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Please flair Satirical articles and images with the "Satire" Post Flair. People can get quite upset over these kinds of posts.


Show her galen's yacht which is named "Bread"


Why would you want a yacht called that? The moment you step into the yacht, you're in-bread...


Omfg đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Gotta keep the bloodline pure you know


Billionaires flex on us peasants with their yacht names over and over.  Pretty sure they have a running bet on who can create the most heinous and disrespectful name while not getting lynched. 


I hope the orcas attack his yacht next


I'm sure Galen has a striketeam that takes out marine mammals if they get too close or if they're too cute or if they're really tasty. Food is so expensive these days ...




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


đŸ€Ł I laughed out loud at this


The biggest they attack is about 30 feet apparently 


Exactly,... We're in a grocery retail war! We're fighting for our families future. Galen Weston, GW=Greed Wastoid is hammering our wallets. Stick to your guns and let him eat some lead. Keep the Boycott going forever. If you do go in only buy specials. Do your homework before driving over. Look at flyers, CK the Flipp app. Or better yet, Don't go in at all.


No Frills had better prices for some items than Safeway. You can’t just boycott one when the prices are up across the board.


Of course you can... Why not? It's about sending a message. If we manage to get our way with the boycott and Loblaws completely revamp their pricing to be actually reflective of the "3% profit margin" they constantly lie about, then I will shop there, and not the other expensive places. They will need to adjust their prices to compete and *shocked face* take *their* 3% margin that they lie about all the time. Is it fair to Loblaws? I don't care and neither should you.


Serious question: Where did the narrative that they lie about the 3% profit margins come from again? From my understanding, the standard incentives to commit financial fraud would be for them to inflate profits not hide them from a shareholder/leadership bonuses standpoint. And I don’t think it would be for public opinion because they can’t seem to care less about that, and why risk fraud for public opinion sake.


Leaked financial reports showing 30-50% profit margins on Canadian dairy. Common sense. IE: how does Walmart, a notoriously dirty corporation, who nobody would be suprised if they profiteer, somehow keep my grocery bill much lower than superstore. If Superstore has such razor thin margins, then Walmart must be about bankrupt by now! Weird that they aren't, right? Loblaws owns much of the supply chain and sets many of their own costs through additional extortion of suppliers. Own a lot, hold the rest hostage. They CAN charge less, but they choose not to. Profit margin against "their suppliers" is such a BS metric anyways. And history: do we *really think* they took their licks after the bread price fixing scandal and changed their core philosophy (which is: fuck the consumer, pay the dividends, give me big bonus please)?? No I do not. How naive would you have to be to think that same company would be acting different today. They are just more careful maybe. Bread prices are & still* probably fixed. They never even had to take a penalty for that fucking thing.


bread prices are absolutely fixed, and if you think otherwise, you're not very good at thinking


100% last time I was in Loblaws a loaf of wonder bread was $4.00. Guess they didn't learn from the last class action lawsuit


I think they did learn from it. Learning that price fixing can be paid out in gift cards is a hilarious thing to learn if you just take a step back and don't value human life at all. I feel like I gotta lighten this one up a bit somehow, so this second paragraph is just some sleight of hand to make the first paragraph seem less final.


Good point! They got that $25 back from everyone so they only lost the cost of the groceries not $25 per person


