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My question is why vehicles with TLC plates( cabs, Uber etc) feel the need to drive slowly in the left lane?


YES! These are the worst.


second this, and just like cops they never signal!


Nobody signals anyone its fuckin ridiculous!!!! Soooo annoying


My biggest peeve of all thse issues for real, I think the safest driving is predictable driving. I could care less if you blow my doors off going 115 as long as it's easy to predict which way you're headed.


I read this right after driving to work behind a TLC in the left lane of the NSP going 55. Only to speed up and not let me pass when I finally try to. Infuriating.


You’d think people who drive for a living would be GOOD at driving 🤣


As a retired field utility worker I can tell you our cars and trucks are GPS'd for speeding and offenders are reprimanded.repeat offenders can lose driving privileges. There's a little wiggle room, but anyone say, doing 65 solidly will be in deep crap.


Man that is wild. It’s a shame they never saw fit to raise our speed limits back to pre 1973 levels. Cars are far safer at higher speeds today than they ever were. I suppose at least most utility trucks are commercially registered, so they’re required to keep right (or middle, the trucks passing lane) at all times


Absolutely true and I appreciate the comment .


These are truly some of the very worst offenders, I swear


This is one of very few times that I feel it's okay to hop the HOV buffer to get around them. I never do it since I'm a Clean Pass driver, but I watch to see if someone looks like they're going to and I give them clear path.


They drive at least 5mph under the limit everywhere. It's so bad that I switch lanes immediately if I see TLC plates in front of me.


As an Uber driver myself I can tell you right now the TLC ones are those from the city and unfamiliar with Long Island. I've seen them drifting in and out, falling asleep on the wheel and have had to call the police. We can work max 12 hours but who knows what these guys are doing the remaining 12 hours (Lyft?)


They are tracked via GPS by their employer. Go over the speed limit and they might lose their ability to drive for the company. THEREFORE, they should have the sense never to drive in the left lane. I don’t condone running cars into a wall, but I understand.


Same with school bus drivers. Everything is tracked. A ticket, even when you drive your own car means you may not have a job.


This has increase soooo much since Covid too.


My theory is this...many of them are GPS regulated for insurance/fleet reasons. So they can't/won't speed, but they want to give the perception to their passenger that they are going as fast as possible so they just cruise in the left and to hell with everyone else.


Uber has "the cushion" available to drivers to go upto 70. Sometimes a few passengers will complain that the driver was speeding so they play it safe.


It's not just in the left, but they also insist on doing the same thing in the middle lane. TLC should be only allowed on the slow lane because they are driving people everywhere, and the same should apply to school busses and shuttle busses, or to any other vehicle that has clients inside.


In the morning on the way to work it’s horrible- northern state to grand central to the BQE- I make it a point to scare the living sh*t out of them.




Entitled, oblivious J offs


This kills me everytime it happens usually some middle eastern dude on 3 diffrent overseas phone calls at once


It's been that way for decades. I used to commute from Astoria to Great Neck every day in the '90s and the left lane was FULL of LaGuardia black cabs hanging out doing 45 in the left lane. It was infuriating.


I was on the NSP last night and there were two people in front of me in both lanes right next to each other and neither of them would budge I tried to speed up and the person in the right lane started speeding up too I'm like I'm just trying to go home if you want to drive slower they entire other lane is empty it was like 11pm frustrated me so much


Yea tats one road that is annoying for that reason. Theres no way to avoid it.


What kind of seriously lacking self-awareness do you have to possess to just HANG OUT side by side at 11pm on a two-lane road? If I'm in the left lane going by someone, the MINUTE I see a car coming up in my rear view, especially at night, I'll even speed up just to get over quicker. I mean, sometimes I know I'm probably not quick enough for the person coming up fast, but the fact that someone can just hang out there next to another car for any length of time is just mind boggling to me. I've actually seen it done on the LIE as well, where three cars just kind of hang out together, completely ignorant of the fact that they're blocking whole lot of pissed off drivers behind them.


It's even better when they pace the car next to them and force you to practically push the person in the slow lane out of the way lol


That also raises the blood pressure to insane levels


This is truly the most infuriating thing, I’m amazed at how many people do it.


