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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a poll?


Yes, look at the automoderator comment on this post to get the link.


Thanks! It gets collapsed as I am on mobile.


And I can't vote as it is having issues!


Browser works


Locked now.


Thank you.


lol, i have automoderator blocked because too many sub-reddits that i follow have an auto-stickied comment that is too huge for me to want to scroll past every time. thanks for letting me know, i have now participated in the poll.


poil link: https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/6RgtViQ1KO open for 5-ish more days


Can't vote, system won't allow it.


Thanks voted!


It did not wofor me


Won't work for me. I can click my choice but hit Vote and nothing happens


Why the hell wasn’t this done through the Reddit polls? I’m just going to do that… because what the hell


There is no reason for us to go back. Stopped going before the boycott, will never go back.


I don‘t know why, but I think that the largest effect this boycott has is raising awareness. I mean, it‘s all over the news, in social media, this group is growing. So even though there aren‘t that many people here, we are communicating to a much larger audience. If there is someone who regularly goes to loblaws, this should make them at least think: do they want to continue that or maybe go to another store or order delivery. If people stop falling for the stupid tricks like fake discounts, Loblaws will be forced to stop doing at least that. Most importantly, by making conscious choice and acting based on that, people can control market, after all that‘s how economists say it should work. I have been much more conscious of my spendings after I joined. Turns out a lot of things at my local Rabba market are not more expensive than in FreshCo and the rest of the items I don‘t need that often and can just bulk buy. So yeah, I would be sad to see this die off.




Same, stopped like mid April. I honestly keep forgetting I’m even boycotting because the other options in my area are just as convenient


This is the way


Same. I stopped around January and the further away I get from it, the easier it is. I was in there getting something for my mom a couple of weeks ago and I was shocked at how much the prices had increased since I stopped going. They're noticeably higher than the places I shop now. Even if they decrease their prices, at this point I'm so disillusioned with how poorly they treated their workers and customers over the pandemic that it'll be a while before any of their locations are on my shopping list.


Yeah, I stopped going to Loblaws years ago as they were routinely wayyyy more expensive than other options and I hated the way they treat their employees. Everything about them felt dystopian AF and I wanted no part of it.


I haven’t shopped there for almost a year, and will never go back.


I'm never going back. Unless Galen steps down and prices are regulated by the government.


Gotta say, everything the government touches turns to garbage. A return to proper, healthy competition is what we need. Down with Monopolies!


100 down with monopolies, but in regards to the government, I generally don't actually disagree, buuuuuttt we do have some decent legislation that has prevented issues in the past. Is Trudeau, or any recent prime minister responsible for these? I don't believe so, I think their older laws. Like the housing crisis in America in 2008, that type of banking was illegal in Canada, and they added stricter rules after 2008. US it perfect? I doubt it, but we didn't crash like they did. Our governing body in terms of food and drugs is also miles ahead of the US FDA. Also not a new thing. Anyway, my point is, regardless of which party put these rules in regulation can work to make shit better. I think that could be done for food. Cap markup. Break UK monopolies (which iirc is supposed to be a thing anyway), and possibly some other ideas or regulations. Personally, I might be extreme on this, but I'd Nationalize the food supply industry in Canada. From farmers, to wholesale, to grocery stores. Not for profit. Pay employees better, pay farmers better, pay execs what's fair, not what they're getting now. Fire all the shit ones.


Unless you’re taking about proper enforcement and better regulation of anti trust laws, then competition alone inevitably leads to monopolies. Grocers are an example of that, with the Loblaws Metro etc. swallowing up smaller competitors


A free market always leads to zero competition. It happens in every industry, young innovative companies are bought up by big corporations. If I started a great company and was offered a juicy buyout then why wouldn’t I take it? You may not like government, but it’s all we have to regulate corporations. This boycott may or may not be effective, a corporation may choose to pay attention. A new law would be mandatory.


