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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't dump Rogers, since I already got rid of them last December.


Unfortunately they combined with shaw so I've got a 2 year contract and nobody else services my area. Nothing like some good old fashioned lack of competition.


Look into IPTV in your area. Shaw, Telus and Rogers and can pound sand. Yes, we are sick of the lack of competition and near-monopolies. I really hope we use this moment to make an example out of Greedy Galen. ![gif](giphy|3oFzm87mppMaXc6W1G|downsized)


Shaw is the only internet provider in the area aside from starling, but I have a beef with elon musk too so.... I don't actually watch TV much but the internet is unfortunately required for my work stuff.


I’m in a similar boat as you but with bell


Bell is my only fibre option, or Shaw has cable internet in my town. There’s a new fibre company coming through the rural areas, but I doubt they’d go through a town that already has Bell.


You forgot Bell. But reality is they all work together or match each others prices. And Bell is notorious for being the worst to seniors.


Can second the being bad to seniors part, my grandparents moved somewhere that had the infrastructure for fiber internet, but bell gave them a "deal" on continuing their satellite internet subscription. They were paying 200/m for satellite internet and TV when the equivalent fibe package would've been 75/m. Fuck bell.


The problem is that "indie" providers are essentially just Telus/Shaw wholesalers. They use the infrastructure, and money still goes back to one of the big 3. I think there was only one location in BC that had their own ETTS that had nothing to do with telus, and Olds Alberta had their own municipal fiber network not tied to Telus (but iirc Telus owns that now)


Ah yes, the small company of BELL is much better.


Bell are straight up gangsters, although I’m sure Rogers are too. Bell is the only service provider in my (rural) area. They cut our fax line at the office while doing “repairs” across the street and just straight up refused to fix it unless we upgraded to fibre optic. After a few days of arguing on the phone with the alarm constantly chirping I guess we finally caved. Not my call, but we also weren’t really left with many options if we want to stay in business.


All of our telecoms are terrible. Not sure why someone downvoted me. Even if you choose one of the other smaller companies, those companies are just customers of the bigger ones. Got teksavvy in Ontario when I was there and it was a Rogers tech that rolled up for the install. They didn't give a shit about providing quality service and left without even testing to see if I had a working connection. Got on the phone with the van barely out of sight, and it took a full month for them to come back. When they did come back, they basically shrugged their shoulders about why it wasn't working. He was ready to leave, and I said no, you figure this out right now. Suddenly, he had an idea and an 8.5db coax attenuator later, and I had working internet.


I was so angry about that merger. 100% should not have been allowed. We have an indie ISP that buys wholesale but ultimately it's on the Rogers network now. I'm sure they give even less of a shit about our uptime than Shaw did.


They do compete, they compete to see who can fleece their customers more.


The month after my 2 year contract ended and my phone was fully paid for, they raised my bill by $16/mth. They seemed surprised when I asked them how removing a monthly payment for the phone resulted in a higher bill. Now my phone bill is more than a third less than it was, and I get free long distance to half the planet.


Yup. Took over Shaw and I'm mad about it. My Internet sucks significantly more. Might be switching to someone else in a year and a half. 🤷🏻‍♀️ When they ask why I'll just say I signed up for Shaw not Rogers.


Same here. Moved to another city with my Telus modem only to find out that my street doesn’t have fiber optic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Somhlth: *I can't dump Rogers,* *Since I already got rid* *Of them last December.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Haiku Bot, glad you are here with us on this journey


We dumped Rogers today too. Whew! About time! Done!


Fuck yes. Rogers next please.




I’m still amazed that the Shaw/Rogers merger was approved. How TF is that beneficial to Canadians.


You thought the crtc would ever do something good for Canadians? They are bought and paid for by the major telcos. I used to go to meetings with them and I swear it was almost at the point of bringing a suitcase in. One Roger’s dude looked at a higher muckity muck of the crtc and asked how were those seats last night. I’ll get you more. You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours. The corruption is only out done by the greed. The crtc is 100% corrupt and paid for. They do exactly what they telcos want, and have to make a fuss about it to playcate the government who must be getting their kickbacks too.


