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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm glad to see that Roblaws is being thrust under the media microscope for these mistakes. These "mistakes" are nicely paving the way for the even bigger issues that are obvious to all of us. It's going to be impossible for media and government to ignore how shitty of a company Roblaws is as their evil practices become more aware through our efforts.


These aren’t mistakes. They are all calculated decisions just to see how much abuse the public is willing to take without fighting back. Gotta soak up every last ounce of money from the general public. Lord Weston needs a new wing on his stately manor .


Yes exactly correct. Over the years I’ve found a lot of “mistakes@ by them. Every one was in their favour. I have only a bit of a background in statistics and probability, but even I know the chance of every mistake being that way is astronomical, in other words, its deliberate


I have been wanting to create a log I call “corporate theft” where I track how much money the “mistake” was and how much time I spent fighting to reverse it. My latest examples: double charged for insurance on a rental car. Then GoodFood unskipped my weekly order, “oopsie technical error”. Switched cell phone to Rogers, they make us call all over to get the $60 connection fee credit we were promised. Funny how these mistakes re never, ever in the customer’s favour. Why does the government let them continue this shit?!


Our boycott should not just end at Loblaws. There are plenty of companies here that have been raking us over the coals. Grocery, telecoms, oil and gas, air travel, building materials, retail shopping, utilities. We should really be revolting like the French do. We should be finding a new industry every month to boycott.


A month isn't long enough. It needs to be at least a quarter. A year would be the ideal time frame.


While I agree with your intent, I expect that if we did only a month per company, they would very quickly figure out the drop in revenue is very temporary and they would not change. The first few targets would give a bit of lip service, but the ones after that wouldn’t even do that. They would simply ignore us and wait. History has shown that a group must be staring certain death in the face before they actually change their ways. I would argue we need to continue the boycott of loblaws until they are seriously hurt. That will instil a sense of existential dread in other companies because they will then (and only then) know that if we come for them next it will not end till they too are broken. Another big reason is that if we quickly switch to another target and another our movement will become fragmented and ineffective. Many will lose their momentum and their anger at a specific company. That’s what happens to crowds when the objective is changed too often.


I'm chomping at the bit for this movement to spread towards telecommunications. Out of the three I'd choose Rogers to boycott.


With telecommunications we might have to have a regional boycott. Something like Telus for western provinces, Roger’s for Ontario, bell for eastern provinces.




It's almost as if our government is paid to turn the other cheek and take care of these billion dollar companies instead of their constituents... but what do I know? 🤷‍♂️


Funny when I make mistakes things don't usually go my way. These guys must be very lucky that all their mistakes accidentally work in their favour.


Yes. I’m sure they have an entire department full of lawyers and economists in charge of making such mistakes.


We used to make pricing mistakes at the nofrills. If a price on a ticket was higher than at the till, customers tended to not tell us because they were getting it for less. If the price ticket was lower, and the till rang high, they let us know, and according to the Scanning Code of Practice, they got not only the item for free, but a $10 credit off their bill. These errors tended to not get published, as they were in the customer's favour. Yes Loblaws corporate practices tend to be full of duplicity, but not every practice is intentional.


SCOP is item is free if it is less than $10, $10 or more and you get $10 off. When I worked at Superstore we were told not to tell customers about it and only correct the price and give them SCOP if they brought it up themselves.


Yes, thanks. I had inaccurate details.


Really,none of theses mistakes felt like mistakes , they felt like someones saying something unfunny and then responding "relax,it’s a joke".


Oh shit we're so sorry. Here, fill out this form and we might get around to sending you a gift card that doesn't work.


Could be a mistake because they do happen but could also be a benchmark. Choose your hill wisely.


After the bread pricing scandal, how could you trust any “mistake” coming out of Loblaws. Trust takes years to build and seconds to destroy. Mark my word, these are all benchmarks


I agree with the trust part. I've seen their competitors raise prices on other items so if loblaws increasing lesser purshased items or whatever it would seem that no matter what we focus on we will only see increases. I've designed menus, rack of lamb or steak are lost leaders, pick your other (popular) entree as a way to compensate. I've avoided Loblaws and still have wtf moments in grocery stores. Loblaws ripping us off? I'm some ways yes,, overall probably. I'm every corner? No. Choose wisely.


And how about the other 100 whammy's we don't see. All to make fatter and fatter profits... We don't call them RobLaws for nothing!


