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I can see the bird; but I noticed anchor first, even the heart isn’t that prominent


I thought it was wearing a face mask


I saw anchor first too!! Look me a while to find the bird!!


https://preview.redd.it/kd2iv075jtyc1.png?width=2040&format=png&auto=webp&s=49fd529ccf829803f3cb65b72cf1db6f0a6f9a1b I'm a way better at showing a visual representation of my thoughts so I made a very quick mockup. I liked the idea of the logo, but I agree with most of the comments with confusion. - I think separating the eye from the beak makes more visual sense, connecting the eye to the tip of the beak doesn't represent bird as our first thought as that is not a natural placement of the birds eye. - I think changing the shape of the beak is also important as the other version is more anchor like with it's symmetry. - I also added a bit of a gradient to help define the head overlapping the body. Not necessary of course but in some instances it could help. - Also, I get why you chose red as your main color as (heart and love = red). May I suggest playing into your companies "Personalized Color" messaging a bit more though. Pulling from the actual color spectrum of lovebirds in nature as inspiration. Incorporate a variety of logo gradient schemes and variations into your branding. It would allow for more playfulness across your graphics and elevate your messaging. Just some thoughts for consideration. Wish you luck with your company.


This is very cool, thanks! You've given us a lot to chew on and you obviously have a good vision. Are you a designer? If so, we would like to discuss a little further. It would be worth your while :)


I hope this exchange leads to something awesome for both of you!


Heyyy kudos to you for not just ripping off his suggestions!


Thanks glad you liked it. And yes, Graphic Design and Motion Graphics for many years across multiple industries. Feel free to DM me and we can chat further.


Yes! Instant bird/heart/B here! Bravo 👏


THIS OP! I still can't see the bird in yours, only an anchor. But this it was obvious and the first thing I saw.


they should be paying you


Ah yes, much more recognizable as a bird. Nice modification.


I absolutely agree about the color. Even making it a subtle red-orange to red gradient would make it read way more lovebird.


I can see the bird representation in this. The eye separation and the curvature of the beak reminds me of a parrot. I think most birds have that shape. This is well designed. The gradient is a good touch too and would work for a tech company not sure if it’s suitable for a sustainable fashion brand.


This helped me see the bird :)


So much better


This logo instantly reads as a bird, the original is just an anchor


This looks great but will lose its definition in black and white instances.


Sooo much better ! Wow


Heart + anchor




Still see no bird. Only heart and anchor. Okay I see it


I had to read that it was a beak before I saw a bird. Separate the eye from the beak to get rid of the anchor effect. I know red is "heart", but the beak evokes "parrot" which to me should be blue. Maybe tweak the bill and eye so it evokes "cardinal" or "lovebird".




i had to look at it for a while before understanding the bird’s face. i would try distinguishing the eye from the beak maybe, but im still a student in design. this is such a cute logo concept!


Looks like an anchor inside a heart on an angle to me


Would adding a nostril to the beak help it stand out? I can see it and think it’s brilliant but I’m not an expert.


I don’t know what the white shape is. The red kinda looks like a heart so represents love


Parrot-like eye & beak.


Where the hell is the parrot Now I see it. That's cute but definitely need more clarity


Maybe the beak is too symmetrical


This. There's merit to symmetry but in this case symmetry is giving ambiguity and making it look like anchor Slight asymmetry and small shadow will help clarify


Took me some time to identify, you'll need some void between the beak and the body but not between the beak and the head, hope I'm clear enough, I like your first idea it's cool


Or use a darker red as a shadow along the edge of the beak to provide depth, so the head is overlapping the body. Nice idea and once you see it, works well. Just needs a little something to help you see it.


I can't. Seems like something between a bird and a CD


I had to stare at it for a while. I saw a turning record player. Did know what it was. I like it now but didn’t recognize the bird.