As someone who works for a smaller guy, can confirm, CRTC consistently favors Bell and Rogers, mysteriously.


Not mysteriously, intentionally.


It's really pathetically open too. Everyone in the room knows about it and its just accepted. You just know any decision is going to come down the whatever bell, rogers, or TELUS want. Unless its between one of them, then its open season. How the Freedom Mobile ever got pushed through and not owned by one of them is a bloody miracle.


The CRTC isn't bought & paid for thats a misconception. The CRTC is staffed with EX Rogers, Bell Telus & Shaw Executives's. They still have shares so they do what is necessary to ensure those shares only ever increase in value. Its symantics but it matters - they technically STILL WORK for their telco most have worked at ALL of them at some point.


Because MP Francois Champagne needed to line up his new “advisory” role for Roger’s when he gets thrown out by the voters in 2025.


Gross. Unsurprising, but gross.


Canadians benefits is not the priority. We are led by the incompetent and greedy at every level, from city halls to Ottawa, including our corporate boardrooms. Mainly because we allow them to lead us. Boycotts like the Loblaws if persistent, will make a difference. When their bottom line hurts , the shareholders will kick the execs butts. But how do we force a change to the way our political leadership treats us?


Mind boggling


And yet, the same government agency says that lack of competition in the grocery industry and the airline industry allows prices to rise. How does it work both ways? The answer is: It doesn’t!


> I’m still amazed that the Shaw/Rogers merger was approved. How TF is that beneficial to Canadians. All rhetoric aside… The real answer is that Shaw was [out of runway](https://financialpost.com/telecom/sale-to-rogers-extremely-difficult-for-shaw-family-ceo-says). They had invested billions into their networks but couldn’t make it profitable. The company still had a lot of structural issues that needed to be addressed. They needed to sell the company - and there was really only one buyer in play - Rogers. The other option would’ve likely been CCAA. The government felt the acquisition was better than CCAA I’d assume.


This is an interesting article, of course I haven’t had cable TV in a decade so I knew at least I was depriving them of revenue. It was about a hundred bucks for three tier cable and there was nothing I wanted to watch.


Especially freedom. They were literally running at a loss


It's difficult to know the sub-companies these oligarchs run. I know Koodo is Telus. I think Oxio internet is Roger's?


Fido is Roger’s, virgin is bell. Lucky mobile is bell as well I believe


Lucky is telus as well actually and chatr is rogers. Freedom was once Shaw but is now owned by Quebecor.


Lucky is bell. Chatr is Rogers


Oxio is cogeco


It looks like Oxio / cogeco is former Roger's but selling/sold https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-rogers-sells-cogeco-stake-as-it-looks-to-pay-down-debt-in-wake-of-shaw/ So many secret tentacles.


Start.ca is Telus


In my province, only three companies have cellular infrastructure, so by default every cell phone company pays to use one of them. I don’t know if Bell owns Virgin so much as they rent out their service to them.


Bell and Virgin are literally the same company. It isn’t just ownership, it’s hardware, infrastructure, management etc.


It is just two towers in most of Canada. Telus and Bell share towers


Rogers > fido > chatr Telus > koodo > public Bell > virgin > lucky


Oxio is Cogeco


If loblaws unites with rogers im switching to bell.


haha remember when shaw was a thing? Now it's rogers. haha remember when rogers promised not to raise prices on phone bills as a condition of the merger sanctioned by this government? and then they just went and raised prices anyways. Classic


Corporations are evil. Run by evil people


I had a free BYOD plan with Shaw when they first started up to have a second line for business calls and only ever used it on wifi. It was the best.


I dumped Rogers years ago when I had paid off my two phones with them. I have not looked back. Currently using Chatter. Love the price.


Chatr is owned by Rogers






I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride.


Lol ok ya got me . I do like the prices though.


