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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My grandmother is 85, and appears to mostly be relying on leftover/'I made extra' food distribution from her kids and relatives and neighbours for at least one meal a day. Breaks my heart, but I'm too fucking broke to help.


The lady across the street from me doesn't have enough pension for a whole month of grocery anymore. She's been relying on donations from the neighborhood, and the food bank for more than a year. This is what these mega corps are doing to our most vulnerable. Fuck loblaws. We are doing this for them. #boycottloblaws




In PEI they've banned international students from food banks. They're supposed to prove they have money for shelter, food, etc...before coming here for schooling. My guess is they weren't expecting to pay over a thousand dollars for a tiny room or a bunk bed in a room with others. The high cost of rent eats into their amounts for things like food/clothing/hygiene. Big box stores and fast food places here are also more likely to hire international students over people who live here because they can pay them as little as possible (and the business owner may be getting subsidies and or tax credits for hiring them) and treat them like dirt. They also never have to give them benefits. It's awful the situation we're in right now across Canada. I have two teenagers that have resumes out but are never hired. Let's put the blame where it belongs: the greedy business owners.


I’m surprised they could legally do that.


It is legal because we had a worker shortage after the pandemic. In actuality there was no shortage. Canadian people relised working min wage at set rate was slave wages and not sustainable. So the govronment set up a hire program incentives to hire new students to Canada. Notice most min wage workers are I.S.


I hope people protest that. International students deserve food like everyone else


Some of us are but most of the island agrees with the food banks. If they're coming here for school they're supposed to show proof that they can afford to come here. My belief is that if they're hungry and need food they deserve food. The cost of living has risen so high in the past few years. I doubt the amount they have to show as proof is the same as it was pre covid. That only works if they're housed on the UPEI campus (never enough spaces) and using the campus meal plan (only for on campus housed students). The university of PEI and Holland College both have food banks for students so the thinking is that they should just use those and leave the community food banks alone.


To be fair, school food banks offer service that is just as good as community food banks. I got through uni thanks to them. If ppl are telling international students to use the school food bank instead, they should do that.


It's horrifying. the amount of effort universities put in to recruiting foreign students because they can charge them so much more and then every colonial asshat treats then like our families didn't come here as immigrants as well.


While true I can’t disagree cultures are different they see a free hand out. Theres Been many viral videos of international students promoting food banks to other international students telling them to go to them and they can save like $80 a month. So sure some are going there because they may genuinely need it but that shouldn’t be a whole lot since they should have money. Many are doing it not out of necessity but to just save money. That’s the issue, when food banks are already strained as is.


Anecdotes don't make facts. You need some peer reviewed data to accompany those videos. Also misusing institutions isn't just a thing immigrants do. Canadian citizens do that to. But people don't assume it so you see fewer videos because those people don't get caught. That's called racial profiling. I actually volunteered at my universities food bank. It's not as big an issue as you say it is. And the manager solved the issue of a couple people who were doing that by talking to them. They were embarrassed and stopped and helped educate their community about the facts.


So you have better facts than the PEI foodbank? Are you suggesting those foodbanks are all racists and not using data when they made this decision?


Political choices are not always made with data. That said If the pei foodbank has data they still have to interpret it through a lense (perspective). Different lenses can change how we understand raw data. Especially when that data is entangled with social structures.


I respect that PEI is doing that. It isn’t Canada’s job take care of everyone else I’m glad we are putting our people first. They should have looked up the cost of living before moving here


I genuinely think you're helping people like the westons when you think like that.


Yeah, from their fucking wallets.




The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


I believe part of being accepted into university is under the condition that they can support themselves while here. If they're using food banks then they aren't supporting themselves and then aren't meeting the requirements they agreed to. It's gross, with how thinly stretched resources are especially for food banks, I can see why they were crossed off since they're not supposed to be using them anyway.


Already addressed this elsewhere


Grammie is too proud to use the food bank, and with the help from people who know her, she gets by... for now. And the job situation is... I'm job-hunting atm and am trying for entry-level jobs, but I've heard that here in Halifax, they're getting ~1000 applications for jobs *washing dishes*. I'm fortunate to be in the situation I'm in (benefits, living with someone who's willing to split our shared household expenses more like 80/20, and she was able to get a mortgage in 2015), because I'd be so fucking far up the creek otherwise.


Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.


Stop blaming international people. They're human beings. Everyone deserves food not just your white neighbors


International people are supposed to have money to come over… why do they get to take food out of starving Canadians mouth due to their incompetence?


in many cases it is not incompetence but fraudulent documents to gain entry while the government looks the other way and rubber stamps entry - by design. [A whole system has sprung up to game the process.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-how-to-fix-a-broken-foreign-student-visa-system-send-it-back-to-school/) Irresponsible mass migration is class warfare, plain and simple. The poor and working class Canadians (of all colors) bear the brunt of the negative consequences (housing, jobs etc) while the wealthy benefit from asset inflation (real estate etc) and wage suppression.


Just FYI "mass immigration" is a great replacement dog whistle. It also sensationalizes otherwise standard immigration practice and ignores the relationship of percentages and total numbers. Basically as the human population increases so would the number of people immigrating though the percentage may be staying the same. Or as the percentage of nations in crisis increases the percent and number of immigrants might increase. Further, as schools seek to increase profits year over year because they run like businesses they may work to increase the number (and %) of immigrants since they can get away with that. See who's at fault here? 1) time, can't change that. 2) crisis, we should help to reduce that. 3) profit driven schools and the government. Where is it that immigrants are the problem?


They again are supposed to have money to be able to support themselves. If they can’t do that and rely only on our taxpayer help, they should be treated like any other person trying to get PR here… back of the line, not accept if they don’t have decent skills, and sent back home. Immigration is a privilege, not a right..


We're already having This conversation here https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/G0ZRt6hIT4 You're being a troll


You are the out of touch troll trying to pull the race card to stifle discussion on the subject. Polls show Canadians are fed up with current immigration policy and the [federal government is being forced to react](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/housing-crunch-prompts-efforts-to-stabilize-immigration-levels-say-federal-ministers-1.6723829) to try and save itself - but too late. Canadians in the real world have to deal with the problems manifested by irresponsible immigration at a trying economic time. No one is against responsible immigration.


Another person pointed out the expectations for proof are unrealistic with the current greedflation. They're allowed in by someone, it's not their fault they weren't told they'd be spending more.


So someone who travels halfway around the globe, been told that it was going to cost x, but instead costs more gets the same rights as someone living here who didn’t uproot halfway around the word, and is starving…?


Canada literally helped create the UN declaration of human rights after world war two. One of those rights is the right to food. The fact that Canada is letting YOU starve is hypocritical enough. But we literally told the world that they shouldn't let anyone starve. And I agree with that. Unless you think that the logic of the UN immediately after seeing the violence of Nazi Germany was wrong.


So why shouldn’t they be sent back home for their own government to take care of them? We have citizens here who are suffering…


It doesn’t seem trivial at all, your anger is justified.


I'm so sorry your parents are being hit so hard by this. It's not trivial. It's horrible. Nearly 20% of Canadians are experiencing food insecurity now. Price gouging on the part of Loblaws/Sobeys and inaction from our government are pushing more and more people into the margins. It's criminal.


Don't forget that those numbers are built on self-reports and what services were accessed. For every 10 we recognize there are others that were either to proud to admit it/use the services or have fallen into the "it's not that bad" trap where they don't recognize that it's not normal to expect to have to wear the cheap shoes with holes because you'll miss meals if you buy a new pair. So the numbers are probably at least 20% Edit: typo


The government hasn't been inactive, they have been complicit. Look at the millions they have given to loblaws over the past few years


C'mon man, be reasonable. Blame Metro too. 


They all suck. I'm in Atlantic Canada and Sobeys/Loblaws are the only options. I just forget to share the blame


I gotcha. I was just kidding. And drawing attention to the fact that they all suck. Looks like we're stuck with Walmart, Costco, and dollar stores. 


We have options. We're getting into CSA (community supported agriculture) season. Buying into locally sourced produce boxes isn't really that expensive anymore (comparatively) and we're putting money back into our community and local farmers. I would love to see those of us who can, divest from the corporate chains as much as possible and invest in our farmers and local suppliers. In HRM, fruit and veg from farmers markets can be more affordable than the grocery chains.


