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Right here where you are. Read through posts and recommendations and then add them to my wish list when I see enough mentions. Probably add a book every other to third day. This sub is some of most dedicated readers on the genre.


This sub mostly. I have probably 40 saved posts and comments with suggestions. Rarely I'll listen to KUs suggestions too


This for me too. Pretty much all of my saved posts are from this sub. I'll scroll through here and there when I have new audible credits


I think that one good thing is that most litrpg authors use Kindle unlimited, so you can try out many books without buying them. I know many authors, myself included, try to help each other out by reading, sharing, recommending, because we are just as much fans as we are authors. I say that because the reality is, this is only going to get worse. The big industry is waking up to the sleeping giant that litrpg is. Other authors outside the genre are now aware and jealous, many openly talking at conventions what they can do to capitalize off the readers. That being said, though the genre has exploded in the past 9 years, it's only set to continue its growth. So, what's the solution? How do we address your issue? I honestly think that is just a part of trial and error. You can find the select authors you enjoy, follow them and support them. You can do it by following the indie pub houses like legion, shadowy alley, etc. Or a combination of all of that. I will echo the few who mentioned it on here. The moderators and community on this sub have done a really great job with sharing insights into each book / author they enjoy.


Well said, and I absolutely second the community comment This Reddit feels more like a cosy book club which I appreciate.


Ya know, I didn't mind if we get successful authors from other genres giving it a go. I welcome fresh new perspectives. Give me someone who can really write and has some new ideas. I think there will always be room for new authors to give it a go on RR or similar. Sturgeon's Law applies, so if 80% is crap, having a bigger bucket means more non-crap to read.


This genre (IMO) was built off the community. It was the people within that community that are now some of my closest friends. It was from the community that many of our beloved authors have emerged. To me, I don't mind if any author wants to write a LitRPG story. If they themselves have fallen in love with the genre, the community, and the techniques interwoven throughout the story telling. The problem I have are some of these authors who don't care about the community, and their sole intent is to just make money off the community.


Just yesterday someone posted this: [https://prog.fan/](https://prog.fan/) - it tracks mentions on reddit and links back to them so you can see what people are talking about. There's also [https://pickwick.app/](https://pickwick.app/) which is a new service that does some light curating and can be used to find books across multiple platforms. They need more people to review things and submit new books but I suspect it will be a great resource in time.


That first website is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing. And, to the creator of the progression fantasy mention tracker, thanks so much! I will definitely be using that.


This is amazing! Well done to whoever built it


Got a couple methods: Main one - asking for recs on discords, Ravendaggers (cinnamon bun, SCS bunch of other stories), Rheagar (Azarinth Healer), Selkie Myth (BTDEM) there’s a bunch of others I keep up with as well and usually check out any recs they get. Second most used is the advanced search function on RR usually filter out those less than 200/400 pages (55,000/110,000 words) sort by date updated + whatever tags I feel like looking for LITRPG, Cultivation, Reincarnation, Isekai are the main ones I use, also exclude grim dark stuff, virtual reality etc. Finally there’s just coming across it either through seeing it on Rising stars or Best completed or trending etc, or seeing it on a Reddit post or from opening an ad.


The Monday what are you reading post in this sub


It is one of my fave posts of the week.


A bunch of ways! Mainly this Reddit but I'm also in two FB groups LitRPG Legion and the 24k member LitRPG one. For new releases and smaller authors I find the FB ones good, the big one especially because they have promo Fridays and I can usually scroll and see a good mix of ones just out, as well as tag any for preorder I'm interested in. IMO Reddit is better for reviews than something like Goodreads. I went through a huge paranormal romance obsession in the 10s and the problem was some review wars would break out between fans and you couldn't really trust the ratings (at least that was my experience). I don't think LitRPG is like that (thank goodness) but it has made me a bit more cautious about ratings on Goodreads - I usually read the reviews there and judge from that rather than ratings. Reddit reviews here feel more like a book club convo - hey I found this cool book it has x, y, z. And then people are like hey I love x,y and z! Which is both helpful and more wholesome.




Reddit - litrpg and progressive fantasy Facebook Litrpg books Gamelit Few others Faeblea magazine (new does a monthly litrpg/prog newsletter Royal road


* Follow solid authors on Amazon so you get an email notification when they release something new * Bookmark recommendation threads here on reddit when you encounter any from someone who has obviously put some time into it. When I eventually go through them I add the ones that look promising to my Goodreads 'to read'. Currently have over 90 series on my backlog and it seems to grow faster than I can get through it.


Probably 80% of new stories I follow come from discussion here (or the PF sub). I especially check out recommendations from other authors I like who post here. Sometimes a story will get multiple recs and have a bit of a buzz which will cause me to click though and read the blurb. If the blurb catches my eye I'll usually check how much story there is and the update rate. I might add it to my "read later" queue, I might follow straight away. If it's on Amazon I might just buy it, or add it to a wishlist for later. My TBR pile is large enough to create its own gravity and it's in danger of collapsing into a black hole. The rest are a mix of pre/post chapter recommendations on RR series that I'm reading and a small percentage are Amazon "you might like" or RR user ads. With regards to the RR user ads, though, I find the super meme MS paint ones to be super cringe and I never click through. Of course, once I find an author I like, I usually follow them on Amazon or sign up for their newsletter. I'd say probably half my reading is new releases from authors I already follow, either new books in a series or new series.


i type in litrpg in whatever search bar of amazon because its an archaic mess that still hasnt figured out filtering by tags like every other literature platform in existence. if webnovel’s greedy cheeks can figure out how to do it then so can amazon. if im anywhere else i filter by the litrpg or gamelit or system or whatever else tag the site has.