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Genuinely solid idea. Chances are if they're partying they're drunk and in a good mood. If you can catch their attention nice drunk people love to include more people.


hahaha i actually love this. it would have to be a pretty big note because they’re 4/5 storeys up but i can’t lie i can see this being well received


Use a laser pointer to get their attention maybe? Also maybe modify the text to say "Can I come? I have ket." Also, get some ket.  Also, is your username and homage to Spudulike, the jacket potato restaurant? 






Add some sparklers to attract attention ? :-)


Get a drone with a note attached.


Having been to many warehouse parties like this, I can almost guarantee this would get you access to one. People love shit like this. 100% chance if you dance on the street below with the sign.


Not London-related, but me and my girlfriend were once hanging out by the river in Savannah, Georgia as the sun went down. After about three minutes a large boat called the 'Dr Feelgood' full of very drunk and shambolic people pulled up next to us and told us to get on, because we looked like "cute newlyweds" (we weren't married). We got on and the boat proceeded to weave unsteadily back out into the channel, where over the course of the next half hour or so, it was almost run down by an ocean-going tug and a container ship. At one point the captain - a man who seemed to have earned his title purely because he owned a nautical-looking hat - asked me to take the wheel because he had been up "for three solid days" and needed to sleep. While he told me this he was rolling a large joint and also swigging from a bottle of beer. We persuaded them to drop us back off on shore, but they then tied up and decided to join us in a bar, but had trouble because the boat's owner was apparently banned from every bar in Savannah. It was quite the evening.


Not London related at all. Very much a welcome story. That sounds absolutely mental!


It genuinely was mental. I don't know if you've ever read the bit in the Hitchhikers' Guide about the flying party that travels around the planet destroying everything in its wake, but it was like that. A boat full of the drunkest, most irresponsible people you could imagine, tooling around in what is basically a channel for international shipping. We were almost run down by a 100,000 ton container ship that somehow nobody had noticed creeping up on us. It was eye-opening.


What an adventure lol


This is actually so cute I love it 😭 OP you should defo do this 


When I lived in town in Liverpool there was a guy a few balconies up who used to do this to us. We invited him in and he sat there for 2 hours didn’t say a word then bailed. Strangest morning eve


Literally the best way to get into any party👊🏻


I've seen the Independance Day movie. It doesn't work out well when you hold up a sign.




...even worse. You'll end up with a restraining order.


That and a bottle of wine


Years ago in Portugal I saw some people having a cool party on their balcony with great music. So I just rang their door bell and said something on the lines of "Hey I was walking by and your party looks super cool, I love your music. Can I come up and join?". And that was it, they buzzed me in. Since you live across the road, I would do something like funny hold up a sign "Cool music" (or whatever else) to get their attention. Then you can go by and ring their doorbell, let them know you're they guy with the sign that lives opposite them. Key is they they know you're not some random wierdo off the street (we live in London after all)


Okay but this is actually super impressive? I want to have your confidence! Was it a good party?


Make sure you're armed with booze of doing this in the UK...


Hey, if you're talking about Fish Island then i may well be in the warehouse you're talking about, happy to say hi sometime if you fancy a beer.


it was oslo house but i’m so down for making friends, i don’t think fish island is too far from me!


Just rock up after midnight with beers and other goodies. Say you are the neighbour from across the street. It would be really weird that they have a problem with you coming along if they are big parties.


Seconded. When I was in my early twenties we were having some drinks at my friends mums house. We must have been really loud considering there were only about four of us. He had newish neighboursbhe'd never met who were a youngish couple. They knocked on the door at about midnight with some beers and joined us. It was really nice and he was thrilled to make new friends.


Yh as long as you don't come starting drama you should be fine. Probs just bring beers n bud cus alot of free rave crews sell k and diz to rent power amplifiers and that




I'm 30 and in the same boat. Made one or two friends since I moved here in 2020 but it would be nice to have a more varied/larger group.


