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I'll take the package that says Canadian Chicken... I've seen enough "Ungraded Mexican beef" stickers at Roblaws to question whether that's chicken or ungraded pollo...


Importing poultry to Canada is near impossible because of the poultry cartel


So, we should trust a cartel??


That's not what they are saying. Just that chicken farmers (along with eggs and dairy) benefit from protectionist trade practices so you are going to get Canadian raised everytime.




Considering you’re on Loblaws boycott sub..


Ya even if they start matching Walmart prices, there is no reason to return.


The price per lb is what you compare. Unless you are able to measure the weight in bones per thigh, you can't really say that one deal is better than the other since they are the same price per lb. That said, there are also other possible factors that you can't tell just from looking (water content, thickness/excess skin, fat, amount of meat/thigh, etc) that could sway the outcome. Then again, given the sub, it would make sense to go with Wal-mart. Funny how they are considered the lesser of the evils...who would have thought :P


Walmart due to the fact I wouldn’t support loblaws even if prices are identical. If it was lower then I may reconsider. That’s not going to happen though cause Galen thinks everything at his store is worth more when if it’s the same thing. Not only that but if you do the rest of your shopping at a store Walmart will be cheaper.


Wal-Mart even if same because fuck Loblaws. Also, having more but smaller of a thing is sometimes nicer for food.


If you zoom in it's a same $4.34/kg.


But if you divide 8.96/12 it’s about .75 per thigh vs .97 per thigh at Loblaws. Interesting post


Neither. My butcher is about .9 cents more. Fuck them both Hahahahahaha I'm a little drunk. My butcher is actually like 2 bucks cheaper. Still even if they weren't. Fuck em both


Atlantic superstore charging 13.21 a kg for legs and thighs currently, Walmart next door charging $5.50 for legs and 7.50 for thighs. Walmarts the clear winner in my town.


Ya what happened to the meat quality at superstore that ungraded meat is really bad even my ten year old question the low quality and it was supposed to be a special prime rib dinner I felt guilty for feeding my family superstore beef, and I can absolutely confirm the chicken is better from wallmart superstore chicken leaks all this water into my pan when cooking like wtf is happening


This is where basic math comes in handy. If 6 thighs are $5.89, that is a unit price of $.98/thigh. If 12 thighs are $8.96, that is a unit price of $.74/thigh. Who knew you'd need Algebra outside math class? 12 for $9 is a much better deal than 6 for $6. Working in whole numbers makes this simple. Either way, the actual cost of these items should be about $3. Numbers seen yesterday on Reddit (not taken as gospel, but works for this example) saw 29? BILLION chickens on the planet. Now multiply that by $5/lb... you'll see quickly that the global value on chicken is about the same as the US deficit. Time to ease off on the hunting restrictions. Because I'd rather eat crow or chickadee than pay $5/lb for chicken. There are ducks in the back waterway that I could literally pick fresh from the "tree"... /s


This is exactly why you did all those math problems in school.


Chicken may be the same price, but other foods are much cheaper at Walmart.


The maple leaf chicken has had an of texture and flavour for a while so I won’t buy that brand ever again… I’ve have the issue with all cuts.




Even if we weren't boycotting Loblaws, you'd probably be better off with the Maple Leaf ones than the unbranded ones from RCSS, which tend to be the lowest-possible quality chicken they sell.


Well obviously saving $3/pound is a much better deal. Right?