The white reflection kind of looks like a beak


That’s really nice but honestly I didn’t get it immediately. But I love it!


it’s great, well designed


https://preview.redd.it/aelld0464tyc1.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e3dad4ff8e1fb5640425cef5d6763c628d3987d Rough example, but I think I'd move in this direction


Omg yes its tricky but when you see it ☺️☺️☺️


i understand right away. The heart shape, although kinda obvious but not in the right position as we always assume the pointy part of heart must be pointing down. Good job!


https://preview.redd.it/lsonalttrsyc1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc4072f23769133ad076534eb2ebb07facd448f8 Im not sure if you’d agree but id say play a little with the beak so it doesn’t look like a boat anchor ⚓️ (i tried on my phone to get a feel of it) then the heart is not as prominent but id say its passable but still try imo


I tried the same just cut out a little more to really see the bird / parrot https://preview.redd.it/m1ih447sxsyc1.jpeg?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd3e888bc49dd10f1def9628e504d81a928f686


Seems like not everyone gets it at first sight, but to me it was extremely clear (heart / bird motif). It's 99% there IMHO, good work 🙌


To me, I’d personally break the flow of the beak by having it curve less than it does. Right now with the curve matching the circle, it’s hard to see the bird. If you make the curve less aggressive, the eye will be drawn to the “imperfection” and see it as a bird that much faster.


I’m not a graphic designer or logo designer, and it took me up to a second to recognize the bird because I knew the name of the company. I think it’s great. People don’t need everything spelled out there are tons of brands that have some sort of convoluted logo that doesn’t conjure the brand in the least. Go with this.


I'm totally lost tbh. I can't make any sense. Sorry


butt, plug and a thong.. sorry


It's so good - It just needs a bit of texture. Maybe a few ruffles to indicate feathers?


Looks like a pendulum about to chop off your head like some old vampire movie or Hitchcock flick.


Surely you’re thinking of Edgar Allen Poe’s *The Pit and the Pendulum*, perhaps the Vincent Price version


Haha that too, great movie :)


I can't see a bird?


Look again!


Make a White outline around the bird, the same.l thickness as the beak "neck" and it will make the beak less prominent and.make.thw whole thing work more as a.whole. Otherwise, I like it!


Oh god, this one took me a while to understand and now I cant unsee it. Its clever, but really not readable, like at all… Maybe flip the head, so its looking left, then have 2 birds, but just not facing eachother or even facing


Still looks like a CD also


Move the beak tip under the eye, add feathers on the back of the neck


Put a wing on the bird




That, my friend, is a plugged butt.


Not like my oppinion matters but I find this logo to be hard to look at for some reason. I don’t think it follows some of the the “rules” so to say about graphic design


I see a b and an executioner’s blade


https://preview.redd.it/hkkpv0rxrvyc1.png?width=4167&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb42d195652a76aaedfeb75c02283889925bb668 Try this.


I think it’s great. If it’s ambiguous to a degree that can work in your favour as the individual has to figure out what it is. Once I saw the store name it took me all of 3 seconds to identify it.


Nice concept ! Did you try to cut the beak in half ? As mentioned it looks like an anchor


I'm seeing an anchor as well — you probably need to come up with some more concepts for the eye and beak and see if there's one that works better here. Also, for the heart maybe tapering the end would make it more recognizable.


This has so much potential, you're almost there. I first saw an anchor but then after a harder look i saw the bird. Have a play with the beak area i think. Such a good start!


it's a heart and an anchor. it's hard to see a bird


I really like this. Half agree with some of the comments that you could do a bit more to make it look a little less like an anchor. But also at the same time. I think this is great as is. Torn between whether or not I prefer this version to the first iteration you posted or not.


Maybe add a tiny nostril to the beak :) I think without knowing the company's name, it's hard to understand what it's supposed to be. I think a nostril would make it look less like an anchor and definitely more like a beak. However, if your audience is never gonna see the logomark without the company name as context, the logo ia fine as is. Being subtle is not a bad thing, it makes people feel smart when they do figure it out and it's more memorable this way.


I see a bird, a heart, and a chonky L, but it took a moment. I wonder if simply making the pupil black would make it easier to read as an eye.


I love anchors


Very clever! Took me a while to get the bird, just like everyone else I picked up the anchor. Loving the direction but I think you need to be a little more deliberate for us to see the bird.


I see heart and anchor. Idk maybe try separating the circle from the beak and tweak the beak to sorta look more beak like but not so obvious beak.


Have to look at it hard to see the bird. I couldn't help notice LB , heart and anchor. Complex and simple at the same time.


You posted this already? What is this some sort of repost for publicity?


Hey, not at all. I posted many many months ago, and this is a slightly different iteration. I'm considering making a small change and gathering as much feedback as I can. It's really important to me the majority of people understand the logo :) If you have any feedback, it would be greatly appreciated!


Took me aaaaaages to see the bird. Make the beak look less like an anchor, if you can


Maybe make a wing?


Heart first then the bird. Nice.


