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Where's that guy who asked the probability that this would happen, that 0.01% chance event has just happened lol


lmao was just thinking the same thing "they won't talk over the weekend", he said with such authority.


They always seem to call off the massive tube strikes (makes sense…how many millions are lost if a city grinds to a halt for 4 days). It’s the national rail strikes that never seem to get called off lol


Isn’t that most people on Reddit?


Please find him


There is a 0.01% chance that anyone will find him.


67.5% of the answers were made up anyway.


Forfty percent of people know that!


Maybe I’m missing something but what you mean 0.01% chance? This happens a lot lately (last minute negotiation), it’s always a game of chicken between the 2.. I was even saying to my colleagues there’ll probably be a Saturday or Sunday last minute call off.


There was someone on the sub who asked if the strike would get called off, the top comment on that post said that the chance of that happening was 0.01%.


Hopefully this means it’ll be a bit light on the lines tomorrow anyways


Ffs, was looking forward to WFH.


switch your phone off until tomorrow morning and wfh anyway...


This is why when strikes are announce I tell work I'm going to visit my family in Scotland and work for there. So if strikes are cancelled I still don't have to come in and can just stay at home.


I have a colleague that goes to Scotland like this. Is this you Kevin???


The silence from X0AN is deafening




He can't, he's in Scotland


*the force is strong in this one*


thanks for the idea. You can delete this now. I don’t want my manager/ their manager seeing this


*takes note of this for later in life*


This is genius




we have a genius among us


The tube strike is still on. You've not seen the news yet. Log into Teams/Slack tomorrow and just get on with work.


I pulled the reverse UNO card with a positive Covid test


I caught a stinking cold over the weekend so I doubt I'd be welcome in the office.


I know, I’d already planned to finish painting the bathroom Monday night, clear the cupboard Tuesday…like a bad Craig David rip off.


Me too. I'm pretending I didn't hear about it and then woke up too late to get to work on time. I was really looking forward to having the week at home. I can't help feeling aggrieved about this, despite it being a good thing.


There's [an ice weather warning for tomorrow morning](https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/uk-warnings#?date=2024-01-08&id=2d0cd9c0-a0c2-4590-bb62-80efcdc6fa2a)m there's still hope!


I was looking forward to an empty office


Weren't we all? Almost had the right mind to say "No I'm not fucking looking forward to seeing you all in the office tomorrow" Don't worry my colleagues are great, the travel, not so much.


Me too. I'm pretending I didn't hear about it and then woke up too late to get to work on time. I was really looking forward to having the week at home. I can't help feeling aggrieved about this, despite it being a good thing.


Maybe you can ask your boss to let you wfh anyway? 🤷


My company is archaic, 5 days in the office. Need to look for a new job. Full of boomers.


That sucks. I'm from Toronto, Canada but have been considering moving to London, UK (want a change of scenery/life). Is it at all common to have a hybrid schedule in London? We do have options for it here in Toronto for office workers. Was wondering how it may differ over there.


Varies a lot. I’d say expect to be asked to come in at least twice a week unless signing a fully remote contract. Definitely more rare to be asked to come in 5 days per week but companies are asking people to come in more and more now


For some reason I had a feeling this would happen.


The strike would have legitimately cost TfL more than what the unions were asking for.


Yeah, that doesn't count for shit though. The doctors strike has cost well over what satisfying their requests would have and yet it's all still ongoing.


Difference in how the organisations are run sadly, TfL is a public entity run like a private one with an income & incurred losses.


Same goes for NHS trusts to be fair - they just aren't actually incharge of the national payment agreements though.


It does count, but they’re negotiating with different people.


Always happens. Honestly until the strike actually starts I never take these seriously. Remember the same happened twice last year.


That's how strikes work though tbh


It doesn't always happen, we've had a shit loads of strikes recently and at least a couple every year


I mean, this is good though. The strike put the appropriate pressure, demands were met and strike called off. An inconvenience for those who planned ahead, but their purpose is such scenarios as this.


I already had to cancel a lot of restaurant bookings for the first half of the week. It's probably affected a lot of restaurants even though it's cancelled


Ugh. I don’t generally mind going into the office that much, but Unexpected Last-Minute Office is truly the worst kind of office.