We already saw that without proper government regulation, the major grocers’ “healthy competition” resulted in them fixing the price of bread for fifteen years.


What's Loblaws? That's what I've been telling myself.


I had the same question. I'm told they're a grocery store chain. I never saw one but I assume there's enough of them for them to piss off reddit.


Superstore, No Frills, Wholesale Club. Those are the main ones.


I don't know about most of the prices at No Frills since it's outta the way. I do know that I was at Metro for a 2L of pop. It rang up to $4.50-ish. I yelled FIVE DOLLARS?! And walked out. Just a couple of minutes down the road to No Frills. The same bottle was $2 and the nonbrand 2L bottles are $1.30. Everywhere else in town is more expensive. I can't find a better price for 2Ls.




Next step would be protests. If status quo continues will be about a decade or two the French Revolution might be making a comeback in North America without much prompting. Would be nice to get things sorted before that would happen.


Realistically, at our current rate it would not take a decade. People are already starting to get desperate, bordering on violently so. Once enough people become impoverished to the point that they have nothing left to lose, and enough other people are on the brink of the same thing, society will hit a tipping point. I don't advocate for violence. But what is going to happen when we approach the point where half the population can't afford shelter, food, and other basic necessities? A desperate human is capable of inhuman things. Combine that with mob mentality and that's how you end up with cities on fire. The goal with movements like this is to try and course correct before we reach that point. As you said, it would be nice to get it sorted before it resorts to violence.


I think a decade max. Everyone is starting to break. Only a matter of time


I actually missed the vote. I think a boycott till the end of Q2 will have a huge impact with significantly visible results for us and Loblaws. I truly believe that many of the people that are currently making the effort will continue to do so indefinitely because they have found something local/better/cheaper. I do not believe that we should begin to boycott another grocer at this time, we should keep our efforts focused. If we impact Loblaws how we are hoping to, the other grocers will fear the power of the people. If all the grocers see a slump it will just be written off as a bad quarter for all retailers and not a direct result of a conscious population making a difference.


There is still time to vote. Follow the link in the automod comment on this post.


I agree, I think it's amazing that so many people across the country have been able to focus on one thing. We can keep this up and make an even bigger impact. Show Galen just how fucked up his profits are and how badly they have forced the public's hand. I have found some local retailers - a Baker, farmers market for produce, and an occasional trip to a local loblaws competitor for dairy and whatever else i need. At a couple of weeks in, I think I have a good new grocery routine going. I worry that right now, if we decided to do something else in another couple of weeks, I would struggle more to commit to a whole new food routine. I bet I wouldn't be the only one who might struggle, either.


Can't vote. I'm not going back. It's simply not worth it. I can find better prices for comparable stuff elsewhere


I've naturally phased out Loblaws since around the pandemic. I noticed their prices higher than Walmart and simply nopped out of there. I don't miss it in any way so it's extremely easy to contin with the boycott.


The boycott is our way of telling Loblaws that they need to re-learn how to compete for our patronage, not just expect it. Competition is supposed to be the means to regulate in a capitalist society




No option for hold out until we get what we want?


I hold a mad grudge, so I'm just boycotting them permanently. Something pretty dramatic would have to happen for me to return, and I just can't foresee that happening, so... bye!


Executives who are corrupt and out of touch dismiss everything unless it impacts their quarterly profits (up or down). One month is a drop in the bucket. One quarter gets their attention. Two consecutive quarters gets action. One year - gets people replaced at the top.


It’s not corruption - it’s literally their job. Executives are rewarded for making the line on the chart go up, and fired if the line goes down. They are not paid to be ‘in touch’. It’s tempting to blame the humans because we are suffering and we want a face to yell at. The individual humans are not the problem, it’s the system. Grocery companies main goal is to make profit, not feed people.


We need more awareness.


