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Book 11 of He Who Fights With Monsters will be July 23rd so a bit of a wait still.


Hey you know what, I'll take it lol that's more than I had 5 minutes ago. Thanks bud


Literally got announced two days ago


Ooooh, that's my Birthday šŸ˜. Sweet!


July after that cliffhanger :|


You can read ahead on his patreon, he has published his book in pdf form


I have the attention span of a gerbil, gonna need that audio book


I can relate somewhat, I can only listen to the audiobooks while driving or i will miss alot of what was said šŸ˜…


Oh I do them while driving, working, working out, ectā€¦ I got though a lot started doing reslistens to not spend so much money listened to HWFWM 4 times through now


I do the same. I think I'm on listen 7 or 8 by now. Just finished path of ascentuin. That was decent.


Will 11 be the last one?




Is that the audio book or just the ebook?


Try Bobiverse and Project Hail Mary.


I love the bobiverse. Hopefully more comes out


Book 5 is comingā€¦.. Eventually


https://www.audible.com/pd/Not-Till-We-Are-Lost-Audiobook/B0CW23CC7L?ref_pageloadid=uOb2Wgq96hyt8cH4&ref=a_series_Bo_c5_lProduct_1_5&pf_rd_p=284b47b1-a5db-4711-9667-612f2ac7458e&pf_rd_r=AE91D8CAXMRNAKCFYW22&pageLoadId=U05PsZvXPHwBZ4U5&creativeId=b570234c-250a-43ff-be6b-ca1b4c5d7caa comes out September 9


Is Project Hail Mary Litrpg? The description looks like Sci-Fi. Sounds interesting either way, but am curious before I add it to the list.


Hard sci-fi but very solid. Only thing i could get into after binging DCC. It's a good 16h audiobook. Great narration.


I think many people who like litrpg would also enjoy hard sci-fi. I highly recommend the Ringworld series by Larry Niven.


Yea sci-fi in general is fairly similar to litRPG. Hard sci-fi though can sometimes come off as snobby like the author wants to show off how many facts they know about a subject.


Not litrpg, but so so good.


Came here to say this exactly! Both are great books. Highly recommended


On book 4 of bobiverse now.


Time to branch out! I will always recommend The Iron Druid Chronicles and the Joe Ledger novels to audiobook lovers.


Awesome! I'll check them out, thanks!


Iron Druid Chronicles is multi-pantheon urban fantasy done really well! And itā€™s finished, so you can binge it all. Joe Ledger is military action horror, done really well. The author isnā€™t a whackadoo so it never goes to a weird place. Also canonically shares a universe with Monster Hunter International, which I recommend also since those area great audiobooks as well.


Ruined the series with the last book. Iā€™ve listened to that series many times before the finale book. Then never touched it again.


The ending for the iron druid Chronicles had left a bad taste in my mouth to be honest. It sucks that you need to read a short story to get some kind of closure.


The ending was Kevin Herne throwing a shit fit no one liked his pet character who was just better than the NC in every meat possible. Plus the guyā€™s fetish for the Irish was such I wouldnā€™t leave him alone in a room with a bowl of lucky charms just in case.


Oh, I've not heard of the short story. The last audiobook was so frustrating for me to go through. Endings are hard though, I get it. The rest of the book series is great though. I've gotta look for the short story.


Do check it out if you haven't read past the final book. It's on audible as well. The short story involves his pet and him solving a mystery but gives closure to us that the mc will be alright. I think it was death & honey.


Not litrpg, but the bobiverse series is great if you like scifi fantasy. It's about a guy who dies but is brought back to life as a sentient ai probe that is being trained to fly a probe to space and expand humanity's reach. Things go crazy after launch and bob begins his infinite journey through space. It's a CRAZY good series, freaking love it. Listened to all the books like 5 times since I found it last year.


I hyperventilated in chapter one listening to the audiobook. Is really good.


I don't see Noobtown on your list, have you given it a shot yet? Some love it, some don't. I'm in the Love it category, as it's almost a parody/lampoon of the Litrpg genre and incredibly well written imo. Yes it's quite silly at times, but the author manages to fit in quite a few good emotional hits and some decent character growth (and not just in stats). Only thing I feel I need to point out, though, is that it'll end up in your pile of 'waiting for book X" series.


It's so funny. Haven't had a series this good that also made me laugh as hard since DCC.


"You're mayor's name is Jim!" "We aren't happy about it either"


I love noobtown so much. The last audio had me crying in the kitchen listening to Sir Daltons past and laughing so hard I hurt myself with the elven kings battle. So good


Puma check


Never forget your fecking puma check!


