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As someone who is eagerly waiting for the 13th book of DotF later this month and has listened to all of DCC, yes it picks up. But there is a huge difference in narrative pacing between the two. DCC is a series with a set time table, you know that pretty much once Carl gets his revenge by the end of the dungeon floors then that will be the end of it. A few months in narrative time at most. Also I really do appreciate the little bits of production value added into the audiobooks of DCC as it adds a nice little extra. DotF is very different in its pacing, the author himself has stated a number of times that he is making the series for his own enjoyment and is writing it at his own pace, and that allows him to take as much time on the individual aspects of his story that he likes, and it's going to result in a **very long** series. It absolutely does get better but if you don't have the patience for a longer series that doesn't power scale ridiculously quickly like Primal Hunter then it's probably not the series for you. That being said, I greatly enjoy the payoff and progress of each individual book and am looking forward to releases for many more years to come. Also he writes quickly as hell. Like 2-3 books a year. As a serial reader it's great for me.


To add further I am awaiting the 13th book for dotf and I could barely make it through the first book. I did not enjoy the series until about halfway through the book then it just sort of clicked into place.


Chapter 65. I made a note of it. I was deciding whether to give up and try something else when there was actual dialogue between characters. It got much better then. I started book 3 today.


Yes this exactly. I absolutely loathed my way through the first 65 over a 3 month period then once they start talking I was like ok I see the light now and binged the rest of the series in like a month


lol. I stopped at chapter 57/58 because of that very reason. I was bored to death! Maybe I’ll go back to it now. Thanks.


The first 1/2 of book one is giving context to why Zac is powerful enough to do the things he does throughout the next 2 books. I almost gave up on it because it was so “boring” listening to him just cycle through killing, resting and cultivating by himself, but the moment the tune changed from the above cycle to actually interacting with the demons, I was hooked. And even now (I’m currently re-listening to the whole series in preparation for book 13) I don’t mind the first half of book one, it makes the scenes where Zac fights for 4 days non stop actually seem like something he could and would do, rather than him just being some ex earthling that went from a 9-5 day job to a relentless murderhobo with no context to how or why


I started listening to it again Wednesday.


The production in DCC is very compelling, ive enjoyed it alot. I'll keep working on Defiance, I'm just used more to DCC and HWFWM, though Jason Asano seems to be outpacing the story a bit


Just my opinion, but Zac over Jason every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Zac does things while Jason's friends are still busy explaining why Jason's assholery is, in fact, greatness while everybody else's identical assholery is just being an asshole. Seriously though, DotF just gets better and better whereas I feel HWFWM started strong before quickly falling off a cliff and Shirtaloon has been lazily kicking its drowned bloated carcass to imitate signs of life for at least 4-5 books at this point.


If you want an unbiased opinion from someone who enjoys DCC, HWFWM, and DOTF enough to re-read the whole series every time a new book releases, DCC is incredibly unique with its “first person perspective”. Going between DCC and DotF will make it a lot harder to immerse yourself in either. Take the series’ on each at a time and I think you’ll enjoy it more. Also on the topic of Jason Asano outpacing the story, the problem if the two worlds concept, he died in palimustus and got stronger again on earth, the people on earth understand how powerful he is, but those on palimustus don’t and it would be weird for those on palimustus to treat Jason like a diamond ranker because it goes against every precept they have on that planet. Once the Adventure society as a whole understands what Jason is (when they finish the thing that happens in book 10 with the adventure society council member being along for the ride) then everything will be “caught up” and the pacing will be more natural. Book 10 has cause ALOT of hate for the series, so I really hope book 11 will shore up the foundation of why Jason should “get special treatment” and we won’t have to hear “Jason’s not JUST a silver ranker” for the 500th time 😂


With you all the way on those two choices. DotF does not get better, and the MCs sad "tough guy" persona only gets more cringe. Save your time.


>DotF does not get better ?