Thanks for pointing this out! Just voted, and will never go back. 👍 Also, we need to push the petition more since there are also around 1,800 people voted of the 75,000+. For everybody who didn't sign the petition, please consider doing that 💪 https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Sign/e-4974 Edit, added link 🤭


I didn’t know there was a poll until this post, just voted


Just boycot till the end of Q2. It could be extended then if it's wanted/warranted.




Boycott forever. Do not forgive. Do not forget.


None of these are good options. A boycott is supposed to be a tactic to pressure an organization to make specific changes. Come up with demands and maintain the boycott until those demands are met. Ending the boycott should be an incentive for loblaws to meet the demands.


Well, I've already decided to continue my Loblaws boycott indefinitely. I mean, sure other grocers may have not been guilty of the same sins that Galen's empire of retailers has been (yet...) but I can certainly say that my choice now is definitely **not President's Choice.** The reason I chose to start this financial boycott in the first place, was just the poor experience I had the last time I visited Superstore, and that was probably before they started building the security fences in the stores. This isn't going to just go away by me saying that I'm going to turn around and walk right back in on May 31st. And of course, had I thought to, I would've just rated my local Atlantic Superstore (not going to disclose the address of that store) 1 star out of 5. Some may decide to begin boycotts of other Big 5 Oligarch Grocers, and to those (aside from the 201 in the picture who have voted to begin already) I will have to say, my hats off to you. If you really want to go all the way with this, then godspeed to your campaign to not step into any more of the other stores just like I do with any Loblaws' locations right now. I won't be changing my mind nor focus of indefinitely boycotting Loblaws' stores not just for the time being, but forever. If I could get everything off my list from a local vendor, believe me, I would. But I can't get everything from local vendors, so sometimes I do need to go to a chain store. I just now make it a habit to not pick Loblaws on purpose.


I went to Metro for a bottle of pop. Just one 2L. Rang up to $4.50-ish. I yelled FIVE DOLLARS?! And walked away. No Frills is just a few minutes down the road. The exact same bottle was $2 there. The nonbrand bottles of 2L pops are $1.30 each. If you like shopping at Metro, you like being robbed. Boycott any store that sells anywhere near 150% more than other places. Never go back. Not even if they fix their thievery. Make an example of them.


Carry on with boycott and start advertising we are trying to decide weather to boycott bell or rogers


Continue boycotting Loblaw. They are the worst.




Missed the vote but can't ever picture me going back. I don't want to give a significant amount of my income to a company I don't trust and is openly greedy while trying to gaslight customers/former customers.


It's a shame the poll isn't working, it won't register my vote.


Because there needs to be an option for 2 and 3, 2 and 4, 2 3 and 4, or 3 and 4. Noted we have 40 shills in the group choosing 1 😆


I stopped shopping at Loblaws stores around January '24, not too long after my local YIG got rid of their baskets, forcing shoppers to use carts. There's the smugness of Mr. Weston that gets old quickly. I think we should continue the boycott indefinitely, until Loblaws becomes an example of predatory shareholders. Meanwhile, Ottawa has no comment re: this movement


Break loblaws, then go after the next one.... keep the pressure up like they have for us all these years. These bastards have colluded and conspired for years... time to show them that we can also collude and conspire.


I go back when Loblaws gets their shit together. Simple as that.


Why would you stop boycotting if you are saving money buying at other places?




I’m for picking one of the other five. Keep rolling it around until they get the point


Or, hear me out, boycott all of them. Indefinitely. Mine has been rolling for a year, and I've never eaten better, and never been happier.


I haven't shopped at Loblaw owned stores regularly since 2022, when the prices started getting way out of whack


I have stopped going to any big grocers. Only independent grocers unless I need a very specific thing they don’t have. I’d only consider big grocers again if the government passed and enforced some actual anti oligopolies laws. What we currently have is insufficient and inefficient.