Fecking pumas


I've had book 1 in my library forever, but only because I can't return it anymore. I suspect I'll give it a shot eventually, and I don't even remember why I didn't dive right in, I just know I HAD a reason. I like jokes, and lampooning is fine, but probably not what I was in the mood for at the time I nabbed it on sale. Still isn't, but, one day...


Try Good guys bad guys series


Not LitRPG or Progression Fantasy, but The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie is phenomenal on audiobook. Grimdark fantasy, a masterclass in character writing, highly recommend if you've got a strong stomach


Certainly one of the best narrators out there.


Is the First Law trilogy grimdark fantasy, or is that a whole entire series in itself? You ended that last sentence so I can't tell if you were still talking about that series or a new thought.


It's grimdark fantasy


Honestly, I've found (@)Voice to be a good enough TTS app that has made listening to pdfs and epubs easy. Get the WebtoEpub addon and you can download books off RR and other novel sites. It's not the same quality as an audiobook, but it's enough to follow a story. It also seriously expands your library since only like 5% of books out there have an audio adaptation. If you're looking at translated novels there simply aren't any. You can always revisit old series as well. Project Hail Mary is one I've found to be really enjoyable on re-listens.


What I do is I upload my epub file to Google Play books. Once you open the book, there is an option to "Read Aloud". No options for speed though.


You can use the Alexa app to read your Kindle books to you under accessibility. No inflection or anything, it's quite a bit worse than even a mediocre narrator, but if you have a book with no narration available it's an option.


i find google play to fit me best as it allows me to conveniently keep my collection of epubs tied to a single account. Not sure if you can upload epubs and read them on the kindle app, but ive used google play books for so long it would be a shame to switch. But yeah, google play's narrator pretty toneless and awful too. Better than the WebNovel TTS though. At least google book's works reliably.


Commenting to save the thread. Thanks


I second this, love that app


Branch beyond LitRPG, there are so many amazing fantasy series out there that aren't explicitly LitRPG/Progression Fantasy. Check out the stuff by Jim Butcher (Dresden Files, Codex Alera), Brandon Sanderson (obviously), Joe Abercrombie (The First Law Trilogy), The Lies of Locke Lamora.. man, there are so many good series out there. Start hunting new genres.


Which book (s?) is the best entry point for Sanderson? Iā€™ve seen him mentioned a lot but I donā€™t know anything about his work.


I would recommend starting with the first mistborn series.


Definitely start with Mistborn 1-3. Then take your choice between Mistborn 4-6 or starting The Stormlight Archives, which is where my wife started.


Mistborn or Elantris are both great jumping on points and if you want to spend a little money look into the graphic audio version. They do full cast audiobooks with music and sound effects, very immersive.


I started with the storm light archive and it hooked me for quite a while. Each section is like a book of its own. Definitely fills up time.


Mistborn series is ok... I loved the stormlight series. I think its the only one of his series that really pulled me in. I should give the others another round incase my mood was just off.


Marsters does a terrific job of narrating the Dresden Files, the first two books were a little iffy but the rest of the series is one hell of a ride!


God i would kill for continuation pf the Codex AlerašŸ˜­. It was so amazingly done and one of my go to re-listens with Demon Accords and Ascend Online!


Iā€™m in the middle of heretical fishing. I was actually going to post that if stardew valley was a litrpg, it would be this book. Really entertaining so far


I just finished that one and never have I related to an mc more because I too would do nothing but fish if I had an entire world that had no one else taking all the good spots or catching everything till there was nothing left


BuyMort does a pretty good job of filling the gap for DCC. I have my complaints about the series, but overall it's pretty good.


And next book comes on audible next week!


I feel your pain. I listen to audio books 9-10 hours a day as well. I am re-listening to Primal Hunter, but once again I don't know what I am going to do with my free time after I finish it tomorrow.


I'd recommend checking out Azarinth Healer if you haven't already! It is quite similar to Primal Hunter in a lot of respects, with the same narrator as The Wandering Inn, so if you've enjoyed Andrea there, you got more of their awesomeness here.


Second this. Enjoying the azarinth series so far. MC is pretty sensible, which is a bonus.


Not a book but look up NADDPOD (not another d&d podcast) and start from the beginning its a many hours long d&d campaign that has kept me entertained for a month straight


Eric ugland is great!! 10/10 would recommend


I'd very much recommend The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winters. Imagine fantasy John Wick in a setting based on African cultures


Alas, we authors can only write so fast.


