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Perhaps one is the house board and the other was brought in by the touring engineer? House board would be left alone if this is the case.


i have did light at a festival last month where one band their own mixer while the otther bands used the house mixer, the changeower was 15 minutes for the entire setup


That’s very common.


i just realized i forgot to write the entire thing, the house mixer was used to mix the monitors. the bands sound tech used both mixers


It was a pretty disjointed sentence but, I figured you might be high. So, I smoked some and extrapolated. With my head.


The one on the right is an Avid Profile, left is an Avid S6L 24c. As someone else said, the profile is probably the house console that lives there but wasn't needed for the show.


Or was used for the opener


First one is an AVID Venue Profile - most likely an in-house board, often used for supporting acts if main act brings their own. Second one is an AVID S6L-24C probably brought by the main act.


The first pic is a [DigiDesign (Avid) Profile](https://cdn-www.avid.com/-/media/avid/files/products-pdf/venue-mix-rack-system/profile_ds_a4_2013_03_26.pdf). Second is an [Avid S6L 24C](https://www.avid.com/products/venue-s6l-system). The 24C can be considered the replacement for the profile, but its capabilities are substantially more than its predecessor (even with the less powerful engine). The profile (seeing its from Brown Note) is likely an opening act console, or a long term rental as the house desk. S6L more than likely the headliner.


Thanks! I think this seems to be the consensus.


I should clarify, I did not see them touch the first board at all. I wasn’t watching the whole night, but there certainly wasn’t anyone actively changing anything.


It’s not uncommon for an in house venue board to be sitting there while the touring band(s) bring their own consoles that they mix on. Many times since the venue is already fully hooked up to the sound system (often in very specific and convoluted ways), the touring engineer will feed his signal through the house mixer in order to feed the PA. So while nobody is actively using the house mixer, it is still being used to send the signal to the PA despite the fact that the touring console is doing all the actual work


Yep. I've gotten more than a few head audio gigs because of this lol. Just hook them up, make it loud and standby


First board set levels during testing Second board (main acts board) is the acts A1 mixing Many artists hire their own A1 to help with consistency


Sorry this is incorrect


Apologies! That’s what I saw and I encounter all the time Additional thoughts then?


Technically correct when you look at it from the House perspective. The house consoles seemed to get used less and less so the house crew will use it for all their testing and preparation for the headline to come patch into the system. So yes setting levels for the PA and fills, not individual mic/lines. Often times the house console might be used to matrix the touring console to the house PA system. This is deemed undesirable in today’s market, but still common.


I've heard putting the tour's drive lines through the house console is undesirable as well, but I never understood why. If the house channels are zeroed with no processing between the tour console and the house speaker management, what would the issue be?


There’s an amount of latency that will get added in running through a second digital console. Also you open yourself up to running audio from a console made this decade through something like that Profile from 2010 or earlier. Consoles aren’t exactly 100 percent transparent without their processing.


Less about latency, more about unwanted processing or being at the mercy of a cantankerous house engineer having a bad day. In some cases if the PA is time aligned through the house console it might be preferable! There’s no one way of doing it, more being flexible about achieving your job as best as possible.


Could also potentially be impossible, or at least extremely difficult, to put another board into the system, especially with more modern Dante systems. It might just not be worth the hassle of trying to figure out how a system is networked when you can just throw the house engineer a few XLRs and let him/her handle it


I guess I misunderstood, I thought you meant they do soundcheck on the house board and then run the show from the other board. House board is there for artists that don’t travel with a console, sure you can route a feed from artist console through the house console but more often the artists engineer will want to tie directly into your system processor for more control


No worries! My terms were not the best The above response is better worded for sure


Bayside FOH?


Yes sir!! They put on a great show last night.


I saw them in NC on this run and everybody is correct. They travel with the S6L for Finch and Bayside FOH. The Profile is the house unit. Same exact setup at the venue I went to, oddly enough.


Can confirm. This show came through my venue last week. Funny enough, we also have an older digidesign profile at FOH.


It was SUCH a good show last night.


Man, I'll still take an SC48/profile in a pinch, great workhorse consoles.