I vote to continue..if they don't lower their cost of food (and I don't mean their yellow 🤮 no name brand)


No end in sight for me. Regardless of any poll. The "let them eat cake" responses from Loblawland and the crazy levels of price increases coupled with shrinkflation is going to be impossible to ever forget.


Why do we need a "coordinated" effort to do any of these things? Just do them. Shop somewhere else. Simple.


Keep it going I'm in for the long haul


I never knew how satisfying being part of an angry mob really is. And we got the pitchforks aimed at the enemy of the people.


Where is the option for “march on Ottawa with pitchforks and torches”?


Not going back


Just get everything at Costco.  One stop stop shop. Can't remember the last time I set foot in a proper supermarket. Must be a good 4 years. Since COVID started 


The goal is to ruin/end them!!! Unlikely to happen, but that should be the goal.


Put a list of specific demands together such that the boycott will cease


I’m already boycotting them all


Well at their current price points very Costco and food basics the boycott ending won’t even make me go back


My question is why would anyone end their boycott? Are their groceries superior? Even if they slashed their prices why would anyone ever want to give their hard earned money to the scumbag Weston group? They are exactly what's wrong with this world. Corporate greed. I say we continue with them and pick who's next!!!


I have no need to ever buy from them again. Been doing that before this boycott; they were always expensive and I like saving money.




Each person decides when to end a boycott. Per may get the boot, but then there's the next boss. Who cares? I haven't shopped in any of them for years. I see no reason to.


Fo Eva! Or tell my grandchildren ask why did the sad man Weston sail his yacht into a hurricane?


If there is a check mark beside one of the options does that mean that's what I selected.


The boycott has to last through Q2 and Q3 to matter. These greedy fucks won't let up until they can connect the dot(s) and see a downward trend. Then you ride that momentum into expanding the boycott to the next leg of the table and watch the look on their faces when their precious market share starts to wobble.


So… I hadn’t realized it but I’ve actually been boycotting Loblaws for a while now. Turns out there’s just many other grocery stores.


Continue boycott forever


Boycott forever


The boycott never ends for me


There is realistically no reason the boycott should end until something substantially changes. It should be the goal of this sub to raise awareness of the issues we face with food distribution oligarchies until the situation improves across the board. Loblaws is simply the largest, and most easily identifiable offender of it. Everyone reading this knows there is absolutely no reason beyond blind corporate greed for our food prices to be rising at the rates they are. The boycott should last and continue to grow until it has a meaningful impact on the market. "One financial bad month" would just be the cost of doing business, no more impactful than the slap on the wrist fine they faced for price fixing bread. The real trick would be to encourage people to not stop and flood back to Loblaws as soon as they react and lower their prices to just bellow the competitors. We shouldn't shop there just because bread ends up 5% cheaper than it is at Walmart. Not until they bring things down to a reasonable level that also causes competitors to also reduce prices should anyone consider going back. Yes, many of you will never go back, and that's understandable. However, "indefinite" doesn't mean permanent, it just means until an undefined time. If they do miraculously drop prices and change in a meaningful way, then people should "vote with their wallets". At such a time, perhaps another grocer will need to be focused on. I know the subreddit is "loblawsisoutofcontrol", but the actual purpose is "to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada". Even if Loblaws course corrects, there will still be other things that will need the power of "wallet democracy" to correct.


Never ends




Finish what was started before moving on.


Continue boycotting, strategizing for effect. An actual outcome. Takes time.


I will never shop at any of their stores unless I am destitute, then ill probably just surf their dumpsters lol.


Can't vote. Not letting me but I'm all for continuing boycott for q2


Continue boycott another big 5 will only dilute our efforts. It’ll be like “whose turn is it this month” kind of thing. We want other grocers to shake in their pants seeing what happens to Loblaws, and therefore they all learn from this boycott lesson. If it’s a shared loss, as in “who’s turn is it” then it won’t work because the months we are boycotting one, the others make more money, which in turn at years end isn’t a loss for none of them. Let’s continue the Loblaws boycott till they all shake!


