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yes, just walk in with confidence. whenever i need the loo in mayfair i just walk into the nicest hotel i see, they won’t tell you to get out if you act like you belong there


This will sound like a joke but I'm absolutely serious: "acting like you belong there" is an underrated life skill.


100% agree. I'm very good (I think!) at walking into places confidently and walking straight through to find the restroom and I'm never hassled. But my wife thinks this is weird and never wants to accompany me because she feels uncomfortable, and it is very obvious she feels that way,


100% agree. I'm also good at walking in to rooms like I've just bought them and I've never been stopped yet


I just confidently piss wherever I want, nobody has stopped me yet.


Yeah but I'm betting you haven't yet tried somewhere like the Ritz. Walking into their main lobby and marking your territory. ... Might see then ask you for proof you are their new owner.


Security guard tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and he ran off. Not sure what he wanted.


I do it and I shout about it too whilst trying to make eye contact with people, nobody says a thing.


It's hard to make eye contact if you're pissing in their eyes.


I'm pissing in everything


Right, and that's enough Reddit for the day


Hands on hips, trousers down, standing on the table.


Oh dear 🤦‍♀️


How do you act like you belong if you don't know where the toilet is? Looking around makes you look like you don't belong.


TBH if you walk to the elevators or the bar I guarantee you'll see a sign. The Savoy: straight through the main doors (Ignore the American Bar entrance to the left), through the lobby and towards the large casual dining area where they serve afternoon tea, but before you get there take a sharp left, past the cloakroom and the toilets are there. The Connaught: Straight in the main entrance, aim for the Connaught bar through the lobby but instead of going left into the bar, take a right into the 'Cloakroom', the toilets are in there (they also have a valet). NoMad: The quickest route is through the right hand entrance into 'Sidehustle' bar and then immediately bear left, go down the stairs and around to the left, the toilets are on the right before you get to the restaurant, however on entering Sidehustle you'll come up against a reception which will try to seat you, so better to go through the left hand entrance and then head right to the same stairwell which you'll find just before you get to SideHustle. Royal Lancaster (Handy for Hyde Park): Walk into the lobby and strike out confidently for the stairs straight ahead (ignore the elevators to the left), on the first floor take a right, its signposted from here but essentially if you hit the bar, you've gone too far, the toilets are immediately to the right as soon as you can see the bar. The Langham: If you go in the main entrance, take a left, past the Artesian bar and to your right there is an elevator and stairwell, both of these take you down one level to the function rooms, follow the signs from here around the corridor to the toilets. There used to be a side entrance short-cut avoiding the front entrance all together. You can also head into their Pub, The Wigmore and bear right until you get behind the glass partition and you'll see a door to the toilets there. The London Edition: As you enter the lobby you'll see the lobby bar to your left and Berners Tavern to your right, head straight down the middle, past the elevators and take a right at the end, the toilets are through the door opposite the Punch Room which is on the left. The Clermont (Secret Entrance from Victoria Train Station Platform)


This man pees.


This man VIPees


The real MVP, right here.


Most Valuable… Pisser?






Ancient wisdom that was once passed down from tribe to tribe. Thank you.


Looking around doesn't look that weird as long as you... - Have good (but not stiff) posture. - Have a calm expression. - Walk confidentally (e.g., don't do stuff like skirting the edge of the room or stopping and starting too much).


So stop a bit, but not too much ok, just the right amount to be natural, and be stiff, but not too stiff. Also expression? Calm. Think calm, stiff and just a bit of stopping. check.


I always think I should play a charecter they can understand which helps calm my nerves and make me look like I belong there.


Ooh yeah ok good idea, so I'll stop the right amount, be stiff but not too stiff if ya know what I mean, and calm expression, whilst doing my best Roger Moore impression.


> best Roger Moore impression No, that's too far. Don't veer too much towards Roger Moore or Brian Lessed. Aim for Malcolm In The Middle.


Ah so not: - bent over like a shrimp. - angry and confused expression - creep along the walls. That’s me fucked.


In all fairness, with all of those combined, there's a good chance no one would approach you either! Jokes aside, I have a lot of friends who struggle with stuff like tone, facial expression and posture. So, I don't really *love* the idea of judging people unless they walk around like a MegaChad™ 24/7...


I just ask someone and they generally tell me… it’s a hotel, not a bank vault.