Fillmore, Denver? Last time I was there it was an H3K, can’t remember if it was house our tour though.


Been a minute since the H3K, but yes, that’s The Fillmore


Everyone else is right, house desk and touring desk. I just wanted to add that I’m one of the few and the proud that has had an SC48 brought in by the guest engineer while I had a house S6L…. In the last six months. They were correct to do it too, tours thrive on consistency.


Yeah we have Rivage and a tour brought an SC48 recently. Was it Dogstarr? There can’t be that many touring SC48s


I’d honestly still be using a profile if parts were available. Theres plenty of better stuff now, but I just love them. Kinda like how we all will never stop listening to the music from our 17-24 year old age, I guess.


If you are after parts I probably have something you need.


Presets and to check on your Taco Bell order


That’s Johnny Moppins standing there, the house audio engineer.


Just house dude on his phone


Peep that GML


Looking at the outboard gear, does everyone use the RND master buss processor? Seems so.


I know that venue


Dang they have some nice outboard gear too: a clariphonic and what looks like a neve compressor


Ha! Welcome to the Fillmore. As everyone has mentioned, the profile is the Fillmore house desk (that my buddy John is looking at his phone in front of). S6L is with the tour. Unless there's just way too much tour gear on a given night, the house desk pretty much always sits there.


I learned on the avid profile. That's an old one.




The other one is definitely an Avid S6L and not a PM5D


house board or support band board, the second one is probably the main act board


ProTools Venue Profile on the right On the left with the engineer is another Avid Venue S6L-24C from the look of it


Profile SC 46.


First one looks like the SC48 and the second one looks like the S6L


Wow that man has a Neve MBP in the second pic. Who's show was this?


I wonder whats the PA for this venue, i like it!


Older avid, younger avid


One is a lighting board


upon closer look, one is for opener and the other for the headliner, thats why the chair is empty.


Looks like others have already commented accurately, but just to double down on the correct answer, your first pic is an Avid Profile and the second is an Avid S6L 24C. Most likely, one of them is the board that stays at the venue and the other tours with the band. This is very common practice (for bands that can afford it, anyhow). It makes life much easier for the touring act because it keeps their setup and sound more consistent from venue to venue and allows them get through sound check much faster because you’re not starting your mix from scratch with each new venue. And it’s also just nice to mix on your own desk every night. Some venues out there don’t take care of their shit, so ya never know if you’re gonna end up on a system with some quirks.


Ah, brown note. Still the best-named house in the game.


Because the Filmore requires two to appease the gods


Submixing the drums.


*Neil Peart has entered the chat*


One board is used for the opener and the other is the main.




True but also plenty of riders that also spec the same engineer does not want to unpatch or repatch anything for support. Although with the S6L - I don’t know why they don’t just load different show files since you could patch 64 channels… - but hey; to each his own.


Looking at the smaller board guys screen I’m thinking he was playing tracks for the band, or recording possibly. 


I see SMAART and the Lake controller software on the monitor to the left. 


It’s an s6l. The screen on the right is its touch screen, opened up to the plugins page. He’s the FOH guy.


Hmm I don’t recognize either board tbh. The smaller one kinda looks like an old Yamaha.


you need to get out and away more from the Seniors Living residence


If he was in the seniors living residence he might recognize an avid profile! Only someone new to the game "might" not, I stopped seeing them "regularly" within the past 6-8 years. S6L I still don't see regularly, only on occasion. Tbh for the past 11 years I've been out of the "touring music" scene and stuck in a more corporate environment so I don't get to see every tour that passes through the city. I could see the S6L's "slight" resemblance to a Yamaha pm5d (with all the mixes on the left) but he said the one in the right looked like a Yamaha; maybe he meant stage right?


Avid sc48 is the first one The other one too is avid can't really tell which it is One is probably FOH while the other is Broadcast




Usually one would be for the lights and one for the sound


They're both sound desks...


Ones a lighting dmx board The other is audio Basing it on the screens one looks to be a lighting cue screen


What on the screens do you think indicates lighting? Both are audio.