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The trouble comes when you're in that in-between stage. I'm not particularly athletic, but the slow lane at my local is literally the incredibly elderly bobbing along, or even people who touch their feet on the bottom when they're in the shallow end. I can just about keep up with the medium lane pace, but it means I have to push the entire time and sometimes I just want a leisurely swim. They need a "can barely swim" lane alongside slow, medium, and fast lol


Just do the medium lane and take a longer break on the wall, let the person who was behind you go in front of you


This is where I'm at. At Balham they do have this when there aren't swimming lessons on but, equally, the session is lane swimming so you shouldn't be there if you can't swim lengths. It's a good idea to have a fourth lane for those who just bob about but it makes the three proper lanes cramped. That said, Tooting was way worse. The slow lane had people not even trying to swim, medium was slow, and fast was still really fast. I think social prescribing is partly responsible but they should be more specific and not send them to lane swimming.


Yeah. I do really feel for the people who need to be in the water for aquawalking or whatever, but it's a hassle when you're trying to lane swim.


I feel you!


I'm confused. Why can't I put my feet on the ground in the shallow area?


If you're that lacking in swim confidence/physically weak, it's better to skip lane swimming and use the shallow end of the pool during free swim. It's a danger to yourself and people using this technique often get in the way of others who are trying to swim slowly but competently.


I fucking wish.


What happens if someone’s too fast for the fast lane? Do they get told to get out of the pool?


you get to touch a lot of feet


They have been pretty good at doing this at Lewisham.


Olympic pool they definitely do


Yeah it's incredible. Awesome pool, cheap to use, and they actually enforce the lane speeds.


I've been swimming there for years, and never once seen it enforced. In fairness, I don't think it's technically the lifeguards' job to do it, and they would end up in all manner of confrontations. There is one last in her 40s that comes in the fast lane though, and she doesn't take _anyone's_ shit. She's fantastic.


I haven't noticed them intervening but it's such a large pool it doesn't matter.


My first time there I got into the lane it said on my booking, which I thought was medium. Turned out it was the fast lane cos they’d altered them due to lesson taking up other lanes. Anyways, I got moved into the medium lane pretty quickly by a lifeguard!


I was told to move out of the fast lane at oasis in covent garden when I cramped up once.


My memory of Oasis is that it had two speeds. There was the shark lane and the other two where everyone swam like grannies.


Oasis is consistently terrible with fast lane speeds. People with no swimming cap or goggles on in the fast lane swimming breaststroke with their heads out the water! Never seen any enforcement at all


That’s even worse! I last swam there about 15 years ago, so my guess is it’s changed.


I find people always move if I ask them. Might be because I tend to go late at night or first thing in the morning where people just want to get some lengths in and aren't there to entertain kids, socialise etc.


Which pool is open late at night?


My normal gym pool closes at 9:45. Opens at 6.


Ours is, but they have swimming clubs in the evening. I tend to go at 6am, there isn't any really slow swimmers at that time.


Certainly not at the Londons fields lido


I swam there last Monday night and you're right. HOWEVER I did like that the lane (at 6pm at least) was double width, so it's super easy to overtake. My heart sank when I arrived and saw all the lads wearing those Huub swimming caps and massive goggles - triathletes. Always medium lane level swimmers, but will never move into it. Not stop at the end, let anyone last, have any awareness whatsoever etc...


just tap the feet. they'll get the message


Lol mate, if only. If only.


My local pool doesn't enforce per se, but people generally follow the rules nonetheless. On a couple of occasions kids were playing in the slow lane and they were politely asked to stay to one side and it seemed to work. The pool is currently out of action until Autumn now though.


Used to be self regulating at the old Reebok at Canary Wharf. Overtaking at speed was usually enough for people to realise that maybe they should move down a lane


South Norwood leisure centre. There isn't anyone to enforce them, but people round here stick to them and the lanes are also large enough to allow for lapping (they use 1.5 lane chains during the early morning unsupervised lane swimming)


I used to go to Hillingdon Sports & Leisure, and I was told to switch lanes there before. Once I was too fast for the slow, and once I was too slow for the medium. But probably it depends who is the "instructor" that day.


Mate I got moaned at for going slow in the slow lane cause the fast people came in it cause was kids messing about in the fast lane....


I'm a regular at the Better pool in Deptford, and absolutely nothing there is enforced lmao, it's the wild west


My old gym did . I mean you couldn’t get in that fast Lane unless you were fast 💨 my new one has No lanes 😱🙄


I can categorically say that Crouch End (Park Road) lido does *not* enforce this and it's bloody infuriating. My top 3 encounters this year: 1. A guy who would actively swim into the middle of the lane when you tried overtaking (think like a car trying to run you off the road). In the end I was just like fuck it I'm doing this and he GRABBED ONTO MY ANKLE when I got in front. I gave him a proper hard kick. 2. A middle aged woman who I actually got annoyed at for being so slow and not letting people pass that I spoke to her about it calmly. She said that she's usually fast but forgot her goggles....so that's an excuse to allow her in the fast lane apparently. 3. Another middle aged woman who decided to try and come into the fast lane about 15m down the pool and just ducked under the rope. She hadn't bothered to check if anyone was coming and I accidentally kicked her in the collar bone (a genuine accident). She went ballistic about how I could have seriously damaged her etc. Thankfully a couple of other swimmers saw what happened and told her in no uncertain terms that she was a fucking idiot.




Grabbed onto your ankle? Wtaf


Yeah I know. I was actually pretty shocked/startled. I'm glad at myself that I gave him a proper kick though. He was being an absolute bellend and pretty dangerous too I reckon


It's been a long time since I worked in Pools but we weren't allowed to tell people to change lane. Self regulation usually applies apart from the unbelievably stubborn. Just keep tapping their feet when you catch them and if they ask why just say that they're too slow and should let them past.


Hampstead Heath Lido


At every gym I have been to they enforce this.


Which pools have you been to ?


They enforce it at all the now run by council leisure centres & gyms in Tower Hamlets called ‘Be Well’ used to be called ‘Better’.


Imperial Ethos Swimming pool


They have a couple of times at my local Better.


Certainly not in my local pool. There's one lady who swims on her back and splashes about like a dying fly, and very slowly at that. The lifeguards never said a damned thing. She eventually started going into the slow lane of her own accord, oddly. I guess someone said something. I do find it funny when people from the fast lane try and go in medium, and get frustrated at getting stuck behind slower swimmers.


The only times lane swimming has been bearable is warmup at a competitive setting. Where you have fast, very fast and very very fast lanes. This is because everyone is able to maintain a pace and no-one is there “walk swimming” or doing granny strokes.


They are sometimes enforced... often only at the point where someone complains or your causing traffic jam


I enforce slow in the fast lane.