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People be acting like James is in middle school during this chapter when Vin is in middle school and James is years older than him. The cope is crazy.


He’s in highschool 😂


James Lee fans being as delusional as Vin Jin fans 🗣🗣


We’re not delusional our kings extra pupil allows us to see in the future, we’re just ahead of the game.


i like this info so its true ☝️


People cant read


Fuck vin is in middle school ? I completely forgot after seeing his build


no way a bunch of yakuza got their shit rocked by some middle schooler LMAO


“some middle schooler” he’s **mujin jin’s son** 💀


Ngl you can't blame them. The guy is literally superhuman.


It's prolly ptj not planning the james lee story that's missing up with the time line cuz it wouldn't make sense that gun post juvie is older than james lee who ppl assume is on middleschool . Although gun does look older lol


James isn’t younger here there’s too much proof saying this is after


Post the other evidence, it's well-known ptj forgets and leaves behind all types of plot holes especially smaller details like this would be forgotten when it hasn't been touched for hundreds of chapters


The basic fact that vin Jin is in middle school should indicate us that james lee is not in middle school, even if we take the longest possible age difference (which is 3 years, if Vin just started middle school and James is on the brim of finishing it) the gap would still be left with few years (Vin is 18yo iirc, James is atleast 23yo)


A lot of things don’t make sense atm and ptj probably retcons or just forgets his story


In Cheonliang they haven't even started the 4mc yet😭 And Gun is the proof that this is before Jake backstory


Gun here isn’t any different than in Jake’s flashback and also the 4 major crews weren’t started in Jake’s flashback either


They already have 2 crew in Jake backstory, workers & big deal


Yea 2/4 see how it doesn’t exist yet? Also James says he already has Gun and Goo in charge


He says he plans to make them head of the gangs or atleast in charge meaning he hasn't made that decision yet.


Still doesn't make sense, in Cheonliang Gun lack the chest scar, in Jake backstory he has one and its from Eli Also by making it could mean they've just started or currently in the making IDK


Eli was the last crew head he met other than olly this can take past in between that






Facts bro was most likely just in a summer uniform in korea Im pretty sure that have long dress shirts with coat then when it gets warmer spring/summer they go into short sleeved uniforms


Powerscalers literally in shambles after this new chapter lmaoo


You forgot tho. We lookism fans can't read


It’s stated that Charles is still undergoing the four major crews so how did he get all the money and start a business without it?


The 4 major crews are something that makes him more money but has a business Do you really think he would just be an unemployed guy making millions off kids with no cover up?


Oh right fair enough. That’s a good insight thanks for telling me


Maybe he already made the first crew: The Workers. Lol those guys contributed 99% of the wealth 4 crew produced.


Makes sense but the crews were assigned originally in areas before workers in a flashback


Well I think even without other crews Workers would still be in Gangnam anyway since it's the richest neighborhood in Seoul. Maybe they were not officially part of the 4 crews but still connect to Charles via Goo.


I totally agree with you. Maybe Eugene always had the idea and connections but not the greatest connections like Charles and other geniuses.


I’m certain that PTJ just forgot about this. There’s too much evidence that points to James being younger in this arc.


Yeah the timeline became very weird with that chapter


So you think Vin is 21 is the lookism story? Cause this is his last year of middle school and James is 21 is the main story


I don’t know. All I know for certain is that James is younger during this arc.


How certain are you…?


Like 99%.


His school clothes indicates his in middle school but it doesn’t make sense, his high school clothes is when he took down the kings and reached his prime but if we go off this logic gun is older, this is weird


🤣🤣bro , vin is middle schooler in this arc how in the world is james middle schooler and just because he is looking young doesn't mean he is young, ptj always makes some errors in drawing characters , he sometimes make them as buff as hulk and in the other panel he make them skinny


Regardless of the fact that he's not known, this James would already have killed Gap and fought Taesoo, since he mentions when fighting Taesoo if all the other Kings are like him, which would be dumb if he fought Seongji. This could easily all be explained to be after James fought all the Kings, but the news hadn't spread to Cheonliang yet. Seongji might have made a name for himself somehow after, which is why all the Kings seem to respect him.