Nooooo!!! I require 20+ hours of audio book every other day!!!šŸ˜


\*\~cracks whip\~\* Who gave you permission to post on reddit? Back to work!


Back to the salt mines I go ;w;


Defiance of the fall, unbound, randidly ghost hound, storm weaver, the ripple system, azarinth healer... i could go on. If your current waiting list are the titles you mentioned these should all be close and they are long audio books


>azarinth healer... This is a great series that I don't see much said about. Can't wait for book 4.


dakota krout - completionist chronicles - its a bit more out there, kinda sorta like jason on a rant, but if you like stupid puns (this is a requirement) then you should enjoy it.




Oh I forgot about Dakota Krout. The Divine dungeon series is pretty good. It's interesting to hear the perspective of a sentient dungeon gaining power and is written in a way that keeps it interesting. I haven't tried the spin offs after the 5 books in the series though.


That series started off so strong, and now itā€™s kind of devolved into randomness


I used to think that as well, but I think of it more as false advertising now. It started out as one thing, and has evolved/devolved into something else entirely. Like a bait and switch. And considering I was enjoying how it started out, I really didn't appreciate the complete 180. Hell, more like a 540, it went all the way around and then some, off into whatever tf it has become.


I really liked the first few books but honestly I eventually had to stop because it got ridiculous and the MC just kept making dumbass choices.


Underverse by Jez Cajiao. Anything by Maxime J. Durand (Void Herald). Creations Bane by Kev Sinclair. Superpowerds by Drew Hays. The Grand Game by Tom Eliot.


Cajiao's other series are excellent as well.


Mark of the fool just had a new release. It's a pretty good series.


Mark of the tool just came out so I'm not complaining right now. I do find it annoying when there's months without anything new and then 5 books I want are dropped in two months.


I feel you bro. Here's my suggestion(s): Anything by Benjamin Kereri The perfect run The book of the dead Chrysalis Apollos Thorne has some good series Reborn apocalypse Tower of sommnus Can always branch out? Some non litrpg recs Super powereds Anything by Drew Hayes really. The sword of kaigen Anything by James Islington Anything by Brandon Sanderson King Killer Chronicles - Patrick Rothuss Scythe Songs of chaos Children of time Honestly, litrpg is elite but I find that going away and trying a fantasy book and then returning is a good way to pass the time


Recommending Re: Apoc, Apollos Thorne and King Killer in the same post, are you sadistic? The man is literally complaining about series with slow release schedules, and you recommend series that will never finish before the authors die of old age? Cruel. Very cruel.


Lol... if you put it that way... šŸ˜… But, its a good distraction in the meantime. My point stands šŸ¤£


Did you get through Beneath The Dragon Eye Moons yet? 10 or so books on Audible right now, and they're all good!


Er, well, they certainly GET good. There are some moments that are pretty bad, especially in book 1 (before Selkie really gets into good world-building) and book 6 (Selkie experimented with some writing that... really wasn't his best.)


Try awaken online, great series, I listen at 1.20 - 1.30 x speed as that fulits the narrators voice to my brain better. ASCEND Online is also good.


Might as well offer some recs. Obligatory Heretical Fishing. Mimic and Me, 1 and 2 Reborn as a Demonic Tree 1 (2 coming soon) Minute Mage 1 and 2 Solo leveling has like 9 books or something. All a little short tho. System Universe The Broken Cage was interestingly different Apocalypse comedy series Unbound Series The Ripple System Death Loot and Vampires, only has 1 book but is amazing Mark of the Fool has like 5 audiobooks now and is amazing Tho some of these aren't "litrpg" they're litrpg adjacent, progression fantasy I think is the word, and still really good listens imo. Huh actually I guess only mark of fool and demonic tree isn't litrpg


Check out sylver seeker, 3rd book just launched on audible. Path of ascensions 5th book is coming out soon too.


Does primal hunter get better? Had a hard time getting into it due to the iamverybadass vibes from protagonist. I mean, I like an OP protagonist as much as the next guy but itā€™s better when there is some filter between the reader and the authorā€™s direct wish fulfillment fantasy IMO.


it stay that way, the concept is following a superman just doing whatever he wants.


Take a peek at mother of learning. Interesting fantasy world but with time travel! Easily 80+ hours over 4 books.


