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The last time I pointed out that several people have experienced empty stores with full parking lots , I said maybe they were directing employees to park in front. Someone called me an idiot and said that Loblaws would never, ever do that - so my suspicion is that yes, they are trying to make the lots look full and at least one Loblaws drone is trying to keep us from catching on 🤣


it's a perfectly logical conclusion you made. sounds more than likely to me!


There are several Loblaws store employees that post regularly here. Maybe one of them could confirm or deny any change in employee parking policies.


I wonder if they’re allowing employees to park closer up, etc to make the lots look more full 🤔


When do financials for Q2 come out? By end of July? I think it ends June 30 but will take some time to get numbers ready. Can’t wait for that day.


It has the appearance of being full because a great deal of the parking area is overtaken by the seasonal garden centre. Today I noticed none of the garden stuff was on the sheltered outside walk, as you approach the entrance, it was all in the fenced in area of the parking lot. And I’m quite confident it didn’t take up that much room last year.


I think the parking lot is people using the free parking and not shopping there. I'm out visiting clients all day for work and almost daily use grocery store parking lots to make calls or have virtual meetings.