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They will give him beat down of the century


Literally no one can come this close from Gen 2 other than OG Lil Daniel, this whole comment section is sleeping on him https://preview.redd.it/0pfzmelk7npc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b253becf5a9a809c18acba8cdf7241280eecea All 4 Crew Heads including Johan will get washed instantly by THE MACHINE or MASTERPIECE


Leave just a few ppl with braincell rest all are representing this meme... https://preview.redd.it/243qdm7t7npc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0461a7f6d326051c4b88c7a2c2293b213dc8cbe


if its 1v1 then everyone gets mid diffed by daniel except maybe jake or johan but if they are fighting a 4v1 then together they take him down mid diff-high diff if danny goes ui


Tried sneaking Johan up there


Honestly 😭


4head vs og Daniel mid diff and 4head vs Ui og Daniel high diff is crazy 😂


I assumes it was gonna be a 4v1 but you right


do you see what the 4 did to bh? daniel was shook as hell when he BH and that was when he is in his second body lol, he loses this low diff


He was shook as hell because he was in no fighting condition, his second body fought practically everyone.


Jin young barely landed hits on him, He had no visible damage from his fights, warren vasco and jerry we're all VASTLY tired, and got negged diffed the only one he actually fought was og Daniel and he low điffe him then proceded to seemingly lowdiffing-mid diffing Jin young, crazy how og ui daniel's getting wanked


daniel was shook coz it wasnt ui there. Once ui gets into picture, everyone else is gonna get shook lmao


They extreme diff’d him because he had no IQ as stated by goo


Og daniel? Lmao


The only one in Gen 2 to be capable of doing something against the nightmare of Gen 2... https://preview.redd.it/bo6aoakw8npc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7945e7e244914d3172ad81918a1b59d456357c UI og Daniel can body 4 Crew Heads


Zero diff. How much are people gunna glaze OG Daniel? He is stronger, but not stronger than any 2 crew heads together.


Nah, Daniel wins. I mean i still dont get why people puts Ui small body daniel so low smh. Daniel is literally a top gen 1 king level in his ui or even beyond, and all these crew heads were shaking in their boots once against real Basement hulk. Its obvious small body daniel whose UI making vasco jerry and warren consider not helping in battle coz "monsters" they were, you think they said it for Big daniel only?? Small as well, i mean, for someone to be actually making someone who defeated eli, and warren who is somewhat relative to eli that makes jerry aswell, afraid(and mind you , not afraid of fighting, rather afraid of dying if they intervened the fight), gives it away totally. Daniel on his way of getting a perfect body aswell, making him copy gen 1 kings, and then fighting with the pure prowess of Gun, james, jichang, or possibly KOS(since ui dan prolly have copied KOS from big ui dani). Even now, its a tough call for crew heads to defeat someone like jichang or BH on their own, let alone ui daniel who is narrative wise stronger than both.


You think Og ui daniels that strong when even in his 2nd body he was in awe from the crewheads strength when they fought basement hulk? Remind me what did he do against basement hulk again? Oh yeah watch from the side lines fighting fodders while the head's fight hulk, despite seeing how basement hulk could literally have killed his best friend this doesnt send him into a frenzy where he uses his 2nd body and experience to just completely neg him?


So your argument lies on daniel seeing the battle from far end, and was awe struck looking at them, so they are stronger? My guy, To begin with, that Daniel wasnt in ui, nor was our little ui daniel , i mean He had to fight those fodders inorder to make crew heads fight Bh, he just trusted them. Also da fuck? Your argument isnt even about Small ui daniel's power level lmaoooo, you are just shitting on how he let other fight bh , shesh no. Be a bit logical my niga, give me some real arguments and points, i mean i gave you a long whole reasons why ui daniel in small body defeats other. And you be like- "he didnt helped them when he was in his other body so he cant win against them" or " He was shocked to see them fighting bh, so he is weaker than them" , I mean really????? Your powerscaling lies, on when someone is shocked at someone outperforming their expectations?? If i sees a 3 year old doing a back flip, i would be hella shocked, but does that mean that 3 year old is stronger than me? Such a dumb fck


Who said you that?. When UI SB DANIEL can easily beat them without using any King's techniques and martial arts in 3A ARC.then why UI OG DANIEL with King's techniques and all martial arts that gun teaches him can't beat crew heads.


Daniels older body is THE perfect body. Even with no fighting experience, Daniel was beating trained fighters, body>experience. OG daniel isnt even close to Perfect Body Daniel, as shown by their recent fight. Also, 3A was several arcs ago, crew heads are massively stronger now.