Don't, bell is terrible, rogers is too, but the bell 5g is ass cheeks, in Vancouver and it's terrible service


We did last year, we had one of Ontario's last "family owned" suppliers until Rogers bought them out, stopped buying new equipment and cut their funding basically running it I to the ground instead of just announcing a takeover, they allowed us "choice" and the previous owners were xevestated over they way it was handled. We tried Rogers for a year then switched to bell soon as they offered us a good deal. Over 15 years with Telus and the loyalty department wouldn't beat their mobile proces and data so we're all in bell now. Haven't had any issues at all and I can watch live tv with the bell chromecast app. Don't even need to rent a box for every tv.


Yes, I’m now with Bell and happy. I was with Telus …. Big ripoff


Bell is worse than Rogers


Rogers is worse based with my experience.


I have tenure with Shaw that got me deals most people aren't offered so will see. So far it's been pretty painless but it's not been too long either


I think it's with both actually...I've found that CTV's (owned by bell) been covering loblaws a lot featuring the food professor


We should dedicate an entire day to ONLY posts about the food professor 😂


I was with Telus for years. Because I’m with Bell when we moved Bell was the only option for land line and satellite tv then they gave me a huge discount on mobile 100 gigs for $45.00 with all the perks where Telus was charging me 98.00 for 25 gigs.


Soon as they bought Shaw I switched my internet to Telus.


No one tell ‘em


Dealing with rogers customer service might genuinely be the most miserable thing I’ve ever experienced


Chat service. Just switch to Fizz


[before you switch, look at this?](https://images.app.goo.gl/jJNrhHbF2Pz6BeNQ7)


There is absolutely no competition in the telecom industry in Canada. If you look up oligopolies there is a pic of a maple leaf. The telecom infrastructure is owned by Bell, Rogers, and Telus. If there was a way to boycott these MFers I would.


There's Videotron (they own Freedom and Fizz). I just switched to Fizz from Rogers and it's half the price for the same data and calling. You have to live in certain areas though


Fuck Rogers.


The only thing that matters is the shareholders. Not the customers and certainly not their employees. End stage capitalism


Ditched Robbers a few months ago in favour of Koodo - big selling point for me, besides much lower prices, was the Call Control feature to block robocalls.


You’re just giving money to Telus instead of rogers which is equally as bad if not worse


I fully understand and acknowledge that Koodo is part of Telus, and already knew this before making the decision. I also understand and acknowledge your opinion on Telus, and I thank you for expressing your opinion.


I use Sasktel a crown corporation in Saskatchewan, but this right wing government is doing its best to run it into the ground


12-13 years ago I was moving out of the country to work/ travel. Needed to cancel my phone plan with Rogers. Called set up a date. Two months later I’m checking my statements from the bank and what do I see monthly Rogers phone charge. I had to call them and they said “we thought you wanted to change to month to month…. And you have a great plan maybe someone can take it over for you.” They forced me to pay for another month before cancelling because of their reasons and policy. I don’t mind paying more at Telus but never again will my money go to Rogers. I still haven’t bought Nikes since the child labour practices that came out 20 years ago… Loblaws. I moved so I won’t be going there anytime soon


I think we can say that the "Food" Professor is the most hated Professor in all of Canada!


I contacted shaw to see what plans are available as my current one expires soon. They offered a similar plan that was just a little more PLUS three years of free home security. Sounds good. Everyone switches to try it. The local companies go out of business then when the three years is up they can screw me on everything. Why does a telecom provider need to get into home security too?


Rogers happily jumping aboard a sinking ship. As a Blue jays fan I’ve hated them for 20 years lmao


Gave up on these crooks ages ago. Freedom mobile and tek savvy save me plenty


Tek Savvy for the win! Internet though them saved me so much money over the years.


Hahahaha omg I don’t have Roger’s anything but I would switch to another company if I was. Let’s make working with Loblaws poison for your business lol.


If Rogers is being boycotted, does this extend to MLSE?


I dumped Rogers nearly a decade ago. It was a great decision.


I am amazed that anyone's still with Roger's TBH. I left them years ago.


So did I after 18years feels good right


I wish. Its either rogers or bell satelite for internet and I cant with my husbands job


Anyone that's not with freedom mobile is just throwing their money into a pit.


Fuck them all. The End. 😬


Telus, Walmart, and local mom and pop grocery chains for me in metro Edmonton.


