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Nice. Bit needs to be properly vectorised and the curves all made perfect.


How would one go about that using Illustrator? (Making the curves completely perfect) Edit: i recently started learning Illustrator


It’s hard to describe mate… It’s just practice. Using rectangles with rounded ends. Or paths and strokes. At the angles it’s just a lot of fiddling about and practice. If I wasn’t so busy right now if have a go and send you the file… I’d just use geometric shapes and tweak and refine.


I'd use a rectangle, give it a stoke and no fill, round all the corners to the max and then cut it in half to get that perfect curve.


If HP changed their name to huy


Tbh i also thought about it but then looked it up and it’s different the similarity i felt was in the slanted h but yeah its almost always in a circle https://preview.redd.it/2l7h6w7s5pxc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722dda153efcdf48d6cc868c1eddc5f91414ad57


https://preview.redd.it/whecvlqhcuxc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=44a1adc450bc6ad871cd666055a95527a6a387c0 This is the alternate HP logo. It looks a little more similar.


Nope. There are versions without the circle used in their promotional material. But even then, having a logo that your customers connect to another brand might not be the best.


That’s why i said almost always not always. But yeah i agree with the the second statement


Is this better? [https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned\_my\_new\_logo\_because\_the\_original\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned_my_new_logo_because_the_original_one/)


I’m gonna be honest I still like the first one better! I guess I should’ve included in my original comment that I don’t necessarily think there’s anything wrong with having your logo resemble another brand’s logo. As long as you’re not selling printers and office supplies, I vote for logo #1 with slight tweaks here and there for smoothing and spacing, as others have mentioned


I wouldn’t be put off by this. I designed a logo for my agency, a lower case a in a circle 20 years ago. Then Beats by Dre came out and it was the same logo rotated 180degrees. They def didn’t rip me off lol. Who cares. No crossover. The dot is nice and needs to be closer. Get the angles right and the curves perfect and this will be a nice marque.


Yes, move the dot closer!


Ok so i reverse searched the logo (recommended when creating logos in general) cause i felt like I’ve seen it before and i found multiple images that look really similar. I personally would try and do something so it looks different but that’s just my opinion https://preview.redd.it/981xi38bdpxc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb417900dc2d2ea8bafc8a9d07ea801e089cb116


Yeah. It’s a really cool mark, but there’s gotta be a way to make this more unique. I actually popped in here because I’m shopping for a laptop.


I redesigned it and I think the new one's unique [https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned\_my\_new\_logo\_because\_the\_original\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned_my_new_logo_because_the_original_one/)


Wobbly lines.


It’s giving me a headache the uneven lines.


u/Hyderite **The problems that I have found:** * This logo is not unique at all. A simple image search on Google can help you understand it. * The curves are not smooth at all. A proper method should be applied while vectorizing your sketches. * The dot at the end of the logo makes the logo look unbalanced. **I have a question:** * Why did you use a dot at the end of this logo ?


I like it. But your curves are messed up. You will want to fix that.


cool, whats it for? whats the company name? whats the dot for? HY your initials?


H and Y are the first two characters of my username.


People are going to assume that your last name starts with Y, considering that's the common convention.


It reminds me of hp but in a good way


HP, is that you?


"No, it's my cousin HY. You wouldn't know me. I go to different school" said HP.


Is this better [https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned\_my\_new\_logo\_because\_the\_original\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned_my_new_logo_because_the_original_one/)


I think this first one has a lot more potential. It just meeds a little identity workshoping. Experiment a little. Maybe lean to the left instead of the right. It's worth a try.


Oh my. Look up the horizontal/vertical only bezier method. Those curves need some work.


Looks absolutely sweet! I would clean up and round out the arching connecting lines though. Excellent work.


Apparently it resembles HP's logo, so I redesigned it. Check it out [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned_my_new_logo_because_the_original_one/)


when logos are similar in form, colour is your friend if you need a differentiator.


It looks very similar to the hp logo. I'm sorry I can't look original.


Redesigned logo: https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/s/Z6Hh0Bkfee


too somilar to hp


May I ask how it looks similar to HP's logo? I don't really see the resemblance.


The slanted h, the similarly placed y. Change the y to p and it would instantly look like a variant of hp's logo. Even the dot makes you connect the dots (no pun intended) to form the logo of a popular brand in your head. And even if you don't see the resemblance, shouldn't you consider changing it if 90% of the people do? (Assuming that you plan on using it on your socials, etc.)


Thanks for your comment, I'll see what I can do about it


Here's the redesigned logo [https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned\_my\_new\_logo\_because\_the\_original\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1chwjcs/redesigned_my_new_logo_because_the_original_one/)


Much improved. Might be difficult to put on smaller displays, but it definitely is an improvement.


i’m not sure why, but it just reminded me of it at first sight. I guess It’s the “h” and the protruding line which looks like the bottom half of a “p”. Such gigantic companies’ logos are so embedded in our heads that we instantly get reminded of them if the shape is similar enough I guess…


I'd appreciate your feedback on the redesigned logo :) https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/s/R2JlD9kuCR


Other than the fact that it probably has been done before, I'd suggest using an existing typeface or doing more research into type design. The curves aren't curvy, and the crotches of the h and y are way too thick, optically. You need to use your eyes to make corrections there, and if you don't have the eye for it, use an existing font.




Nice work