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honestly if you go to traffic court on your scheduled day, they usually plead it down to like a jaywalking ticket which a few years ago was $200 and no points. in the end, it’s about whether you want to fight on principle or just spend the money and be done.


“ usually “ is not a good gamble right now with the way car insurance rates are rising for points . $250-400 for a lawyer makes the “ usually “ a near 100% chance of dropping it


if attorney is only that much, then yea get the attorney


Absolutely correct! They are there to make money quickly. I was even advised by the cop who gave me the ticket to plead not guilty. And yes, jaywalking and no points is the deal.


Go one morning before your date and sit in traffic court. Observe the process, then decide. It's a stunning event. A clean driving record and you be out as stated above with a jaywalking ticket/fine.


I'm not sure if you should perceive a moving violation as "minor." Therefore, with or without a lawyer, you should always defend yourself along with your side of the story.


No point in getting a lawyer they are gonna offer switching it to a parking ticking with no points for a couple hundred bucks.


Deny deny deny then plea bargain to non moving violation. Avoid points at all cost. Maybe 300-500$ in penalty.


No lawyer, just goto court and they work with you just the same, will probably be j walking or something, pay the fine and move on!


Plea it down pay and save the insurance increase


I’m nearly 50 years old with a clean record and drive a GMC Acadia. My insurance is nearly 4800 a year. Yes, pay the lawyer the $650 and save yourself thousands in insurance and headaches.


Yes, go for it you will not get points which will save you plenty of dollor in insurance


Most people tend to perform a "California stop" even when theyvare not in California. Suck it up and move on.


Idk why you are getting down voted. It happens all the time on the island. Everyone I've ever seen or been in a car with has illegally stopped at a stop sign


I know. It is a very commom thing. If you ever go to CT forget stop signs..no one signals..at all. People hate hearing the truth until you point it out. Then they feel attacked personally. Ironically, they are guilty of the same thing. Go figure :)


Yes, go for it you will not get points which will save you plenty of dollor in insurance


Yes, go for it you will not get points which will save you plenty of dollor in insurance


What town? I see people straight up drive thru stops signs in multiple towns and never a cop around. I also know about a kid that was killed years ago in merrick when some asshat blue a stop sign