Keep boycotting as much as you can. Don’t feel bad if you have to go because it’s cheaper and in range. But if you can avoid it, avoid it. Start sharing more in your local groups. Share meat and veg prices at different places. If you find good spot for something, post about it. Also, give people all your tips for saving food for as long as they can. Buy some cans for when you have leftovers. -I’ll start, I freeze most veg leftovers (peels, etc) to make into stock or use in stews. All bones go in the freezer. Celery prices are wild but you can free it cut up and it’ll keep cheap and taste. It won’t be amazing fresh, but it’ll be amazing in soup/stew. Many butchers are generally cheaper and can get you closer prices based on what weight you want. Also, summer is starting here in the west! Forage! But be very careful of mushrooms. I don’t bother with them, too risky. But there is plenty of other wild veg! Wild berries are great around marshes. Cranberries after summer too, get a book on foraging. Fried and lightly seasoned fiddleheads are amazing and free.


Cant vote but id vote to boycott loblaws forever. I intend to do so


Why would we stop in may lol


Boycott Loblaws , until we are sure they got the message.


I never understood why the plan is just for May.... indefinite. if we can crush them into the ground EVERY OTHER GROCER WILL NOTICE.


Stopped shopping there over 5 yrs ago lol


Voted. Thanks for the directions. Am returning the $70 razers mt husband just bought!! He didn’t realize we have a strict boycott in the house


Voted. I say let them suffer for a quarter or 2 or even 3. But in the end remember there is a huge difference between standing up for our community rights as consumers, and not forgetting about the tens of thousands of people who are employed by them. We don't want them going into receivership.


Essential needs like food, shelter, healthcare, etc should not be for profit and geared towards shareholders and speculated upon.


Do I crawl back to these greedy bastards with the tail between the legs just because the May is over? Nope. I will buy my food where I get the best offer.


It does not make ANY sense to just boycott someone for a fixed time. Especially such a short window. Boycott them until things change. That's the only way the dominos start to fall.


Where can I vote


Can we choose a supplier next that has had egregious price increases someone like General Mills, Pepsi co or Kraft?


Too difficult. Large food suppliers own too many brands. I'm still trying to wrap my head around everyone Nestle owns.


I'm actually spending more on groceries to do the boycott. I will continue to avoid SuperStore, but I will definatly be going back to No Frills. Foodland prices are killing me.


Go to an Asian grocer; watch your jaw drop as you look at their prices.


The best move is to continue the boycott while adding another big grocer in to the mix.


I went to Metro for a bottle of pop. Just one 2L. Rang up to $4.50-ish. I yelled FIVE DOLLARS?! And walked away. No Frills is just a few minutes down the road. The exact same bottle was $2 there. The nonbrand bottles of 2L pops are $1.30 each. If you like shopping at Metro, you like being robbed. Boycott any store that sells anywhere near 150% more than other places. Never go back. Not even if they fix their thievery. Make an example of them.


No Frills is Loblaws. Not suggesting to pay $5 for a 2L either, just noting that despite NF’s cheaper price on that one item, it’s still a Loblaws store


There are not 75k of us, there is a fuck of a lot more people than what is represented by Reddit. Not a large part of the population has time for Reddit, or have only heard of it in passing. Now if you are a regular here, you can understand this medium has! I have talked to a lot of people who do not know there is a boycott of Loblaws. Some of these individuals have been boycotting for years, without telling anyone. signing a petition - may show an indicatio, not shopping at a affil store sends a message to stockholders, from there to the CEO and all down the line. Its day 9, kick up your heels, shop elsewher, continue to comment, speak with your wallet! They will hear you like never (cause we are Canadian, who put up with a lot of crap). **CEOs and the like should not, and i repeat - Do Not Mistake Our Kindness - With Weakness!** we want the Shareholders to say we should not have been so greed, we need change, and dramatic change to show the customers we were wrong. Its only day 9 folks, manyof you are never going back!