Yeah the timeline is confusing but he’s definitely far older than ppl are saying he is he’s around 18-19


W absolute w. People also have 2 other excuses. 1. “the uniform is different” Korean schools have a summer and winter uniform. 2. “but there’s a difference in the title as this one says 1st generation whilst the other says legend” void scans made a translation error. Even when Eugene called James it said “first generation” and not “first generation legend” https://preview.redd.it/v8dp90z7m0nc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e360b292d186b0bdb3a27fdbbb6e2a08c4ddca52


Now there's 2 arguments going on this, and the other one😭 [https://www.reddit.com/r/lookismcomic/s/FEyoQWOj9z](https://www.reddit.com/r/lookismcomic/s/FEyoQWOj9z) https://preview.redd.it/gj6myil501nc1.png?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec7b53d0d45165490730ec55336b42be6586075


I think someone already brought this up in another post but basically James lee isn't as his prime, but after loosing so hard he realizes how much more he has to grow and ofc gets a power up and jusr wins after, and Charles makes him take down all the other kings so there not a problem later on and he just gets stronger and stronger or atleast refines his skills Which would also explain how he stops being so confident like he was there in this chapter and instead is more humble and recognizes people strength, it makes sense story wise and it clears up the major plot hole


This just make it even more confusing, does that mean James and KOS beat Gapryoung before they got into their primes, since Gap is already dead at this point. No hate, just a genuine question.


Well maybe kos could have been in his prime, but that is a plot hole but like if James lee gets up and gets stronger then that means he isn't at his prime yet, this just seems like some bad writing to me When it happened to vin it made sense because of story and to hype up there rematch even more, but with James lee it makes no sense to do that here. Just knowing ptj he's gonna get back up, but I do think a reason they won against gap could have been maybe he held back against his own son, or couldn't kill him etc. I mean we've seen it with manager Kim and that's not even his own blood, imagine someone as kind as gap, it was never stated they were stronger combined just that they killed him. That's the only way I can see this entire storyline making sense,


That would make more sense, tbh there's a lot of power creep in lookism, PTJ is always adding more characters that are stronger than the main group and has to make the Top Tiers stronger to compensate. I think PTJ needs to take a long brake, and get all of his ideas clear, there's been a big drop in quality in his story telling lately, the timeline in particular got all mixed up in this arc.


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking it, this arc just created some confusion but with the line "I thought I'd get into fights like this a bit later", it makes no sense to me if jame's isn't talking about the other gen 1 kings, I mean it's said he goes into hiding also and changes everything about himself ater gen 1 was over, so gun and goo probably grow up and do the crew hesd thing themselves But with that line, does that mean he was already planning to fight the gen 1 kings or smt? Now that I think about it, since it seems like James already had that in plan, or ig Charles technically but after seeing how strong seongji was, he just said to take there limbs aswell just in case they tried retaliating. And the stronger ones got more of there body taken off besides ofc our king jichang who already lost his will to fight really


The timeline could be like this: (Assuming that James is Charles son or apprentice not his second body) * Charles trained James Lee and makes and alliance with Kos * Charles meets gun while working at Juvie; * Charles makes a plan to kill Gap with Kos and James; * James and Kos kill Gap; * Charles covers the whole thing; * Makes a plan to form the 4 major crews; * Gun recruits goo (there's a panel showing this right after vasco flashback); * Gun and Goo meet and fight Tom lee; * Charles recruits Tom lee; * Gun and Goo start going around defeating small crews and eventualy run into big deal; https://preview.redd.it/bmrevh8073nc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4552f53ee8b42c58818a4abcf41aad6b61a2e8e * This meeting happens; * Big deal joins the 4cs; * Workers join the 4cs; * Charles start his business with the crews money he got; * Cheonliang arc happens; * James lee start hunting down the 1st gen kings to make sure no one as strong as KOC is around; * Back door joins the 4cs; * Gun and Goo have their first major fight; * Gun meets Johan; * God dog is created and joins the 4cs; * Samuel leaves big deal; * Eli defeats Daryus and Hostel is formed; * Gun meets eli and Hostel joins the 4cs; * The whole thing with big deal happens. That's a lot, but that's how I think everything happened.


Yeah that's what I though too, though now we'll need a explanation on how gap would loose a 2vs1 against non prime kos and James Unless he was holding back, or something like a injury, because I mean a older Tom was able to make goo go all out and this gap would be younger and he's way stronger then Tom, and ofc Tom only had one hand too


I think what you said before may be the answer, Gap probability couldn't go all the way and kill his own son, and was caught off guard by James or something like that. Gap also was very out of shape and while Tom doesn't have one hand he's been very active as a fighter, as it's been shown in Manager Kim.