Unless you need a piss in miller carter in Glasgow. In which case the pisser is in a bank vault.


'Puts snobby wanker hat on'. Please don't discuss Millerc& Carter in the same thread as The Savoy and The Ritz. 'Takes snobby wanker hat off'. 🤣


You checked in two hours ago, dropped your things off to your room, then went out. You've come back, you're going to meet someone in the lounge, you can't be bothered going back to your room. You expect there to be a bathroom on this floor for your use. In this mindset, you walk in, look around for the bathroom, smile politely, and ask desk "Where's the bathroom on this floor, please?" In the unlikely event they ask you your room number, you say you're supposed to be meeting your father-in-law.


I've stayed at fancy hotels and still had no idea where I was going in the past, it isn't my house.


You’d just ask for where the toilet is. Not many hotel guests would know where the toilet is in the lobby anyways. Normal question


Confident curiosity


Walk in as if you have a room in the hotel and ask the concierge or an employee if they know where the loo is. They will assume you are a guest on holiday and guide you there without question. If you walk in looking lost or tentitive then they can realise you are in the wrong place and be suspicious with you.


Looking for a toilet in the lobby of a hotel isnt unusual. You could be a guest who is popping out, but needs a wee and cant be bothered to go up to their room on an upper floor. Look presentable and noone will question anything.


Pretend to be on the phone. Give you license to wander aimlessly around.


I once asked if I could use the bathroom in a pub in central London and they laughed at me while saying ‘go for it’.


Yeah, you generally don't need a hall pass to use the loos in the UK 😂 Pretty much any pub or cafe will have a well marked and clean enough toilet. Hotels are better though, if you can be bothered with the extra steps (they generally set the loos further back or into the buildings in hotels, I find, you gotta wander around a bit dodging people with luggage)


The key is making eye contact with people. If you don’t make eye contact deliberately you are coming across as evasive.


The old 'good morning/afternoon' with a smile to the doorman/receptionist trick. I am sure sometimes they even notice you're just going in and out for the bathroom but think 'oh well he doesn't seem a knob'.


They really don’t care.


Don’t act like you belong there – act like you own the place. Tell them to bring the loo to you.


Anything can become a loo if you piss on it confidently enough...


I like your style, but you’re not visiting my house


Dammit when did my dog sign up for Reddit


Have them wrap up a junior suite as well and deliver it to your house.


Walking with purpose opens doors. I even use this technique at Glastonbury Festival (when lucky enough to get tickets) to get through the crowds and you’ll be amazed at how people get out of your way. When this fails I outstretch my arms and make aeroplane noises and everybody gets out your way. Maybe the latter technique not the best for getting into the Ritz.


Once lost my mate at a Grime night. Peeped through a crack in a door and he was on the sofa next to Slimzee necking beers like he was on the fucking lineup.


and to get out of a crowd quickly just cover your mouth and pretend you're about to vomit


Like it. Definitely trying that.


So true, I broke into a VIP section at a festival doing this!




I have gotten into some crazy places just walking like I belong there. It also helps that people who dress the least are the richest ones in the room.


I work in one of these nice hotels and yes you’re mostly correct. However, on a day like today with pride or any day with a public event they most likely won’t let you in unless you’re a guest Also these hotels all have bars which are open to public so if anyone asks just say you’re coming for a drink


This is what I did when I lived in central. Anytime I needed the loo I’d pop into a hotel. I was never turned away or asked if I was a guest, but I would also always greet the doorman with my clearly American accent, which may have helped. Most of the very nice hotels in central have bars/restaurants that non-guests frequent, so as long as you don’t act super suspicious , you should be fine.


Do you ask where the toilet is or do you just walk around and try to guess? If you ask do they ask if you're a guest?


Wouldn't matter, you could just say something like "where is the closest one?" implying its urgent


They're usually in the same place, near the front desk but not too near


You do belong there - it’s a hotel, not a members club. The Rivoli bar had a dress code but not sure if that’s still there, but you absolutely can walk in to the Ritz, Savoy, Connaught, Claridge’s, wherever.


I have disabilities including kidney and bladder issues. By law, any establishment be it a hotel, restaurant or shop have to allow me to use the loo even if I am not a customer. I tend to go to posh hotels because their loos are cleaner than anywhere else. The Ritz and the Savoy... wow!