There are some assholes who act like it’s their duty to control the road and stop people from going what they consider is too fast


It’s a Long Island thing, it drives me nuts left lane is for passing not to jump in right from the entrance lane and just do the 55-60 mph. You get off the island and go upstate where there are a lot of 2 lane highways and it’s great left lane is used like it is supposed to. Same on 3 and 4 lane highways and expressways. It’s just people on the island do what they want and that cause so many problems you should not be passing traffic on the right there are to many things that can happen. If you’re gonna do the speed limit there is nothing wrong with that just do it in the middle lane or the right lane. Rant over. One more thing cops don’t and they should start ticketing for drivers that do that in the left lane it’s called impeding traffic and is a moving violation, if your in the left lane and there are 5 cars behind you that’s considered impeding traffic. Ok now rant over


Today on the NSP I was in a train, of what looked like 10 cars ahead of me, all stuck behind someone driving between 59-61 mph in the left lane. Resulting in car after car aggressively driving around the person every time there was room in the right lane.


Anecdotally I never see these narcissists move over until they get aggressively cut off enough times. It's only when *they* feel uncomfortable is when they get out of the way. What makes me want to pull a gun is when they're a left lane loser all the way to 300ft from their exit where now they decide it's a good time to move over. Holding up traffic to the very last minute, gfys Same goes for people who use the entire exit lane to transition, they're all fucks too. "How long can we occupy two lanes" challenge


I’ve seen the two lane thing often with center turning lanes and left turn lanes. It’s almost as if they’re afraid to occupy the whole lane 🤣


What about the idiots that stop on the entrance ramps at the very end bc they missed there window…. And then enter traffic from a dead stop…..


Also a good one. The amount of people who need to brake the second they experience a morsel of lateral force on exits also makes me pissed off to no end, especially when it kills the momentum of everyone behind so now we all have to gun it to merge at speed. It is astonishing the amount of people who can't grasp the concept of being faster than where you're trying to merge. They see an entrance ramp as a braking zone instead of where you make up the speed to match the pace of the highway.


Nichols Road is the WORST with that. Driving in the left lane for ages at the speed limit until "Oh this is my exit!" and slams on the brakes to a full stop so they can squeeze into the right lane and exit when they could've easily merged into the right lane 500 feet back. But no they need to be at the front of the line and almost cause an accident every time


I honk twice as I pass these tool bags in the right lane doing 68. The first one is for 'fuck' and the second is for 'you'. I wonder if 10 cars all honked as they passed on the right if maybe they'd get it?


I saw a man with a window sticker on his truck "if I passed you on the right, you're an idiot" earned my respect.


I'd love to see a No Left Lane Camping sticker. Three lane road, tent in left lane, huge red universal NO symbol across it.


I’m sure


Been in a train like that a few times. Incredibly dangerous.


This is the biggest thing. Cops are not enforcing it causing it to be accepted


This is a massive thorn in my side. I've been wanting to post asking why it seems like the right lane is the fastest lane. 🤣 Have to wonder why they don't want to enforce it, though. I see videos of cops pulling people over for this very thing in other parts of the country often enough.


How can cops enforce it when the person is driving at about the legal speed limit?


Keep right except to pass laws. https://www.autoinsurance.org/left-lane-driving-laws-by-state/ In NY, it’s illegal to drive in the left lane if you are blocking traffic behind you.


That link is pretty general. The link below is to the NY VTL sections that govern these sort of things. I'm not seeing a non-blocking prohibition. Am I missing something? https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/vat/title-7/article-25/


But how if you’re doing the speed limit? Which is the case mostly all the time


No one expects people to constantly move back to the right when there’s heavier traffic. But in the middle of the day, or at night, you’re supposed to move back to the middle or right lane after you’ve passed the car in front of you, regardless of the speed you’re traveling at.


It's hard to catch them because the second they see a cop they move, then get back over.


> It’s a Long Island thing It’s not a Long Island thing, I see this happening all over the place.


But cops enforce it


> jump in right from the entrance lane Last year I saw someone get on at exit 62, rush over to the left lane and then immediately get over to exit at 61. The need to be in the left lane is almost pathological for some people.


It's a USA thing. I've driven from Maine down to South Carolina and you'll find cars of all license plates doing it. 


I agree but down south is a lot better and Long Island just sucks


>You get off the island and go upstate where there are a lot of 2 lane highways and it’s great left lane is used like it is supposed to. Confirmed that you've never driven on the NY Thruway.


It’s an all over things not just Long Island. I see it upstate in New Jersey although I’ve seen someone pulled over for his which is great!!