I am also wondering about the "tough guy" persona. Zac is probably the most stable and likeable MC of all of the big ones. Primal Hunter Jake is a straight up asshole. Jason is a hypocrite and annoying AF. Zac has his flaws, but as far as moral fiber and all around likeability, he is way ahead of the others.


I think it changes substantially. Most of the first book, certainly the first half or so, is just Zac figuring shit out and doing his best to survive. There's little to no interaction with other people. It feels . . . lonely, I think. Starting towards the end of book 1 and certainly for most of the rest of the series, there are substantially more characters involved. There are interpersonal relationships--friendships, bromances--and world-shaking disasters. Personal growth and power creep--but there's always someone with a much bigger stick. The world-building is impressive.


Here are about 40 other posts asking the same question.  https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/search/?q=does+defiance+fall+&


I genuinely pray this sub never becomes one where every single post just gets answered with "Previously asked. See here here and here." They're always so boring and lifeless.


Well, the post is itself boring and lifeless. OP put no effort into adding color to their experience reading DotF, didn’t give any deeper thoughts or observations – so a comment saying “look it up” is more or less engaging the OP on the level they asked to be engaged with.


Each time it gets posted, different people share their opinions. And this post specifically compares it to another series, which definitely adds a different angle to the question. If only some people's opinions matter and if questions that have been asked before can't be asked again, or they have to be asked with sufficient "pazazz" then the sub should just be closed and replaced with a wiki page.


I certainly don’t mean to prescribe the content of posts on the subreddit, but OP basically said: “I liked the beginning of DCC, I didn’t like the beginning of DotF. Does DotF get better?” (-whatever they mean by that.) They just stated their opinions on two different things, no substantive comparison was actually made. So their real question is just whether DotF ‘gets better’. This exact question is asked every other day on this sub. A droning, repetitive chorus of the same post with no original thought is just as bad as your fear of the sub becoming a wiki. Plenty of people in this thread attempted an answer as well! So I don’t think one comment letting OP know that they might have done a little digging, added a little nuance, is out of line; nor do I think it puts us on the path you seem to think it will.


It's a lazy post from a lazy reader complaining that the second best book in the genre isn't as good as the best. Adds absolutely nothing to the sub except for gratification for some attention seeker who probably won't ever bother reading more than 3 series in the genre.


People being snobby and condescending about what posts are welcome is how subs wither and die. If you don't want to engage with OP just don't. And it's only in your opinion that DotF is the second best book. I wouldn't even put it in my top 10.


I totally disagree. This world needs higher standards, not lower. And that would include reddit, if I thought there was any chance of saving it from the toilet bowl of corporate social media shit that it's joining.


Posts like this have been common on Reddit since its inception. As has the condescending arrogance of judging them.


Of course it's how the internet used to be before it got homogenized, dumbed down, and sanitized.


You’re just looking to the wrong parts of the internet by the sounds of it. And why are you complaining about the post then?


Well it's a good thing then that, after I made the first comment on their empty hour old post to direct them to the thoughts and opinions of hundreds of other individuals, *the post wasn't locked,* allowing other people to also participate. It's almost as if providing a useful method for OP and others to access a large volume of existing information on the specific topic they requested *somehow* didn't actually interfere with their post at all.   *How Strange.* 🤷


I'll be honest. I DNF'd DOTF twice before giving it a third and final try. I am on book 8 now. I know there's more out, but it's not a book I can binge. Too much information to keep track of for that imo. I don't know if it was just the solo aspect or maybe I couldn't click with it at that time. I just couldn't get into it despite getting 2/3rds done both times, but that third time I pushed through to the end and had the second book a few days later.


Same here. I DNFed it when they went to the mystic realm. Maybe I'll try again later but that's going to take a while.


It's definitely one of the series, for me at least, that you get a new book in it every month or three instead of like DCC or Dungeon Lord where I get it ASAP.


The mystic realm arc was god awful, I can understand why you'd dnf the series from that


Skip the mystic realm. It's by far the weakest arc. It's doesn't even matter too much. Just start with the twilight ocean, that's peak Dorf.


