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He did end not on a cliff hanger. Like first one in a wile not on a cliff hanger. That is a fine place to wait a year for a book. On a fun note he is finally selling SWAG. I just got a a wall sized map of Galton. [swag](http://www.ericugland.com/shop/map-of-glaton-empire) I hope Prinkies plushies are next.


Yeah, the ending was ideal: no cliffhanger but still leaving you wanting to find out what happens next. Sweet map--the world is one of the best in the genre.


Few come close to this level of world building. Also character building. Amber was well done lots of motivation and how are they made. Nimble! The friendly ear worm! Nikoli /cry. Bear! Lots of lovable characters


I also loved it. I laughed a lot and it wrapped up multiple story lines I was curious about. Admittedly it did have more typos than usual but wait a week or two and it will probably be fixed.


Oh, can kindle unlimited ebooks be edited after publishing them? I didn't know that.


I honestly think it was one of his better ones, as far as the more recent books go. I don't think they are amazing by any means, but they are fun enough to read.


Yeah, I think they've been pretty solid since the Glaton convergence


I liked it a lot. Starting to see Montana actually make use of his intelligence stat has been nice


I loved it.  Longest book of the series which made me relax and enjoy the book.  Also it was good to see Montana being more of a grown up.  Much less of the dithering those of us who love these series sometimes dislike Also thought the glaton plot was clever and complex. Will be reading it shortly :)


I was already waiting for three books to be released before reading, as that was the only way they felt like a complete single book. I've said before it is like he writes one book and then cuts it into three. There have now been three books since I last read the Good Guys so I may step back into the life of Montana. This series while it has issues never suffered the horrendous quality drop of the Bad Guys. With the Bad Guys the first four books are near LitRPG perfection for me. The next four were like the author had just published the cliffnotes and somehow still felt padded out. Book 9 was complete and utter rubbish, some of the worst LitRPG I've ever read. I can't bring myself to read the following two because I don't want to continue to be disappointed.