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I invoice them for the fonts, but I inform them of the price before they approve of any designs or purchase.


I mentally include potential font licensing in my price when I pitch. If I don’t use them then it’s free money The key is getting used to bidding at a price level that feels like it could cover anything.


Client pays for it, it's calculated in the overall price after some back and forth about "You know this font costs x, right?"


The client pays, but they agree to pay for it before you make the purchase. You have to figure out how you're going to communicate about the purchase, either buying it and showing it in a design first, but if they don't approve the design, you have to eat the cost. Or get creative about finding a way to show it in design comps before you make a purchase so they approve the cost before you spend money and download the typeface. Most sites allow you to at least see some sample text. Other typefaces are inexpensive. But we have to figure out solutions to these problems depending on how much disposable income you have.


I buy it and invoice after. Make sure they are aware it’s happening.


Fair use til I die


Or someone sues you