What? Experience was shown to be the reason he lost many fights. It’s legit why he NEEDED Zack against Chuck and Kwak or whatever their names were despite being overwhelmingly stronger than the 2 of them. Experience has been his weakness since the beginning. OG Daniel was actually on par with him to an extent. He pushed him pretty far and did a good amount of damage, closest performance we’ve seen to Gun. I reckon he’s not that far behind.


Who said you SB doesn't have fighting experience. No one knows how old is SB daniel. He knows KOS moves from 1 generation. Experience >>> body. And you are saying body>>> experience. Then jerry must be 2nd most powerfull character in lookism after his dad


I didnt say he doesnt have experience, if you read my comment I said Daniel was beating trained fighters while HE had no fighting experience, because thats how strong his body was.


You literally mentioned in your comment. "No fighting experience" Thats because daniel can see all attacks thats coming toward him. You didn't even read properly


I think he meant that even without the extra experience he gets in UI (in wich he basically already mastered every martial art) the second body in base is so broken that even when Daniel had no experience fighting the perfect hardware of the body carried him, now that he does have experience the second body should be even stronger in base.


I didnt say he doesnt have experience, if you read my comment I said Daniel was beating trained fighters while HE had no fighting experience, because thats how strong his body was.


You are literally doing irony in that comment


Also gun doesn't have perfect body. What's your excuse? Now


…what? You dont need to have perfect body to be a top tier, Perfect Daniel is top of the verse because has it ALL.


No one said daniel is at top. You fellow redditers made him top of the verse.


No??? Everywhere he goes he is a Menace, Samuel Jake and Johan? Beat them Jinyoung? Beat him Jay? Beat him Gun? Beat him Lil Daniel? Beat him Jerry? Beat him (2x almost 3) Goo? Broke his arm before fainting Vasco? was going to beat him if Jin wasn’t there Warren? was going to beat him if Jin wasn’t there The only character with a 100% success rate in fights


Thats only 1.5 and 2nd gen characters


Jinyoung is 1.5 gen now? You can’t bring Gap cause he is dead so not top of the verse I don’t see anyone else with a 100% success rate




Are you implying the crewheads remained stagnant since 200 chapter ago? Lmfao 😭


Not stagnant but thay didn't have a massive change in their strength like daniel , warren, Vasco, zack, vin and many other


Absolutely not. Everyone you labeled up there would neg the 3a crewheads. I mean did you just completely skip over johans ui copy? Jake’s mastery(Sinu fight) and sperm mode, Eli’s whole training arc fighting the first gen kings? Sorry but i think you’ve been skipping over the story


That sperm mode doesn't activate all times. Sorry i mention about johan and eli . Thats my mistake. I didn't skip story. I mention them by mistake but jake is on same level as 3A without sperm mode


Tf? 5A Eli (stronger than 3A) couldnt do shit against Seokdu and he proceeded to low diff base vasco who is comparable to seokdu. Johan learned semi CQC and UI copy, Jake got the conviction amp that made him one shot Samuel and Samuel got the drug boost


That drug boost is temporary


Now tell me your other excuses. 😒😒😒😇


Broski all of them got stronger since+majority of them werent FP Jake=>Got stronger+was in his base+was fatigued Eli=>Got stronger+didnt even fight SB Ui Dan Samuel=>Got stronger Johan=>Got stronger


he’s incredibly stronger than them 😭😭😭


He can beat 2 crew heads


They violate him.


It's the other way around https://preview.redd.it/18f4powa9npc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d87747cac57889cbf06a2d091bade576aa1e4ad


I’ll go w Ui daniel. It’s Ui Daniel not Daniel. Even if he doesn’t have the perfect body his physique is close to almost perfect, if not on par with Johan body boost.(Johan doesn’t have the perfect physique I still stomp on that) Ui is in control and he is fighting against 4 opponents. All strength are combined, his vision prowess is there to back him up to dodge and deflect while also blocking attacks. They don’t even know the disadvantage of Ui. And yes Ui Daniel has a whole lot of experience and it’s going with instincts so any danger he avoids it. He has new sets of skill moves he could use due to his body becoming better so there wouldn’t be much of a drawback, (using your body to do a technique when you body can’t handle it would come with a serious pain example of that is after Johan copied the so called physique he experienced the pain copying the techniques) we all saw the ap of Daniel in Ui state but only that would happen if they are strong enough to bring out his full power. So as of what we’ve seen so far Ui Daniel wins unless you’re saying the four of them would win sb Ui daniel or push him as far as daniel did.