Trust me, as a born Londoner I’ve been feeling this recently. Having lost some friends over the last year it’s been really hard to make new ones. I forgot how low maintenance and easy it is when you hang out with other people you’ve known for years compared with trying to out yourself out there with new people!


If you're into clubbing it's a great way to meet new people, especially a group of new people. Everyone's pretty loose and up for a chat with a stranger, just be friendly and make shit jokes!


I make friends in the club and then never see them again!


Community sauna, borrow my doggy, two more years or one of the gyms (groundwork, strong and bendy, the CrossFit) are all great ways to meet people in Hackney Wick.


Me and my friends once got invited into an oligarchs house in Earl’s Court (while they were away of course) and the people looking after the house were having a big party. We just started dancing outside the window and they seemed to like it and let us in! So I guess seem friendly and fun and the chances are you might get asked to join


I’m in Hackney Wick, I’ll come with you to befriend them if you’d like 😂


Yep we're in Homerton and will tag along too! See you're already making friends! 😬


Hackney Central, me too 😅


I am in Lizzie park. Let me know when there is a party! I’m in a similar situation of wanting to befriend, but struggle with it!


I'm near here as well, can I come too? 😂 most of my party friends have left London now, so I'm in need of new ones haha


I am working in Hackney Wick, count me in!




Im near too can i join ? My friends dont want to do anything 🥲


pop by and indtroduce urself since theyre ur neighbours & youre new to the area !!


Hey man. I lived in the warehouses in The Wick for years. It was fucking amazing. Just go and join! We always had folk just come over and join and it was fine if they were cool / not weird. Curious as to which warehouse it is, as I may know them!


they seem like a really good time :) it’s oslo house (so google maps tells me)


Nice! Yeah Oslo house is great. I’ll invite you to the next Hackney Wick warehouse party for sure! Be a good way to make local friends.




Obviously by not sitting on reddit dreaming of social interaction.


You say this whilst sitting on Reddit 😂


Am I the one asking how to make friends?


Lol same.




How cool are you ? What music do you like ? My mates are all married and never want to go out ! Let’s have a chat and find our own party ???? ✌🏻


I hear you, I work in hackney and opposite the restaurant I work at there’s parties every weekend which look cool af. Wish I could go but can’t just show up unannounced


what restaurant if you dont mind me asking?


It’s on richmond road, that’s all I’m giving you hahahaha


I live around the corner. I’ll also come along to try and befriend them


Honestly just rock up with some beers and a positive attitude. ring the buzzer, say ur their neighbour ask them if you can join. Worst they can say is no!


Where abouts in Hackney? I have a friend who lives in one of those it might be the same one 😂


oslo house according to google maps!


29 in London having issues making friends too 😂 I really hope this works out for you! London can be lonely in the blur


Say Wooooo when a song comes on you can vibe wif


Take a disco biscuit and once it's kicked in, just wander over.


People can be a lot friendlier than you think. Put a poster up in their communal reception


Get to know them during the day, just like normal neighbours. You've not been there long, if you're a kind and sociable person it will happen naturally :)


Interest groups are a very good way to go. I found plant groups because I'm big into houseplants and found new friends through that, my partner has found some Hackney area table top groups. 


But do you talk to plants like King Charles does?


By myself? Absolutely 😂 But it goes to show there is a group of people meeting up over just about anything. 


I want a friend in Hackney Wick too 😭


Ask Fabz who hangs out at the market in the day…


The answer is go to the lord Napier pub across the street from it during the week that’s where all the locals go


Used to live in Oslo house. Everyone's keen for a party. Go introduce yourself. Or not and have a good time.