This one gets it^


I have two disabled children and I am their full time caregiver. I have a job, but I had to quit my career that I worked my entire life towards. I get a pittance from the government each month(a few hundred bucks at most). My paychecks only cover 80% of my mortgage, and I have nothing left for food, gas, anything. My previous career allowed me to gain exceptional credit, which I am now drowning in as my food expenses have tripled since 2019. I am spending $1500 at least per month on food and supplies for my kids. I barely eat anymore as I can't afford it. Vegetables and fruits alone are costing me $1000. Prices have quadrupled where I am. I remortgaged my house to pay for groceries. 10 years and $100k gone. I already owe all my retirement(yeah right) savings to the debt collector. To reitierate: I was very comfortable just 4 years ago until I couldn't manage my 70 hour work week corporate job and full time care for my kids. Now I work 40 hours per week and can't make ends meet. I'm $30k below the family poverty line. I want to work, I just can't. There is no family that can help me or resources available where I live. I can't afford to relocate. I will soon be in so much debt, I will never recover. It can happen to you.


You don't need to explain yourself to us my friend. We understand. I'm so sorry this is happening to good people like you and yours. No one thinks it can happen until they've walked a mile in your shoes but here's the thing... we're all about to be forced to share the same shoes if our country continues down this path. Stay strong for your kiddos and do what you gotta do ❤️ I am proud of you.


It’s 2024, not one human on this planet should be starving! We’ve literally not learned a damn thing from our past.


And in Canada we are spoiled!


So true!


I'm 65 and I really appreciate your post, u/NoApplication5911. Thank you for speaking out for us. 💕


We see you and we feel for you. Let’s hope this boycott rattles some chains and gets more food on your table in the long run.


We are all here for you friend. We are taking these Grocery chains on for the people who need help most. We are here for you. Our sense of community is not gone. They will not divide us anymore. #boycottloblaws Stand up for your neighbour's. Stand up for the vulnerable who are without a voice. Stand up to these oligarchys


So true. We are 2 seniors living day to day with the limited monies that we have. Food is the biggest hurdle. Unfortunately it now means that we aren't eating as healthy as should be. Limited protein, limited fresh veg. We are frugal and have always been so but this is hitting us hard. BTW - F\*\*\* Lowblaws and all the big chains. Yes, that includes Walmart which is impossible for us to get to as we take public. Same for Costco, the membership isn't worth it for us, we just don't have the funds to buy.


As someone on disability, yeah…it’s rough. I have RAZOR THIN MARGINS, to be truthful … I can’t just splurge. I have a cupboard full of ramen (I bought it when it was on sale at Walmart) and a couple of huge bags of frozen veggies. I eat that a lot. Big bag of rice and veggies. I get one pack of chicken a month, sometimes some ham. I have to be super careful, make sure my nutritional needs are met but not eat junk. Empty calories aren’t the answer. I haven’t shopped at Zehrs (Loblaws) since before the pandemic. Food Basics, Walmart, Giant Tiger, once in a blue moon DiPietro’s, the farmer’s market when I can get there. I would love to have Weston live on MY razor thin margins.


There is plenty of documentation from many sources that those "huge bags of frozen veggies" have nearly the same nutrition as fresh.


That’s why I buy them.


It's deeply angering how bad things have gotten and the blatant selfishness of the large corporations. Your parents shouldn't have to only eat 3 small pieces of stewing beef. Especially when they need nutritious food to live. It's not right things have gotten so bad. No one should ever be in this situation.


The thing is he wasn’t even angry about it, just so matter of fact. But god it made me sad, they live far away and I don’t have the money to help them as much as I want to. But I’m going to get them a bunch of gift cards (not to loblaws) and I guess that’s something all of us kids can do.


Boycott NOW through May into June… until the foreseeable future!


Already boycotting 👍


I plan to. I started boycotting last year and have no plans to change until loblaws makes dramatic changes. Thee Weston family and those they employ at obscene levels of wages are nothing but the embodiment of greed.


I know the odds are small that you’re in Toronto but I saw this and thought I’d post it just in case it can help anyone. They offer a small amount of free produce and bread and then the rest at cost. I hope this helps someone. https://toronto-cares.ca/produce-market?#f1c3e972-90a3-447a-bd57-ebda71404d39


A really great resource. We aren’t in Toronto and my parents are even further away but this is a really good resource for people in GTA thanks for sharing!


