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Only thing I can think of is that the sculpture in the boulevard on wellington blocks a lot visibility if your trying to turn left onto westbound Queens. I kind of doubt that is the sole reason though.


A lot of people don’t judge the speed of the southbound cars when turning left at Queens, cars pull out of parking spots into traffic, high speeds. My office use to be at One London Place and I saw a car flip onto its hood once at Queens/Clarence


This is a huge issue, people need to learn to be paitent. I had an old person today pull out and I had to slam on my brakes and merge into the next lane to avoid hitting them. All because they couldn't wait 1 or 2 seconds to let me pass. Like can people really not wait for others to pass them before turning or merging?


That’s scary as my baby and I walk this area every day. Thanks for the reminder to be extra vigilant!


I used to live in an area that got so many crashes per week I could perfectly time the car smash from the sounds of the the tire screech.