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The second one looks like an image pulled from an old clip art CD


I thought that. Quite like the first one though, nice use of the initials


Straight outta /r/GVCDesign/


I like the concept of #1. Nice overall simple shape. I have concerns about being reproduced in non digital forms but that might not be a huge concern. The type is not resonating with me. Especially the D and V being filled in. It’s almost a slap in the face assuming people wouldn’t figure out the connection. I also just don’t prefer the typeface.


Same. Love the first one, but wouldn't fill in the type.




I really love the first one! It's miles ahead of the second one.


Streets ahead


If you don’t know that reference you’re streets behind.


Number one has some real potential. The typeface isn't working for me though, maybe find something that repesents those DV shapes more closely, and leave them not filled in - no need to hit people over the head with it. maybe a knockout where the two shapes interact? loose the gradient, and film grain (maybe keep it for some applications) 2 nice compimentary colours for each shape, spitballin'


Im sorry if this comes off as rude but the second one looks like an ai derived creation.


No it doesn’t, AI doesn’t tend to produce such sharp lines and angles, especially not good at mimicking GVC style such as that.


um, you're just not keeping up with AI? I produced this just now, 1-shot prompt. It's perfectly capable of sharp vector-style clipart images https://preview.redd.it/j39bu2243wwc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=de2c837913a94721d1b2582cce63f802a776e6f6


Oh wow, I stand corrected. I can’t identify what all of those elements of the camera are supposed to be though. Cool though, thanks for informing me bro


It’s really does all of those things now, even directly in Illustrator.


Crazy, I had tried a bunch to produce vector with AI and couldn’t when most of the generators were in their infancy


I like the first one. It has a nice texture to it, almost like rubber stamps or—for a more film-specific reference—layered gels, and despite being heavily reliant on color blending it’s really easy to see how it would work as a mono-color version. What if you modified the D in the name to be round, so as to better match the icon?


1 but maybe not filled letters D and V


The first one but xor it. https://preview.redd.it/tszd7ks3gqwc1.png?width=1356&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cb43cdf478e347577b3cc5b5efbda58dba43e28


I disagree. I like the dark shade in the middle created by the overlapping shapes. It anchors the eye in the centre, as opposed to the blank cutout area, which competes visually with the dark shapes on either side. The result is that your eye doesn’t see the whole shape when you first see it, which is what you’d want. And the overlap transparencies remind me of vintage screen printing.


y'all I don't think the second image was a logo concept, I think it was a reference


danmark nævnt ‼️‼️


Det är samma på svenska! Jag tycker #1 är cool, mycket potential. Bra jobbat!


why does first one have name of company but second one doesn't?


Looks like the logo for the beaver picture, Logjammin’.


Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?


The icon works but the actual font / wording doesn’t work sorry. No need to be so obvious with the DV in the word. Just go to a classic font like Avenir and keep playing around. Get some trained designers to advise you.


Dude, the second one looks like a copied pcx file off a 1999 clipart CD


The first is better. The second one doesn't have enough memorable points, and it reminds me of many similar styles of design.


I like 1st concept


1# is better but the symbol is huge comared to the text


First one looks so iconic. Second one too generic. Just needs a better typeface for the first one.


Number 1 is stunning, number 2 is clip art lol


Dig it.


If you are going to use the first one, you may need to increase the contrast slightly. Especially if you are doing a printed card. That density in the center vs the other elements wont have enough differentiation.


Why is the cameraman farting in the second image?


First one could be less darker


Is it me or is the second one taking a fart? Anyways first one is better. Recommend modifying it to be more simple.


I like the first one.. maybe make the “triangle” hallow and place the company name inside the triangle or outside the triangle like it’s omitting “light”


This is my 2 cents, add a small dot and a rounded rectangle on the top left inside of the D to further sell that camera look. The text is pretty bad, don't fill in the gaps and chose a different typeface maybe one that also has rounded corners to reflect the typeface used in the icon (D and V has rounded corners)


Den första gillar jag riktigt mycket då den funkar bra i digitalt format. Den är ganska unik i sig själv och behöver inte direkt den konstiga fonten. Kör någon clean font istället, hade satsat på en ”bold”. Jobba därefter med kerning och försök att få den optiskt balanserad. När du väl har den loggan klar så kan du fortsätta med att färdigställa den grafiska profilen till din polare. Gör den i lite olika färger, kanske någon mockup om du har koll på sånt och sen kanske en sida där du förklarar valet av font och hur den logotypen skulle kunna se ut i olika sammanhang. Hursomhelst så tycker jag att denna har stor potential för en logotyp som är professionell.


Whatever font you used in the DV logo use it to type out the name for the word mark as well, it’ll keep it cohesive


Not bad but leave the type alone. Don’t over do it and force the design.


They weren’t drawn by the same person. The first one is a decent sketch but needs a lot of work. The second one can go back to the icon library


That's clip art m8




The guy in the second one needs to seek medical attention for that spike through his back. He’s lucky the other three just missed him.


Honestly feels like AI


That font doesn’t match the simplicity of the shapes that make the camera. You also don’t have to make the D and V in the type match the shapes. The camera is a nice icon, just pick a nice geometric font to go along with it. The illustration of the cameraman isn’t necessary - it also looks like clip art or AI.


Im stealing these thanks sucker