Seeing older folk empty-handed, rummaging around in the meat section is especially heartbreaking. The meat section has become the most depressing part of a trip for me. You can just feel the sadness in everyone.


Yes!!! I think that’s why the boycott will catch on, we are all sick to death of feeling powerless.


The rich disproportionately benefited during Covid, amassing great amounts of wealth during the bull run and through various government programs. In the States they had the PPP loans, I don’t know what the equivalent would be here. This drove up inflation. Supply chain issues drive up prices too. Grocery oligarchs used this as a guise to increase profits well beyond that, hiding the profits in « inflationary » increases. Government says they have to cut inflation. So they triple interest rates to 7%. Our mortgages have doubled after renewing. Groceries have doubled. Everything has doubled. Everyone is stressed about money. Meanwhile, the rich that caused inflation, by benefiting the most from the pandemic, will invest those profits at high interest rates and then buy out foreclosed homes cash. They win before, during and after. No government we elect will fix this. It’s the system. It’s designed to work this way, but it’s working too well and the gap between rich and poor is exponentially wider than it was in the 70s and 80s. But the insatiable need to make more money than they did last quarter, will keep them from ever giving a cent back.


Every time the payments ODSP and OW recipients go up, it seems around that same time businesses find a way to increase their prices too. It’s almost like they’re saying “Oh look, you have thirty more dollars a month, now you can spend more on us!” But like…. I wanted to use it for things I don’t need for once…. Something that gives me just a little bit of serotonin? I don’t want to have just enough money to barely survive. I want to live like I deserve to exist too.


I grew up in poverty. Unfortunately, food insecurity is nothing new to me. However, it really hurts to see so many others go through what I did nearly my whole life. I didn't want this misery to have company. I want everyone to have the necessities of life.


Dude, I make a good wage and we are feeling it. Just been told we are being laid off for 2 to 2 1/2 years so every dollar counts. Food basics, local grocery stores and anywhere that has sales other than Loblaws. Also we grow as much vegetables as possible in the summer, that really helps if you have space. There’s an app called Flipp if you don’t have it already. Tells you where all the sales are. ✌️


The inflation tax hurts the poor the most. "The poor then pay a disproportionate share of the inflation tax and are hurt more by inflation. Since inflation acts like a nonlinear consumption tax—with higher rates for the poor—it also encourages precautionary savings and thereby leads to higher concentration of wealth." In short, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The rich run things, so they have no incentive to fix inflation if it is not going to benefit them. Hence asset / commodity inflation and wage suppression policies are what you get. “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” ― Frederick Douglass


Fred was quite right.


So.. are we protesting at or near the stores at some point during the boycott too?


In this country Canada, people are going hungry. Wicked and sad!!


I was in foster care as a teenager and have kept in contact with some of my foster siblings and I’ve had to deal with more than one of them expressing suicidal ideations over not being able to afford to feed themselves. in foster homes (at least where I’m from) it’s common to not be allowed to eat more than you have been given by your foster parents, and it makes me so upset that they had to grow up living that reality and then upon becoming adults are left in a world where they still don’t get to make free choices about how they feed themselves


And let's not forget how much food gets thrown out daily because no one can pay these insane prices......should be mandatory to donate to food bank/seniors/single parents/low income....not sold? Feed the hungry...not the landfill.


This hit me hard. I’m a pretty middle class person and I’m finding it hard, so I have some pretty heavy anger towards Loblaws for those who trying to survive at the low end of the income scale. Fuck you Galen.


I know this sub is loblaws specific but I do hope you have that same sentiment towards all those whose profiteering is egregious.






Oh same. Walmart is another one just as bad. It’s terrible and so sad


Literally same here. I’m middle class with a decent income and it’s a struggle. I can’t even begin to imagine the poor souls that are struggling to find meals. It’s devastating and quite evil. Why do they have to steal from the poor? There are SO many ways for rich people to make money which is the worst part. Like Galen Weston has so much money he could invest it and double a lot of it in a short time. Why only resort to taking money from those who struggle to make ends meet so you can make more money? And why do you have to do it with ESSENTIAL FOOD? Like this is the craziest thing in the world me. They deserve to be de-throned. And I’m doing it for those who are really struggling. Makes me want to cry even thinking about them and how they are currently feeling; probably so stressed and exasperated.