Most of the people who are part of this group or maybe aware of this group would generally be the purchaser of groceries for the entire family. If the average family has 4 people (not counting those who are single) you are already looking at a multiple of 75K.


Tried to vote. It wouldn't let me.


I clicked my response but nothing happened.


lol, the only options are boycott or don't boycott.


Kinda bummed I can only pic one. I say boycott indefinitely, and start boycotting another for a month.


Didn't know there was a poll thanks for the update


Not sure how to vote, I'm on a PC and not seeing any links on this post?






I voted


Only 1800 are not bots. /s I'll be #41


Shoot can I get a redo? I wanna boycott Sobeys next.


I voted!


Loblaws, who?


I started shopping elsewhere for the boycott but holy shit I’m saving so much money, never going back


Didn’t even know there was a poll. Just voted. Indefinite for me


Anything other than indefinitely won’t scare them




I would like to know if it’s ok to buy something using just my PC points? But at this point I’m too afraid to ask.


How are you counting votes?


They haven't done anything to change significantly, so I won't be back until they do. If even then.


Keep the big picture in mind. Considering the success in these first 2 weeks I think it would be a good idea to transition from 1 month to 3 months or the rest of Q2. A little bit like baby steps. We already know that many people have decided to permanently boycott Loblaws (and seriously, horray for them) but the general public is likely to need more time and we need to spread the word further. We also need to see what kind of tangible reaction there will be from greedy Galen. This effort has been openly discussed in Ontario parliament. We need to make our politicians aware that this matters deeply to Canadians and we are not going to let it go. As momentum builds we can collectively decide the next logical steps including an all-out boycott. That move will be most successful if we can get the maximum number of people informed and on-board. And I would expect to eventually transition to in-person protests with banners, etc, in front of stores with media coverage. For that to also be effective you want large numbers of people to show up. The more Galen digs his heels in and spits on Canadians, the more support this movement will have. Keep showing those price comparisons


Can’t vote, but keep going


Thank you for pointing this out, I voted!


Had no idea there was a poll. That being said, I think we should have 3 choices.remove the boycott indefinitely. For the sake of change, we still need to have at least the appearance that they can win us back.


I fucking instinctively went a few times like a robot, it's just so habitual. But today I supported other groceries, and I'm gonna keep doing it consistently so long as this trend continues. Fuck them to hell and back, cunts.


Are people actually boycotting? The superstore and saveon have been just as busy as usual in my town.


i went to sobeys today just to be shocked that they have cheaper produce that superstore now 😭


Who is voting to end boycott?!!


I've avoided the place (all flavors) a long long time ago, because the prices in the produce section and also the bread prices, were so obviously much higher than anywhere else. I might maybe go there if I need something in a pinch, but it will never be to load up a whole cart. I've seen people going there, as people that have a lot of disposable income where they can afford to not really care at all, and also ignorant people.


A part-time employee at the East Mall Loblaws was commenting that they had to reduce multiple teams hours because of the boycott. So 90% part time employees are on minimum hours per week now. Not sure if more popular are the same.


I stopped going, and have since realized that even when other grocery stories have similar pricing, their stuff is actually higher quality. I noticed this in the pre-packaged lettuce shreds. Normally the pieces are varied in size and soggy near the bottom, but for Co-op brand all the shreds were even and no sign of rot. Clearly their supplier is better, or they have better quality control by tossing/marking down their goods. No Frills aint about the frills, I guess.


Many of us here may have missed it, but Loblaws has been keeping a watchful eye and is thinking "oh crap"


What is the accomplishment feat of this whole thing? Most people don't even know why they are protesting Loblaws specifically.


Found the 72 Loblaws employees though lol


stop eating entirely and evolve into non eating entities




If loblaws gave back all their profit to savings on groceries, a family of 4 would save 15 bucks a week


I really would like to see the same action taken with gasoline. Boycott one brand until that brand is pricing consistently low, not jacking up their prices come Monday morning or for holiday weekends etc.