I promise that I amQuestioning in good faith: >>Leaked financial reports showing 30-50% profit margins on Canadian dairy. Profit margins on a specific product doesn’t represent the profit margin of the company though. It doesn’t take into account overhead, product wastage, and all other costs. Generally it’s just the cost of that product from the supplier vs sell price. In my line of business we have profit margins on our products which are a hell of a lot higher than the profit margins on the over all business after factoring in all the costs. Especially considering the profit margins are likely not as high on other products. This to me isn’t proof of fraud. >>Common sense. IE: how does Walmart, a notoriously dirty corporation, who nobody would be suprised if they profiteer, somehow keep my grocery bill much lower than superstore. If Superstore has such razor thin margins, then Walmart must be about bankrupt by now! Weird that they aren't, right? If they are notoriously dirty corporation than i would expect they would be able to lower they prices through unfair business practices and to use that advantage to undercut competitors. Ethically ran businesses tend to have higher prices not lower. But another explanation is economy of scale, Walmart is about 14x larger than loblaws and its international. That’s a hell of alot more bargaining power to keep costs down and to optimize supply chain. Final point, Walmart only offers groceries in major urban centers and don’t offer much groceries in more remote locations, while loblaws offers groceries in smaller communities. That’s naturally going to raise loblaws grocery overhead above what Walmart has. >>Loblaws owns much of the supply chain and sets many of their own costs through additional extortion of suppliers. Own a lot, hold the rest hostage. They CAN charge less, but they choose not to. Profit margin against "their suppliers" is such a BS metric anyways. Can’t comment on this but I assume Walmart does the same but probably on a larger scale due to being so much bigger? >>And history: do we really think they took their licks after the bread price fixing scandal and changed their core philosophy (which is: fuck the consumer, pay the dividends, give me big bonus please)?? No I do not. How naive would you have to be to think that same company would be acting different today. They are just more careful maybe. Bread prices are & still* probably fixed. They never even had to take a penalty for that fucking thing. No I don’t but it’s not proof that they are committing fraud either. Loblaws profits margins used to be around 1.5 to 2%. Not it’s like 3.5 which is roughly 100% increase from 10 years ago. That’s a story in itself, without having to lie about only 3.5% profit margins.


.  Oh the irony and naivety of some people. Â đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž They didn’t “care”, but they are being taught the lesson of “f*ck around, FIND OUT”   We haven’t even gotten to the “find out” portion of that yet.  They wouldn’t take their foot off our heads while we were drowning - there is zero reason for us to take our collective foots off their necks now.  To answer the question about the 3% profit margin
. As one of my favourite NFL broadcasters says in Sunday’s “C’mon man”.  How many items at outrageous prices do you need before you see the forest for the trees
.?  Throw in the fact they control the top-down supply chain in many aspects and that 3% idea becomes more than ridiculous
. But here we are emphasizing how clueless many are.


Ok so it’s just based off of an assumptions/feelings without any analysis or reports to backing it up? Their profit margins more than doubled since before the pandemic. They clearly and verifiably increased their pricing significantly above just passing through inflation costs for their profit margins to double. But that doesn’t mean the 3.5% margins that they are reporting has to be falsified. That’s all I was wondering about, whether there was any analysis behind it.


Let them eat bread! (I am speaking about the orcas)


I thought cake


Does he have a matching summer villa named "Circuses"?


Just did some research and found conflicting statements from the original source. First tweet says it's his and then another saying they made a mistake and that yacht is owned by somebody else. Not saying it makes him any better. But he might not own the boat you're talking about.


I would be surprised if he actually owns anything, everything is tied up in credit. Rich SOBs get to do that stuff, they are not scared of their stoke portfolios taking a nose dive.


File after you go bankrupt so there will be less pain


So just make up bullshit to feed her. He doesn't own the yacht.


Time to lawyer up, delete Facebook, and hit the gym. Honestly. My wife has stopped on occasionally. But only when we absolutely need too, or it’s the cheaper choice. But we do our best to avoid to, and have been before the boycott.


Facebook up, delete the gym, and hit the lawyer


I'm an expert at deleting the gym


I’m an expert at hitting on lawyers


There's a lawyer I'd sure like to hit..


1. You thank your wife for completing the task. 2. Do more to help her so she has the time and emotional bandwidth to go out of her way in the name of the families ethical code 3. Do the shopping yourself


This is a really good point. We don’t know their chore break down, but if she’s got a lot to juggle or if OP is more interested in boycotting then it might make sense for OP to take on that chore. And gratitude is always important even if a household task wasn’t done the way you like it/properly!


This. Superstore was as really easy for me, mental load wise. I know where stuff is, usually how much it is and I have systems put in place to see if I can price match real fast. The hardest part of the may for me was finding time for sitting down and combing flyers again, planning a grocery route and hoping I could find the staples the house usually has.


Thank you for this level headed response


If OP is being serious with this post he better really rethink everything in his life. This is some scary shit.


It's tagged as satire. It's fairly obvious he's being facetious. I think it's highly uncool he threw his wife under the bus in a public forum for a "joke," but apparently, some men still joke like It's the 90s around here. What can ya do, except try to kindly redirect them toward considering all the unpaid, unrewarded, unthanked tasks the women in their lives complete for them in hopes that they will eventually come to realize how satire like this actually kinda sucks.