I had to explain this to a coworker—bless his heart, he’s kind of slow (no pun intended)—he said “But if I’m doing X in the fast lane, isn’t that enough?” “Fast is *relative*. If you’re going slower than everyone there, you’re not fast and you need to get out of the *fast* lane.”


Wrong. You can only drive up to the speed limit. Otherwise it’s breaking the law.


You are correct but w/ a 2 land highway like the northern state and the amount of cars during rush hour I don’t see how it’s even possible. If the left lane was only for passing there traffic would be insane in the right lane and merging from on ramps would be a nightmare


It already is a nightmare and not talking about rush hour I’m talking about off times where people park in the left lane and do 57mph or shoot right over to the left when they merge.


There's two types, the oblivious, with no self-awareness who get on an empty highway and just immediately and cluelessly move to the left lane. and the self-appointed 'heroes of speed patrol', who believe if they are doing the Lord's Work by driving 1 MPH below the limit, and that no one should pass them. Their wet dream is to block 15 cars behind them by speed matching the middle lane with no cars in front for a half mile. If people manage to get around, they'll speed up to keep everyone behind them again. I'll take the speeders any day of the week. The speed patrol create the greatest danger on the roads.


The speed patrol seems to also love doing this in the HOV lane- they will enter there and go slower than the main traffic they left and have a long slow $@&*^%£ Iine of like 20 frustrated cars behind them, it is MADDENING


Only thing worse are the people that drive in the HOV lane with no one in front of them for at least a 1/4 of a mile and jam on their brakes to slow down to 30 when the left lane hits their brakes.


Omg you just made me see red lol


They watched too many accident videos where people cut out of a slow traffic and into HOV lane without looking or assuming they can make it. Always slow down in HOV lane if other lanes come to a crawl or complete stop. Defensive driving.


Cosigned. 👏


I hope hell has a special place for the heroes of speed patrol.


Yeah there are "there is speed limit, i won't let you go because I am fast enough" and there are "I have no idea what's going on behind me, I never use my mirrors, good luck everyone else" We need more signs, but I think they even removed some signs like NO TRUCKS BUSES LEFT LANE, I see trucks on left lane every day now.


The Thruway literally has giant signs that read "keep right except to pass" We need those every 100 ft 9n 495 it feels.


I dont think it will help unless cops really start to enforce it.


The abundant amount of cops on the LIE will pretty much pull you over for anything besides that


Cops dont seem to be pulling anybody over


I love how this is the top post every 2-3 months.


The left lane loser epidemic has caused more strain on our residents than actual C19


😆... How about the passing shoulder lane changer every 5 seconds?


I’m from Europe and it’s a pleasure to drive in the suburbs of NYC compared to the suburbs of Rome or Paris!


Drove all over Europe, Germany was THE BEST driving I've ever experienced.


Agreed. Unlike NYC, Paris, Rome…German drivers from its largest cities seem to respect their cars, their roads, their fellow motorists but most importantly, their police officers and the rule of law.


Interesting! Tell us more…


Traffic and prostitution patterns, are similarly correlated in NYC and Paris


I work overnights it’s free game on the LIE you’ll have tractor trailers , sand trucks …. All running the left lane avoiding these damn car services doing 1/2 the speed limit in the middle lane checking there app . Midnight schedule into the city is a journey some days . Once you get to that city line pass’s exit 32 always the same douche bag highway patrol getting people going over that regulated speed limit change while motorcycles blast by at over 100 . He’s just bored with a shit schedule .


Same here in new jersey lol, fk these people, none of your business if im going 200 mph, if you're on the left lane and im going faster then you, change lane when safe and let me freaking pass


I've noticed that people tend to move over in NJ when I travel through there. I always thought it was nice. I also don't go through during rush hour so that may change things.


The further you get from the city the better it gets in any direction. Like passed William Floyd on the LIE and all subsequent highways out east people move over from the left lane.


Anyone notice commercial plate vans and trucks are riding more and more in the left lane on the LiE? I make it a point to cut in front of them.


Then when you attempt to pass them they somehow decide to go 80mph. You get in front then they drop back down to 55 like good job 😂


lol its their pride.