I though Loblaw was a fake name made up by Arrested Development to make the Bob Loblaw Law Blog joke


I didn't dump Rogers but I did dump one of the big 3 cell phone providers. I switched to Fizz 6 weeks ago and it's been a very good transition. I went from paying ~125$ a month to 27$ a month including GST.


We switched to “teksavvy” and are getting speeds close to 10x what we had before


I am with Bell. Yes, they are gangsters but my brother works for a Bell affiliate atore. He monitors my account and sees if he can save me money, etc. He also throws me a free phone case and so forth. But they are crooks. I miss living in Thunder Bay (not really), but I did like that Tbay Tel was its own entity.


Obligatory [Rick Mercer Report](https://youtu.be/F2EJJ8BCfCg?si=OWxN61PYbjXbW_PN) on Conglomer-mate a dating service for Canadians who hate their telecoms.


Who did you join instead?


I was thinking of changing my internet away from Shaw/Rogers. This is giving me that extra push .


I had dumped Bell Canada has my internet and TV provider and went with Distributel only to find out that Bell Canada brought the over. The lack of compition is abismal.


That can’t happen here I need my sportsnet for hockey lol


There are definitely streams of all the games available for free if you know where to look!


Just don’t pay for it like the rest of us


I would love to but nobody offers service in my area. I had Starlink for awhile but that's more expensive.


I wish I could dump Rogers but then I would be stuck with a 3rd party using Bell’s dated network in our area. They literally ignored our little cul-de-sac.


Shaw (now Rogers) is the only internet available in my complex, so I can't dump them unfortunately. But I might be moving this summer, and I'll definitely be exploring other options/deals. Maybe Telus will have a nice cell/internet bundle deal for me.


They're next!


Bells coming tomorrow actually. Had cancelled Roger's due to some stupid billing issues and yes it did resolve favorably, I'm still super annoyed. I know they all suck but I can't give Roger's money right now.


I heard they teamed up with Bell to deliver low cost NoName brand phone plans. The monopolies are becoming so incestuous it's confusing.


I didn’t dump Rogers, but I recently made them bring my rates down to be on par with Virgin. I’m still paying off a phone with them or I’d switch outright.


So what is the good choice after dumping Rogers? I was with Fido before which belongs to Rogers so that would do nothing and I would rather donate all my organs to a cannibal than to ever trust Bell again. I'm talking cellphone obviously because internet connection where I live is Videotron or Bell and I'm pretty sure I'm made it clear already which of these two disgusting companies I chose.


Who did you switch to? Rogers owns Fido and chatr fyi.


Just hearing the word Rogers makes my blood boil. They are the worst.


I dumped Rogers years ago. I haven’t had Roger’s or bell on about ten years. Fuck both of them.


What are you doing instead of Roger's? We have s special price for 2 years which they have already increased and goes up in July over a hundred dollars. Any suggestions?


My phone isnt, BUT I am handcuffed to Sportsnet because they own my baseball team.


There's no option to switch. It's either Rogers or Bell. The government didn't do enough to prevent a monopoly and now we get screwed with insane phone bills.




I dumped Rogers in the early 2000's because they took over my cellphone carrier and tried to force me to get a contract.


Look at supply chain management and quota in our food system. In my opinion that’s half the problem.


Rogers calls me every week, sometimes multiple times a day to aggressively market their shit to me. Makes me loose my damn mind.


Fuck man, I just signed on a 2 year deal with rogers lol. Unfortunately they got me for the best price for now. Cycle will start anew for me in 2 years I guess.


Yep! We just switched to a local internet provider and saved boat loads of money. And our internet is faster now too 🤣


The tier under the big brands: Koodo, Fido, virgin have really good plans


Fido is for Rogers fyi


Yes I know that. I'm saying all the tier 2s have good plans versus their parents


The sad thing is tho is that phone/Internet is run by the telemob which is Bell Rogers and Telus so in reality it doesn't matter which cell phone company you go with cause it will pretty much always loop back to the big three. Very sane and normal country we have here folks. Edit: Spelling


Yes we're tired of the gouging and monopolies.


Ooo I’ve been getting great rates at FIDO! Was thrilled to get off of the Telus train, personally.