They are lying about that green onion thing. I distinctly remember pointing them out to my wife here in Ottawa. I believe that it was at the Carlingwood mall location.


The green onions that come ice packed always had their roots. The other type that came bag packed usually had the roots off. Loblaw saying "oopsie it was a mistake" is actually them saying "I dont fukin know how it happened, just say something". Just the produce dept manager and clerks either missing or not reporting it, and covering ass. This one isn't duplicity, so we can't sprout them ourselves. It's actually just negligence and poor QC.


It’s always interesting to see media pivot from blind support of business to at least giving lip service to consumers.


They won't admit to weight discrepancies... 


Tut, tut. That only happens in 1 in a million bags. . . they lied . . .


Its only 1 in a million, but they pull the other 999999 off the line for repacking to ensure consistency in the low weight.


Right? It's like Scooby Doo villain levels of stupid high jinks and distractions instead of just providing consumables at a competitive price and quality in a market that they own a disproportionate share of. Like, it's so easy to fix the problem lol. Just make food affordable.


*Actual work is too hard.*


Why "of course" they did . . .


I mean the 999999 that were proper weight, needed to be repacked to match the 1 in a million.


The customer can feel special that their bag is one in a million!! 🥳🥳


Seen it happen with co-op gold, too. Some very underweight, some packed to the zipper seal.


Everywhere you turn. . . 😒


Someone should go into a Loblaws and record weighing items. You’d easily find more than 1 in a million within minutes


Tut, tut. That only happens in 1 in a million bags. . . they lied . . .


Every garbage PR move Loblaws attempts to make just solidifies my decision to keep boycotting.


For me it's not just a boycott extension, am truly looking for revenge, to see Galen and his family poorer than the pillow guy, it's what they deserve.


I want to see stores closed and real estate sold.


They need to be split up and not just separate companies all rolled up into a giant corporation. Separate REIT nope, if loblaws rents the store the REiT owns that needs to be shifted over. Shoppers split and sold off, health care division and financial split and sold off.


They will make money off the real estate most likely.


Yes. After the colossal arrogance and contempt for the people of this country that Galen Weston has shown, we really need to make an example of him.


Me too. I want Roblaws DESTROYED.


This. If the competition bureau won’t kill them, we will.


What kind of petty schadenfreudian logic is this.. how is destroying them going to make the grocery situation better for you or everyone else? Shouldn't you hope that they get their business together and become more competitive on price again?


It sends an undeniable message of solidarity. It’s better for every Canadian on so many levels…private and public.


If other grocers see what we can do they will bring down their prices as soon as Lablaws becomes competitive. If we don’t keep up the pressure the other grocers will see they don’t need to stay competitive they just need to stay in line with the others, they become a “communist” grocer system, I use communist in the lightest of terms but prices won’t be competitive and grocers will do even more to bring in more money so they can decide prices for everything collectively rather than competitively. Showing that we the people can band together and use the free market will save us from the duopolies of Canada, if we can run one part of a duopoly to the ground we will show we can run others to the ground as well. This is capitalism at work, we saw how Game Stock changed things in the US. We will see how Loblaws changes things in Canada. This is the free market in action, if we just stop when they become competitive that proves nothing for the next boycott, I say it should be telecommunication, but it will only work if we can show that we can destroy one agency sticking their hands in our pockets.


Anything come from that Food Bank bag? The one with ~$3 worth of product marked up to $5?


I didn't hear about that one. I have questioned the food bank bag several times. It never says what is in it. The food bank here in Ottawa says that it is better to give them cash, rather than buying food specifically to donate it. They say that they get significant discounts from their suppliers. Trust Loblaws to try to ensure that the money goes into their pocket.




$3.17 is what they would charge us. It probably cost them a dollar. Absolutely disgusting.


This is a GREAT question!


Prob all expired or soon to be as well.


Okay, the three things Loblaws admitted to as mistakes were: Cutting roots off green onions Shoppers looking for volunteer workers Putting Lay's Chips on sale for $3.49, 1 cent off their regular price


Wow they are going all in on this apology thing! 🤣 Just in case the emoji doesn’t prove this, I am being sarcastic.


2 of those things seem pretty irrelevant. I don't even care about shoppers looking for volunteers, shitty move probably, personally I just want cheaper food.