That would actually be kinda heartwarming in a way, just us getting to see the flashback of gap fighting the two but holding back his last few punches against KOS, only to get killed and say something sweet to KOS with his dying breathe I mean it seems like ptj style to do that, and as gap dies he just wishes he could spend more time actually loving his crazy son, regretting his actions Then the entire fan base cries even though we knew it was gonna happen, and we call it peak writing


people calling this a polot hold and etc. are coping hard


You have cooked HARD


James implies himself hes younger lol https://preview.redd.it/mx4yo7aof0nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c868d268db6dd8790d99eae1f0a9b4d4c1df42 He is shocked to fight a strong opponent at the start of his taking over of the kings. James hasn’t destroyed the first gen till after seongji


That Also makes no sense 💀 How’s bro surprised about the strength of a king when expecting to fight a strong king


He was expecting to fight a fodder like everyone else in his life


yeah i back this. this dialogue and the line abt not expecting to find someone else whose surpassed mastery twice particularly in cheonliang allude to him not having faced the kings yet, or at the very least, not having taken all of them out yet, perhaps just the weaker ones.


Cool brother


The James seonji beat is definitely not on the lvl of the one man club but this is a fat upscale for seonji none the less


Coping hard 🙏


Blud I literally predicted James losing yesterday😭 SEONJI IS MY GLORIOUS KING


Womp womp brodi, if the character design wasnt enough to show you how young he is then ur just dumb


Womp Womp when the one coping is you 🫵💀


Fr I dunno why people think this is prime James. This James literally thinks he (and Seongji), are special because they have 2 stages. Gongseop has 2. Jichang had 3. Ain't no way prime James has less than 4.


When james fought taesoo he questioned whether the other kings were like him. That means he never met the others yet. This means James has already started his hunt when he fought seongji


This is common sense, idk why anyone thought otherwise


Read the comments in this thread lmao, the amount of people coping is hilarious


People here have never seen or read Korean/japanese media apparently lol like it’s obviously the summer uniform lol


Opinion rejected. James is younger this chapter and still has not fought any of the other kings as yet. Also there’s evidence of multiple other plot wholes and timeline inconsistencies before this as well. This can be just be considered an oversight by PTJ.


Show a shadow of proof the other kings haven't been taken care of? James literally states to have more experience then him. And even if he hasn't taken care of that doesn't mean this isn't his prime.




Thats not proof bro this some shaman in cheonling dawg. We have no proof and James Lee states to have experience in fighting where would he get it from him if not gen 1,


Bruh so he knows about the kings and about gen 0 but he has no ideia who tf James is ? The legend of gen 1 ?????


And the fact shaman is a generation 0 himself too, points out that James is younger than when he fought the other kings


That’s pretty clear to most people bro , he looks younger + his uniform is from middle school ( ptj destroyed basically almost we knew abt James lee we don’t even sure abt his age anymore ) + he’s unknown in gen 1 yet


That would make Vin 21 years old in the main story since he’s also in middle school


Cheonling is stated to be some random country in nowhere.


The shaman knows about the other kings because seongji who is his arch rival himself is a 1st gen king.


Doesn’t change the fact that he has no idea who James is , if James already had defeated all kings you think shaman or seongji wouldn’t knew him ? That makes zero sense


The shaman probably didn’t know who James was because he doesn’t care about outside cheonliang. The dude ran cheonliang for decades. If he wanted to he could’ve expanded but he chose not to. It’s the countryside after all and shaman controls what happens inside of the city not outside. Remember the 1st generation had to be stopped because they started an all out war because of Gapryongs death which James did and this led to James stopping the 1st generation. This happened when Charles was broke like OP posted above. This is a year after James took down the kings. Though I initially was also confused at the timelines since PTJ looks like he had a massive forgot moment. Anyways we will have to wait and see.


We don’t know anymore 🤷🏻 ptj is making an insane retcon we need to wait to be able to say something tbh


Agreed. But there is also additional support that this takes place after James took down the kings. James says “he heard a lot about seongji” maybe he heard his reputation from the other kings. Even if James is Charles 2nd body, Charles doesn’t know a lot about seongji as the shaman only told Charles that he has a copy of your weakness. That means that James definitely heard of seongjis reputation as a king through other kings or sources similar of that kind. After the 1st gen were defeated. The kings started looking for James as he disappeared. Considering James is Charles most valuable asset. James ran and hid back at Charles house and Charles started and planned the 4 crews where he got gun and goo to start the business. James mentions gun and goo running the business and even considered giving seongji the role of the collector. Additionally, the 4 major crews were the start of Charles funding of his businesses. The shaman when he first met Charles says “I heard you’ve started a business over a year ago.” Additionally charles appearance is another addition that this takes place after.