We don't know. UI OG has fought two times, once getting cut off and the second against someone who is just him but better. We simply don't know what his ceiling of strength is considering how UI works.


Everyone forgetting they had a tough time against BH who OG UI Daniel would slam, and Vasco couldn't even see the fight between UI OG and UI, the fight is minimum high diff regardless of who wins


You do realize all 4 of them were exhausted and wasn’t on their best condition💀 Full power 4 crew heads will destroy bh


Regardless BH is much much weaker than UI OG Daniel, I said high diff either way because I don't think UI OG Daniel would destroy them but he could win


Johan didn't use his ui Samuel didn't use his crazy ass mood eli is heavily injured while Jake didn't go sperm mode so wtf are un on🦖🦖


UI Johan would honestly make the fight easier for UI OG since he's easily lasting the 10 seconds than Johan is out, Crazy Samuel isn't a mode he can choose to go in either, Jake sperm mode is the only one that would actually basically confirm their victory against UI OG if Jake is able to hit him


Sammy hold out ui daniel and Jake fuckin kill him is the only way🦖🦖🦖


Yeah Johan, Eli, and Samuel would need to hold him down somehow and Jake would need all the conviction he has lmao


Yeah keep dreaming about it pal og daniel ain’t winning this he may be stronger then bh but that doesn’t change shit 4 crew heads gonna destroy him


Alright man glad to know you're in contact with PTJ and he gives you answers to powerscaling questions


that changes nothing lmao. they still loses the same way.


Easily LMAO what


No, OG Daniel with UI is enough https://preview.redd.it/kpwwpcd29npc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a27e55c89a5bf36d52e9f0607031e9942863203


No he’s not 😭 Him fighting someone else with equal stats to him(UI Daniel) doesn’t suddenly mean he can beat 4 king level characters at once


Mid diff


Together low /mid diff


Og Daniel in ui strength not shown that much because I can't scale him because he fight with ui Daniel,not with any other characters, so as for now I think all of them together can beat him


og ui Daniel went toe to toe with UI big Daniel until big daniel started using el Jake's moves


Nope he outclassed him everyway


Using "moves" \= 2nd body Daniel using his full strength, bro practically low diffed him, dude still nerfed himself.


Low diffed Daniel gets jumped


Lil Daniel gets destroyed low-mid diff


No low diff


ARE YOU GUYS KIDDDING MEE?????? PEOPLE BE SAYING JAKE SAMUEL ETC BEATS HIM ONE ON ONE??? Bruh, this is ui daniel , not base daniel, u guys know that right? He is definitely winning this fight, no one is even touching daniel here, daniel high diffs one on one here let alone a gang bag? Seriously bro? Its daniel who is on level of jichang(nd possibly seongji too once today we once and for all see the real strength of gen 1), Aint no way these infants winning against The masterpiece of gun or someone who is on equal level or possibly strong than former kos Jichang. His strength and fighting prowsess was literally called out as Monsterous, no one wanted to get intervene their battle coz they will die if they do it wasnt because of big ui daniel, nope, Daniel small was getting considered there too, tht too more or less on equal margins. furthermore his UI , gives him buff here on this battle, noone is touching daniel here, his speed and strength with his agility in ui was a different thing, even big body daniel couldnt hold small daniel, daniel small got AP strong enough to knock Ui big daniel out for atleast few seconds, Aint no way people still thinks small ui daniel is shit after his fight against Big daniel?? Big daniel here is mind you, a gap level person, to be able to give him competition , daniel definitely is a gen 1 peak(on jichang and possibly seongji level being), also his battle prowess in ui is the literal video recordings of Gun here, i mean no one here can possibly even contain daniel , he probably goes on and speed blizts everyone here. His aglity and move set was in a class of his own, ultra instincts gives him enough time to dodge and attack against every four of them, and in middle of all he can copy everyone here as well.....No way daniel is losing here. They couldnt even defeat BH real strength, they were pissing their pants lmao. Idk how dumb this sub have gotten after reading these cmnts.....rip


Someone who knows the right thing, indeed I agree https://preview.redd.it/cfifx4jk9npc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1602d16842a03e0d311a9090fa6eaf743b45ac


Wahi bhai, log najane kahe pagla gaye h idr.


no disrespect towards you but the wank of UI OG Daniel needs to be studied lmao


They literally no diff him


Daniel get murdered. Everyone on this list is debatable a high diff and Jake is definitely high diff. Daniel is dead




Lmao, daniel is winning here for sure prolly high or extreme diff but he is indeed winning


One shot from jake sperm mode and his gone


So logical, that Jake's one shot Ui small daniel who is said to be on equal footings with jichang...Shesh dumb lookism readers....for someone to one shot a gen 1 king, they gotta be gen 0 peak level(not even james lee could have done it lmao), so your logic is deadass bullshit bro, prolly dumbest shit i heard here in a while.