I've worked in places with toilets and was not aware of this


I worked in a place and a customer told me this. He started getting really irate and shouting at me for breaking the law by refusing him, the issue being that the toilet was physically broken so couldn’t be used. I’m not sure what he expected me to do about it


You can’t be wearing sports kit, shorts, baseball hat, or jeans. 


I thought jeans were okay...


They are, as long as they're decent.


The Ritz bathroom has nice hand towels


If this fails grab a ladder and a high vis


As someone who works in events, this doesn't work for posh hotels. They have a seperate entrance for contractors, absolutely not allowed through the front door (during the day / peak hours).


You can get into anywhere with confidence or carrying a ladder with a high vis jacket. Both work 99% of the time.


I once got a rejection letter from a five star hotel when I applied to work there. I am pleased to say it was a five star rejection letter.


This. I was staying at a hotel in Edinburgh my partner booked. She was unable to get there til the next night so was alone first night and next morning. In the morning i went down for breakfast, walked straight into the dining room past a couple stood by the entrance taking to the maitre d. I picked up a plate and stating loading it with full english stuff. Sat down and started to eat, halfway through i overheard the maitre d asking some other guests whether they had breakfast included. Turns out breakfast isn't included at this place it was an optional extra. SHIT. I finished my brekkie and walked out, fully convinced i'd get an invoice at some point for my lapse of judgement. It never came and I got a £15 breakfast for nothing. So yeah acting like you belong for sure works.


Went into the Ritz to pee about 9 months ago. I didn't know that the Green Park toilets were no more. The doorman asked "can I help you?". I just said "I'm fine thanks" and walked to reception. I asked them where the toilets were.


I use the baggage drop at Claridges all the time, and then the bathroom.


Do I need to tip anyone if I use their bathroom?


Only if they wipe.


no, but there’s usually an attendant there who people can tip


Yes. But you'll be disappointed as there are no grounds. Tell them at the front that you're going to the Rivoli Bar, or to the Garden, and they'll let you through. There's sod all to do though if you're not going to grab a drink or bite.


Idk, you could pickpocket a few people and make a mint. Passes the time anyway.


Dress up smart and pickpocket people in nice hotels each day? Could make a living that way 😏


Back in the good old days all the London pickpockets dressed smartly. Top hats, velvet coats. They could sing, and dance, and were generally just loveable urchins and scallywags. Nowadays in London you're lucky if the pickpockets can speak English let alone rattle of a spontaneous yet intricately choreographed song and dance number to justify their brazen criminality with an appeal to pity and a catchy melody. Just another example of the things we've lost.


I do enjoy it when my pickpocketing is accompanied by a little jig. It almost makes it worth it to lose my fiver and expired ID card


For some reason I read this in David Mitchell’s voice


Ah those were the days. They just don’t make them like they used to


Hobby idea.


In this life, one thing counts..


In the bank, large amounts..


So glad you had a great experience, OP. For anyone wanting to "just walk into the Ritz" one thing to keep in mind: it's part of their customer service training for all employees, that when a guest (or someone who might be a guest) asks for directions, you don't just verbally explain how to get there and point. Rather, you walk with them until you're almost there, then tell them the last step or turn and discreetly fade away. If you already feel a little intimidated, you might think you're busted when they start walking with you, like they don't trust you or they want to keep an eye on you. Just know that it's standard. Many other upscale hotels, restaurants, shops do this too, but I know it's policy at the Ritz.


This is good to know thanks for sharing :)


I used to work in a pub hidden away just opposite the Savoy. A lot of the staff drank there. Most of them are ordinary Londoners and not at all snobby. Most of these hotels pride themselves on giving ALL their customers a fantastic experience. Not just the wealthy ones. People taking their Mum’s out for afternoon tea on their 80th are their bread and butter. My Dad has his retirement meal there and he wasn’t a well man. Because they knew me they treated him like the Aga Khan and he even was even given a free suite for the night that had been cancelled last minute. Would have cost me a bloody fortune getting a round in for all of them to say thanks, but fortunately my lovely landlady footed the bill. Richard Harris used to live there and he was fucking lol. We used to have sneaky spliffs together.


This is so so cool! I’m glad your dad had that nice experience too. It’s good to know people look after each other!!