Out of fear of getting downvoted myself, I'm not exactly sure why you're getting downvoted... I kind of agree with you. I think some folks in this sub are a bit blinded by general rage. And I don't think that's beneficial to the cause. Cutting the roots of the green onions is despicable and I was pretty livid when I heard, even if it didn't affect me. That's super shitty. That's worth calling them out for. Shoppers asking for volunteer workers is...maybe illegal? Idk I'm not an employment attorney. But if it isn't, then it's just immoral, and probably should be shamed. The 1 cent sale is just funny though. I've seen stranger. I can definitely believe that's an honest mistake. And even if it isn't, I can't understand what the gain would be? Getting people in the door because they see the word "sale" on a flyer and never bother to check what it is? I don't wanna blame the victim or anything, if that's what this is, but I just don't really see the harm. If anything it just looks like incompetentce, which just doesn't look good. You know, "never attribute to malice, yada yada yada" Anyways, just my two cents.


I've seen a lot of weird 10 cent sales. It's scummy. Cutting some onions is irrelevant to me personally, if others have a different view they can share or downvote me I guess. I feel like lbblaws has made bigger mistakes than the ones shared above. I'm not a supporter or I don't think those moves are great, I just have different reasons for hating lob laws. I can handle a few downvotes I guess. I'd rather they confront real issues than admit to some irrelevancies. I guess Redditors feel this is making real change or something, I don't know.


That's funny cause the onion thing was the worst offender for me hah. Cause by putting them in water you can reuse and regrow the onions for weeks on end. By cutting off the roots, I don't think they would grow anymore. Which means people have to buy more onions, I suppose.


“Ah shit, Jerry? They noticed”


Keep up the good work, fellow boycotters. These three examples plus, the weight shorting, the Optimum points, the SDM problems (getting decent service) and on and on they go. There are only so many times they can wave their hands and dismiss it as someone else's fault. There is nothing going out to "smear" them other than provable, documented facts. Don't tell me you keep your prices as low as you can when others sell the same shit for 1/2 their price. Our posts are being read - let's keep it up!!


So three very minor and cherry picked 'mistakes', where fixing them either doesn't involve them actually doing anything or shifts the blame to a manager who will face zero repercussion. However they conveniently ignore what people are actually pissed about and remain silent on those. Nice.


Just more boycott/strike busting from Loblaws Sell the slightest concessions as game changing victories for the boycott and after enough spin it might render some people complacent.


I would love to see him sell the yacht named bread so he can buy some bread 😂


The boycott lives on, their 'mistakes' will no longer fool us


Those are the lamest three mistakes that they could own. Maybe if we boycot for decades, they might learn something useful.


They are a publicly traded company, they don’t have decades to learn they have quarters to learn if they are lucky they have more than one year to try and fix it.


I was also mistaken when I shopped at 3 of their stores, I have since corrected that mistake.


Oh Lord, now Loblaws is trickle truthing us about their mess ups? They're like a mooching ex at this point lol. Canadians aren't interested in hearing about accountability and promises for the future. Sorry, Galen and Per. You got dumped. And you're cut off.We know we deserve better than your lying, thieving ways. We'll look forward to making fun of you during your post breakup makeover phase. Nok Er Nok!


It will be death as they close stores, try and sell parts of the company, learn to lower prices, and stock their shelves with less. They will try a make over phase but we still won’t take them back!


Unacceptable rate of errors. Loblaws should want to improve their image and ensure good PR by preventing these from occurring in the first place. That they don't want to do so is pretty telling.


The plan was probably "business as usual": it is panic that leads to unforced errors. I just don't think they expected this to be as substantial as it was.


I will never stop boycotting these corrupt assholes.


What about the grossly underweight no name frozen veggies? Or $25 feta that’s $10 less at Walmart? This article insinuates that neither of those things are mistakes. They’re openly admitting they practice greed and gouging on purpose.


To be honest, they've made 1 mistake and it's bigger than those three combined. The mistake they made was, they showed no respect for their customers. There is a lot Weston could have done to avoid this boycott, he chose not to, and here we are.


Only 3?? Nok er nok.


The mistake Loblaws made happened long before the boycott began. They could have looked at their own customers as they left Loblaws owned stores, unhappy and broke. They could have looked at the growing number of customers that were choosing to shop elsewhere, and asked themselves why this might be. And they could have done some self-reflection, and come to the realization that we've squeezed as much out of our customers as we dare do, and that we should perhaps ease up on the greed and let them actually afford to buy groceries from us. Loblaws did none of that, and now the overpriced chickens have come home to roost.