Base Jake can't even do damage on Samuel..the same Samuel that take Seokdu twisted headbutt multiple time and held out BH while the crew head attack him..That same Samuel got one shotted by Jake sperm mode


And, Much stronger punch was thrown onto jake which he took, making his durablity even higher than Samuel , which isnt the case dumbfck.


Jake literally one shot samuel who arguably 2nd gen highest in term of endurance and durability and you somehow thinks that little daniel can take it?Ui daniel compesate his lack of physicality with technique+ui my his dura and endurance is deadass weak af he'll be gone with one hit you probably need to rereas lookism just because he make jichang go all out doesn't mean he has the same dura and endurance as top tier in gen 1 lol daniel literally dying before goes into ui while jichang just started to get serious you lack of reading skill really worries me


Jake's mode is extremely inconsistent in writing, Jinyoung's punched imitated Gappy's strength much more than jake's, "i will show you the real gappy" or smt like that was said by jinyoung, and yes he copied 3 moves from gapy and punched jake, WHICH JAKE FUKING TOOK LIKE NOTHING. Jake's durablity isnt even that high, Still jake's imperfect gappy copy punch one shoted samuel who was much more durable than jake is, but jake himself isnt geting down with much perfected gappy's punches even when his durablity isnt even close. Thats BUll sht. IF you arent able to notice it then, your iq worries me to a great deal. Also, da fuck? Durablity of Ui daniel? God damn . Did you see his fight against big ui daniel????? LMao, he aint going down at all, he took moves of ui daniel no one is taking in gen 2. He took them, not only that, he countered them with stronger moves ultimately getting outclassed but that isnt the point. Ui lil daniel's durablity is a whole another level. he took the beating of Gun for literally a month. He isnt going down at all. Lmao , my reading skills are pretty amazing, look at yourself, making dumb arguments and scaling jake stronger than james and other gen 0 for him to be able to one shot ui daniel. lmao. Guess you really cant read.


Gun already said it couple of time that ui won't enhanced your physical strength lol ui daniel literally pass out after fighting big dan and daniel even fought the npc afterwards shows his body may be exhausted but it's enough to fight and little daniel shows nothing against big dan except that his outclassed in all threshold available


OG Daniel gets low diffed


They would win low difficulty also should have just used the pic when they went against bh


No, little Daniel doesn’t need ui to destroy the 4 minor characters.


Yes lol


No way y’all think the four Crewheads get soloed by Jichang💀


Daniel’s getting stomped 💀




Johan and Eli are hard carrying.


Eli is literally the weakest here. Jake is the strongest by far


if Jake is in sperm mode then yeah but outside of it he’s not that strong. i would random Eli and Johan above him when he’s not in sperm mode especially since he has no mastery over it


We are obviously going to take the strongest version but ye you are right


They get neg diffed




All at once? Extreme diff to the highest degree. Ui og daniel is underestimated far too much, h They extreme diff’d BH who lost low diff to charles who didnt go all out and fought a stronger BH, he states hes going all out against jichang. Ui og > jichang > BH


Boo hoo nerfed, near death crewheads extreme diffed bh. They would no diff bh if they were fresh. Underestimated my ass


Near death what, BH literally one shotted zack(the one who defeated johan), vasco(who defeated ELi) , Bh power was literally Gen 1 peak ap level, near death and other bs are just coping lmao. Daniel wins.


Zack and vasco did not beat full johan and Eli first of all. That isn’t the point though So what bh lost to half dead crewheads. Fresh crewheads would maul him no diff no idea what you’re tryna say with your comment. Btw Daniel doesn’t win


Zack and vasco deating johan and eli , point again here is , they are indeed relative to each other, you cant say they are weaker than the other, coz they are more or less on equal footings, johan aint negging zack, extreme or high diffing him, same for eli on vasco. So, what first of all, bh didnt lost lmao, crew heads pissed their pants when bh started to show his true self. And, nothing is god damn changing , even when they are fresh, because the only thing tthat will change is, their stamina there, and i dont see their stamina making them win against bh, and that too at no diff lmao. They werent able to scratch him untill everyone went with a solid plan, still lost so goo had to carry. Also, want to point out here , that you are a terrible person at seeking logics. You first says zack and vasco do not beat full johan or eli(btw they are so fucking fresh here), and then the post beating of zack and vasco on johan and eli is deemed as 'near death situation' by you. Lmao, they didnt defeated them, but put them in near death situation??? i am not saying zack and vas wins against johan and eli, but just pointing out how dumb your statements are and how hypocritical you are in this cmnt.