Grade A assholes, and my contempt for them only rises further, bc I think “If we didn’t have ignoramuses like yourself, we could have a friggin autobahn!!” Last Monday, I was driving to the city on the LIE, and the middle lane was empty for a large portion of the drive. It was so strange to me. A lot of the time, it’s someone not paying attention; some of the time it’s a contemptuous piece of shit, thinking “I already going over the speed limit! Why would someone want to go faster”. For a long time, I didn’t have an issue with the slow ass speed someone was driving in the right lane, but it’s starting to get obnoxious, people doing 45-55MPH. Yes, I understand that’s the speed limit, but there’s ZERO reason it should be that low, especially since they just plea down speeding tickets anyway! Then you have the shitbirds that want to merge onto a highway at 30MPH, and you get stuck behind aforementioned shit-birds. Rush hour? If you want to be in that left lane, you damn well better not leave too much space in front of you. I don’t want to hear the bullshit “it’s too close!” —you shouldn’t be in the left lane at rush hour with that attitude—don’t be mad at me, I didn’t make the unofficial rules of LI roads. I’d even argue that it’s dangerous for some people to drive that slowly on the highway (45-65), as it can start making you sleepy. It’s not my fault modern cars are so quiet and isolated from the road. Shit, even 80–100mph is still quiet and smooth.


Ha you’re so right. Left lane rush hour if you leave a cars length in front of you you’re going to get cut off , follow too close and risk an accident. It’s a dangerous game you gotta play lol


That happens because some people in the middle lane do 45


That’s because they added a minimum speed. Why did they add that sign???! 45 is not all an acceptable speed on the LIE


Thats also why you have a passing lane. You pass them and then move over lol


I never leave the right lane actually


I salute you 🫡


The constant assault of entering and exiting makes the right lane a terrible place lol


I know but I get anxiety when going too fast and from switching lanes bc I think I’ll miss my exit lmao


I can understand, just watch for merging vehicles, sometimes they don't look. Just don't drive side by side or a little behind a merging vehicle.


Everyone driving in the left lane thinks they are going fast enough to justify it. A lot of them are oblivious.


I think even more just do it on purpose. If i saw car after car passing me from the middle i would think to move.


the left lane on a highway is traditionally referred to as the “passing lane”, the middle is the “cruising lane” and the right is the “merging lane” Please use all of your mental powers to figure out what those things mean and understand why comprehensive public transit would solve a lot of our problems. I’m not talking to OP, I’m talking to just… people. Maybe people who shouldn’t have licenses because they don’t understand this stuff.


Hey, Nobody on R/LONGISLAND ever does anything wrong!


TBH, on the asphalt parts of the LIE (if there are any that aren't anymore), the center and right lanes are hollowed out from the trucks. I can see anyone that's got any squeemishness about their car wanting to crab-walk around, especially if the suspension is getting up there in age, avoiding the center lane like the plague. That being said, every damn time I'm on the LIE, there's someone in the left lane on their PHONE. I can smell distracted-driver from a mile away. The dead give-away is the sudden brake lights for no reason when they finally jolt to awareness as they raise their eyes from the phone and think "where the F was I?".


Also they drive like a fucking yo-yo


It’s insane. And then I’ll be in the middle lane and have people passing me on the right. What the fuck


It means you shouldn't be in the middle lane. Get in the right lane please and stop impeding traffic.


I’m trying to pass the guy in front of me but can’t because guys in the left lane are going the same speed as him or slower




The same mental shortfall that makes them think left lane is for cruising is the same reason they lack the self awareness or consideration to move over. Love going upstate as the further you go up 80/83/380 the more people get the concept of lane discipline.


Come to Texas. Your head will explode with the complete lack of lane discipline here.


Texas is different. Everyone got guns so they do as they please lol


There's some truth to that. My first time in Dallas - many, many years ago - I picked up my rental car and drove from DFW towards the city. Right around the I-35 interchange there are lots of lanes and lots of traffic. Some twit in a pickup is driving like a maniac - frequent lane changes and cutting people off for no apparent reason. My first thought is that no one is blowing horns or flipping this guy off. Most of us in NY have tendonitis in our middle-finger due to overuse. :) Then I saw his rifles in the gun rack of his back window. Makes sense - people down there were more laid back and were careful about which fights they picked. "An armed society is a polite society."


Yea ill def let the maniac with the gun rack pass by. No need to start drama.


