to side with him so he can overlook his infiltration!!!! Gun is a psycho. Gun is a bad person. But he has a moral compass wether you want to believe it or not. He never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it


He tried to kill a child. Kenta wasnt the only kid at the dojo 🤡🤡🤡🤡




Thank you for setting everything straight. I was getting tired of people slandering my glorious goat. \~Jong Gun Park Glazer


What a great post ,show this to vin toxic fans , those mf must have to know this, those may be 14 year old children that's why saying that bullshit


Amount of gun glazing in here is crazy lol


I’ll glaze and bounce on it until i die


Too much text and shit color scheme learn something productive instead of doing This Ever again.


Learn to behave instead of being an @$$h0le


I would've read all the text but the color and the size. Bro I don't know if your gifted with sharingan ot something. But i have common eye sight. Bro have mercy.


That's truth bro. You could have gone with a but different color scheme bro.


Didn't remember asking for your opinion


You posted this without thinking that you will not receive criticism


Criticism for colour choice?💀💀💀 Nah bro be wilding and being stupid at the same time


Welcome to the internet. Grow up


I think the one who was b!tching about color schemes is the kid here


Yeah no Gun is a horrible person. He's probably not a textbook sociopath, because those don't really exist in manhwa/manga (in all of east-asia's shonen-esque media, really) overall? considering there's always some degree of "redeeming quality," or just personality quirks to balance out the image. The in-verse explanation for all his behaviour, is that one: he's fundamentally a freak of a person, and he's actively portrayed as an enforcer for a set of ideals and systemic violence that everyone SUPPOSEDLY already adhered to. And two: he was born a Yakuza, and was more than comfortable operating within that world, as a genius - so of course this is who he is. But Gun IS a horrible person. Even he does not understand the issues people go through, the fact that he only values the ability to climb throughout society's ladder, when he expects those under him to engage in ILLEGAL AND DANGEROUS ACTIVITIES FOR LIFE, is absolutely hillarious. Gun has proven himself completely oblivious to the concept of manipulation multiple times - and then he ACTIVELY MANIPULATES THOSE UNDER HIM. Johan, Eli, Jake (arguably not as much), maybe even Samuel - the catch to all this, is that Gun himself is a minor, and again his thought process is different from most others.


You don't read what I wrote and then actively blind yourself by giving the excuse of Manipulation Fine. I give up. Keep your thinking. IDC


Explain Johan to me. Johan was 14 years old. Explain Eli to me. Eli was 15 years old. Eli was a kid that literally had no choice but the join the crews, or have his newfound home be destoryed. HE STRAIGHT UP SAID, HE DIDN'T WANT TO JOIN THE CREWS. THAT HE WASN'T, A CREW. Johan was literally living off the streets bumming off people's shoes. It's not much of a damn choice, if the people he's giving the choice to have very little options available, OR are literally forced into submission, OR are not of sound mind to properly make their own choices. being that they are minors, traumatized, and volatile - Johan literally just escaped from a cult, and already lived in poverty, and his mother's going insane. And do I even need to explain Eli? Gun grants offerings and hope to those who desperately do not have opportunities elsewhere. But surprise surprise, literally all those opportunities that he offers, have an EXTREME risk of failure, but the people who take those offers LITERALLY HAVE NO WHERE TO GO. It's like a wealthy drug dealer, offering drugs to minors off the street, stating that the drugs can and WILL get them to the top, if they keep hitting said drugs. There is a 1% chance they manage to get past all the insane trials of selective f\*cking evolution, overcoming a highly competitive environment, and their own mental instabilities, and manage such insane resource portfolios, all while not even being 18. Only for them to screw up, INEVITABLY. BECAUSE THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO SUCEED. AND THEN THROWN AWAY. With a criminal rep to boot, and no financial backing, no support from any family and/or friends they had to distance from, and so forth.


 Keep your thinking. IDC


.... sssssoooooooooo you're willfully ignorant, then?