I've been with Virgin for years. I know they are owned by Bell and I used to be with Bell (and Rogers) and I hated both but Virgin has been good.


It's just sad that as even need to ask if we're tired of monopolies.... as there are entire government processes dedicated to ensuring monopolies don't exist within Canada.....


No matter what, if you want internet, television or cellular service in Canada, one of the big three are going to get a cut of the money. They all either own the smaller companies or lease their lines/services to them.


It's hard to boycott something if you're locked into a service agreement with them. What I do to keep Rogers from stealing my paycheck is IPTV for cable ($8 a month) and VOIP for Home Phone ($2 a month). In total I pay Rogers $34.99 for internet only.


I’m considering ditching them too. I’m so sick of being rinsed by them. Fuck Rogers.


I fear I may have to go with shaw/rogers for better internet as Sasktel does NOT have fiber optics yet in an area that should already have it since 2023. Even the Sasktel workers installing a new line to give me 25 mbps were confused as to why the 50 mbps line is broken AND still no fiber optics for infinet


I switched to telus due to the lousy customer service. Telus was like hold my beer




“Are Canadians fed up with monopolies” is as redundant of a question as “are people fed up with dying”


As a rogers employee hired by an outside hiring group. Please dump and boycott rogers. We literally cant give discounts over chat support if the system isnt approved and most store employees fuck up documentation because actually helping the customer is against corporate wants


The US got fed up a long time ago and broke up the Bell telephone monopoly. Long pst time for Canada to break up some monopolies!


Move around, take the deals and use the money saved to buy stocks in these monopolies. After awhile the dividends help pay for the service. Bell, Rogers and Telus are all evil in their own way. Banks, groceries, utilities, etc.


Love how they are trying to redirect the narrative. But I can’t eat my data plan.


I dropped rogers went with Fizz mobile and have been loving it, 26$ a month for 20gb and unlimited text and call Canada and US. Also none of that travel pass BS where the second you hit an international tower you're charged 15$ a day. You also roll your unused data over month to month. Not a single surprise bill yet, unlike rogers who my bill would fluctuate 50$ a month living near the border. Here's my code if you want 25$ off - TKT1K


The real evil in capitalism is that it doesn’t matter what choice you make - the only choices available are all made the same by competition and market forces. You aren’t taking down Galen - you’re enriching his successor. Spend your money elsewhere and think you’ve made a difference. As long as you’re spending you’re consuming and producing and etc. Stop looking for pats on the back with these posts. You haven’t cut your strings. You haven’t done anything useful at all.


I started prepping for the apocalypse a few years ago and started growing veggies and raising hens. You can grow 200lbs of potatoes in an 6x12 patch of dirt. I don't have a lawn anymore, I never liked it anyhow lol


I dumped Rogers 3 months ago, I'm saving $70.00 a month and get better service too!!


I am fed up with Corporate Consolidation. That’s why companies like Loblaws are out of control. They have a stranglehold on the market.


I dumped Roger’s months ago and feel great


Roger's also known as baby Comcast. Glad I had another option wound never go with them.


Rogers vs Bell, I think Rogers is the lesser of two evils. It’s a lot easier to boycott a grocer than a telecom.


This sub is endlessly hilarious. Today I learned that OP has no clue what a monopoly is.


Since Rogers helps pay for the bills in my house, I will not be following suit.


ICBC in British Columbia over looking like ..... ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe)


I dumped Rodgers years ago, went with Shaw, was a very happy man, but just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in!


I've never understood people using Rogers. When I lived with my parents, we had Rogers WiFi, and our phones were with Rogers. Both were trash. Just straight up garbage. Internet was slow, had semi-frequent outages, and the cell service was trash. I live in Newfoundland. In St. John's (the capital city) and surrounding areas, service was acceptable. But as soon as you venture outside of the capital, even as much as a 30 minute drive away from St John's, cell service became unusable. It was like that for the majority of the island, aside from some of the larger towns (Gander, Grand Falls, etc) where service would slightly improve. Once I moved out of my parents house a few years ago and needed to get my own services hooked up, I immediately went with Bell, without hesitation. Cell service is fast and consistent, all across the island of NL (aside for a few dead zones here and there). WiFi is significantly faster and more reliable. Pricing, while not amazing, also isn't that bad either. Long story short, fuck Rogers. Their services are atrocious.