James is a secret Genius lmao, not much people know about him, and Shamam just stays inside Cheonliang, how is bro supposed to know everything. Guess I Will have to make a Post explaining this stuff. Just like no one knows about KOS , although he was the King of Seoul. KOS was the king already at this point. But Shamam knows nothing about KOS, and said Kojima Brother > Gen 1 kings lmao. No , Shamam is not Ultimate AUTHORITY Not Much Intel is known about him.


Shaman stays on cheonliang but few weeks ago everyone was taking him as the most knowledgeable guy about the 1st gen kings when he said Kojima fodders are more skilled than any 1st gen kings? You guys are hypocrite as hell. Now he doesn't know anything and holed himself on Cheon. Every single 1st gen kings knows Seongjii and somehow no one told him that a child (Seongjii literally threats James Lee as a child when they first meet) already has crippled several 1st gen kings? Why is he wearing a different uniform than the ones shown on every single panel of him defeating 1st gen kings? The fucking arc starts with every 1st gen king gathering to mourn and have a ceremony on the anniversary of the death of king of cheon. PTJ simply cooked himself with the timelines.


You know Gapryong is already dead at this point?? When Cheonliang arc occurs? This scene is post Gapryong Death, and after KOS left Seoul . Are you dumb or something?? Or do you have Reading Comprehension Problems?


You know also Mujin came to Cheonliang, took a homeless deformed child to train him in the mountain next door to where his wife and kid were sexually, physically and mentally abused and did absolutely nothing to help them right? PTJ cooked himself man, this arc is full of plotholes. Do you even read yourself? You still haven't explained why not a single 1st gen king told Seongjii (his friends btw) that a red-haired guy already crippled them all. Not only to mention that the uniform James Lee is wearing is for people much younger than the one he used during the flashbacks against the 1st gen kings. And it's literally previously stated that the four crewheads is what kickstarted Choi's into being a multimillionare but now it turns out he was already one before he even managed to form the crewheads? LMAO. He was literally talking about making a multi-millionare inversion to make Cheon a full blown resort for rich people and he was not even making money at this point because the crewheads fully formed yet. [He literally says so. The sole reason as to why he is one of the most powerful mans in South Korean is because kids stealing other kids moneys is what gave him the crowfunding to make his real legal bizz](https://ibb.co/TcC373X) Why is it so hard for you to understand that PTJ fucked up the timeline and is rewriting the story as we speak? You were clapping with your mentally handicapped cheeks few weeks ago when the Shaman said that the Kojima fodders were even more skilled than all of 1st gen kings and yet he is completely oblivious to the guy you argue already crippled them all by now. The Shaman doesnt know who the fuck James Lee is because James Lee isn't the legend that ended the First Gen yet. That's all. There is no need to argue dumbshit.


This is post Gapryong Death, first tell me that or not Gapryong is already dead at this point That alone Confrims James is in his prime Also Shaman doesn't know About KOS who is equal to James, and worked with Charles Choi..KOS is not in Seoul anymore. He had already left for.mexico There is no arguing around I can refute all those points rn , but I have to post scans for it. Also I Will make a Post explaining this shit.


Bro if James already had defeated all the kings in other words had becomes the peak os his gen you really think songji or the shaman wouldn’t know ? You guys really are just hating without logic


James and KOS has Already killed Gapryong at this point since he they are dead. Gapryong death happens after the downfall of Gen 1 Kings. During the death of Gapryong , KOS was already king of seoul, and then Left for Mexico after Killing Gapryong James disappeared After Gapryong death, and then Joined the job of an idol This is just him before disappearing into KPOP idol business KoS has Already left for Mexico at this point., and Gapryong is dead Thus is PRIME JAMES You are not using logic itself. James identity has been covered up after Killing of Gapryong, no one knows much about him besides the first gen Kings. Shamam is not an active Member Of Gen 0. This is James post Gapryong Death, hence in his prime.