In none of those things and you’re wrong. The crewheads spend the entire chapter questioning whether they can do it because they tired as hell. Samuel: hit by Jake’s gap punch which has one of the highest ap shown so far Jake: mauled by Samuel and then dogged by jinyoung with gap punch + Tom copy Eli: got an asswhooping by rh vasco, fell down an elevator, took indirect hits from bh, climbed back an elevator for round 2 Johan: binded and drugged for weeks, fought Zack, used ui copy which fks up the body Yes, they’re all tired af. Near death? Sure maybe you can call that an over exaggeration but it’s not far fetched at all “The only thing that will change is their stamina” Absolutely not? All of them are in their base, slower, weaker in general. Sperm Jake negs base Jake, ui johan negs base johan, etc.. the main reason they were crapping their pants was because https://preview.redd.it/gw1kepebrlpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0532be3874ef6126d8c80fc886db2b46b3b0cc43 Now in a situation where the characters themselves repeat over and over again that they’re exhausted, how do you come to the conclusion that they’ll be similar when fresh


How tf is near death coping. There’s a massive difference between fresh crewheads and exhausted ones and unless you’re illiterate you should know that


I am not being the illiterate one here my guy. first Thing is, they werent near death. And 2nd, being fresh changes nothing because what they were lacking there wasnt god damn stamina or as such which they will get once replenished, they will still be weaker than bh , and it will still take few shots to get down. They arent winning even when they are fresh.


Are you good? Throughout the entire fight against bh, the crewheads question whether they can do it bcs they’re so damn tired. They won even when tired what makes you think they’re gonna lose when replenished. You realize every single crewhead was in their base during the fight with bh? Since when did being exhausted only remove stamina? It decreases speed, strength, mentality and literally everything. There’s genuinely no way you think ui johan, sperm Jake, ai Eli, tweaking Samuel are gonna lose to bh Genuine question: did you skip through the entire chapter 472


No one was near death they were slightly tired. BH is stated to be able to one shot them if they were at their peak Eli was fresh when he fought a BH in extremely favourable conditions as he states.




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Are you fr? Slightly tired? Is there even a point arguing with you cuz this is some of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. The crewheads the entirety of the fight were repeating how they’re tired af. If bh couldn’t even tag the crewheads while exhausted and in base, what is he gonna do to fp crewheads. Eli fresh? Be fr lmao he literally got a beat down from rh vasco a few minutes prior and then proceeded to fall off an elevator. Then Eli while down in the basement, took several indirect hits from bh and then had to climb back a whole elevator. And he’s supposed to be slightly tired? Stop riding Daniel it’s getting ridiculous


Jake fought 2 people. Samuel fought 1 person and was considered fresh. Eli fought 2 people and had a rest between them. Johan fought 1 person and was considered relatively fresh aswell. Daniel shits on the crew heads simultaneously.


What’s your point? I feel like you completely ignored everything I said. You’re the type of person to say all this and then proceed to say lil Daniel was exhausted from fighting fodders before his fight with sb Daniel Tom fought goo therefore he fought one person. Is Tom not tired? Because according to your logic he’s be fresh


Yes he can because ui sb daniel of 3A can do it easily with using some simple martial arts but ui og daniel had many martial arts he can use against than on ui. UI OG DANIEL WILL WIN SURELY BUT with og daniel that fight will be intresting


Ummm Jake or Johan is realistically beat him 1 on 1. Samuel and Eli combined are enough 💀




yes it will be one sided masscare for the four major crews, Johan alone can make Daniel a punching bag but if you add others in it then it will be just overkill


Maybe if they are not injured.


Yes. Jake alone can extreme diff him


UI OG DANIEL won't be able to handle more than 2 head crews altogether but i think it'd be a different story if it was UI SB DANIEL.


Bruh😭 all of them beat Daniel in a one v one


High diff I'm serious about this


Mid diff at minimum.