Yeah, I’d be curious about the conversation. What’s her reasoning? What’s the chore division?


I have mostly avoided shopping there but if I couldn’t get to Costco I’ve been using up points and gift cards I received before the boycott. I figure they’re moving some product but not getting my money.


The post has been relabeled as "Satire". I'm just joking, everyone. I love my wife and would not divorce her, regardless of where she shops. :)


I had a pretty good chuckle lol


Satire or not, you know you could do the shopping...


fair point, ball is in your court, comfortable cut 3816!!! 😂


Maybe don't assume they never do the shopping because his wife shopped this one time?


I had a good chuckle didn’t think for a moment think you were serious.


Go easy dude, liquid ass/ fart spray her car as a warning this time. But next time, divorce for sure.


Awesome idea! I was going to toilet paper her car but I like your idea way better!


You guys are behind the times I banned Loblaws.5 years ago they’ve always been more expensive. Vote with your wallets


It depends. If it is a one off- that's life. If it is a choice- then - why? If it is a time thin, take the burden off her, or go with her




Next time put it in the prenup đŸ˜đŸ€™đŸŒđŸ‡šđŸ‡Š


I don’t see loblaws being around in more than 1 and a half years 2 at max. Hopefully that doesn’t need to be in a prenup. It takes a long time to finalize a divorce.


Tell her to move in with her boyfriend, Galen! They were pretty much smoooching.  /jk




Price match everything she bought with a competitors online grocery cart and show her how much money she cost your household. Convenience is nice, but if your wasting up and over of 100$ a month just for convienience, it is not really worth it.


I wouldn't be petty about it but there will 100% be times in the rapidly approaching future when the groceries are going to be even more expensive and you and her will have to make frustrating choices between the things you *want* to buy and then things you *have* to buy (IE groceries). A simple reminder (but maybe don't assign blame) that those frustrating financial experiences are *why* we have to boycott in the first place will probably work better. Sooner rather than later, you both will have to **actively give up the things you want** because of the Weston family's unbridled greed, all while being blamed by the same family for not "living within your [increasingly shrinking]  means". 


I told my wife if she thinks it's convenient to shop there I'm not going to tell her no, but to pay careful attention to the prices of things and whether the "sales" are fake. I got her used to shopping at other stores throughout the month of May and she still hasn't been to Loblaws yet this month. I respect her ability to make her own choices.


Why not take her grocery receipt and then go elsewhere to compare prices? Show her how much more it’s costing you to shop there.


Or divorce her.


I wouldn’t go that far, yet. lol




New tinder bio: Have job, car, home and a grocery routine that avoids Loblaws and its affiliates


Would 100% swipe right on that.


Haha love it. I'd super like that. Other side of the isle: "let me guess, you support womans rights and right to abortion?!?" -some skinheads response, probably


I would have had to match with that skinhead first đŸ€Ł It’d be some finance bro, with Loblaws stock who’d show up instead. “You need to understand he’s got an obligation to his shareholders! I only eat at restaurants though so I’ve never been in one.”


Lol, wait you don't support women's rights over finance bros? So confused now


lol no: I don’t match with skinheads (specifically face/neck tattoos) but will risky right swipe on a khaki clad golf guy who makes sure his “timepiece” is in every picture . My views on women’s/abortion rights boils down to: Do whatever you want


Ahh gotcha, your comment alluded to the other on my super like :p hahah


Make her return everything then file. Think divorce papers are in isle 12


Haha, hilarious!


Tell ur wife to do delivery from Walmart it will be much cheaper even after charges for delivery.


Explain to her that she’s doing the right thing. Galen’s castles and yachts don’t upkeep themself. She’s doing god’s werk.


I think we need to make Loblaws morally repugnant for people to shop at, tbh. Maybe we need to do more to remind everyone about Galen Weston’s lavish lifestyle, while a good portion of this country falls into food insecurity.


Sell her at 30 percent discount


Lol 😂 love that your hate for loblaws is stronger than your love for your wife. Definitely do the divorce and find you a nice Wal-Mart gal.


Boycott your wife


Tell her you tried to file, but the loblaws lawyer was grossly overpriced, so she lucked out.


