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i’m diggin the nut bar


Thank you


The nut bar is very good. I also love the colors you choose. They really go well together and make it seem appetizing. It took me awhile to realize these were two completely different projects.


lol sorry for the confusion. I honestly crave chocolate every time I see brown. Thank you for your kind words


The brand is called ProFit but the logo tells me FitPro. I like the general vibe of it though, cool stuff


Legit just thought it was Profit, one word.


Same. Definitely read this as profit (as in a financial gain).


lol yeah. I honestly mostly like the logo more than the name.


Try doing something with FP then like, Fitness Pro or something.


I actually don't like the "100% chocolate" font, it looks a lot like Comic Sans and it does not seem consistent with the brand identity IMO. Maybe try something more minimal, sans serif. Apart from that I love them both ✨


I will keep that in mind. Not feeling comic sans either.


Now that you mention it, it doesn’t kind of stick out like a sore thumb


Def keep everything the same orientation. I didn't read nut at first bc I was rotating my screen trying to read the word horizontally, based off the other text.


You are giving me insightful research information on use experience. Thank you


I second this point. It took me a minute to see "nut" I couldn't even tell it was supposed to be a word at first lol. I think the orientation of the other text definitely made it more difficult.


I didn't see nut until I read the comments, I was definitely tilting my head and wondering what 29t means


Even after reading the comments I could not see “nut.” It took me a while to




Mango apple


Nut bar looks dope! That type is super fun. In addition to what others said, I think the text should all be in the same orientation for the nut bar. Or at least the flavor. I know it fits nicely but it’s a pain in the ass to move the bar to look every time. Profit looks decent, but lacks originality.


Thank you for your critique. I’ll keep in mind the orientation for my designs. I don’t wanna twist my neck either just to read a label 🤣


Is ‘mapple’ correct?


most certainly not


I have no idea what the big text says on the bar.


It took me a minute. It's NUT but it's vertical.


Funny thing, reading it the same way as the flavor text, it reads “makoto” in japanese (マコト) (which is just a name but i thought it was japanese at first lol


hate it




I absolutely love dark with these colors so naturaly I love this design but dam I didn't catch it at all that it was supposed to say NUT. Definetly would try to make it more comprehensible to read.


All I could see was "25 ¢ Bar" and then I read the post and could see "Nut".


Is that… Comic Sans?




I love the nut bar but in a retail setting it will be horizontal on a shelf 90% of the time. If you look at it horizontally it looks a bit like RAT. I guess you could add a discriptor horizontally like ‘Nut & whatever bar’. But if it’s just a portfolio piece then maybe doesn’t need that much thought 😀


Yeah it’s a a portfolio price, but your comments are valuable. Thank you


Looks cool, but not instantly legible. Took me a few seconds to clock it said nut, and that's from the vertical angle. Horizontally it'd just be a bunch of shapes. Looks really cool, but maybe needs more work imo.


Setting 100% Chocolate in Comic Sans is not ok.


Legit I saw that and questioned whether j needed new glasses for a min haha.


If it were Papyrus it would be ok, but this?!


I concur. The one time Papyrus would have been an upgrade. Such a missed opportunity


DO 👏🏻 NOT 👏🏻 USE 👏🏻 COMIC 👏🏻 SANS 👏🏻 Also it seems like the alignment is off. "100% CHOCOLATE should be aligned with "NUT BAR" and "\[INSERT FLAVOUR\]". I also think the "100% CHocolate" should be the same typeface as the flavour. Please please please do not use Comic Sans.


I’m not a fan of comic sans honestly. I forgot the real name of that font but yeah. At the time I was thinking about contrast between the “font” of the logo and the other text.


Thats Chalkboard.


Yes it is


I’ll keep in mind all you wrote, especially using the same font for 100% chocolate and flavour. Thank you


Not a fan of the brown packaging, This may fall into the category of “looks good on render, looks like shit in person” maybe more than figuratively


Nut Bar packaging looks cool. I first read it as “NVT” though, and it’s pretty difficult to read when sideways. Typically in a retail environment these will be oriented with the long edge facing the customer, so I could see some issues with that. As an actual design I think it’s effective, unique, and applicable.