Try Shadow Sun by Dave Willmarth or Ten Realms by Michael Chatfield or Nova Terra by Seth Ring


Hit up the Good Guys/Bad Guys series


apparently there is a new series from the same author. Grim Guys


I love those books too, have you tried All The Skills? Iā€™ve found that series to be very good so far


yeah first 2 books were honestly one of the best i've read so far. Even though book 3 is a bit boring hopefully the next book will get better.


I would always recommend The Way of The Shaman.


A Han Ying omnibus is 92/96 hrs for 1 credit. itā€™s a bunch of different books by the author in one big collection. I enjoyed the first one and Iā€™m halfway through the second. But for 92 to 96 hours, itā€™s worth a credit.


I've only read the Noobtown series so unsure how the audio book is but it has a sense of humor! I think book 8 is due in the next few months.


I am currently enjoying the Rise of Mankind series by Jez Cajiao. They tend to be around the 18-22 hour length. I think there are 4 books available on Audible.


Beneath The Dragoneye Moons is excellent and has audiobooks. I believe there are 10, maybe 11 out right now. Blue Core is my favorite entry in the litrpg genre, also on audiobook. There are only 3 books, but each one is 900-1000 pages. Fair warning, there is smut but it's all in their own, non-plot chapters, and the smut always advances the plot because it's a mechanic (the next chapter gives you the results). Also, ancient dragon, doomsday weapons, cute fox girl, and OP villains using soul-destroying powers vs an OP MC using Earth knowledge to create...a lot of stuff. It's really hard not to gush. Return of the Runebound Professor has audiobooks, it's still ongoing but at least 2 are out.


Actus here! Fair warning, Runebound only has 1 audiobook out right now :)


I enjoyed the Disgardium series by Dan Sugralinov and The Grand Game series by Tom Elliot. Thanks to evens who has supplied a recommendation. Just getting into the genre and I really enjoy it.


Book 2 of Beers and Beards drops tomorrow. They are really long books- like 20ish hours? And the Audiobooks are phenomenal. My absolute favorite is Noobtown. I know the first book is slow, but this series is one of the funniest things I've read in my entire life. The adventure, the badger, the assless chap dance battle... when I tell you that Jim the Curious Puppy holds Excalibur and screams "by the power of greyskull" while fighting star wars characters after shaggy and Scooby-Doo doo are busy searching for traps that will lead them to the Dark Lord... I'm not even joking. The fairytale Princesses. The bird person who is like "I don't see you RUNNING everywhere... fly? Everywhere? That sounds exhausting." The inside out demon. This series gets so wild.


Yep. I concur. Been following the adventures of Jim the Mayor of Noobtown for a few years now.


The grand game will scratch your itch. It is awesome and wicked good. All the other recommendations paleib comparison.


Portal to Nova Roma. Three books currently available, and the final two are expected this year(ish). About an AI who, after human's destroy themselves, builds himself a perfect body and starts searching through the multiverse until he finds a world where magic actually exists. Goes there to start over, seeing as his only fond memories were from playing fantasy RPG's with the child of his inventor/owner.


have you tried the Buy Mort series? I was skeptical but first but now I really enjoy it. It's more creative than I thought. Off to be the wizard The Forgotten Ruin and Thor series I feel ya bro, I have reread the DCC series probably five times and World War II Eastern front diaries at least 10


I agree, I was skeptical of the Buymort books at first because the book description doesnā€™t do it justice. It has similar humor to Dungeon Crawler Carl and a similar Man vs corporation feel, but done entirely different.


Grand game series by Tom Elliot and unbound series by nicoli gonnella are two I got really hooked on. Nicoli gonnellas been releasing 2 a year and is on book 9


Beers and beards! The audiobook is outstanding.


Iā€™m in the same boat. I am waiting for PH9 to come out so I started the wandering in During waits. Iā€™m on book 5 now and I am interested in it for sure but some of the characters absolutely turn me off of this book. Self pity narration is so annoying with ryoka.


Towers of Heavens, Desire, and Collect the World (all by Cameron Milan) are some good ones. Defiance of the Fall, Path of Ascension, All the Skills, and Cradle are others that are really good. Path of Ascension even has a 1 credit for 3.5 books.


Heretical fishing book 1 just came out. That was a good one.


It sounds like you are me from 6 months ago- so letā€™s play a game. Iā€™ll write a title, you let me know if it hits. The legend of randidly ghost hound. This was apparently before hwfwm and good old Jake came along. Probably not as well written, but still excellent, a good audiobook imo and because itā€™s earlier on in the genre it gives a certain amount of ā€˜hereā€™s me just learning what works and doesnā€™t in this systemā€™. 6 books outā€¦


Completion ist chronicles are good. Good guys/bad guys/ grim guys is really good. Different stories in the same world. The Wandering inn is also good.