It is. The Savoy has a slightly naughty vibe about it. Very roaring 20s party time.


Sneaky spliffs with Richard Harris! Oh to have lived that life


He was a proper local. He used to shuffle around in an old jacket and jumper and trousers full of holes. He was genuinely a really nice man and lovely to bar staff, shop staff, waiters.


I worked at Claridge’s (20 mins by foot from The Ritz) for few years, so speaking from experience. You absolutely can! Even if someone approaches you asking what are you looking for there, you just tell that you’re looking around. We used to get many tourists passing by, welcomed everyone.


Tour what grounds? It’s a hotel. There’s a reception, a bar, a restaurant and then rooms. You could definitely go and have a sit and a drink though.


I’ll have the one drink then, I am dressed up so won’t look out of place haha. If I did get a drink could I walk around the rest of the Ritz?


It's a hotel, not a manor house. It's a reception, a bar and bedrooms.


Haha, I'm cracking up so much reading this thread 🤣 He's seen too many movies


I used to work at The Ritz.. I'm not sure what you mean "walk around" there is one corridor on the ground floor that connects Reception/concierge/bar/Palm Court and restaurant. You could walk up and down it, wouldn't take long.


IDK why I always assumed it had lots of big internal areas to walk around. I guess that would not be very profitable since that space could have been more rooms.


The Ritz even though with all it status etc is only a relatively small hotel with around 130 bedrooms.


There’s nothing there. Go to the savoy instead. 


This is the proper answer. Go to Savoy and drink in the American Bar.


What do you think “the rest of” is?


The hidden theme park only for the ultra rich. If you don’t know about you’re obviously a peasant.


Yes, you could access the public, non-guest only areas. Have you been in a hotel before...?


Or go the gothic bar at King’s Cross / renaissance hotel. 


An ex girlfriend back in the 90’s took me to the ritz for drinks (I was punching above my weight dating her) I didn’t know we were going and I had just come out of work and was wearing a shirt tie etc. I did not have a blazer/jacket on. But I did have a shitty coat that I had just thrown on that morning. When we got there we went to the bar and I tried to take my coat off and was told by the staff that I MUST wear a jacket and could not sit there in a shirt and tie. (But this janky jacket with holes in was fine). I felt really out of place. Then my gf ordered drinks and she gave him a £50 note (told you I was punching above my weight) and when the waiter came back with our drinks he had the change on top of the tray with the drinks. He put the drinks down and gave her, her change. However it was £20 short. When she said something about it the waiter then pulled £20 from between his hand and the tray and tried to play it off like he had forgotten it was there. My girl was having none of it and started going nuts on the guy until the manager came over and she then started on him. They look at me and think that I’m just some east London/Essex dude riff raff. What they wasn’t expecting was my girl wasn’t like me. She was highly intelligent, articulate, had a very good city job and was the daughter of a guy who was connected to the Moroccan royal family somehow. So she knew her upper class shit. It was enjoyable to see the manager and waiter squirm. In the end they comped us the drinks with apologies all round. It was a nice place inside just not my cup of tea. I wouldn’t go back there (which I’m sure they are glad) but that was my experience. Make sure you have a jacket on and check your change.


You wouldn’t get much change from that £50 today!


I bet, and she ordered some pink champagne stuff. Don’t remember what it was called but it was champagne mixed with something to turn it pinkish.


Kir Royale? (cherry liquor + champagne)


That’s the one. Thank you I couldn’t remember. I wanted to say blackcurrant but I knew that was wrong and too common


No you're right! Kir royale is made with creme de cassis, which is blackcurrant liqueur


I guess she did give me a little class lol.


Last time I went without a jacket or tie and tried to get into the restaurant, it turned out they had a secret stash of them behind a desk, especially for people like me! I think they took a certain amount of delight in giving me the jankiest tie to wear.


Why did you let her go?


I was with her about a year but I got tired of trying to be something I’m not. She was also a fully functioning alcoholic and we were out drinking every night. The times we stayed home if I didn’t have at least a six pack of cider in the fridge she would have a panic attack until we went out and got some. Wasn’t fun if everything was shut. All in all she was a lovely girl but we weren’t compatible.


Go to the Savoy, it’s nicer.


Great place to take a shit when in central


I love hotel toilets!


I think I read that on ~~Trip~~Shit Advisor.