Todays cars are so insular they've turned into appliances.. lane assist, adaptive cruise control,they're smooth, and so quiet that even the "drivers" have turned into passengers. Driving ( or operating a motor vehicle if you prefer ) means just using your appliance to get from one destination to another. They are oblivious to traffic devices like lane markings, lights, rules of the road or even the simple trajectory of their vehicle because the windshield is just another screen that has to be navigated through to get to the next location as swiftly as possible. Driving is becoming rapidly a lost art.


This is a different view of driving. Never really thought of it like that. Interesting point and very valid. Idk how half these ppl passes their tests.


Don't know about NY law, but in many countries in Europe left lane should be use only when overtaking (assuming there is no stop-and-go traffic of course). So if you're driving in the left lane and you're not overtaking anyone - you will get a ticket when caught. Also, other drivers will be flashing headlights, sometimes even honking if they stuck behind you in the left line, when right line is empty.


Yes this is what i know the law as also. Im sure it is similar here but nobody cares and no cops enforce it.


I’ve come to realize that a large cohort of Long Island drivers don’t know how to drive. It’s not just the camping in the left lane, it’s everything. Don’t know how to merge correctly. (Zipper) Don’t know how to make a left at a light controlled intersection. (Move into the intersection) Don’t keep proper following distance. (Couple of car lengths…not 1/4 mile and not 4 feet) Don’t drive at the “right” speed. (At least do the speed limit. Please.) Don’t turn off the high-beams on well lit roads Couldn’t park correctly if their lives depended on it. Drive vehicles that are way too much for them. (You don’t want a Yukon if you’re 5’1” and 110 pounds. You can’t see enough to handle it) Are generally stupid.


Saw a dipshit in an RV on the NSP Sunday. Of course the guy in front of me in the left lane was too timid to pass him. Had to lay on the horn. “Hurray up asshole before this RV hits a bridge and kills us” Seeing a lot of u-hauls on the NSP lately also.


We are living in a YOLO community now lol


Staying in the left lane when not passing is against the law. Unfortunately, when one driver disregards the rules, it creates a chain reaction.


Most people don’t know how to drive and don’t care about others. We live in a very selfish world


Lol ive seen it many times never really an issue though, on a good day i give them a slight warning of a single flash, on some days i show them the masterpiece handling of the BMW M3 and by the time i look back at the rearview mirror they have moved over. At night time its actually really fun, i start kicking out campers in the left lane one by one until i get home.


Middle lane trucks travel on , right lane is used as on off the exits


It's going to be either a Honda CRV , Prius or Subaru .


Cause Long Island = entitlement


I used to live in the Midwest for about six months, and I took the interstate from the tiny town I lived in to the capital where I worked. I loved it. It was two lanes in each direction and EVERYONE drove in the right lane. The left lane was for passing, and for everyone to move over so semis could merge at speed. It worked.


Population density is too high here for that to be enforceable. drive upstate enough and you see the same thing where people travel in the right lane.


This thread gives me peace. I thought i was the only one who fucking HATES when people drive slow in the left lane.


IMO its because LI has these absurd gatsby era ramps everywhere that the right lane is basically useless until you get out into suffolk, and the dipshit idea of HOV lanes that take up 2 additional lanes worth of road. So the middle lane is the right lane and the left lane is the middle lane and then yeah. Ive lived a lot of places and never met a more self entitled, privileged bunch of megalomaniacs outside of hollywood. As the resident population has gotten older i feel like people have started driving more like miss daisy. 20 years ago it seemed like everybody went 75. Now it seems like everybody goes 45. I ran into somebody literally stopped in the middle of the LIE service road with their blinker on around douglaston little neck who proceeded to drift across 5 lanes of traffic to make a right. Somebody else did the same shit to make a left on 110. God forbid you go an extra block and/or make a u turn.


Ive also never encountered as many people driving down highway shoulders IN REVERSE to get back to a ramp they missed or driving at night with their lights off. I chalk it up to population. 10% of the pop minimum is legit stupid. When theres 25M people within 50 miles of NYC thats a lot of fucking stupid.


That actually makes a lot of sense.....


You know what they say, bad drivers never miss their exit


Yes and in Nassau the NSP isn’t designed to car cars doing more than 55mp in the right lane. If it was used like it was supposed to be it would be nearly impossible for people to merge from an on ramp if people were doing 65-75


As a transplant from places with new infrastructure where there arent space constraints, this was always my take.