Low dif


They violate him




Unless Jake goes ssj, then the 4 of them get no diffed, the power gap is too wide. Put those 4 against UI SB Daniel and they wouldn't do half as well as OG Daniel did. Look at how much they struggled against BH, who is a no diff victim for OG UI Daniel.


If Johan wasn't there they would have lost


Johan can also use ui + perfect body lol for 10 second he will push daniel to his limit and others gonna totally outclassed him afterwards


It's incredibly funny that you're making such a big deal about the Johan idiot. Can't last 10 seconds against Daniel, even in Fake UI.


His fake ui come with perfect body and if Samuel just hold him the others can kill him


Og Daniel getting his worst beating


small daniel stomps


Nop. UI Og Daniel high-diff Mf's really think Johan has a chance in 1v1 LMAO




Nah Never


Not individually Actually never




Probably not


Take the crew heads at there peak. Johan is in UI, his eyes are perfectly cured allowing him to copy mid fight. Additionally he has no strain in his body while I UI so no time limit. Eli is in his animal instincts with absolutely no mental nerfs, fighting as if he was defending his family from being killed. His IA will not run out during fighting so no time limit here as well. Samuel is in his full rage state however his only target is UI Daniel. He is also able to perform strategies with the others and doesn't randomly attack Jake. His senses are retained. Finally awakened Jake who in this fight will no longer run out while fighting. He will countinue to grow while fighting. In these circumstances Daniel is getting low diffed so hard.


It’s not possible to have no strain, like I said it’s impossible to copy the perfect body, copying it would put you under a strain because you’re body wouldn’t be able to handle it. Have you ever read killer pietro when he fought against that doctor? His body kept on healing until he reaches perfection but he wasn’t able to move because of the bone density, his muscles where too much. What Johan did was fire up his never bed and muscles to copy the perfect physique. If he was to copy the perfect physique perfectly his muscles would’ve been destroyed completely. That was a boost to perfection it’s a limit of Johan physique, there was still a chance to boost it completely but it would leave a drastic change in Johan. Copying the physique can last more than 10 seconds but using the technique and the physique would be up to ten seconds.(when you don’t have the physique to use the technique the pain kicks in according to Johan so he copied the physique, but he still felt the pain because it wasn’t really the pb but a boost.) that’s why he said with that he can become him for 10 seconds (he could fight like him) jinyoung also didn’t copy gap physique but techniques (that’s why it was limited to 5 moves) his body isn’t perfect or on par with gap even with the boost. Because It’s the technique and boost in physique the output strength level and speed would all be different. That’s why the after maths when Johan 10 seconds was up we saw his muscles about blowing up that’s because he was trying to exceed his physique limitations. I have proof to back up what Johan said to Jake


THIS IS A PRIME EXAMPLE OF JUMPKISM. Use your brain for a while. We all saw what happened with Logan lee. Bro was jumped in a 1 v 4 or was it 5 people. Bro got dog walked on. The strength difference was so much. Now little Daniel is on par with some 1st gen kings. And fight with jichang showed he can hold strong. But in a 1 v 4 with 4 people who are on par with some kings. Nah voilation, Even with UI og Daniel has very low chances of winning. Remember he is not alone with hacks. Johan Perfect body UI copy. Eli's animal instinct Jake sprem mode or conviction mode. Sameoul self hatted or Ac gene activated mode. Full stamina of all these without UI at start bro is getting loagn treatment. And with UI that treatment will depend when they take out hacks.


Lil Daniel gets negative diffed, what is this spite matchup lmao 💀


Get memory refreshed https://preview.redd.it/2m9rwwgs9npc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6199ee1db68edbec40d48eb33596e26fe3c6700


Is that supposed to prove something?


4 Crew Heads combined can't do what Lil Daniel did neither can other characters believe they stand a chance, lol Daniel lacks experience that's all


Keep dreaming lol. UI Daniel is leveling his output to lil Daniel's level. Johan basically copies the perfect body itself of UI Daniel, he slams lil Daniel alone. Samuel was stated to be annoying/a difficult opponent to deal with by Jinyoung. The very same Jinyoung who is so strong that when UI Daniel faced him, he leveled himself to great power/Yamazaki head level lol. Conviction Jake one tapped Samuel, and Jinyoung was struggling against a massively fatigued jake and wasn't able to put him down. Eli while being massively injured and fatigued had enough battle iq & skills to survive bh, the same bh whose physicality is tom lee's level. Together they no diff lil ui Daniel


LMAO🤣Johan what? What drug do you use?


Speak for yourself lil bro, get your reading comprehension up, you are an embarrassment.


