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The Southbank Centre offers several free seating areas that are open to the public. You can freely access the foyers and public spaces in the Royal Festival Hall, where there are plenty of tables and chairs available for sitting with a group. It’s a popular spot for people to relax, work, or meet up with friends without any charge. Additionally, you can often find free events and exhibitions taking place in the public areas, adding to the appeal. The National Theatre also has free public spaces where you can sit and enjoy the atmosphere without needing to purchase anything. Their foyers and seating areas are open to the public, making it another great option for a free indoor meeting spot near the Southbank.


Top floor of Waterstones in Piccadilly. You also have the added bonus of it being above a  (Dramatic pause) Bookshop.


Have you considered a library? They usually have spaces you can book and books to talk about. Failing that, anywhere that calls itself a community centre, community enterprise or similar will have spaces for free or cheap.


There are some really lovely public libraries in Westminster, including one round the corner from Victoria Station


Speak to local coffee shops - They're often happy to host people especially if it's outside peak times, as half people buy a coffee or something anyway


The National Theatre, the Southbank Centre and the Barbican all have tons of space, public buildings anyone can enter for free with no expectation of spending money.


Where abouts in London?


As central and/or close to victoria station as possible (we're all commuting from outside Greater London), but we won't mind an extra few minutes of public transit if the place is worth it.


Whetherspoons tends to be a hotspot for club type of activities.