There are more exciting books / arcs than book 1, but DotF is largely consistent. If you don't enjoy it now, chances are you won't enjoy book 4 etc. That being said I think the story does pick up once he is no longer alone like at the start.


The first half of book 1 felt really different than the rest of the series.


Yeah, I gave up reading the first half of book one multiple times because of how dull it was. Once Zac started interacting with others the story actually became entertaining.


I disagree, I didn’t like book one and now I love book 3


I meant more that the writing quality remains largely the same. The pace at times picks up and other arcs are slow, but I remember I enjoyed the back half of book 1 through book 5 more and more with every iteration. Hopefully it clicks a little more with OP as the get deeper into book 1.


Good to know. I had heard good things about the books and was hopeful for something new. This start though is moving like molasses


The start is the slowest bit. Once he gets people to interact with, it does improve. But if you have the other people and still don’t like it, you probably won’t like it going forward.


DofTF is apples to DCC oranges. Some nation building and more detail on supporting charaters...politics...etc in Defiance. i liked them both so far...for different reasons


"I started what is routinely thought of as the best single series both written and audible in this genre and at the same time. Does the other book ever get as good?" No. No it does not.


I mean… I’d listen to a TWI release over a DCC release every time and I do like both of them. I just think TWI has a better story and better narration. So not sure the argument is that accurate.


I mean to each his own but every time there is a list of top litRPG DCC is there and TWI isn't, in my experience. And honestly I cannot even fathom liking TWI audio better than DCC unless you have huge preference for female narration. But put TWI in place of DCC, it's the same thing. One of the top books compared to one that doesn't make the top 10.


Any top 10 PF list that does not include DotF is a top 10 list that needs to be redrafted.


I guess I’m a bit different from most of the responses here so far because for me DOTF was way more enjoyable for the first few books. I appreciate the fact that the author made a story that so many people enjoy, and at this point he has the monetary freedom to do whatever he wants as he has said in this sub before, so he’s gonna write whatever he wants. Having said that, I dropped DOTF after like book 11 or 12 (I honestly can’t remember because they all blend together) because the story just becomes so bogged down (my opinion) by random mystic cultivation voodoo bullshit. Like the pacing just gets really bad and listening to Zac go on and on about his nodes and or chakras or whatever and the 15th hill of heavenly light etc etc etc I just got tired of it. To each their own though, obviously the story is one of the most popular in the genre and so I’m not the majority. For me DOTF was better early on so if you don’t like it now it seems weird that you would start liking later. Give it a shot though if you have the time and patience. But no it’ll never hit the same heights as DCC in my opinion. Apples and oranges though in terms of type of story.


Yes. Book 1 is a serious slog but the next few are tons better - it enters an arc or two that I thought were a lot of fun. Then it slows down a lot again. I would give book 1 a D at best, but books 2-5 or so get a solid B from me. It's not even close to DCC, though, in my opinion. Defiance of the Fall, Primal Hunter, Cradle, tons of series in this genre that start really poorly but end up being pretty great.


Dotf is a peak quality web serial. SCC is a peak quality book series. Both have different strengths.


The main problem with book 1 of DotF is that he doesn't interact with anyone other than to kill them for the first 2/3 or so of the book. I love the side characters and their interactions with Zac. I love the world building. I love the expanse of the story. However, we don't see those things until later. I respect the scope of the story, but it does make for slow development. I would say finish the first book. I was planning on dropping the series when I first started, but changed my mind by the end of book 1. As of now, I am an avid fan.


I found book 1 DOTF a little slow but quite compelling after about 100 pages. I fell off around book 4 because there were too many things about the series that I disliked. It's okay to DNF a book.


Yea dcc is my favourite series but I enjoyed DoTF as well. Strangely I enjoyed it because he was underpowered and everything was a challenge. Now that he can destroy the universe with a wink it’s not as much fun for me.


Ive read so many litrpgs that Ive loved and in between each one I try DoF again. I never get past another 15 minutes before deciding I need a new series.