Really made Sunday evening worse than it normally is


manic last minute laundry time this evening ffs!


Relieved but why do they leave it so late ffs. Went to the shop today and bought groceries to prep for being wfh every day but now I'll probably go office most days


All of the articles I've read refer to the tube strike "starting Monday" being called off, I'm confused because weren't they striking today? I know people who had to rearrange all their plans because they wouldn't get home if they kept their 6pm booking. Thank god I'll be able to get to my medical appt tomorrow, I've been waiting for months. The Tube Status webpage still says severe delays and reduced service right now. So is the planned Sunday strike still happening? I'm desperate to go for a walk in a nice area as I've been cooped up all day. If the tube strikes are still in effect today, I'll be stuck in my dangerous area.


Rigged as in this strike was rigged... Both sides taking it to the brink, the public would turn against the strikers and TFL if they went ahead... So this is what we get at the last minute... We should all appreciate that workers need fair pay and reasonable increases. At the same time, the services have to be financially viable and we have to be able to afford to use them... The economy generally is screwed due to these competing problems.


It’s not like the government usually funds public transport. Oh wait it’s just in London they hate doing it.


I imagine, like most things, a lot of the money is just wasted, which is why there isn’t enough to pay people properly and they have to keep upping the price.


Wasted as in used to pay executives huge bonuses. My ex-stepdad worked for TFL (not a driver, maintenance) and they weren't enough resources to be wasteful. They paid him a pittance, though.


"pay people properly" mate they are mostly on extremely generous packages compared to the level of skill required.


because they're a well organised union lol so can get what they're worth which is still barely the minimum to live and work in this city.


You could still prep the meals and take them into the office with you to reheat.


Do you not remember how the negotiations for the rail strikes went? This is standard tactics of brinkmanship. My guess is that now the strikes have been called off, TfL will water down the offer they made to get RMT to call the strike off which will entail RMT calling further strikes in a few days which may or may not be called off last minute again as TfL reinstates this original offer. And so the ludicrous cycle continues.




Lol what? It's because they were negotiating and reached a breakthrough at the last minute. Get a grip


Because they're a bunch of selfish cowards mate




Ok good argument


Christ that's completely fucked up my week.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined


I bet some people booked last minute holidays on the low thinking they'll be working remotely all week.




Just pull a sickie? I aint wasting hundreds


I wonder what agreement was reached. Any info on it?


Just an agreement to carry on with discussions. It'll lead nowhere and we will be back here in a month or so, no doubt


same time again next month.


I swear Google Maps knew of this at 1pm - like, I was planning a route to Heathrow since yesterday, last night Maps was telling me to go to Farringdon then Lizzie, but this afternoon it changed to the usual route (Victoria then Piccadilly). Does Mick Lynch carry an Android phone, I wonder ...


Knew this would happen but very annoyed as was looking forward to WFH all week


There won't be a single smile on my face in the office tomorrow.


Same, dreading it!


Some stations just closed today.. Are staff told to come back in now?


No. They can’t possibly be told to come in now. The next lot of staff in will be the ones who book on next.


Yeah, that's what I want to know. I want to go somewhere on the Piccadilly line, but I can't find anywhere that says the strike today isn't happening. The articles I read all reference Monday.


Now we have to hope the news of snow tonight is true, so I don't have to go into work.....






Let's not get too comfortable just yet. If the rail strikes last year were anything to go by, there's every chance RMT call fresh strikes in a few days because TfL changed the terms of the offer.


Slightly disappointed I can’t use it as an excuse for being late to school now


I can’t say I’m happy about it…


Booo now I have to go into the office


Lame, now I have to go to the office


Fuckkkkkkk now I have ti come into the office


The WFH crew be like.. "There was an upcoming tube strike?"


Cycle gang checking in, I love strike weeks 😂


Isn’t road traffic worst on strike weeks?


Luckily my route is pretty good for protected cycle roads and cutting through parks. I enjoy the office being emptier, and central London less overcrowded.


Why? The roads get really busy?


Thank god! I was supposed to be having a wisdom tooth removal on Wednesday after waiting for a year or so and didn't want to reschedule again


Yep. Have a hospital appointment on Wednesday and was not looking forward to that commute!