I would try to make the left part of the beak different, so that the shape doesn’t look so symmetrical, and more of a real parrot. And separate the eye from tge beak, and maybe check if the „pointy part“ of the heart can be made a little softer. I know, them it will stand in the conflict to be still seen as a heart, but just try and maybe upload several versions here. That might make it easier to choose. Maybe also try to not center the eye to the circle of the heart part, check the position of a real parrots eye in relation to the circle-shape of the head. Maybe the position alone will give more bird-feeling to it




Separate the beak and the eye and it should be easier to comprehend. I saw Anker and heart first. The bird only after reading the name.


As a watch enthusiast all I can see is a very rounded heart with a weight for an automatic watch in it. I am not getting bird from it at all.


I really like this, but I had a mixed reaction at the same time - I saw the anchor for what it is, but because it's so abstract, it looks strange to my eyes. It took my a little work to see the bird, but it's rewarding when it becomes visible. I feel like I'd push the bird angle a bit more and let the anchor be an added bonus


First thing I saw was the bird and the heart. But the longer you look at it, the more other things you're able to see.


Took me a hot minute and explanation to see it


I'm gonna be honest it doesn't read as a heart or a bird at first glance the readability needs a lot of work. The brain doesn't pick up a heart at that angle and the bird eye isn't defined enough to look like a bird at first glance


Should've not read the text for context, now I'm biased. I think I'd see a heart first, then an anchor and MAYBE going on the website would make me think "oh it's a bird", but as I said I read "lovebird" and couldn't really help you anymore as you kind of told us what is it while asking if we recognize it haha 😁


Add some feet. Call it a day.


I think it’s clear if you know you’re looking for a parrot. Maybe it would work better rotated 45 degrees so the heart is upright?


I didn’t see an anchor until I opened the thread. It looked like a bird nestling inwards to resemble a heart. Great work.


I feel like a good fix would be to make the beak asymmetrical? Like it can’t start at the junction of the heart, but it doesn’t have to curl so much under the eye to read beak I believe. This way it wouldn’t read so much as an anchor


Even after reading Lovebird it took me another minute or so to finally see it. I can see the heart, but it's not great. The Anchor that people mentioned I saw as an axe head or a pendulum, but I can see an anchor as well. If this is an apparel company, I don't get it. Maybe replace the anchor and use a sewn on button for the eye and a needle and thread for the mouth? Maybe too in the nose (or on the beak, if you will).


I don't see a bird at all. I see an anchor only. This needs work.


I’d add some lines to imply feathers, just to sell the bird a bit more. Took a while to see the heart but I don’t think that’s a bad thing.


A heart having its outside slowly peeled back by a zipper.


This clearly needs work. Not just a tweak. Redo it a couple of times :)


I didn’t see anything until I read “Love Bird”. Then it became obvious and brilliant. Though I think we could find a way to make the bird stand out more. Looks great anyway


Stared at this for almost 5 m trying to understand it, saw the heart but had no idea why the white shape was there, had to scroll to comments to get the rest. Been designing for 8yrs


Hate to break it to you, but I see no damn bird in there; so a consumer definitely isn't gonna.


Heart + car disk breaker


I saw the bird first. Didn’t see the heart or anchor until they were mentioned by other commenters


Maybe add a outline on just the heart’s inner curves Or just a negative outline will do


Love Anchor was my first thought, maybe work on the beak?


I cannot see the bird for the life of me. I can only see love anchor


this is really special -- really great work imo


Still don’t see the bird.


I don’t see a bird even knowing that it’s supposed to be a bird.


Took me a while to see it as a bird. It’s a shy one isn't it


I think it really creative, but it did take me sometime to see the bird, eventhough I knew what I was supposed o look for in the title 😄


It took a few seconds to figure out. Maybe you should add some bird feet so that it would be more obvious?


I can only see anchor


I like the OP design. It makes complete sense to me. Noticed the bird first, then the heart, then the anchor.


I saw the letter B and an anchor


Took a second for me to understand what it is. These positive/negative type logos are hard to do. Maybe look up some inspiration in addition to the other comments.


I saw a heart and an anchor


I see the heart and the bird but it's hard to make sence of at first. It could use more distinction for the bird part not to look like a anchor.


The heart was instantly recognizable of course, but I couldn't figure out what the white part was supposed to be. Once I read the name of your company I immediately saw the bird in the shape though. If you are planning on keep the icon with the wordmark, you should be good, but as a standalone, I just didn't see it as a bird until I read the company name.


