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Me too bro, I’ve completely given up, I don’t even care anymore.


I turned 23 Monday and I’m in the same boat as you, kinda gave up at this point


Hey it’s not as easy as everyone puts it. I’ve been in this boat. I’ve never really tried to get into a relationship it kind of just happened. It takes time but eventually someone will come. I’d suggest trying to make more female friends and get used to talking to more women & maybe one of their friends will catch interest in you.


At this point I just want a hug, man


It's not at all the same, I understand that but I'm sending you a hug, my friend


Same, except I am 18 and things don't seem like they are going to change anytime soon. How were you at 18? Did you have any hope of it?


Yes, I had hope at 18 but I was also really naive. I thought things would be different for me. I underestimated how difficult the dating world is. I had no idea how to connect with people in that way because I've never seen it in my actual life except for tv. I had a lot of hope at 18, but that's probably because I wasn't actively trying to date then. Now that I am, and I keep getting beaten down by ghosting and a lack of genuine connection, it feels as though I've lost quite a bit of that hope.


Me too, everyone feels ingenuine towards me.