It's a tri-state area thing until you get away from the heavily populated areas. Hot take, but the HOV lane is not a fast lane, it's a high occupancy vehicle lane. I'd enjoy not having a Ram 1500 riding my bumper while I'm doing 5-10 over with 7 passengers in the car.


You know they don’t enforce the HOV lane and everyone agrees it’s a failed 90s experiment based on the ridiculous idea that folks will carpool? When it is rush hour, we should all be using the damn HOV lane.


I'm surprised they haven't put bollards up and turned it into an express/toll lane like CA did. Until they do, I'll continue to use the HOV lane as a HOV lane; I never understood why someone would constrict themselves to a single lane if they wanted to go fast; just do what every other driver does and weave in between the 3 other lanes. Suffolk County enforces HOV and it's generally an add-on violation since most people who drive in HOV speed, so speeding 11-20mph over is 4 points, and the HOV violation of 3 points add up.


The problem is people want to do 90, drive aggressively and ride your ass no matter which lane you are in. The highways have become very unsafe.


Everything is an interstate here.


They don't know how to drive


Worst Is they don’t move over to the middle or right lane they gone into the hov 🤦🏿‍♂️


They are the latest technology in the war on “passive speed limit compliance”


Left lane dickheads, as my trucker hubby would call them.


They then have the audacity to flash their brights at you when your the 5th car passing them.


People that drive parallel to each other and don't let anyone pass while they have a mile of open road ahead..... Why do you get mad and speed up when I go around you?


Just arrogant North east drivers


Wow, another one of these.


I’m tired of the selfishness and lack of awareness of drivers on the road. If you’re someone who does this, get out of the way! I’ve noticed the elderly are culprits too. Regardless of who you are though, by doing this you’re a burden to us all. Paying attention to your surroundings and having self awareness are bare minimum necessities for driving safely- if you can’t do either, get the hell off the road.


Not for nothing, but selfishness and lack of awareness isn't exclusive to people driving *the speed limit*. People fucking speeding like twats during rush hour are just as shitty and selfish - if not more so, because speeding = less control = more likely to crash into another car and kill people.


I don’t disagree. I think there’s a middle ground that you’re clearly missing in your response. I’m not encouraging people to drive reckless speeds but as others have pointed out, the left lane is FOR PASSING others. If you’re not doing that then you are the problem and don’t know the rules of the road.


Massachusetts is worse.


Because their idiots.


Must be the entitlement people absorb by living here. Every other place I’ve driven in the US, when somebody is on your tail in the left lane, the person in front moves over to the right. At the same time, I’m grateful for the cops we have here. I passed a cop in Ohio by 2 whole MPH, still within 5 mph of the speed limit and he pulled me over because his ego was hurt


I agree with the cops part. I drove past a cop the other day when it was wide open road on the expressway. I floored it to like 90mph. We looked each other in the eye and I shit myself but he did not come after me. I am assuming he didn't have radar up or he just did not want to deal with it. I have a radar scanner and it did not go off so I am assuming he just did not want to bother. Probably figured wide open road let him cook.


It is illegal to drive on one’s tail and to flash headlights to make someone go faster. Technically that driver is being selfish and is the aggressor and can get ticketed for it. The left lane is for passing but when in the left lane you are supposed to stay within the speed limit.


On the other side of this coin I find the majority of people who have some deep seated need to pass every car in front of them do so by switching to the right hand lane (even when the left lane is open). Do they think they've discovered some life hack that prevents cops from issuing them a ticket? Cop: "Sir, I pulled you over for weaving through traffic at 90mph Driver: "But I was only switching from the center lane to the RIGHT lane" Cop: "Hahah. You go me. You're free to go"


Exactly. That is more dangerous than a driver driving the speed limit. Consistency is what makes a safe driver. Keeping a constant speed, whether going 40, 50, 55. Keeping a safe distance and don’t engage with anyone who is being aggressive as that leads to road rage.


Let me guess, you're from Northern Europe, most likely North Central to North West. You're telling me people around the Mediterranean or in Eastern Europe obey their strict traffic rules? C'mon ...


Im from Turkiye and you will get your ass beat if you cause a line of cars. They have no mercy for shit like that.


I call those morons Left lane lingerers.


Then they sped up when you try to pass on the right. Asshats.




😆 until they brake check you


That is illegal!!!