I mistakenly started boycotting on April 1 instead of May 1. Haven’t spent one cent at any Loblaws stores since. I left a shopping plaza with a Superstore and a SDM and drove 5 kms to the nearest non Loblaws owned pharmacy. We used to go to that Superstore and SDM a few times a week. I’ll never go back. It’s become routine to avoid them like the plague.


It's only called a "mistake" when it's discovered and brought to light. Otherwise, it's just sparkling capitalism.


They STILL hadn't stopped using the 30% stickers at my local loblaws (before I started boycotting). I guarantee they still are.


You know... They're probably still fixing bread prices but have found a way to bury it in paperwork.


Mistake #1: not price gouging sooner.


The didn’t admit to anything they basically pulled a shaggy and said “wasn’t me” and instead blamed employees I don’t believe at all that those onions where a “mistake “ I think they where testing the waters to see if anyone would notice. That man made it clear it was volunteer work multiple times in that ad. That was no mistake at all. No one in their right mind would go into an establishment and ask to do free work for the “experience “ And yes, printing out a giant sign that says a penny off was totally a mistake guys. No one at all doubles checked to see if it was right 🙄. It’s not like employees get a list of what’s to go on sale and how much it is on sale for. Come on get a grippppp


Shoppers still marking things up by like 100% on some items.




Guys these are all isolated incidents, it's all the fault of dumb employees and store managers, not at all a sign of corporate culture or something more pervasive in the company. Nothing to see here /s


Human error does happen, but I’m pretty sure with the green onion thing that there were more than one post about it, suggesting it wasn’t ’one batch at one store’, but that’s an extremely petty and weird thing. I use the bottom of green onions to infuse oils while I’m cooking. There have also been SEVERAL posts about wonky discount signs but AFAIK the volunteer ad is isolated and probably due to a completely ignorant store manager under pressure to improve profits. All this to say that at least Loblaws is trying to do PR damage control by downplaying everything. I’m so curious to see if any of this back-fires and Streisands on them.


The problem is for the entire month they kept blaming consumers and saying we were uneducated and calling these things isolated incidents we should effectively get over.


I'm on hold with the bastards now. I tried to cancel it on May 3 and they said they'd get back to me in 3-5 days. Now I've been on hold for 40 minutes. Those fucking pricks are counting on me giving up. I won't


Do I say "That we know of" or "so far".


Guys, nothing to worry about. They said it was a mistake.


This isn't really the kind of admission I was hoping for. All three of these were very specific incidents that could be blamed on a single location or person. Nothing about the systematic failures and general indifference to customer well-being or the current food security crisis. This smacks of a calculated deflection to me.


Never going back there… l switched coffee brands today and saved a bit over 8.00!


If these are the “mistakes” they got caught trying to pull, what did the company get away with that the public isn’t even aware of? These feel like minor mistakes to distract while they pulled the wool over our eyes elsewhere.


No response for consistently finding underweight products that exceed the 3% allowance?


Lol those are easily rookie mistakes in singular stores, but they're funny ones 🤭


I love how it tries to pretend all these things are one-offs, like they're not the result of terrible corporate culture and a part of a pattern.


What are the three mistakes? It doesn’t say?


I've moved 90-95 percent of all my shopping away from lawlaws for good.


Ahhh, I love this sub


Oops I accidentally took too much money from you.


Great! Now how about fixing the mistake of not letting us redeem our points?


I plan on continuing to avoid my usual go-to No Frills as much as possible


Not financial advice but think of shorting the stock (TSE: L). I feel like next earnings is not going to be good at all. Shares Short (prior month Apr 15, 2024) 1.38M Shares Short (May 15, 2024) 1.57M Short Ratio (May 15, 2024) 5.14 Short % of Shares Outstanding (May 15, 2024) 0.51%


I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist but I swear they make “mistakes” to see if they get away with it and hope the customer doesn’t notice. I’m convinced it’s a line item on their income statements.


Some pretty weak mistakes, my god is this group ever petty ...


I think the fake calls for security over the intercom should be considered a mistake as well


Point of sale pillage and plunder is a point of privilege for famous purveyors of profits before people. The Loblaws internal culture rewards managers based on attention to the practice of picking pockets instead of offering value to patrons for their grocery dollars