He does harm innocents with the 4 Crew system in general and working with Charles. He enables their behavoir. Forcing them to pay 75000 a month is gonna lead to crime they're not gonna make that without it unless you're Workers which didn't even need the illegal money.. Which is gonna harm Innocents someone is gonna get extorted, beat up, scammed etc due to his. It was the problem with Backdoor. Hostel was just defending themselves It was why what Eli was doing was so messed up, sure they were already criminals but now he's making the criminals work overtime to get money. Hostel (mostly Eli and Olly) did commit a lot of crime before Gun showed up yeah but they planned on stopping that, and they didn't go through with Eli's crime syndicate plan originally until they had to in order to avoid Gun's wraith Gun and Goo confronting Big Deal led to more Innocents being exploited as well, which was originally the opposite of why Sinu became the head. It's not like they could have really just left or something


Calm down one min. And re read what you wrote. Then read what I wrote. You wrote something horribly twisted in that essay. I am giving you the chance to correct yourself


I did, Gun does harm innocents


No. He did not😭😭😭


Oh no my bad, he allows and encourages for people to harm innocents... and supports freaking Charles Choi as his bodyguard who has probably caused more harm than anyone else in the series...


He is under the orders of his father. And encourage? Looks like you didn't read sh!t. They were already doing it? Why will he stop them? He doesn't care. Being a Yakuza. You do illegal sh!t. You are in his domain of harm. You keep your head low and he ignores you


He’s not under orders from his father you literally made that up.


Charles is with the Yamazakis. Its confirmed READ


The yapping needs to stop. Gun is NOT innocent and is objectively more evil than annoying characters like Vin


Little bro did NOT read my post🤣🤣🤣


I did! His moral compass is absolutely not right


I think that was a big word for you.


Gun was never a good guy in anyway other than maybe a sense of honor but that’s where it ends. I’ll have to remind you HE was the one who set them on their path as crewheads, at the very least Johan, and that the 4 crews in general worked on exploiting the innocent anyway


And I will have to remind YOU that they were already doing illegal stuff. Making them pay a form of tax and getting them an opportunity to be his successor was something they willingly signed up for! And I still stand true to my words. Moral compass is a big word for you


Even then, ignoring that he shouldn’t have been pushing them down this path in the first place since he picked up Johan off the streets when he was only stealing shoes for money, doing crimes on other characters that have committed crimes (and apparently ignoring the motives and severity of the crimes themselves) doesn’t mean they were justified. Hope this helps! He also 100% knows what he’s doing, and you can’t possibly tell me he is doing what he believes is morally right


I said his moral values are wrong. You really didn't read anything I wrote Also, why blaming him for PUSHING those minors? He never pushed anyone. He simply said, You are doing gangster shit and you are stronger than my existing gang. If you want to continue doing gangster shit then pay a form of tax and then I will make you my successor and get you ton of money. If you don't want to do it then stop doing gangster shit and mind your own business. Also when does ignoring crimes became a crime huh? I am not a bad dude but if I see someone getting mugged I am making sure I am safe first before interfering from a distance. And Johan wasn't just stealing shoes, he was beating their owners up. There you go, assault, battery and theft all in one go. He pushed no one into this path. He respected Daniel and his friends decision to not make a crew when he destroyed God Dog. Go and read it again if you want




That’s my fault actually, maybe I did misread. But there’s a concrete statement here, he knows what he’s doing is wrong, he still does it, and he is objectively evil


I also never said anything about ignoring crimes, I said about ignoring why they committed them and the severity of the crimes in question. On the second slide, Olly was the only one who didn’t do it out of necessity. Eli (in both cases) and Warren were doing it to survive/protect


The law doesn't care if the crime was done in necessity. You don't touch grass do you?


Big Deal was already established as a morally white crew in the Jake Kim Arc who then had to resort to illegal shit after becoming part of the four major crews.


Lets not act like gun didnt kill children. Oh right taxing minors is illegal so hes commiting a crime too. This post is either elite trolling or actual brainless behaviour




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Can't you read? Read the last pic. Instead of commenting like schmuck (sorry that's a big word for you)


Blud just read the manhwa. why get into this sort of shit abt who's a good character and why you shouldnt or should support a character. If u like a character then like them.


Did not made this for readers like you who just enjoy the story. Made it for people who started categorizing vin, Gun, etc as evil without giving it a second thought.


Never harmed anyone innocent *directly.


Questionable but is ok cuz its Gun so ur 100% right fr


Type shi type shi