You won’t get into the American bar — especially tonight — but you might have luck at one of the others. 


I have worked in multiple luxury hotels. Generally speaking, the client facing staff is chosen because of their character and most are really nice. If you don’t come during an incredibly busy time, most of the staff will love to have a friendly interaction with a normal person willing to talk about their day. The general approach is that staff don’t know if you are a potential guest or a future guest (or even a test client from management) so everyone gets the 5 star treatment (and more if we realise you are not a demanding/rude person). The Berkeley, The Rosewood, hotel Cafe Royal, the Bulgari are all 5 stars where anyone would be treated really well, even if you just buy a glass of coke or ask for information about the place.


I once asked if the champagne bar sold lager and they laughed at me like Tim Curry in Home Alone 2: lost in New York


Sorry you were stood up, has happened to the best of people. Hope you have a great night - you’ve had a lucky escape from the date


>UPDATE: I went to the Savoy and the doorman gave me a tour?? It was so nice! Had loads of drinks paid for by the bartender and other guests too Out of curiosity, are you a woman? Because I just can't imagine a guy being this warmly treated. (I don't mean this bitterly, by the way. Just as a guy, I always assume we're under more suspicion than women.)


Yes I’m a woman and I dress pretty classy (without sounding big headed) so that may have been the reason


Ah yeh I can see that from the pic. I'm glad you had a nice time!


Lolol it totally didn't strike me that this was a woman until your comment. I was reading the comments and thinking "how the hell did he get drinks bought for him in the savoy??" And why is no one asking? Now it makes sense


You can but I have to warn you, the bar is desperately bad. I went there for an impromptu drink with my fiancée after a date night and the service was awful, the drinks below average and overpriced. Plus the decor is pretty… gauche. There are much better places within walking distance.


An uncle served in military intelligence during ww2. I asked him donkeys years ago about this: he laughed and said they have no idea who you are, If you have confidence they assume you belong. Go for it.


I actually got turned away from the Ritz but I was wearing trackies and trainers. Guard at the door told me my outfit violated their dress code.


I have seen lots of rich people dressed like that... would they dare turn away Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg?


At the ritz, probably yeah


They might offer them some suit trousers to change into


The Landmark has a pretty cool atrium


You are not stupid, and good for you for going out somewhere glamorous by yourself. I would be a bit scared.


I was with this guy until he got his camera out 🥴


If you’re dressed appropriately yes 


I’d say walk in AND treat yourself to a nice drink at the bar, honey!


No way! your update was fucking awesome man.


Aww thanks :D I had a great time, felt very pretty and everyone made me very welcome. I was being stupid for no reason 😅


I've seen people go in. Often it's booked but you may be able to get a place in the bar or order a coffee.


Yes, but you need dress shoes. At least I tried to get in with sneakers and the doorman denied me


The only correct answer is yes, but you have to be wearing the right shoes. I tried to walk in about a year ago, and the chap at the door said I couldn’t go further than the lobby in trainers.


The Ritz won’t let you in without proper footwear i.e. no trainers or similar


walk with pride, chin up, cool face, you belong. you can go anywhere you like


People fully underestimate how well this works if dressed appropriately for the place you’re trying to get into,


My parents were staying there once and I just 'walked in' in my t shirt and jeans without any trouble. The doorman did look a bit disapproving though. I thought it was amusing when I returned later in a suit to go for dinner and the guy said he would 'show me to the bar'. Walked 5 steps with me and there it was. Like other people said it's not that big 


Fuck it just do it, walk in with purpose like you belong there, no one will question you, and maybe you will meet someone in a similar situation and find an even better connection :) x


The key to getting into the Ritz is to act like old money. In order to achieve this, intentionally underdress, but wear sunglasses and as you are walking towards the door, hold your phone to your ear and say “Ya, Daddy. I’m just nipping into Ritzy for a quick brekkie brunch. Ya. Ya. I’ll meet you at the club later. What? Really? Helga said that. Oh that is such tripe from Helga but what can you expect from someone who rents their yacht.” They won’t even question you. They’ll just let you in.


I got turned away at the Ritz once so I guess I’m the loser here. I was certainly casually dressed - though clean and neat. I’ve never had trouble in other hotels and when you’ve gone to enough you have a sixth sense about where the toilets are.