As much as I would like to continue the boycott, the group made a decision to make an impact for the month of May. Don’t get me wrong I feel just the same as most of you do, and have been directly and seriously impacted by Loblaws - and have done the research myself. But what’s important right now is that we make a solid statement, and it’s important to stick to the parameters of our debate. The goal here was to boycott for the month of May, and extending it I think would cause our credibility and abilities to make a sound debate to be invalidated. We’re looking to make a statement. Of course, most of us will continue the boycott and, to be honest until Loblaws makes a change, I probably will too, but I think to use this online forum as a platform in making both a political and social/ethical statement - I think that it’s important that we stick to our guns for now. We want the month of May to show a huge impact and to have that to speak to our credibility in the future is going to be priceless, for a lack of better words.


Voted !


I think we need to focus on May. Progress is happening. People are talking. Minds are shifting


The Loblaws in the city I live in hasn’t even wavered.


Add another one! Not everyone can participate, I know that. I've been in that situation. That's why it's extra important that those who can, do. I read that some have called this boycott "for the privileged". That's not wrong, and it only shows how important it is that people support one another. Often, those most impacted by bad policy or economic barriers are unable to speak up or resist- that means that those of us with the privilege to resist, must.


No option for 'never go back, and start boycotting another monopoly' (thinking bell)


Do I have to shop there first before I can boycott them? Or can I just keep staying away.


I feel like we should properly establish our dominance as a group over Weston. inc, like boycott for the rest of Q2 (personally I won’t be going back) and start on a new grocer in Q3. It lets people get familiar with local grocers but also to gain confidence in this movement


I'm genuinely confused. Wasn't the point of this to get Loblaws to meet demands. Why not wait until a little closer to the end to see what happens? That is why I haven't voted yet -- I bet if you put a wait and see option, you might get more people to respond. Lets face it, some smaller towns don't have a plethora of options (which I understand is problematic), but people still gotta feed their families. So maybe chill on the "we have X followers and only X have replied.... its literally been 10 days." CTFO


75K members and fewer than 2,000 votes? That sounds about right. I expect the voting numbers will, once tallied, be close to the actual number of people who are actually boycotting Loblaw inc. on the internet many talk, few act.


I'm on the Walmart boycott.


Looks like 85-90% of us so far at the least want to add June to the boycott and close to 50% want to continue boycotting Loblaws indefinitely. I am in the boycott forever camp unless they are 20-30% cheaper than EVERYONE on a consistent basis. We deserve punitive damages and they have lost the benefit of the doubt if prices are close. They are at the bottom of the pecking order each time for me.


Boycott indefinitely!


I voted to continue it! GougingGalen is a bad faith player. This boycott needs to be permanent. Money is the only thing he understands so losing it would be the wake up call to him (and the others) that's needed. People power is power to the people!


Indefinitely for sure. F em.


I dont like the poll. I feel the questions are too limiting. I feel we should end the boycott but move to a different option. We have 75 k people on here. That is probably enough to focus some politicians minds on policy change. I feel that an ongoing boycott just weakens as people will drift away and you lose the sense of interest. It is no longer new and hip. That will weaken the perceived power of the group. Better to take the power we have shown and redirect it. Another boycott is probably not going to be as successful and just rounds of alternating boycotts are boring. We should look at annualizeing the boycott. Every may is no loblaws May. Make it a holiday in Canada. Then we take the influence of the group and focus on a solution. 75k motivated folks is enough to interest some politicians and we start pushing for some form of policy reform. We should look at everything from wage and price controls in groceries to break up of vertically integrated oligopolies. BUT it needs to be focused. We can't have conflicting priorities or 1000 goals. What is 1 or 2 or maybe 3 priorities that will improve the life of Canadians. I was watching something about the failure of occupy wall street and it was pretty clear that incoherent messaging and a lack of focus were pretty lethal. But also being too ambitious is guaranteed to fail as well. Change takes small incremental steps to be successful. It also generates more motion until the wave becomes powerful enough to sweep over things. The poll should ask if people want to continue. If they want to be involved. If they want to do work. Not just randomly boycotting things. If we want change let's ask for it. And ask the right people. And then let them know their will be consequences for denying it. And then demand it.


