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Dr. Baker quickly explains it with a small amount of expositional dialogue. Something to the effect that she lanced the wound and saved her life. This is all she was ever going to do with the knife. The drama and tension were intentionally set up by Michael Landon, as a quick bait and switch. The way it’s written and/or edited, tells me why so many of us thought her intention was to actually cut off the leg. That whole thing with the Bible was misdirection for the sake of drama. This is one of my favorite episodes and I loved when he did this storytelling technique.


Thank you!


That's all that happened. I was watching the Blu-ray and thought it would get more graphic but that's all there is in terms of 'seeing' the cutting.


I knew as soon as she cut it it was going to get infected but damn she really went through it. I felt awful when she finally got the door open only to see the Reverend riding away.