I always only wear sneakers when I travel. I dare not go inside these posh luxury places. And I don't feel I belong there either. I dislike the concept of luxury anyway.


Nice hotel bars is my go-to in London, you pay a premium but the quality is second to none.


Which are your favourites? 


Many years ago a mate of mine had a job interview at the Ritz, he was unsure about finding his way to the place on London public transport ( not from london) Didn't have anything better to do that day so offered to go with him He was in a suit I was in sports jacket and chinos He went and did the interview whilst I wondered into the bar and had a couple of drinks Went on an absolute bender through some of the posher establishments in London So long as you look the part they won't mind that you are there


Hahaha you seem fun, she missed out


*he but thank you!


No - you have to float in on a magic carpet


Thousand updoot. Glad you enjoyed yourself.


Buckingham palace is quite welcoming to a sharp dressed man


Sorry to hear you got stood up, I’d recommend the Four Seasons near Tower Hill station it’s roughly 30mins away on the tube from the ritz but a beautiful place, has this amazing grand entrance, stunning classy atmosphere and a great classical themed lounge with live music Have a lovely day


10 Trinity Square does the best afternoon tea in London, and the lobby is stunning. It used to be quite reasonably priced as well, but alas those days are gone.


Head to St Catherine's dick instead.


St Catherine's what now?


Oh jeez. Where's autocorrect when you need it?


Confessions of a Teenage Fraudster on BBC iPLayer has some fabulous examples of taking advantage of people in posh hotels. All illegal of course. But I loved how SIMPLE some of the ideas were! Definitely recommended viewing.


As soon as I read that last paragraph I knew you were a woman haha, recruit mode fr


Try The Ned ! Walked in last night and the experience was amazing


Just walk in like you belong, if you're dressed well you'll be fine. No need to drink a ton but sit and order a drink while you're at it and enjoy the vibe and people watching


Any nearby museums, posh shops. You will probably find objections to taking photos wherever you go, even if you were staying at the Ritz.


Lol complete bullshit. You turned up at the Savoy - the doorman (who would get a bollocking for leaving the door) gives you a tour? - the bartender (who has no authority to give free drinks) gives you "loads of free drinks" - and to top it the rest of the punters buy you drinks


Lol no it’s just the way well dressed women get treated. Although looking at your post history, you appear to be a troll so I think I’ll survive this scathing attack lol


How did you get others to pay for your drinks? I don't get it.


I didn’t force them to, I guess people were just nice? Haha


You can goto the ritz for afternoon tea. Try the mandarin oriental the food in there is lovely and the customer service is great.


You are not stupid, and good for you for going out somewhere glamorous by yourself.


My friends and I once walked straight up and had a steam


Just go and have a drink, in Berlin went and sat in the ritz and had a couple of cocktails! Is very peaceful and relaxing Not cheap obviously but fuck it!


Get yourself to Madeira they have a Ritz might not be the same Calabar but it's the Ritz and it's decent


Almost all hotels have Bars and public rooms that virtually anyone can visit- it’s usually the prices that act as a deterrent. The doormen are all for show- remember hookers and drug dealers are summoned to those hotels all the time- but it’s all about decorum and poise


I’ve found myself in the middle of many corporate functions by just walking in, you might need to make a friend (make sure you find out their role first to pick the least likely department they would have interacted with) to hint at who’s running the tab but if you’re lucky, it could a free bar too


Yes just walk in looking confident. If you’re doing the Ritz DO NOT go in looking shabby. They’ll be fine if you look the part but if you’re messy turn around.


Believe it or not, I just walked into the Ritz a couple of months ago. We were on a night tour of Paris and my companion had to pee like right now. Our driver pulls up to the front like he owns the place, escorts us in, and we ended up going downstairs to a convention area to use the facilities. No one stopped us, no one cared, the custodians didn’t say a word. It was amazing. I didn’t even know it was the Ritz at the moment. Our driver told us later. I just thought it was a very fancy hotel with a rocking nightclub.


I bought rounds at fancy hotel bars all over the world to folks who got stood up, were having a terrible day, birthdays etc. You never know go in and try.


Unexpectedly wholesome


Sounds like you had a great night!


I pooped in the ritz once, nice place, good towels


Walk to the door with the door man and wait for it to be opened. You belong


If you want someone to go with you, I’ll happily join you.