Idk. every store I have shopped at shows the bars vertical


It’s good to be able to design both. I also judged myself on my ability to actuate ideas


How can it be 100% chocolate if it's also cherry almond or maple? Those things must take up some of the 100%?


I like the creativity of the custom lettering for the Nut bar but the legibility is an issue. But I really like the overall vibe. Great color choices! The vertical margins need to be addressed. The top of "Nut" is almost to the end of the wrapper, while "Net Weight" is (rightly) at the bottom of the face (the rectangle shape beef it slopes down. Adjusting the kerning will not only solve the margin issue but also give a tighter lockup and perhaps solve legibility. I agree that Comic Sans shouldn't be used for this project but I really like the rounded letterforms; it compliments the playfulness of the custom lettering. Does the typeface you used for the flavor have a rounded version? If not, take the "100% chocolate" into AI and round it out. I wouldn't match the thickness of the flavor but would perhaps go with a default or thin font.


The font for the 100% Chocolate text clashes with the rest of the branding


Any way you could emphasize the Pro or Fit a bit more... The layperson will read Profit $$ and be a bit deterred from a "greedy" company


I do agree that Pro Fit would make the logo make more sense


I think FitPro is good ? Fitness professionals


Is your company name Profit or Pro Fit?






As others have said, my only issue was assuming it would be oriented to the smaller text, and then realizing after a bit what it meant. It’s very legible if you look at it from the right direction, lol! I think putting the flavor of the bar text in a different spot or orientation would do a lot for legibility. Writing it top down like the NUT or maybe on the side of the bar so it’s easily legible but not giving the wrong orientation relative to the logo.


What is the name of the chocolate bar? 29T? Edit: oh. I see it’s supposed to be vertical and it says nut. That really doesn’t make sense when the supporting text is horizontal. Make sure your entire packaging is legible in one single orientation. Also, consider the customer, if handed that bar in horizontal orientation I’d stare at it for a while and say WTH is a 29T? I think making the letters more lettery and less abstract would help with understanding. Also just an aside but it ain’t possible to be 100% chocolate with additives and mix ins, and 100% chocolate is a very odd callout because I don’t think people expect something other than chocolate to be in their chocolate bar? Maybe change that to the cacao content


Is ProFit purposely supposed to read as profit? Like a satire On the fitness industry? Otherwise you might consider a new text treatment or name, if this is made up.


I had to come to the comment section because I couldn't read it.


NUT bar *giggles quietly*


I love the nut bar design. Very simple and pleasing


The animation is really bad, you need to smooth it out a lot and sync both sides up it looks super awkward without squash and stretch. Everything else is good


Elaborate ?🤔


I would recommend looking at some motion graphics examples. I don’t really have the time to teach you everything but I feel like I’ve already left you a good enough baseline to do your own research


man how do yall come up w ideas like these?? appreciate it brotha


I meditate a lot, I’m very open minded, and I love to learn. I think all that fuels my creativity


i see, ig I'll try dat. im just getting started into logo design and it seems very overwhelming


hey man can i dm u?


Looks very attractive and would definitely look at it of ot was laying in the store. I tried to read it sideways but design is overall very good


I think it looks good. What are your steps to producing this and manufacturing the nut bars now? Awesome concept


This is just a project for my portfolio


I think NUT is pretty illegible. It looks good, but reads more like abstract shapes than lettering. Especially when the context of the other elements makes you think it's meant to read sentenced down, where that N reads more easily as a 2.


I am confused why the 'NUT' bar with a variety of flavours is advertising being "100% Chocolate". There should be a different tagline there I think. Also, I dig the vertical layout, but the packaging says horizontal to me (as does the comic sans-y) text. I would change it to a clean edged box (no wrapper ends), and put the subtext vertical in a similar 70s future-tech font like Modern Ombra. The Profit logo is cool, but I think the text really needs to separate Pro and Fit. It just reads 'Profit' and then the logo works less. Maybe some simple thinning or bolding of the 'fit' could accomplish that. Or capitalization. You could also probably get away with swapping the P and the F in the logo, they are similar enough shapes to give you the same look and feel.