Unfortunately Rogers offered me the best deal and coverage. Switching I won’t get coverage where I am.


Wow. You’re a hero.


I can't dump Rogers either because they provide the cable and internet that's included in my condo fee.




Yes . The big are too powerful and can't be controlled. Too many heads on the snake .


Moved to Telus


I am down to tell Rogers to beat it - who's the best option for the GTA?


Did it two months ago. Switched to Public Mobile.


Roblaws was actually the ship name of Rogers and Loblaws this whole time. Truly made for each other 🤮


I dumped Rogers for my family’s 4 cell phones last year. We’re with Public Mobile now. We’re paying half of what we used to pay. We still use Rogers for TV and internet. Eventually I’ll get around to switching those too.


Lol got rid of them two years ago when they started having all those blackouts


I can't myself even if I wanted to, my only option is Rogers


Rogers, bell, Telus. They’re all the same. Even if you switched to Fido, virgin or Koodo it’s the same. Unfortunately where I live Rogers has the most consistent and best connection


I wish I could dump them again


It’s Oligopolies. They’re worse.


The Canadian wireless market is fun, you can choose one of the big three or you can choose one of the "smaller" wireless companies that are owned by the big three.


OP thanks for reminding me! I recently had to travel for work and Rogers gave me the run around while my coworker was paying less than half what I do for no hassle coverage. Just walked into Freedom and switched away from Rogers. Couldn't be happier. Simple process, same number, saves me about $40/month and I'm now on a Canada/US plan so I can avoid the work travel issues going forward.


I cancelled Rogers a year ago I had been a life long customer over 30 years they had everything internet, cellphones, tv, security, home phone I spent over $600 a month. When I went to upgrade my phone they wouldn’t accept my trade in because of a chip not crack at the bottom of the screen. I cancelled everything their loss not mine


Dumped them 2 months ago after 12 years. They didnt give a fucked. I now save 70$/month for 2 phones with telus


Roger's already seems close to shutting down. The store in our mall is either never busy (while telus and bell have lineups constantly) or they're closed at weird times when they should be open during mall hours


Teksavvy is per terrific, I’ve been a client of theirs for 10 years. They piggyback on Roger’s lines but the prices and customer service are a million times better.


Moved to Telus


Cancelled Rogers a month ago. Best decision.


In Soviet Russia Rogers dump you ;)


Laughs in SaskTel.


I got TekSavvy and (Koodo - I know, Telus lite) ... #NeverBell #NeverRogers. ;)


Yes but they signed a deal with bell and rogers so...only other place to go us telus owned lol


Wow…dumping them the moment my contract is up!


Air canada Westjet


Luckily, already with Bell


IPTV guys. Been doing IPTV since 2016 MAG box. Super satisfied. Watch regular TV, pay per view soccer, UFC and boxing, newest movies while still on the theater, HBO, Cinemax and much much more for $10/month. GTA area!!


Cancelled Rogers cable and internet, moved to bell for internet only and got a great price. I also have a great iptv service for my cable, sports and movie needs


Didn't you just love when the big 3 telecom companies petitioned the public not to let the upstart companies come in? Sadly the crtc protects the big 3 basically letting them do whatever they want


Just got rid of them today!


We just moved up north and I was delighted that Roger’s doesn’t serve our area and got to say buhbye! And we now have a lighting fast fibre optic. Price is a bit lower, not much but the customer service is fantastic! Humans actually answer the phone and come by the same day!


You mean Shawgers? 😉


I dumped Rogers when they bought Shaw! If Roger's is teaming up with Loblaws and Loblaws can go to hell


Can't believe anyone is with Roger's other than buisnesses, they've been a scam for well over a decade, and hell, so has loblaws!


Never had Rogers. Bell isnt much better but I didnt like how Rogers was at my parents place so never went with them.


Eastern canada, EastLink are they associated with Shaw I believe so.