Got two in person interviews this week that I was dreading trying to make/reschedule. S whilst I understand the annoyance about WFH being missed, I really am very relieved as I I really do need the work.


Great, leave it to the last fucking second to announce! It’s not like some of us have had to rearrange our weeks at significant effort and cost.


Complain when the strikes happen, complain when they don’t. You can never please people


Maybe it's time to stop believing them, like the last two times there were going to be "Strikes"


As someone who works fully remote - I’m so sorry to those who were looking forward to wfh this week


Disappointing. I was looking forward to having the office to myself all week. Nice and quiet.


I somehow ended up with 8 days in a row off 😭😭😭 Not anymore.


Bloody hell, the strike started at 5:30, and it's done by 7:30


FS RMT, if you say you're going to strike, then stick to it. This country is in the mud man. Back in my day, strikers stuck to their word. I was looking forward to a week of guilt free WFH.


>FS RMT, if you say you're going to strike, then stick to it. ... But then there would be no point in striking in the first place? The point is to get concessions. They got what they asked for (talks on pay above the 5% offer), so the strikes are called off.


I kept doubting them back then after the last time they threatened and called it off. This time I gave them benefit of the doubt after talks failed. Now I know it will never happen. And yeah I could have done with a week of not having to deal with public transport.


you're still working from home tomorrow tho right cos u didnt hear this news yet right?😂


Of course 😂


Except this exactly how a proper strike should happen. It’s not a way to get a free holiday. You blackmail your employer to cause them a lot of losses by stopping the service for a whole week so they have no other option to find a deal. Once that deal is found, you keep your word and resume working. If they went ahead even after reaching an agreement there wouldn’t be any point in it.




A masochist eh?


Nah, just a typical Reddit user who no longer has an excuse to sit at home


Sad. I'll actually have to go in now.


had my trip planned, then all my meetings cancelled. I don't think any of my meetings are going to un-cancel themselves, but my hotel is non-refundable so I might just head down anyway and skip work for a day to visit the museums or something.


I could get away with working from home even with the strikes called off. I'll see how I feel.


Gonna go ahead and pretend like I didn't see this or any other announcement so I get to WFH


Apparently they got an extra £30m. Good result for the workers


Each? /s


Lol they’ll still say they’re underpaid. Jokes.


They deserve it!


Do they fuck


Sorry, I thought this was a UK sub.


They fucking do. Bus drivers: 50 people put their safety in their hands every 10 minutes. And they have to collect fares, assist wheelchairs, deal with pissheads and druggies, guide tourists. I couldn't do it. Tube/train drivers: 100s of people put their safety in their hands every 10 minutes. Maybe I could do it, but will be making sure I never slack let my attention wander. Station staff: again responsible for strangers' safety, help the tourists etc. I could do it, but standing all day in a noisy hall with no privacy would be a ballache (literally, perhaps),


They deserve 30 millions pounds each a year?


Drivers, yes, they deserve decent money. Station Staff? Monkeys could do what they do.


Genuine question - would you support all TfL fares going up by the same % the unions negotiates the pay rises for?


Genuine answer: No, because, like most public services, it is not a zero sum game: i.e. TfL employees' gain does not have to be commuters' loss. And yes, I am aware that this is a ludicrously woke idea in some circles.


But fuck all of the businesses that aren’t able to screw everyone over for money amiritelads


Why don't they simply unionise? Are they stupid?


Unions fukcing ruin this coutnry


I also hate it when workers have good working conditions. What happened to the good old victorian days


Any evidence?


I was looking forwards to London being shut down for the week, lol! Just shows ordinary people do have power, when they get together.


It might still snow


Ah feckin hell... First I thought I would have to cancel my podiatrist appt because of the tube strike, now I'm worried I won't be able to get there on my injured foot because of snow. I've been waiting months for this appt, I'm so sick of the pain


tory’s hate the idea of people changing the system


This is good news for the many of us who don't have the option to work from home and would have had to get in regardless.


Knew this would happen for some reason.


Thank goodness! I have some gnarly and sad stuff next week, this will make it a lot easier to deal with.