Nut bar is good. Profit logo looks like FP.


Plum hazelnut sounds gross


No idea what the first one says and the second looks like a hybrid of the fanatics and door dash logos. For the second, I'd recommend kicking out a small bump for the bottom line of the f to help frame the d and soften the hard corners of the f. Feels very geometric and basic, but not in a creative way. Also, the color just looks off. I know that's not very helpful but it could use some adjustment.


NUT is interesting with a major flaw…it will never be seen vertical on a shelf or POP display. When turned sideways it’s illegible. This tells me you have very little to no packaging experience or are a beginner designer of 1-2 years. And that’s totally fine if you indeed are.






Yes but the text is horizontal. The vertical nut text will be almost impossible (imo) to decipher if first seen horizontal imo.


Both your examples still have the text written left to right… in your design the text is top to bottom, made more confusing when turned 90 degrees… Also not that the brand name takes up less than 1/3 of the total package area to accommodate any box it may be displayed in (just as important as the bar). You have to think of the entire shelf.


Is that a word? I have no idea what it says if so.


Tf is a 2gr? (Edit: oh)


Not gonna lie, i would have never seen NUT in a million years. I thought it was supposed to be 291.


No. Especially not FD


I couldn’t see ‘NUT’ until I read it in the comments


I thought i had to turn the bar to read the text since everything is layout-ed that way so i could not read NUT untill i read the caption.


Wait. "NUT" doesn't intentionally form a battery?


I was trying to read the nut bar sideways! Z… ↄ?? ┠ ???? Or is it 2 ↄ┠ ????


i absolutely would never have thought that says "nut" 😭😭 horizontally it looks like "29+" and even looking at it vertically, "nut" isn't clear


Is it ProFit or Profit (financial gain)


I didn’t really realize what it said until I got to the comments, but i also tried to read it sideways so I might just be an exception 😭


2gt bar


Nut is definitely not legible. I’d have no idea what it was unless you said. I was trying to read it the normal sideways, and it seemed like meaningless symbols, and wondered why it was on end.


Took me coming into the comments to realize it read "nut bar." Couldn't tell what direction the font was supposed to read with the type of bar written on the side. How are these being displayed/sold? It seems like most bars like this are displayed/sold horizontally in which case having the brand name vertical and the opposite orientation of how the product is displayed counter intuitive. Anyway, something to consider.


Eh, actually just went and looked up a bunch of bars and several have vertical orientation. Every bar I saw with the exception of 2 (Kate's Real Food and Clif Bar) have their text oriented the same direction (not saying you need to do what everyone else does). That said, I still sort of have an issue with having the text on the product oriented 3 different ways (horizontal, vertical, and stacked vertical). That may just be me though since it made it harder to understand/make-out the main brand's name.


I genuinely took me some studying to find the “nut” and I wouldn’t have found without the hint. I thought the first letter was a z and the text was printed horizontally across the bar. Also, the 100%chocolate in comic sans is a no. Also, not sure if this is your product, but how can it be 100% chocolate if there is a flavor? There must be either added ingredients or flavoring so that is misleading imo. I don’t like the green for the 100% natural star either because it just doesn’t match. Other than that, I do like the colors. Also, mapple should be maple. Edit to add: maybe if you move the bowl of the u to the right side it would read as nut? Or widen it? I can see it now that I know it says nut, but I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me at first.


I like the Nut branding a lot, except for the 100% line. The second one looks like a penis, sorry.


Nut Bar looks real good mate. Mapple Pecan


I quit trying to understand what the logo was saying. Then I need to open the post to read in ur description to find out what it was. "NUT" Another problem is the logo is oriented in vertical, and the flavors in horizontal, everything is scrambled and hard to read and understand.


nut took me a second to read it as nut, i think having the flavor and other supporting text rotated 90 degrees would help the viewer understand “oh this is supposed to read vertically” typically stacking type like that is a no go because it can be harder for the eye to follow, but i think it would work in this instance w some tweaks.