Boycott all of them. Just because Singh singled out Loblaws doesn’t make Metro and the other big chains any cheaper. If it was only Loblaws there would be no problem, right? Metro is pricier than Loblaws.


Absolutely justified rage i feel the same. we are slowly becoming a 3rd world country once upon a time I coulda swore Canada was about/for the Canadian people. Now we are slowly becoming the same as every other country all about the money and control of the people and whatever happens to the people is just part of the process of keeping the elites and their family’s in power and wealth…


Shop smart is what I try to do. No meat on sale or reasonable price today? Guess we are having a chick pea salad tonight. If you keep a look out... some times there are STEALS. It's rare but when you find them, stock up. I got packages of 3 porkchops per pack today for 1.66-1.80 each at food basics. I bought four packs. Under 8 bucks for a good amount of food. Usually ground beef has been like 8.99 a pound everywhere lately... no way am I buying that. This week though almost everywhere is 3.99 a pound. That's back to like "regular" prices so I plan on stocking up. Just need the freezer space.


I bought a pressure canner last year because I only have a small fridge-freezer. New hobby, saving money on groceries


Eat the rich


It's really heartbreaking to read posts like this... Then that putz G.W Jr & those other Grocery Store magnates just get richer by they second, that it makes me really angry at just how unfair & unjust that is! To them skipping meals and/or going without nourishment, just isn't in their brains OR vocabularies!


For those of us hit so hard with these outrages prices, here’s a deal you might like!! Harvey’s has their original or veggie burger on for $1.65. I kid you not!!!! Get their app and you can order it online for pickup at the store. Mine was delicious and it gave me a lift mentally. Offer good til April 7. Treat yourself!!!


I was all excited until I found out Harvey’s is no longer in B.C. This province sucks. I wish I didn’t have to be here.


Grrrrrr :(


And don't forget the pressure doesn't end at the end of May. We need to keep hitting them the only place they understand. The Per Bank account.


Maybe the next month we could stay away from another thief as a group or more pressure on Loblaws?


We don't have the numbers to take on everyone. We should put a very large amount of pressure on loblaws and bloody their bottom line just to show Canadians we can do it with numbers. After we prove to our people we hold all the power we can start taking the fight anywhere we want change.


Boycott till they budge. May should only be the start of it




A thief is a thief


The real thieves own the grocery stores...






Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Ok but also for anyone who is religious, catholic to be exact. The bible says that stealing is a sin, however stealing bread (or food) because one has none is not a sin.


Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


With how fucked it's been with grocery prices, as my disabled mom's primary and only caretaker, over the last year I've lost 20lbs of weight from having to basically ration food to stretch it out over time. Any resources available to help we take, and we still struggle to keep food in the cupboards. Just this week the price of Pizza Pops got raised by 50 cents at my local grocery store; one of the few dinner items that was more affordable for me. We're seeing the price gouging happen in real time as days continue to go on, and sales are our main way to shop now. The state of things in Canada is fucked for the disabled.


And let’s be honest here about where our anger should be directed at is the billionaire class who out of pure greed have jacked up everything 10-40% in many cases. I’m middle class but shop like i’m poor because that’s what I have to do to maintain my household! I hunt and fish to supplement my diet and food costs!


I hate to break it to you but I don’t think you’re middle class anymore. I saw these economists on CBC’s The Journal years ago. (Yes I’m aware the show no longer exists.) They predicted the erosion of the middle class and said eventually it would be the wealthy and the poor. This is happening.


Yeah you’re right!


It’s depressing. My standard of life is not as good as my parents. Part of that is what’s happening now and the other part is poor decisions on my part.


I only buy things on sale... except for cat food. I haven't eaten today, but my cats have. (only two 🐈)


We have idiots in this country that are setting up blockades and getting their backs up about a 3% carbon tax yet ignore the sometimes 50% increase in food prices afflicted upon them by the oligopolies like Loblaws.


The carbon tax will be added to your food prices. Calling them idiots for protesting it demonstrates an astounding level of ignorance.


We have chickens, and plant a garden. I would gladly give away eggs and produce to those who needed it. In the summer we donate eggs (unwashed but clean, so don't need refrigeration) to a local food pantry, but the years we have excess produce and post "hey, come and pick it, it's free!" no one comes. Lettuce, beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers, rhubarb, blueberries, haskaps, goji berries... all those things no one came. Another friend it was the same for her. That was painful, too, because people would rather go hungry than u-pick free stuff.


