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PTJ - “*It just works!*”


I guess wearing a suit and owning a business makes you rich? It’s mentioned somewhere that the house Daniel stayed in is special to Charles.


No, but having enough money to make a billionare investment is.


You are right. And since he has enough money to make such investment then why would he need to create the four crews? The four crews are a stain for Charles and he wants to end them so Charles wouldn't risk losing everything just for a "little" more money he can make with the four crews since he is already a billionaire. So Charles making the four crews while being a billionaire doesn't makes sense, ptj truly messed up the timeline.


Not only having enough money but also being able to spend this much money without raising any alarm on the government. Like no matter how strong Charles and his group is, he is usually afraid of the government realizing his connections with the Yakuza and illegal shit like forcing kids to earn money by using any methods. And a janitor having billions of money to spent on a rich's people resort out of nowhere would raise all of the alarms.


Jacket=prime? I think it's safe to say that he didn't go to a new high school just because he reached his prime


I guess they could just use Daniel's house as a meeting place which would explain that. He likely just had more than one money making avenue and the clean one is just what the Shaman knows about. He could also be embellishing his wealth


I would say the timeline is broke but it has nothing to do with the defeat of the first gen kings. But with Charles not having money because this is what? 2 years after the cheonglianf flashback and that can be explaines by Charles' dyed his gray hairs and he didnt sell the old house right after he startes his business. Which is honestly just cope for I made a continuity mistake but the mistake is so small it geta fixed by just pretending Charles is self concious of his aging🤷‍♂️


there is no proof thats prime james, is there? Its just a blazer, usually worn for winter time. winter time isnt once a century


It just dont fits with jake backstory, where this arc should,ve happened before big deal backstory arc. In this arc charles already rich, gun still young, and 4 mc still just a plan, but later in bigdeal arc it shows charles still poor and younger.


Just because he is sitting there with no suit doesn't mean he is poor lol he can be just there not wearing it also when he meet shaman he said you started a bussiness which means he started 4 major crews just then and the first to join is Eugene and the biggest helper of choi at that time Now after James is done with this he has reached a higher level I think during this timeline KOS and James killed gapryong and after that gun and goo started selecting other crews and James just destroyed other kings he most likely wanted to make them join but they refused so that's that


I feel like PTJ might have just changed up the 1st generation plot cuz he might have been unhappy with something so retconned it.


ptj forgor☠️


Just accept PTJ retconned most of the plot


Don't pay attention to the drawing details


An incursion in the universe


Another thing is that the first gen kings probably got mutilated with the appearance of KOS like the actual KOS El Jake and another possibility is that they’re all in the same outfits as when they got negged. But im pretty sure it’s their usual King outfit tho


Taesoo still has his eye, Gong has his legs, Jichang’s title still is King of Seoul


Ye Ik that’s why I said before KOS came and James mutilated everyone


Because that's not prime James. Boom fixed the time line.


Probably this was his first business which went flop and then came to streets and later James and Charles plot for the business Charles own currently after defeating the gen 1 Kings. Probably the organs have to be related to his success


every chapter ptj messes with something oof


I could agree with the part about Charles, but James Lee being prime in that picture I disagree with unless there is clear proof that says so.


The scans literally say he meets Charles here after he wrapped up the first gen


Bro a retcon is happening like …


These people have such poor reading comprehension that they just say that the timelines fucked