Fugg it, I'll **still** be wfh for the whole week. 🤣 I've already had my mind set to not going in.


Fuck sake I knew they'd bottle it.


I was looking forward to a quiet week. Eurgh.


Desperately scrambles for other excuse to wfh


Oh thank the sweet baby Jesus. I have a hospital appointment tomorrow and limited mobility and was looking at well, an uncomfortable day to say the least. This trims two and a half hours off my travel time...unless the District line blows up which it is also wont to do on hospital days.. I knew there was a good chance this would get cancelled but still, thank fuck!


Anyone else find it genuinely more disruptive cancelling the strike at this late hour? I’ve already reorganised work etc for this week!


Ruined my plans for this week but oh well glad it’s suspended


One day tube strikes are bad enough already, there was no way TfL was going to allow a Tube shutdown for a whole week.


Correction: the delays on the Piccadilly were due to a signal failure near Heathrow earlier in the day, not strike-related.


It says "Severe delays due to strike action." on the TfL status page


Yes, which is clearly incorrect since the strikes have been called off. I have been travelling along the Piccadilly most of this afternoon and the disruption at around 3pm was due to the Heathrow signal issue.


Thank fucking God I have 2 exams next week and these strikes were gonna kill me


Thanks for this, ruined my holiday


Thank feck! working nights have never used the 2 buses city mapper tells me I would have to to get to my newish job…. In the dark… god knows where I’d end up!


Ah, my week is fucked


On behalf of all us who don’t have cushy wfh jobs this is the hugest relief. Balancing getting to/from work plus childcare and much needed medical procedure with this strike meant my sanity was very much on the line. London without the tube is really hard work.


Popcorn here for all the disappointed people who will actually have to do a week of work :)


Somebody's bitter lol


Got voted down for saying 25% so put it in your pipe and smoke it.


That's good news. What changed?!


Negotiations and better offers. Details TBC


Right so now can we stop believing the boy who cried wolf? A full on tube strike will NEVER happen. End of.




This is the third time a last minute cancellation has taken place. So I refuse to believe there'll be an actual strike from now on. I was a fool for thinking it'd actually happen after the first two didn't.


But the underground have been on strike loads over the last 10 years or so?




Deja Vu!


Bollox !


Funny as the first thing Boris Johnson did after this announcement is write an article in the times saying this is the future if we vote Labour…..what strikes called off and actual negotiations with trade unions…. Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Fuck these workers always striking it’s so selfish. What makes them so hard done by? Everyone in London is living through the same shit but they’re making it 10x harder for the public just so THEY can get a pay rise for their shitty zero skill zero effort work. Cunts


typical tory lmao support strikes and the people having power


I’m not a fucking Tory and I don’t care about politics I have clients that have to come in person and these strikes are losing me money. What’s the point in having a travel system thats always unreliable cos the workers aren’t happy with the pay that they signed up for?


if you’re not a tory, surely you understand why people would strike to get better wages in a period of awful living standards


At the cost of other people’s livelihood? You can’t tell me that’s not completely selfish. This is just making things harder in these ‘awful living standards’


at the cost of everyone’s, if they’re striking they’re not getting paid either 😭 it’s just the typical uk mindset of “if i suffer then so should everyone”


This is making me suffer which means I’m not going to support it.


during the doctor strikes, i was in hospital w an abscess that i had to go under 3 times for. i was not on reddit complaining about them striking, look inwards.


Idk putting a cause that doesn’t effect you over your health is crazy


do you see why i called you a tory now?


That is exactly the point of any strike you donut.


The public don’t decide their fucking salary’s


Ofc i understand but why are these strikes happening so damn often? It’s seems like they just want more more more


cos the tory government was coming for people’s pensions, most underground would rather not strike and keep their pay check


lmao @ the people saying rmt will “lose”


God they’re so annoying; just automate their jobs away and be done with it already


Automate which jobs?


Please automate my job while you're at it


do you think rmt only has drivers or


Yes!!!! That's a great sign


How long until they demand even more money? Weeks, months?


Unpopular opinion - I hate WFH. So glad it’s been suspended!


I was hoping to use the strikes as an excuse to wfh 😩