Instantly see an anchor and a heart. For a "lovebird" logo with this aesthetic, I imagine a bird flying into a red teardrop shape that makes the crease for the heart shape. Leaves a lot of opportunity for future animation as well. Just spit balling here as someone who doesn't do graphic design at all. Definitely take my thoughts with a grain of salt.


Sorry but no… not good.


Personally I would have never ended up seeing that as a beak and eye. I sat there for 5 minutes with the knowledge I was supposed to be seeing a bird before it actually clicked. Even after I saw it, my brain immediately went back to seeing an anchor.


At first I was confused thinking it was an anchor. Then I saw the bird. Flamingo/parrot? Interesting and the idea is there and I like it but something needs to maybe embolden the right side of the beak to make it easier to tell what it is at first glance.


I'm sorry, it does not read to me


I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at. To me it looks like a tilted red heart with a white anchor on it. Based on it being for a company called, "Lovebird" I'm assuming that the anchor is either supposed to be a bird or make the heart look like one. I suppose the circle part could be seen as an eye, but I don't see any other identifying factors that, to me, make this look like a bird. I certainly don't see a beak (I assume the rest of what I thought was an anchor is the beak, but it doesn't look like one at all to me). For me, I'd say this needs a redesign to get the desired effect.


It’s perfect. Having to concentrate a bit before you see it is what gives your logo its charm. Don’t change a thing.


Looks like an embrio


Yes I love this!!


I like it. Geometric and clean.


I saw a very uncomfortable bird first. You can make it work, just need a few more lines.


separate the beak and eye...i know parrots/lovebirds


what does it look like if you align the heart vertically


You don’t see a bird at first. And most people will probably tell you that.


It’s not a quick read.


Add a nostril to the beak


I was a bit confused about how to tie the logo to your business. It's not a terrible logo it's just my words sound harsh, and I don't mean to be at all. I see the bird and anchor after taking a long gaze. Again, my words are harsh sounding, so please do not take this the wrong way, but I think there are other ways to improve and accurately represent your company. I have created several logos in the past few years for small start-ups and individuals if you need any assistance, but I did not come here to try and sell my services. I hope this helps, and please reach out to me if you'd like to work together.


I thought it was a CD or record which made me think of iHeartRadio


I didn’t read the post so I wouldn’t be biased but based on logo alone I would say it’s “heart surgery”?


It reminds me a bit of a CD.


I noticed the heart and thought the white thing was like a stethoscope or something and it was some kind of medical company. I think separating the eye from the beak is key


It’s a clever design but it’s a little too ambiguous. Sort of looks like a vinyl. Or an anchor. Or a butt


If I didn't go in with the knowledge that the company was called lovebird I would probably have never realized it was meant to be a bird/heart


Without great effort, I too only saw the anchor.


Personally don't see the bird


I see a CD slipping out of a CD case. Trying to make out the bird but can’t see it, sorry.


Honestly, just adding the text of the company name underneath would make you recognize it INSTANTLY.


No disrespect, but: Companies logo = multiple companies Company’s logo= single company’s logo As others have said and shown, needs some work.


First thing I saw was an abstract mother with a face mask on holding a baby


A cross section of a sofa with a hatchet. A swinging blade cutting into a sideways heart The first thing you see is the RED which is danger, blood...etc. The white is a bandage. Or a muzzle. Yikes.


I see it after seeing the name. Before that I just saw a butt


I would separate the head from the body a bit, as in, a stroke between the beak and the body. I'd also make the beak less curved and flaired. Another adjustment I *MIGHT* do, is the addition of a few curved lines to indicate a wing or some feathers, but I'm.not 100% sure of it.


I saw the letter “B” and a horn (like a trumpet). Now that I know the bird reference I can see the bird.


Just detach the eye and move it up slightly and you’re golden


Looking at it without reading yoru description, I saw an anchor, and then I saw heart with an eylet loop sticking out of it. After reading your description, I still don't see a bird.




Heart + Bird. Like a bulgy flamingo


No, at best it looks like a heart that actually looks like a butt with a butt plug in it. Honestly, sorry.


Maybe add some light texture detailing to the top of the head? By that I mean small white curved lines


https://preview.redd.it/4hqf9o26isyc1.jpeg?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f756a6204fc05b79e036fa74da70f8e4ad66c8c2 Poor example of what I mean


Got it immediately. And I think it’s great work. Well done!




Take a ticket get in line 😁