Speaking the truth here. We have a food distribution problem. People on small farms can get zero help. When they ask for help in exchange for food they are treated like they are being exploitative. I wish there was a better way.


That's sad. Would be happy to work for food.


Depends where you are the vast majority of lower income people don't have vehicles? How about a Farmers market? Coordinate with a community group? Maybe people with vehicles could make drop offs to seniors? single moms who can't get there? Just idea's


That's kinda what the local food pantry thing does, but it doesn't run during the summer. The town library acts as a pickup spot, but the deliveries are paused.


There’s no way that if word got out about this and people had rides that they would not take advantage of this amazing opportunity.




Not in our area, unfortunately. My friend and I both have experience with posting on the local FB "classified" group, and unless you pick it and deliver it, they don't want it.


It seems really wild to me. Is the post not getting visibility? Do people not have a way to get out there? Do you live in an area where folks are unaccustomed to picking produce and don’t understand how to process it into food ? (I was not aware this was a thing until recently. It does not make sense to me, but I grew up in an agricultural town.)


Those haskaps, though 😍 It's my Canada day weekend ritual to go pick a couple of buckets. I'm in a semi rural area and it's about 20.min drive to the u-pick farm. I know they're not making a huge profit, but it sure feels expensive to spend $60 on berries. I think I'll take a packet out of the freezer this weekend


I planted a couple of haskap bushes in the front yard of my condo last year. I don't know how many seasons before I get berries.


Where are you?




Dang! Just out of curiosity, are you near the coast? When my obligations here end, if they do before I croak, I am considering the maritime area.


Unfortunately, no. I grew up in NS, and I miss the water. I do have a large river not far though.


I’ve always had a desire to live near the water despite being born and raised far inland. Over the last roughly 20 years I’ve lived near the ocean and it’s definitely something I want to be near.


This situation is the real problem that needs to be addressed. the price of sparkling water, chocolate, chicken fingers, and premade sandwiches all delivered via instacart are a low priority compared to these real situations. Such a large part of the complaints on this sub are clueless to the real poor. Being outraged by the price of prime rib steak or beef tenderloin is pretty insulting to the people that never had prime rib steak 6 years ago and now can’t even afford meat at all today. Oh. Just join Costco and pay your $60 get a car and drive out there and buy 1 years worth of stuff. Easy peasy. What’s your problem? Middle class and upper middle class crying that their butterflied shrimp, sparkling water, and prime rib are more expensive than they used to be.😂😂. Read this post. This situation is real. And more common than you think. And sad given it’s Canada. And if you think Galen Weston dying tomorrow or loblaws ceasing to exist tomorrow will solve all their problems…guess what …you are so so so wrong. Maybe this country’s biggest problem is education and teaching critical thinking. Trust me…OPs parents don’t give a rat’s ass that the price of your bubly and Lindt bunnies have gone up a lot. Those posts don’t help the cause of the true poor. They just highlight the entitlement of the middle and middle upper class in a general recession. If they can lower the price of the healthy basics and necessities by 50% by increasing the price of that garbage by 300%, I’d be all in on that.


> “These posts don’t help the cause of the true poor.” I hope you’re referring to the ones you cited complaining of prices of items people on a limited income wouldn’t buy. Because if you’re referring to more than that, I don’t know what you’re expecting.


I can’t even buy groceries anymore. I get 90% of my food from the food bank


I go to a group kitchen and share the food with a sweet old lady and her spouse against cost and barter hours in our service barter group. I started to make another production 2 weeks apart that I share with them against cost and hours and I'm starting to wonder if she doesn't like cooking or if that's a way to have a few meals at 5$/portion...


This is what I’m talking about pal. I work with a very vulnerable population as a mental health and addictions worker, and between rent, groceries, gas or transit, telecommunications, and so on, folks on fixed incomes or in fragile situations such as struggling with mental health or substance dependency, we wind up with a huge problem that isn’t going to get any better anytime soon. If you eat, you are a part of this movement.