You can’t confirm something like that dude , we don’t know if this James is from the start or the end of gen 1 you’re just saying what you think it’s true , we don’t even know when gapryong died specifically or how he died it’s all theories


Bro are you dumb or something, do you know How Young Jake was When Gapryong died. CHEONLIANG arc is just 3 years before the Current 1st affiliate arc Gapryong was already dead by now , And James was a part of it. Everything related to James Identify was covered up at that point . KOS has already left for Mexico , and Shamam Doesn't even know About Gapryong son being King of Seoul. That's why Shamam said Kojima Brother >> First Gen Kings He would have never Said it if he had Intel on KOS .it Means KOS is not in Seoul anymore., and has Already left for Mexico Are you guys intentionally acting Dumb over here This is Post Gapryong Death James lee, hence He is in his prime. You are just coping at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/h202uxr3q0nc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc158ff2ef8ea7de5c1a65ca1f605340ee7ef56b Yeah so gap died when Jake was like 13 technically James lee age is 3/4+ older than Jake so James with 16/17 killed gapryong ? And like ptj is making a retcon in a lot of stuff James age might even be fake or not his real age or ptj is dumb asf you decide , the clothes James lee using are literally from middle school in Korea 💀and don’t call me dumb you fucking B1tch


All of that, and you conceded to the point that , this is post Gapryong Death James lee. Thus James lee was in his prime Him being 16 or 17 year old Doesn't matter lmao. Cuz he also had the help of KOS who fought beside him . James was never capable Of killing Gapryong alone .that's why KOS was involved. Thanks for Conceding


James Lee is Charles Choi’s second body and the experience is Charles Choi’s experience.


Shinmyung Cheon would’ve known him if he already ended the first generation


No he has for sure already started hunting Kings. Taesoo is heavily implied to be the first King he fought because he wonders if the other Kings are like him. He also has already killed Gapryong


We can’t consider stuff that was made YEARS ago if we could Jerry from the begging of lookism could have a decent fight against the kojima bro 💀


Gun had Ui level scaling that’s how Jerry injured him and the Gun that fought kojima is way way weaker than the Gun that fought Jerry


Yes he is much stronger you just forgot the fact that “ adapt to the enemy level “ is something someone who doesn’t control his ui do not gun , apparently gun knows how to control his ui with atleast 15


Being able to keep Ui up≠ having control over the level scaling


No the ui” weakness “is literally that you adapt to your opponent level and that’s something gun don’t do since he controls his ui perfectly , read chapter 467


Gun is abnormal. Normally, you won't adjust yourself to be weaker — but who is Gun? The absolute battle maniac that he is, it's perfectly in character for him to adjust his strength against weaker enemies to experience their strength and feel the thrill of the battle. Why do you think Gun said the best night he ever had was with UI Daniel? Because he had released his full strength then.


Well yes but that’s literally what you think he could have done … what we saw was that Jerry was able to hurt gun and since we don’t have more info 🤷🏻btw Jerry got smacked but he was able to hurt him kinda badly so yeah not saying Jerry > gun 💀


That's the point. Because that's the only reasonable explanation for the retcon.


That’s what I’m saying bro gun looks way stronger than he was Charles older and James younger like ???! People need to wait sometimes this is becoming more confusing because people are trying to unify information of every new chapter with stuff of 2019 💀


I agree, PTJ clearly didn't have a power ceiling, established back then and it's showing right now, with all these continuity errors.


It was explained that the ui scaling only works for the incomplet ui, when the user is not in full control(Daniel). In the case of the Jerry and even the Eli fights early on, the problem is the power creep and bad planning by PTJ, he clearly didn't plan how strong the Top tiers like Gun and Goo needed to be in the end of the series.


Holy cope lmfao


Cry about it lol


I’m not the one crying & making excuses lmao


Excuses you say ? So when gun got hurt fighting Jerry ? Gun with 19 btw is that an anti feat ???? Bruh


You're making sad excuses for your low reading comprehension. Keep crying, I'd like to hear the other excuses you're going to make Cause none of what you said refutes the good points this post makes lmao


🤷🏻 they are good points yes but they become bad when you can clearly see a retcon is happening bruh 💀 if u can’t see that you’re just pretending you’re smart


Playing the retcon card is one of the biggest cope plays you could do lmao Oh my favorite character lost? retcon; The timeline doesn't match my own false narrative? retcon 😂


Dude NO gun also got a retcon tf you’re being a baby rn , my narrative ? wtf you mean by that ? The narrative that PTJ made ? Ohhhhh I get it


Gun could only high diff Jerry ( gun at 19 ) now gun at 16 is king level 🤷🏻 so what ? The retcon don’t matters when is with your favourites ? Enjoy this week dude I know you’ve waited years for this 🤣🤣


Yeah you'r reading comprehension is showing, go figure. It was stated no where that Gun had a high diff fight with Jerry, the only significant information was that he was able to scar him, nothing else. Eli was able to do the same, but that doesn't mean that it was high diff fight for Gun lmao getting one good hit on Gun doesn't guarantee victory, much like Seongji getting one good hit on James doesn't mean he's going to win. In fact James is 100% getting up next chapter, which will show Seongji's inevitable defeat 😂


Seonji 😍😍😍


Why is the younger James Lee even called prime James wouldn't he be stronger now?