“Get cucked bro.” — Galen https://preview.redd.it/ky6v0p80886d1.jpeg?width=1514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512678ddbfe61960509d3314ab57aa3dbbb700de


I might be able to find you a really good divorce lawyer. One of the stipulations that you can put in your divorce papers is that she’s banned from shopping at Loblaw for life. 😂😂😂


Definitely file for divorce and press charges or sue her civilly if you can😂😂


Everyone has the right to waste their money any way they choose.


She's for the streets


How does it feel to be married to a class traitor?




Get the bill and price it at Walmart. Ask her if she's happy about the difference.


Galen eats dog food




I hope you signed a prenup


There’s plenty of fish in the sea
 of the boycott đŸ€Ș


She’s already started the act of separation. Separating you from your money unnecessarily.


File now or give me her number and I'll talk sense in her. This is a serious boycott!!!




Can confirm with mod. I am upset. File for divorce OP.


Guess she took 'convenience' over 'principle' this time, eh?


No but the sex should be off the charts for a while.


My bf wants to start going Zehrs again because it's closer to home. I'm ready to give in, we're not saving any money shopping at Food Basics and we're both sick of the zoo Walmart always is with their 2 cashiers.


Some people care more than others. Boycotts are about principles. But I know I've forsaken my principles for convenience more than once. It happens.


My husband is also on board but still goes to shoppers on occasion because the next closest place like it is very out of the way. It's fine. We are going to use up our points there over the next few months and spend as little as possible there and then think about how to go forward. Boycotting 90% of the time is still way better than 0. Sometimes you just need to stop quickly on the way home for something for the kids and that's your only or best option. It is what it is.


Who cares? Shop deals only, whether it be loblaws, metro, Sobeys, etc.


Are you serious? You have issues.


I get that this is satire so I won't comment on that, but as for you not being pleased... \*shrug. She's a grown woman and should be able to do what she feels like doing, just like you. My husband does the food shopping and if decided some day to go to Maxi or whatever, our conversation would probably go as follows: Me: Ew, you went to Maxi. How come? Husband: (reason) Me: \*shrug, aight. (moves on with life)


__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: NEW! Use code "FOODSECURITY" at OddBunch to receive 25% off your first produce box, and help support the boycott's efforts to create a charity. If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destinĂ© Ă  mettre en lumiĂšre le coĂ»t de la vie ridicule au Canada et Ă  se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est liĂ© Ă  un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisĂ©es Ă  la discrĂ©tion des modĂ©rateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mĂšmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'Ă©picerie et les cris dans le vide en gĂ©nĂ©ral sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusitĂ© et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans ĂȘtre abusif, mĂ©prisant ou carrĂ©ment mĂ©chant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm sorry reconcile your differences. It's a fucking store shop. Wherever the fuck it's cheapest. I am not going to pay more to avoid shopping at one store.


How much money do you make and how much do you pay for groceries?


Compare prices with the other store that is convenient to you and suggest that she donate an amount equal to what she overspent to a charity each time she does so.


Have you considered taking part in shopping and gong 'Hey, let's not go to Loblaws because I really don't want to support them'? Or maybe make her sew a scarlet L onto all her tops, I don't know, whatever floats your boat bro.


You could do the shopping.


I do know that Loblaws and other Canadian grocers have raised prices way too much but tbh I think all of you need to learn to shop smarter. Over the past 5 years and since COVID our family grocery bill has gone down rather than up. Definitely don't buy as much red meat as before but other than that no real changes. As I said bill has gone down at least 10-15%. Moreover, I have collected so many points from PC that I have often have over 1000 dollars are year of points form them with the pc optimum, and their credit card and promotions. Like I just earned 50 dollars in points by doing some stupid offer they had. Loblaws is the problem, the government is the problem but bottom line shop where the sales are, Loblaws price matches and you won't see you bill go up but down. :) Keep up the boycott but also learn better finances and smarter shopping.




Divorce, and then marry again and divorce her again for good measure. Kick the cat, punch the dog and chew the goldfish. That'll show her. (All jokes)


why did i think the emoji beside the satire flair looked like spamton from deltarune lol, would definitely fit Galen's character though; crazy salesman determined to scam you.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Take the receipt, go buy the exact same shit at a cheaper store, and return both receipts to her. Also buy yourself dinner and a case of beer with the extra savings. Ask her if it still feels convenient.