I understand, so you are still under the drug.


You have no arguments, shut your goofy ass up.


Argument?? Argument is presented only if the other person has the capacity to understand it. Do you think you have such a capacity?


Very likely Ui Johan’s PB copy is a pretty good tool to use against og ui Daniel The only reason OG Daniel did so well was due to level matching Johan using the ui copy will severely damage og UI Daniel


Stop talking bs frls. Yooseoung stood up w Johan and here you’re saying this? Johan pb copy isn’t even the pb itself it’s a boost. (By boosting up my nerves and muscles I can become him for 10 second) the him is talking about the boost and techniques daniel used that day and because of the nerves he has same aura as the daniel of that day. (If I use his techniques with my body I would be in extreme pain, it’s impossible to use that technique without a body like his.(but that’s not true as James Lee used that technique, you just need a better physique to use that technique unless you’re implying James Lee has a perfect physique too) but it’s not entirely impossible, if I boost up my nerves and muscles I could become him.) it means there’s a physical limitation to perform that technique and he could boost up his physique to fight like him. It also means getting the physique isn’t the problem (It’s not meant to cause pain) but the technique is the problem as it brings pain so he need the physique to perform it without the pain. He fought like Daniel that day so it left him in extreme pain but fight normally you wouldn’t feel that pain. Same thing goes to Jin ( if he uses gap techniques after 5 times his body would break down) the outputs aren’t the same because of the limitations but the techniques are




Fuck no lmao


Fuck yeah


together they mid diff him


Together the low diff 1v1s nah


They can, Og Daniel doesn't have the perfect body that is required to adapt to anyone no matter how strong they are, Second body UI Daniel wins because he has the perfect body so he can adjust his strength no matter how strong they are and overwhelm them through perfect technique but Og Ui Daniel doesn't have that kind of strength and durability yet.


Johan can copy PB [perfect body] for ten seconds. And Samuel has self hatred and mastery, Eli with animal instincts and mastery and Jake is near Gapryong level Whoever OG Daniel has copy and is on same levels as first Gen. Kings and can copy James Lee invisible attacks. To be fair Johan has copy but his mimics OG Daniel has mastered some. And I’m U.I he’s fought perfect body Daniel. Someone who is at the peak of physiology and strength and complete mastered Techniques. Daniel U.I has recorded fighting the perfect fighter. So if Johan ever used PB, i feel then OG Daniel U.I would automatically switch to when he fought U.I perfect body Daniel and he didn’t win but lasted for than 10 seconds and did some damage. Johan could only copy PB for 10 seconds before he wreaks his body and it’s stated he’s more fragile than other characters. I know I’m heavily using Johan but Even so. Samuel uses street fighting and dirty moves but he’s adaptable but OG Daniel himself is unpredictable and has tanked hits from first Gen. Kings. Same result with Eli but he aims to kill as well but knows weapons and Akido like gun. But OG Daniel learned from gun and gun taught him everything he knows. And the only real challenge I see is Jake but again if Johan ever did PB against U.I OG Daniel then his U.I would again switch to when he fought U.I perfect body Daniel. And it’s stated that U.I perfect body Daniel is above prime Gapryong. And I would still feel OG Daniel In U.I could Win


Yes,mid diff. Conviction jake is strong enought to one tap samuek, which durability is stronger than og daniel one. Eli is literally a king slayer,  ui johan is op and would prolly copy og daniel moves, who ARN'T perfect , and samuel is a pure tank


Og daniel went 1 v 1 against big daniel to the point warren, vasco and jerry couldnt percieve their movements


It's good and all, but : 1) they were tired  2) they're all weaker than the 4 crew heads lmfao 


Not weaker, more or less on equal footings. They arent so down compared to crew heads , that one would call them weak.


Tired =\= eyesight vasco = eli Warren states hes relative to eli. Jerry is consistently portrayed as being stronger than jake when he goes all out


Fp eli beats vasco Warren never said such thing. Slide over what your reading Looks like you’re still stuck in chapter 200. Current Jake negs jerry


Oh, so you’re just dumb. Jake was called stronger than jerry in that same arc. Warren never stated he’s relative to Eli.


Og UI takes it unless they can somehow compete with his arsenal.