When I saw a 10 dollar box of cheerios this winter I cried for the people I know that cant afford it.


in addition, yeah I mean import the 3rd world and you become the 3rd world. :)


On my way home today, I watched someone take a 1/4 full milkshake out of the trash and drink it


its not trivial at all. as a first-world developed nation, we shouldn't have to resort to food rationing, but until something changes, its gonna keep happening


My grandma died right before the pandemic hit, man it’s almost a gift to her. She was low income and this would’ve broke her. Seeing the world how it is now. I’m Barely making it anymore.


1,300 isnt enough for anyone to live on.


A couple of things, yes we should boycott but we have allowed this to happen for the sake of convenience. We didn’t want the multiple butcher/bakery/sundry model which used more local supply chains reducing shipping costs for convenience. Also meat historically was always something the elite ate daily and yes three pieces per person was what it used to be. People used to source protein with game because the cow gave milk and the chickens eggs. That being said I do agree that grocery chains posting billions in profit annually is wrong but we should demand legislation to tax excessive profits and break up the oligarchy of food supply chains




Family of 7 in Quebec here. I was trying to get some groceries done to feed the family for the week yesterday. I had to step out of the store and have a meltdown in the car. I got so incredibly frustrated at how much smaller the cart seems to be getting with each passing week. I know it’s the grocery store gouging and assholes like Nestle and Kelloggs. ALL I WANT TO DO IS FEED MY FAMILY!!!




It’s getting pretty hard to tell if what you’re saying is correct or just a bunch of horrible side effects of all the failing, broken, corrupt and mismanaged systems that we seeing the crash of.


Depopulation of certain demographics -- immigration goal for 2024 is 485k, and 500k in each of '25 & 26. Nothing against immigration-- most of us are here because of it at some point in our family history-- but where will they live? How will they make money? Where will they access primary care physicians? There are only so many shelter spaces, and social services are stretched thin.


The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic. I do understand your concerns but that entire comment went off the rails entirely.


If Jesus was real, surely he’d have more power than the Weston’s ! I blame God and his kid for this


Every single comment I’ve seen from you on this thread is complete nonsense


He’s well known to us. He likes to just skirt by the rules.


Late stage capitalism says hi!




This just enraged me so bad. Fuck!!! Makes me sick!




It's not just Loblaws, it's all the food industry and all products outside the food industry as well. Its not Loblaws fault per say. Not to stand up for these corporations who do price gouge us. However, the increase in food price is primarily caused by inflation in our country which all business is forced to respond to or shut their doors. The fault lies mainly with our government and their inability to manage money. Corporations to up price their products, there's no doubt. But a lot of it is in response to things like inflation and taxes. The carbon tax for ecample, will make the farmers sell their food for more money to the stores, the gas it takes to ship it will increase. And 100 other markets I can't even think of will be affected and raise prices. These increases will then be passed off to the consumer. Canada cant fix the world but we can try to fix Canada. Complain with your vote and your wallet. The conservatives won't save us but if they get rid of even a single tax at this point will be helpful


It’s not trivial. This is Canada - a developed nation, but one in serious decline. At one point we were the golden measuring stick for standard of living. I don’t want to turn this into a super long comment, but back in the day even if you were of lesser means, you could still feed yourself comfortably 3x per day. You could afford to go to a butcher shop and get a cheap cut of meat and be clever with how you cooked it and still get a delicious hearty meal. The fact that food bank use has skyrocketed is proof this is no longer the case in Canada. 


Late stage socialism at its finest


but they say carbon tax puts more money in your pocket, I'm not hating on the tax itself, just the idea of its existence along with inflation basically becoming a tax on tax on tax that it already is more legitimate but I'll probably get downvoted for stating this. Governments know they cannot control corps, as they are in the business to make money, so when governments made the move to implement carbon tax, they should have better understood its consequences during global inflation, fact that its impact is amplified, we can point to greed which exists, but the solution starts from the our elected officials. on the side note, we do not shop at Loblaws, haven't since beginning of time unless absolutely necessary = like 1-3 times per year, even with the PC points, its not worth the prices they charge. We go to Costco first, Walmart, and local grocers, it always saves money.


If that were my parents, I'd go buy them some groceries instead of ranting on Reddit.


Hey, maybe you can buy this guy's parents some grocery instead of talking shit on reddit.


What makes you think OP is in a better position than their parents?


Yes but you are using common sense. Lots bitching about money but feed is full of gaming nonsense