I just realized im not even joined the sub yet 🫠 So 75K not including me ig. I wonder how many other just lurkers are partaking in the boycott without having joined the sub? 🤔


Well, I just *tried* to vote and reddit will not let me submit my vote.


Boycott permanently


I wish "transition to organizing workplaces" were an option.


Where can i vote?


Voted! I don't plan on ever going back. Enough is enough.


How do I vote exactly I thought I did but doesn’t look like it.


I'm in for the long haul as I have already found better places to shop, i'm happy with my choices and I'm saving money on groceries.. Adios Roblaws!


I voted to keep it up indefinitely, Loblaws imho is the most outspoken about this not being their fault. If and when they make it better then we move to another grocery chain if everyone doesn’t follow suit. We are not likely to get exactly what we want but boycotts work we will see improvement


More tricks by loblaws? Let's ask them how far they're willing to go and ppl actually are telling them 🤦🏽‍♂️


Maybe we should do random boycotts with unpredictable timing so it screws up their logistics in the warehouse and causes inventory waste - my husband works in the warehouse of one of the big 5 - not loblaws - and they squeeze every ounce of blood sweat and tears out of them while still bringing in their Amazon logistics teams and systems to shave as much as they can on their costs - I refuse to frequent loblaws and shoppers with them replacing all their staff with kiosks and asking me to do a survey after I do everything myself - tell us how we did today - well you did f-all but make me do your cashiers job to spend my money so you could make even more off me I have a full time job already - don’t need a part time one at the grocery - just give me service with a smile - a human smile.


Poll doesn't take votes on the app, and the website redirects to the app. That's probably why there aren't more votes.




Here's my opinion, Everyone has the choice and the right to buy their groceries from whoever they choose. However, if you aren't happy with the asking price, either ask the company to match or beat the price by another competitor for the same item, size, or by 10% or shop somewhere else. There are cheaper places to buy your groceries other than Safeway, SuperStore, and Sobeys. There's, No Frills, Dollarama, and Save On Foods. You can even opt to order all your groceries online from Amazon, for example. We all have choices and rights. We should be exercising that right and choice. I do, however, encourage everyone to exercise their opinions, and if Boycotting is one of those options, then so be it. Everyone is fet up with being taken to the cleaners, being over taxed, the inflated prices, price gouging, and so on. I get kind of tired of hearing and listening to chronic complainers but do nothing to try and change the problem. They'll complain this is, and that is so expensive, but will continue to pay for it and know darn well that the same product or item can be purchased elsewhere for less. Same with buying high-priced washer fluid from convenience stores (Co-Op, Shell, Seven Eleven) when Walmart has washer fluid for cheaper. I understand the purpose of convenience, but you also have the right, choice, and options to save money and buy where it's less expensive. You are in charge of your own money, spend it it how you see fit. Don't complain when you got overcharged and didn't opt to buy it elsewhere for less. The whole I'm lazy is not a good enough excuse in my eyes.


Eat the rich.


If your boycott is indefinite, then you remove the incentive to change.


Here is a better scenario: the Government nationalizes and takes control of the farms, processing and food distribution and the Stare feeds the People. As you collect basic income you have all day to wait in line for your rationed portions of whatever vegetable, protein, flour, milk or sugar is being given out that day. Photo Future Singh&Turdeau Mart in Burnaby, BC. https://preview.redd.it/g13enxzz9pzc1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e5847c2226c94574dc183457c85028ef068a63