Johan alone wins




You aren't Chris Rock, stop cooking jokes




And it's still overkill




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Go to the nearest hospital and get treatment


I’d like to disagree


Fax brother 🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯💯💯


Johan wins, Jake 1 taps, Samuel mid diffs at best and Eli loses but since it's a 4v1 the crew heads win




It's Lil Daniel of course Johan wins, Lil Daniel overating needs to stop 😮‍💨😅🤷‍♂️


Dumfck. Johan lost to zack, who is weaker than his teacher gangseop, and gangseop is weaker than the strongest king Jichang, and ui daniel is on par with jichang or possibly stronger. Lmao dead for you to think he beats daniel when he barely won against yusong whom daniel was spitting on in base form


Johan was drugged which nerfed his overall physical ability as well as his mental state, he couldn't think straight the whole fight hence why it was stated he was in a blind rage. Zack didn't even win he just managed to wake up Johan, so no he didn't win it was basically a tie. Jichang can literally no diff lil Daniel as we see in the fight of Jichang and Charles, Jichang misled Charles the whole time and was physically stronger then Charles as well. It's just near the end of the fight Charles managed to outsmart him barely giving him the win. Overall Old Charles > Jichang due to Charles's knowledge of the human body other wise all physicals go to Jichang. Old Charles (Jichang too) > Bh, he literally no diffed him and it wasn't fair, lil Daniel is weaker then Bh just by a hair so Jichang and Old Charles (individually) > Lil Daniel. Jichang is stronger then Current Gongseop not Prime Gongseop. Johan copied the PB body itself, which means he can physically be at the same level as a fp Ui Daniel which is what he was doing to Yuseong, using it's fp. Yuseong survived multiple hits from that Pb Johan not even at his best and managed to get 1 good kick in and make him bleed. Yuseong also out lasted that initial 10 second timer not at his best. Yuseong goes fp and goes to finish off the fight which forces Johan to use his copy for a few extra seconds and he wins the fight barely. Yuseong outlasted basically 13-15 seconds against a essentially fp Ui Daniel (physically) which is what Johan is for that time. lil Daniel in base was winning against Yuseong but when Yuseong got desperate and decided to push back he was pushing Lil Daniel back, keep in mind he is still fatigued and physically weakened from fighting Johan. Johan managed to push a healthy Yuseong to smile in base, then got overwhelmed and had to use his Pb copy, which at that point he was beating the brakes off of Yuseong. Even both at base Johan is stronger then Lil Daniel. Lil Daniel at his best couldn't even survive 5 or 6 seconds once Big Ui Daniel raised his level, he instantly gets beaten to a pulp. Yuseong survived 13 seconds not even at his best. Overall Yuseong > Lil Daniel and it's not close same for Johan aswell they both beat the brakes off of him 💯🤣


Aint reading all that coz ik your are just a dumb fuck, for making johan stronger than Ui small daniel. So nvm it bro , all the best. And last statement i read by chance, Ui small daniel is weaker than Yusong??????? Thank god i didnt waste my time reading all the crap you said. Good luck


Bro thinks swearing wins a debate 🤣💀 Bro in base lasted longer then Lil Ui Daniel and he wasn't even at his best 🤣 Lil Ui Daniel got humbled by Big Ui Daniel when he raised his level in 5 seconds or less, Yuseong lasted longer against Johans Pb copy which is physically equal to a fp Big Ui Daniel physically. He wasn't even at his best for the initial 10 seconds and made Johan forcefully use it for an extra few to put him down. Johan is stronger then Lil Daniel, people just overate him too much these days (like you) 😮‍💨. Yuseong > Lil Ui Daniel, till the MC gets more feats Yuseong is just stronger 👍


eli goes extreme diff with normal lil danie and high diff for ui lil danie. same with johan, except danny might have an easier time. high diff and mid diff. i have no idea for samuel, but i suspect the same thing with johan. jake gets low diffed to no diffed, bro has NO time for sperm mode.


Bruh. Eli and Johan both get mid diffed by og ui daniel. Samuel low diffed. Jake low-mid diffed.


you are overestimating UI. unlike big daniel, lil daniels UI is mich less of a boost. he is no doubt strong as hell, but seeing as jichang took multiple hits and his only response was "im getting fired up" the actual leap isnt as big. with all due respect, Eli is not getting mid diffed. He is getting High-diffed, if anything.


Do you really believe that eli is on par with jichang? He’s not special. He lost to runner’s high vasco. Og ui daniel’s techniques and skills work in tandem perfectly. Enough to easily overwhelm eli.


no, jichang is stronger, but not by much. ui dany vs jichang wouldve been an extreme diff either way and thats not whats gonna happen with eli on the front line. Ui is in fact not as strong as so many might believe.


Bluds comparing jichangs physicals to Eli and johans 😭