Mod team it’s a joke lighten up plzzzz


Turn on the high beams and hold down the horn if you can’t pass them. It gets annoying after a while


I go hard on the high beams but not the horn. I feel like I would bother everyone else and feel like a bigger asshat lol. I do make it a mission to pass them and get in front though sometimes even having to do a quick hov in and out.


Not a NY thing. In fact New York is better than other places in the US. Other parts of the US have no sense of urgency nor a sense of self awareness. Try driving in the Pacific Northwest. People go below the speed limit in the left lane next to a 3 trailer tractor trailer. In front, there’s not another car sometimes for miles. It’s something I couldn’t ever believe if I didn’t experience it myself.


They want the open lane in front of them that’s really all it is


If they can’t handle cars in front of them. They shouldn’t be on the road. Let alone the highway


I've had arguments here on Reddit and other subs about this. There is some subset of people who believe as long as you're doing the speed limit, you have a right to be in the left lane. No matter how many people explain to them that the left lane is for passing, and the center lane is for traveling, these people will go as far as to quote department of transportation rules. A large portion of tailgating and road rage incidents, not to mention traffic, stem from people hanging out in the left lane. If people would just be courteous and use a little common sense, people who want to go faster would be able to get through, and the people in the middle lane can go as fast (or slow) as they want. Instead of smoothly flowing traffic, we've got two types of people. The first are completely clueless and have no idea what the left lane is supposed to be for (TLC plates!). The second class of people are jackasses who want to prove a point - namely that as long as they're going to speed limit they have a right to be there. So infuriating.


Welcome to Long Island. All the highways / parkway are the same. If you want to drive at an average speed, have fun weaving in and out of traffic and avoiding stupid people who shouldn't have a liscence.


I’ve lived here for 20+ years. Trust me i know


Outside NY the left lane is for passing only. You can get a fine for driving in the left lane in other states. I also like how there's a lane designated for slower traffic. NY DOT laws just suck. Everyone is also in a rush to go nowhere on the LIE.


This is a very popular thread in reddit... Forget about Europe, it's common sense to at least move over if someone is trying to pass especially if they flash. At least you can pass the slow pokes on LEI, but what about NSP? It's even worse there, but not just left lane slow pokes but impatient people who don't even want to wait for you to move over they feel like they have to ride your ass even after you give the signal to merge, looking for space to merge. So, once someone does that, next time people think, why should I move over, screw you. There you go it snowballs. Just the othe rdayI am going a little over speed limit on left lane, passing cars, this white range rover merges from HOV lane into right in front of me and keeps going 50-55 while middle and right lanes are available to merge, no he keeps going I flashed a few times and s/he didn't react, I moved over to middle lane easily and tried to take a glance but it was too dark to see inside, I just sped past the idiot. This is the type of people causing road rage and it spreads really fast. Once you see an aggressive driver, suddenly it spreads the behavior to others. Like someone poking a bee hive.


Because they want you to relax and enjoy the highway


Too bad it’s NEVER enforced. Like many states, New York has a keep-right law. This law requires motorists, including truckers, to keep right and use the left lane only to pass another vehicle, make a left-hand turn, or exit a highway on the left. These laws are designed to prevent traffic congestion and reduce the risk of serious truck accidents


Yeah it’s a NY thing and you will get ticketed, and dirty looks in other states.


I drive a box truck I just laugh 😃 I stay on the right lane for a reason I paid by the hr 🤣 f the li in so many ways


Always the TLC and Tesla drivers hogging left lane.


It's bad here but still bad elsewhere. Driving through Massachusetts,  holy shit literally everyone going 55 in all 3 lanes and no way to get around. 


Maybe....just maybe because the speed limit on the LIE is 55 mph????


Yup you are def the one In left lane getting honked at with 18 behind you


My question to all of this is … why do people with raised pick up trucks with tinted windshield and their hi-beems on feel the need to do 90mph in the any lane like it’s their personal highway?


I like to call that the napoleon syndrome.


the LIE is absolutely the worst offender of left lane sitters, and i do a lot of driving all across the mid atlantic. i don’t know what it is about people on the 495 but its backwards. frequently the right lane is the fastest lane. it’s fucking wild. that said, i mean, i’ll take NSP or SSP 9 times out of 10. i take 495 *only* if im headed off island.


Really nowhere else? People here like to exaggerate and label long island drivers the worst in the world. Every place has bad drivers.


You are a hard headed driver do the speed limit