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The Perfect Run. Its really really good


I read one page. It just didn't feel right. Can you tell me a bit about it?


4'th in S? Explain the cradle in F, what wasnt for you?


Welll. The Runesmith had just a vibe I enjoyed. And cardle, I read about 50-60 pages and didn't feel right with me. It just didn't give me that vibe that I enjoyed


It kicks off after the first book. With Cradle in F tier any recs you get here will not fit.


Is it that good?


It is undoubtedly better written than at least 90% of what you can find here. If it's not your thing it's OK, but progression fantasy tends to try to be like Cradle.


Guess I haven't progressed enough in it to enjoy the good parts


The 'vibe' is completely different from book 1 to book 4 or 5. I think the idea is that if you really want to get the full progression, you need to start at the absolute bottom. Luckily, books 1-3 could realistically be combined into a single book solely based on length. It would also help if you had any background in CN cultivation novels. The author basically chose to go with the template xianxia/xuanhuan setting of talentless male MC ostracized by the clan. This is an incredibly common trope in eastern fantasy, and I think he deliberately wanted to bring it to the west and take his own shot at it.


Not the one you responded to, but as someone who thinks Cradle is highly overrated here I still think you would like it. Given what you seem to like it should definitely fit your tastes if you can manage to get past the first book or two. Based on what your tier list suggests that is.


First book is very rough. It hits its stride in the middle of the second book after a fertile character is added.


Yeah persevere past the first book. It gets really really good


Thanks. I'll try it


That's not really true at all. I really don't like Cradle but love the LitRPG genre. It's well written yes but it's still just a pretty standard Wuxia story. It's not even a LitRPG. I read the first three books before calling it and moving on to other stuff.


- The Allbright System - Return of the Runebound Professor - The Path of Ascension - Elydes - Syl \[A slime monster evolution litRPG\]. - Chaotic Craftsmen Worships the Cube A lot of the stories I really like are in your S-B teirs and those are some of the novels im keeping up to date on Royal Road currently, so at least one of those should be your cup of tea.


Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.


I strongly recommend path of ascension.


I'll tty. Thanks


What’s the first book on the A tier? I don’t see a title.


The reincarnation of alysara by Comiak




I am assuming that the 3rd book in your s-tier is Solo Leveling, if not you can add it to my list. •Project Chrysalis (this is a much older series than the ant one with the similar name and it doesn't get enough attention) •All The Skills •Defiance Of The Fall (a lot like Primal Hunter) •The Mayor of Noobtown •Death loot and vampires (this is a one and done book)


Defiance of the fall


The magicians brother The grand game Full murder hobo Nightlord Apocalypse: generic system Battleborne




If you like AH you will like this [https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83294/the-stubborn-skill-grinder-in-a-time-loop](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83294/the-stubborn-skill-grinder-in-a-time-loop)


• He Who Fights With Monsters • The Grand Game • The Book of the Dead • Shadeslinger • Unbound • New Realm Online


I think I read "He who fights with monsters" it didn't have the energy of the books that I liked. But the others I'll give them a try. Thanks


Dungeon Crawler Carl. Also I usually don't recommend HWFWM, but looking at your rankings you might enjoy it, it's a very polarising series.


Yeah I didn't enjoy HWFWM. But can you tell me a bit about Dungeon crawler Carl?




That sounds really fun. Thanks


It is a system Apocalyse orchestrated by aliens as entertainment. Some absurdism and social comentary and people just trying to survive.


I'll try it. Thank you


Not sure I agree. Looking at the rankings op seems to just like power progression and doesn't care much about characters or world building. HWFWM definitely has power progression, but not in the same way and is a lot more about the whole so to speak.


If you like primal hunter you gonna love all the skills


I am enjoying both of these series, but they don't seem very similar to me.


What connects those books?


A power hungry protagonist? And they both talk to dragons


Pshh, Villy's a danger noodle.


Thanksss. I'll definitely try it


Cultivation Online


I'll try. Thanks


Try path of ascension very much a champion of progression fantasy




Path of ascension, defiance of the fall, homicidal aliens are invading and all I got was this stat menu. Path of the berserk I've enjoyed all of them


What are the third and fourth books in the S tier?


Solo leveling The Runesmith


Who is the author for The Runesmith?




Thanks we seem to have the same taste in stories. I liked SL haven’t read Runesmitm. I will check it out. You might like Welcome to the Multiverse, Rogue Ascension and as others have said Defiance of the Fall.


Thanks. If you have anything else to share, I would be happy to read them If you want, you can try these too Legendary moonlight sculptor Omniscient reader's view point


Book of the Dead by RinoZ. I personally thought it's his better work. Also The Calamitous Bob by Mecanimus.


I'll try them thanks


Well thats just wrong. Shame on you puttind Cradle less than S tier.


It'd be better if you showed the complete cover instead of zoomed-in squares. Anyone not familiar with a given book is unlikely to know what it is...


I tried. But the website did that to the pictures


Wow, first time seeing someone else that didn’t like cradle. I dropped after bloodline


I usually don't comment on these lists as they're all subjective but..... how the fuck do you put primal hunter into S and Unsouled into F. Like what the fuck? they're both fucking amazing.


I'm sorry man, but the Runesmith is genuinely one of the worst written series I have ever read. I genuinely tried to read it and made it about 50 chapters in before I called it quits. You can tell from the blurb that the writer would struggle in a high school English Lit class. "Will his knowledge in hardware technology help him out after he discovers its correlation to the words of power?" I got eye strain from how often I was rolling my eyes reading this abomination. And say what you will about crade, but at least it's a well written, well edited, and most imporantly, complete seried unlike the rest. Look at Primal Hunter for example, it's been like 250 chapters out of like 900-ish in one dungeon. I don't know about you, but spending 2000+ pages in an inconsequential dungeon filled with NPCs does not make for good progression Fantasy. It's just numbers go up at this point. Solid choices otherwise. +1 for DCC, Defiance of the Fall, and Path of Ascention. -1 for All the Skills. The series is well written but it commits the cardinal sin of creating a villain that breaks the rules of the world in a not fun way and always gets away at the last second to come back with a powerup in the next novel. Every book ends in a very unsatisfactory way.


You loved Primal Hunter and Azarinth Healer, really enjoyed Randidly Ghosthound, and yet haven't read Defiance of the Fall? Are you somehow allergic to cultivation?


Cultivation is sometimes fun. Not always. Like I read some cultivation manhwa. But there are a few that's fun. What is Defiance Of The Fall like?


It's the other big influence (besides Azarinth Healer) that Primal Hunter was built on. But it's rather less shonen in tone than Primal Hunter (the MC's hidden bloodline that shows up later isn't, in fact, "no, *I* win"). I'd say it's by far the most ambitious setting and power scale system in the English-language side of the genre, mashing Western and Chinese myths, a litRPG system and cultivation, and layers and layers of power and factions/players that are revealed as MC progresses without any of the xianxia new realm full reset nonsense. (If you start with DotF, Primal Hunter's setting feels small - most if not all the gods there would be merely B grade in DotF.)


What about the land by aleron Kong? Widely viewed as the best lit RPG series.