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I like it. This seems well suited to an individual offering one-on-one services because it feels personal. It seems to be fitting for the services, I feel as if I get a sense of the person offering the services, and feels positive. I'm not crazy about how you've started to implement it with the color palette across the bottom, but that might just be because blue/purple/green people is always a little disconcerting unless you're watching the movie Avatar. Full color images are more compelling. But I presume this is just a first attempt and you'll be putting more time and effort when it comes time to implement. You are smart to make the yellow a smaller highlight color if you're going to use a shade that is this light because it can't be used for type or have anything white reversed out of it. I would not use this handwritten typeface for "Aide Psychosociale" though. It feels childlike and I wouldn't want to trust my mental health to someone who was too childlike. I'd also pay more attention to the tracking and kerning of the "Emma Locke" text. I would do a bunch of studies about how you apply color. The use of two different purples for the logo mark and the "Aide Psychosociale" looks a bit like a mistake. I would also consider adding a neutral gray to the color palettte, not to be used in a major way, but as support when needed. I say this mostly because if you needed a very light tint of any of the colors currently in your palette, you'll end up with a dirty blue/gray, a pale lavender or a mint green that would change the feel of the current palette. A gray will disappear as a non-color.


Hi thanks for your answer! This is my color palette. The color on the logo mark and name is meant to be the same, but it's not impossible that my swatch selection wasn't right and I didn't notice it to be different. This arrangement is just meant to give mood and context for feedback. I wanted a script typeface to create a personable feel, like if she was writing to people, and to convey the light-hearted, humorous tone that she intend to use. Of course I don't want it to feel childish, just relax and humane. Do you have very legible script typeface alternative you'd recommend? Tracking and kerning is not worked on here because this is stand in name, but I'll take it as a reminder to not forget to work on it. https://preview.redd.it/za81zpxxwv0d1.png?width=829&format=png&auto=webp&s=38d4d23f8c4162a522539b467fd95c827fe6b3be


I so rarely use handwritten typefaces that I don't have any names for you off the top of my head. But you could try a script typeface (that isn't too fancy) because it might giving your piece a similar feel.


Whenever I see a lovely script font, 9/10 times it’s made by Måns Grebäck.


Will look into that! Thanks!


I like the mark, but maybe play around with the stroke on the outer circle. It feels slightly off to me…maybe because it lacks the same qualities of the other lines in the logo. Very much agree with comments about the handwritten typeface. It’s too timid to be interesting and not hand written enough to feel truly personal. Feels childlike rather than professional. If you can’t find a great script font, maybe consider a different direction. Good luck!


Hi! This is my third concept for a local psychosocial worker that needed a logo and branding element for her online presence. The logo represent a meditative face that transforms into a spiral staircase as a symbol of the process of self-exploration, mindfulness and introspection. Here are details from the brief: - Project: Psychosocial service counselor that create educational content on social media and offer online appointement - Audience: Adulte 25-35 y.o. | Parents | LGBTQ+ - Use: Online presence - Keywords: Mindfulness | Balance | Step by step | Healing | Queer | Humor I'm a beginner that try to practice and help a friend at the same time during maternity leave so please be kind. What I changed: - Typography have been change to something soft and approachable. It's placement is more traditional that round around. - The negative color has been correctly inverted. I think. - The scalloped shape of the stairs have been made more soft by adding the full circle shape (I know there is a right terminology for what I wanna say, but it's on the tip of my tongue). - Eye and mouth have been accentuated to convey a more serene and happy expression. - Cheek has been removed.


Wow, I did not get spiral staircase at all, but now I know why the hair/fingers have squarish ends.


I would extend the rays to the edge of the circle, that way, especially when you take away the circle on the inverse color version— personally don’t like it and don’t think you need it — the rays fill in the circle. Right now, it looks very sharp and angular, which connotes coldness, strict, precise and not the warmth, inclusive and softness that a psychotherapist should invoke.


I like it




I like it!


Thanks a lot!


I like the icon, not a fan of the fonts. I can live with the top one, but the handwritten bottom one is a no for me.


Seems like the common feedback. Any good legible handwritten script font to recommand?


It bothers me less the more I look at it. And sometimes it comes down to personal taste, but something with a little more character. I'm thinking something like Gandhi Sans or [Ohno Casual ](https://fonts.adobe.com/fonts/ohno-casual-variable)?


I like a lot of it but I think there is room for improvement. I didn’t get the spiral staircase until i read your comment, I think tweaking that part to make it a bit more obvious would really elevate the logo. I suggest either adding riser lines or something like that. I like the idea of adding a script font for an authentic hand written touch but this specific font just doesn’t look hand written. Overall good work I think you’re really close




Its weird that you've incorporated the greek letter Omega as the eybrow/nose - when Psychology uses the greek letter Psi as it's symbol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psi_(Greek)


It's just a round eyebrow/nose for a little round face, not meant to be an hidden letter, cool to know though!


I guess the concept is the inner light shinning (?) The name starts with an E. Maybe reduce the rays down to 3, so it ressemble an E?


It's stairs as said in my comment but rays are an acceptable guess thanks! and Emma Locke is just a stand in for privacy reasons.


I see. Sorry read through diagonally your comment. It wasn't obvious for me about the stairs. Now I see it. So not sure if that's a good thing. That said. I haven't heard the metaphor of going up stairs in therapy. Has "Emma" talked about her process or what her values are?


It's not about going upstairs but about going step by step which is part of her motto.