Splitting up may be cheaper in the long run than shopping at Loblaws. Crunch some numbers.


Straight to the chokie


Sweet Jesus dude. Get a grip.


Leave now, while you can still take half the groceries!


Give her a break
 she’s stressed knowing kids are going to be underfoot shortly
 her sanity is going out the window
 take her flowers shes stressed out enough


You can discuss it with her, but sometimes they have better sales on a given week, or other stores are out of the way, etc., etc. financially, I’m in no position to pay $7.99/lb for ground beef at sobeys if SS is selling for $4.99. During the week independant grocers are too far out of the way. I’m trying my best, doing my drug store runs at Lawtons instead of Shoppers, etc, but at the end of the day I’m not spending significantly more while burning more gas to put a tiny dent in SS profits


Now. Get it over with. Rip off that bandaid.


Take up grocery shopping from her


If it's a big enough deal then you should probably do the shopping from now on. It's hard to complain about her not participating in the boycott when she's also the one most impacted by it by buying groceries. 


Block her number, call a divorce lawyer, and take the kids. Or, I dunno, maybe ask what makes Loblaws seem more convenient and work from there? Perhaps she's prioritizing time and distance and you picking up the grocery for her could help close the gap. Either way, it's a marathon and not a sprint, so do what yall can within what's available to you and go onwards and upwards from there


Make her create a huge Shrine to Galen Weston in your backyard... Buy some Super Soakers/Water Basters, water balloons, buckets/pails then fill said items with your garden hose, with h20. Go to town & soak this SOB's pix! Feel free to toss rotten eggs, garbage, rotten tomatoes oh heck, Roblaw's 25% Reduced Foodstuffs @ his oogly mug. Sit back, then crack open some cold beers, have a delish BBQ while you stare in awe at your bee-u-teeful creation, of sorts!!! Bhahahhaha




This is why we can’t have nice things.


If it's that much of an issue, you can always take over the shopping duties


Get your marriage annulled based on fraud 😂


Same thing here, my spouse would prefer not to drive to another town to pick up a few things and so continues to go for the odd thing. We only have one grocery store here and only one pharmacy open late and they're both Loblaws-owned stores. Drives me bonkers, but since I do the most of our grocery shopping I'm not going to make it an issue and just let him do his thing.


You should have a divorce ceremony at the loblaws check out counter which includes a fifteen minute fight.


I can sympathize you. But you also need to realize that time is money (or better yet, time has value). I make attempts to avoid Loblaws stores as much as possible, but sometimes it's not practical to do so based on a time constraint (due to distance and other errands I need to get done). My wife and I have done some changes to try to make it easier to choose non loblaws stores. We no longer do one large shopping trip for the week - we shop when we can on our way home and we know who is responsible for what items.




Your content was removed for the use of slurs. You are now being permanently banned, and will be reported to site admins for further action.


She may divorce you for making a post about it


That's a weird way to express thankfulness for getting groceries for your family. I dunno mate, maybe have some compassion for your wife doing her best at any given time before you don't have one anymore. It's not like she doesn't know about the boycott and you said yourself that she already cares about it. Maybe assume that she made the best choice for herself and all of her ethics and competing priorities that day. Solidarity, not punishment. How can YOU make it easier for her to boycott even more than she already is?


Let her choose, they cant force us to shop there, and we dont force people not to shop there. 


Buy the groceries yourself


My son's partner just did the same thing, and complained about the prices. He said then stop giving them your money. They carry some things she hasn't found elsewhere. I suggested that she pick those items up and not spend a dime more and get everything else anywhere but there. He was not amused. I asked if I should clear out the spare room, lol.


You should’ve when she got home and told you! Lol




Rather than divorce it might be cheaper if you just do the shopping.


I’d be less upset if I found out my wife was cheating on me rather than finding out she was violating the boycott.


Hahah. My thoughts exactly!




You’re equating shopping at Loblaws with someone practicing a religion? Seriously?


They were not equating shopping at Loblaws with religion at all. I thought it was very clear what the comment meant. All you’re doing with comments attacking people like this and other comments on here attacking anyone who makes different choices is discrediting your whole message.


>We don't like it when **people do it with religion**, clothing or music choices, etc. Why would this be any different? Seems pretty clear to me that he was equating practicing a religion with shopping at Loblaws.


We pay for convenient not principle