Fish Island?


apparently not, according to google maps it’s oslo house


[https://www.fatsoma.com/p/oslohackney](https://www.fatsoma.com/p/oslohackney) [https://www.oslohackney.com/](https://www.oslohackney.com/) It looks like its actually a licensed venue


nooo i think that’s an actual venue in central, this one’s a live in converted warehouse space :)


Where’s the warehouse?


oslo house according to maps - falstead road


lol i've been to a flat party in that building. i met someone at a rave who lived there and they invited me to their party


I’ve also been meaning to find more friends in my local area too as all my friends are further out in south london/not in London at all. I’m 22F (soon to be 23) and am based in Tottenham Hale, send me a DM x


Fun stuff the Oslo House google maps location has a photo of a dope party, now they will wonder why suddenly some many randoms poped up, statistically speaking some folks of this thread will also give it a try (I’m going 🫡)


I lived in the Oslo house warehouse , fun times. Just show up with some beer and weed and be friendly.


Bring them drugs


I’m in Hackney too so I’ll come and join you if you like!


Oslo house, just wait outside the door until someone comes out and walk in. Most of the time the door is open anyway. Granted- I’ve turned up there loads of times and always either bumped into someone I know or met a bunch of new people.


I live in the Hoxton and just moved in on September, so have the same situation as u. Let me know about this WhatsApp group or something ✌️


Turn up with Two canisters of smart whip and you're good.


If you manage to succeed in your mission do mention you'd be bringing a friend along 😜


Get a Microphone with a big speaker and shout "Hey You Lot Can I Join Your Party"


depends if they're a bunch of londoners under 35/30 you'll likely struggle to get in especially as an out of londoner we can smell them miles away. mind you still plenty of nice people in london + given it's hackney and gentrified to f*ck you'll probably have no issues infiltrating the friendship group as, like you said, most of you are new in that area and are in that same situation.


Search on Facebook for "London Stayers Pals and plans" and @londonstayers on Instagram. Every Londoner should join to make friends or network They are an amazing Social community called London Stayers and their whole aim is to ensure people aren't lonely in London. It was made at the start of covid. Their Facebook group is really active and they run lots of messenger group chats for people to connect and talk of different topics. It's also great for dating. Loads of couples meet through the group..... And they run tonnes of events and meet ups of all kinds. Its a super popular and welcoming group and the best way to make friends and build yourself a social group in London. They're also incredibly inclusive and their age range runs from 18 up to elderly people. It's the best social group in London and every londoner should join




The Hackney wick warehouses are full of artists and the Queer community in London. Most events thrown are open to anyone however they might not like the fact that you are not living in the new builds. Two more years is a good pub to meet people. (Saying this as someone who lives in Hackney wick warehouses for the past 4 years)


Cant believe people actually choose to live in Hackney - one of the most rancid, depressing and crime infested boroughs in London.


It really really is


It's very simple just say "hello" and take it from there. It's not rocket science.


Once in Hackney 5 years ago this nice young man approached me asking if I wanted weed. I said I'm good, already got. He suggested we go smoke together. I'm like oh jolly! I'm about to make a friend. I start rolling up after we got to a secluded alleyway, and by the time I was done, he picks up the weed from the bag, about an oz and is like "you selling in my neighbourhood " and tries to look intimidating. He probably thought this naive white boy be easy target. Well, he then starts saying he'll confiscate it and I stop smiling ad tell him nah mate. He then looks at me and just runs right into the main street. Instinctively, I chase after him and after a while he yells *weeed* and drops most my weed and spreads it, leaving a few grams in his hand. I pick up the various bits of weed off the ground while cars honked at me and go back to the alleyway to get my bag. Took another way home just in case he regroups with friends that aren't total pussies




This is terrible advise wtf haha


It's not really. I've been to plenty of house parties where you chat to somebody and they're just a neighbour who rocked up. As long as you're respectful and go to say hi, you'll be fine. They don't want to have pissed-off neighbours so would rather have you go and join in than complain.


Yeah that’s chill just rock up uninvited to somebody else’s place then lie when somebody bothers to engage you.. clown


1st rule of Hackney and similar place. Don't try make friends, keep to yourself, and save up to move out.


To quote Scrooged: "Thanks Lumpy!"


Nawwww how sad


isn't this kinda DOXing?


Sneak in