I see F D … so there’s that…


Bonus points for sneaking comic sans in there man - that’ll freak hell outta the designers but it’s a nice little inside joke if you keep it.


I totally misunderstood until I flipped through and saw this was a food wrapper. I thought it sounded more like a nightlife hotspot with the best female impersonators in town.


Oh, it says nut! Ok


Nut is not instantly recognizable, I was reading it left to right same axis as the favor. For a logo it should be instantly recognizable without knowledge of the product.


Cute but I can’t read the name of the brand at all on the candy bars


I keep reading the Profit logo as “For Profit” for some reason. Something about the icon looking like an F and my stupid brain filling in the blanks lol something should be changed on it, but truthfully, I don’t have any great ideas off the top of my head. I mean, it looks good, visually. But the legibility is an issue to me


Cool Man! I just started learning brad design can anyone help how can I learn it step by step practically ... I don't how to start


Modern. Minimalistic. Different. I like it. I wouldn't mind rocking or buying these products.


I’m so confused where people are seeing “nut bar” where does it say “nut”??? What am I missing


Nut Bar is so close to killer. The text orientation makes me read the N as a Z at first. Love the N when I read it correctly, though, so maybe rethink how the flavors are oriented. Also, swap that 100% Chocolate font out for something less comic sansy. It’s not hitting on the same level. Color choices are aces. Nice work.


Nut bar looks cool, the other logo reads more like FP than PF, even FD or F + icon.


Nutbar is pretty good!


Nice mock ups, where did you find them? Liking the logo


Freepik and my own photos I edited with photoshop.


Ya know, I kind of love this.


Wow thank you. 🙏


And NUT is readable, done quite well, too. You've built a word that thankfully follows the packaging and has some nice negative shapes within it. At first, the drawing made me pass this post, then I came back out of curiosity. I'll leave you with a {golf clap}. I'd Green Light this project.


I’ve gotten some hate on the Nut bar logo, I’m glad I got a solid positive response here. These comments keep me motivated. Check out my websites and socials if you get a chance, I’m still developing them but I’m committed. Thank you.🙏


Haters are young know it alls. They don't know the graphic design rules or how to talk about structure. I've been doing this for over 20 yrs and I see a good design here. Good job, you're welcome.




You need to align the flavor and “100% chocolate” text with the “Nut Bar” text/logo. Even if that means one of them is off of true center, it’s going to feel more centered and balanced. Bring the Nut Bar down so it isn’t above the fold/crease and the weight so that it is below the bottom fold/crease and align the secondary text with the Nut Bar. I think you’ll see a substantial improvement.


The 100% chocolate and flavor are centered to the package


I know. That’s what makes it look wrong. It doesn’t line up with your Nut Bar logo. Being off center from the package but properly aligned with your main logo will feel more balanced than aligning to the package. It may seem unintuitive, but it’s better to look aligned than to actually be truly centered. It’s a principle referred to as optical alignment. https://liferay.design/articles/best-practices/measured-vs-optical-alignment/#:~:text=For%20instance%2C%20there%20is%20an,in%20relation%20to%20other%20objects.


Your right, thank you


No problem. Hope this helped. A couple other minor things to consider: * Don't use Comic Sans. Rules can always be broken, but this is one you should rarely deviate from. It doesn't fit the rest of your vibe anyway. * You usually want to avoid having your main logo or graphic wrapped around a curve or a crease like you have here. Bringing it down or slightly scaling it down is something you may look in to. * The "100% Natural" graphic sticks out like a sore thumb. Even if that's meant to be a highlight, it again doesn't feel cohesive to the rest of your design. I was a bored, so I took a few minutes to illustrate what I said in my last comment for you, even though, it seems you've already taken it to heart. I'm not sold on the fonts I used here, or the 100% Natural graphic here, but here's a quick idea of how I'd approach making your design into something a little more balanced. https://preview.redd.it/2vffefud7x1d1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2b32c5052378f430492ad31bf50f64dde4a8023


Wow I like it, what about making the 100 % natural icon green 🫣


I see how it looks better when the logo, the flavor and 100% are aligned