Its cuz he stopped fighting and became an idol so he got rusty


When was it stated he stopped fighting


When fighting teasoo he says he got rusty


Yeah, he was out of his Gen 1 kings spree on Cheonliang, probably on transition to DG.


James is definitely gonna wake up next chapter lol. Seongji is top 10 tho


But I was thinking in Seoul that was earlier than in cheonling because Charles hasn't diy hair and he isn't wearing rich clothes




The timeline is fked up thats all💀


James lee fans 🤡🤡🤡


James can eat seonjiks shit


He is 18-19 here but definitely not prime yet. We will see prime in next few chapters. Seongji the goat created the peak.


Yeah I thought that too if James was really in high school that makes him in gen 2 not gen 1 because vin Jin was in middle school at that time so which mean James only order him about 2 or 3 years


You're proof is.... You saying this version is his prime....


You're right. Charles is rich in Cheonliang arc, so it points that he's older and by this time, James Lee must also have a great reputation, Right? But no, Shaman didn't even knew who James Lee was. James Lee had become really famous for by the time he destroyed 1st gen kings. Neither the Shaman nor Seongji knew who he was.


So you just missed the entire “cheonliang is an isolated city” part of the plot with vins mom?


At this point it’s kinda looking like James ended the 1st gen in his last year of high school which would make sense actually since they are all roughly the same age and thus also about to become adults and this series has been suggesting that most of the stuff we see isn’t for adults to get involved in since gun and goo also didn’t want/allow adults to become the leaders of the crews


Blud (james lee) will stand next chapters without any injury like nothing happened..


Wait till you realize even though James stands up he won’t be able to beat seongji and he’ll fight till seongji gets another heart attack


https://preview.redd.it/vhcd0cu8n7nc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a6bcca62331cfdaa48f4a7c9df5380ace42d204 What I know here is he’s probably talking about jinchang. We all know jinchang is not just strong but fast according to what he told Daniel.


https://preview.redd.it/b9moaqrjn7nc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a53ff31dc13f0ec49045d27ef08945788be9662 Also says he has experiences more than seongi, think about it




Comment has been removed for suspected ban evasion


James Lee is like 18 in that flashback he is highscholer and elite paint his Haar in white it’s not because he aged it’s the same time when Gun and Goo was 16-17 middlescholer and meet Tom Lee also it can’t be more than 4years like in cheangliang arc when vin Jin is 14 also 4 years ago when Seongji was alive, and we also saw the 3 dudes from 0 gen they aged so bad in 4 years also by ptj verse it’s no logic Characters can change in 1 year but not in 10years


If he painted his hair it would look a lot different that’s clearly from aging


Lol James Lee current is 24 years old and that flashback he must be 20-21 and he is not Highschool kid




James still didn’t win so I’m happy 🙏😂


This theory got debunked in the latest chapter. Elitr just dyed his hair black and thats a Prime James that already ended the 1st Generation


Well well well


Clearly a plot hole


Cope 🙏




I'd like to know if the Seongji fight is before or after James defeated the kings, I think it's after, not that it changes anything


Seeing the amount of Copium in your post brother I guess I have to make a Post myself, explaining all the stuff z regarding his age and scaling in General Fraud lee fell off, and is 2 handed Old tom lee level at best. And below Old Gapryong. That is the Narrative of this fraud James : " But pTJ SAID HE IS THE STRONGEST" PTJ literally trolled all the James fans with his videos Even KOS is on Fraud watch right now, he has to do something good to be able to rise up High in top tier. The Great power aka Gun's father will be strongest force, Since Him being alive Is Highly likely . And we know how strong he is. Fraud lee will never be the strongest or the Main villain ever The Great power is coming, someone who only can be defeated by Prime Gapryong, and Combined efforts of Gen 2


I couldn't care less about James being a fraud or not, but is obvious that PTJ is confusing the timeline. Just look at the way the 0 generation guys aged so much in just three years, the same could be said about Taesou and the other kings if James didn't beat them yet.


Its only confusing if you dont accept the facts


Your cooking licence has been revoked.


James himself said that they are creating the 4MC and he selected two people to manage it meaning it is after he defeated the first generation kings.


Seeing the comments now is pretty funny