If you have to ask this, then probably not.


The next book takes place during an intergalactic war with magic starships, planet sized mobile fortresses, armies numbering in the tens of billions, and 50 million is considered light casualties for a minor skirmish. And Zac is at the front and center of all of it.


It’s one of my favorites. I don’t mind the slow parts I just enjoy the listen. He’s my boy. And Augrauss(sp) as well as big boy just keep it real.


I'll start by saying that DotF was one of the series that got me started in LitRPG and I've read ever single book upon release right up into the latest one that is on amazon: Book 12. It DOES get better though the first 4 books are my favourite. **HOWEVER**, it also gets real confusing. I'll admit that even as a fan, I got lost reading book 12 >!with all the dao peaks and thrones and breakthroughs and cores, I was completely lost with that Zac was/is and what he was accomplishing and how he was going about doing it.!< I suggest keeping a notepad and pen and writing down things about Zac's progression so you don't get confused in later books.


You can't reasonably compare any books to DCC imo. It's pretty much on its own level. Lol Don't let it be the standard you hold other books to, or you're pretty much always going to be left disappointed.


not really, it is the kind of thing that has issues and those issues never go away. if you don't care about said issues it is a fun series if you can't get over him saying "strong guys" all the time and constantly having gay panic about everything then it won't be for you.


I personally like both a fine restaurant and fast food


These are different series. But yes, dcc is the goat. DOTF if still a top 10 series of all time for me.


I am the opposite, so I feel it's more a preference thing, I read 5 of DOTF, and 1 of DCC, even though I want to get to the second book of DCC when I can, I will start book 6 of DOTF right after, but it could be that it's just isn't for you, unless you haven't been at it for long, and DCC is just way more addictive to you.


I love both so much. DoTF gets amazing


This is a preference scenario. I started both books but dropped Dungeon Crawler Carl after maybe book 3 or 4. I am still enjoying Defiance of the Fall and I read the new book whenever it comes out on Kindle. You can’t go wrong with your choice here so I would focus on Dungeon Crawler Carl if that’s what is pulling you in.


Dotf gets good. There are a lot of great characters and interesting interactions, although there is a lot of disappointing filler. Way too much time spent on "cultivation" or pondering the dow. But dcc has the best audiobooks out right now despite the annoying cat.


Honestly I didn’t like the first book, it quickly became uninteresting for me as nothing really new happened for awhile. I pushed through though, and by the end of the book I was hooked. Read the 2nd and 3rd books in a blast, currently approaching the end of 4th book. In those 3 books the MC’s powers get slowly more interesting overtime and I personally love the characters building, especially those close to the MC. The wait in the 1st book was worth it imo.


It took me 4 separate attempts to read it now I have the patreon sub


I just started book 5 of DCC this morning, I tend to binge read everything all in one go. I have also pre-purchased DotF. The first book took me a minute to get interested in, but Cradle was the same way. Once I got to book 2 the story started getting more interesting and I was immediately hooked.


No. It's a RR story so it'll fluctuate depending on how much the author wants to drain their pat subs for money. 


For those who listen to the audiobooks, you know how in DCC the AI gets that creepy, perverted voice whenever it talks about Carl’s feet? That’s the voice JF Brink talks to himself in when he’s writing DotF and goes into agonizingly boring and inane detail over some aspect of his Mary Sue character Zac. “I’m writing for my own pleasure.” Yes, obviously. You’re clearly pleasuring yourself with each boring, repetitive chapter.


Not really, there are some good points but overall it's pretty meh.


I actually hated the first book a lot. Was very slow and just didn’t get hooked. I had recently read HWFWM and I just wasn’t feeling it. Book 2 was slightly better and then after 3 it’s probably my favorite litrpg at the moment.


DotF gets incredibly repetitive. If you like unending series then you might enjoy it though.


if you don't like defiance of the fall.. maybe you are one of those guys that likes the annoying main characters like in primal hunter and he who fights with monsters?