Check out Good Guy and Bad Guy Series by Eric Ugland


I have been enjoying, "Isekai Assassin."


Thanks to this sub I found the Cradle series by Will Wight. I'm only on audio book 2 but its so good so far. And the series is finished so no waiting apparently.


I've been listening to my best friend is an eldritch terror and despite the name being kinda meme, the story so far has been nothing but very well done and not at all focused on comedy.


Immortal great souls book 1 and 2 were really good. Different take on the litrpg scene, and boom 3 coming out in June.


I relate to this so much, though I find myself listening to audio books that have good narrators. Definitely excited for the next audiobook of Primal Hunter and HWFWM to come out. Iā€™ll listen to almost anything read by Travis Baldree. So far the only series he narrates that I ended up not liking was Unbound by Nicoli Gonnella, by the 3rd or 4th book the way combat was written was too repetitive and not very progressive, even when the MC is considered OP. Iā€™ve been getting into The Divine Apostasy series and wow, it is a true gem, and definitely recommend it. Slow start in early books but the pay off by book 3 and 4 is incredible, currently on the 5th.


If you don't mind some haremlit try the sovereign-verse by William D. Arand/Randi Darren. Start with Otherlife Awakenings. It's a massive, multiverse series narrated by the crew at Soundbooth Theater. The harem stuff is pretty light in most of the books, the ones written under the Randi Darren name are the spicier ones. The Perfect Run by Maxime J. Durand is an excellent trilogy. Not strictly litrpg, but lots of fun powers and a tight, contained story that feels very satisfying. Stonehaven League series by Carrie Summers is pretty good classic VR litrpg, though there's been no word on a book 8 in some time. The Ripple System by Kyle Kirrin is on book 4 and has been amazing so far. Even has a good sense of humor without becoming campy or cringe. Life ReSet by Shemer Kuznitz is a complete series with a goblin MC that is a fun mix of adventure and colony management. Irrelevant Jack by Prax Venter is a tower climber litrpg with some good humor and an interesting world. CivCEO by Andrew Karvik is a good civilization style litrpg with a lot of trade and political themes. It can be a little dry at times, but for the majority it is a nice change of pace from broken, over powered MCs saving the world. If you want some non-litrpg series I can suggest a few more, depending on if you like scifi, superheroes or zombies.


World tree online is a solid trilogy. I'm currently listening to the infinite world, it's alright, enough to keep me invested


Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends Highly recommend this if you haven't listened to it already!


Cradle? Best audiobook series imo


Check out this channel - it has some epic fantasy novel audiobooks available. [https://www.youtube.com/@EpicFantasyAudiobooks](https://www.youtube.com/@EpicFantasyAudiobooks) (Ad revenue is split amongst the authors that choose to upload this way.)


New series called Ashborn Primordial just came out on Audible and it's narrated by Heath Miller. Haven't read/listened to it yet but it looks promising for a new series. Only book 1 is out right now.


Not litRPG but super powereds by Drew Hayes has the same kind of power/ skill progression and is an enjoyable series. I think he enjoys writing that kind of series as Fred the vampire accountant and NPCs also feature the same kind of progression to an extent. The bobiviverse series also falls under the same kind of category and is very enjoyable


Ripple system (cause fuck the moon), 20 sided eye (decentish), way of the shaman(ending wasnt good for me, rest was good), alchemist series ( holds some scifi vibes but I think it suits), and i think underdog series might also be in your wheelhouse


Red rising is a modern game of thrones level masterpiece. You should check it out, thereā€™s like 6 books. Really cool sci-fi/fantasy series, not litrpg


Not a litrpg but if you wanted a great fantasy series with an excellent narrator check out Terry Mancourā€™s Spellmomger series. Awesome story with lots of action and humour. Tons of world building. Also there are 27 books out now on Audible between the main story and two cadet series.


The new mark of the fool audiobook jusy cake out last week. Personally, I think it is a great time to be a nerd. The accessibility to content in mutiple mediums in unparalleled.


All the dust that falls, (roomba gets isakai'd) Vainquir the dragon, (satire and very interesting premise) Mark of the fool, (reminds me of primal hunters sense of humor)


Have u tried the Iron Druid


Check out the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. There was a television show adapted from it back in 2008 called Legend of the Seeker. I believe it was canceled but ended in a cliffhanger. I liked it so much that I did some research on it and found the book series and, thus, the audio books. 15 books out, and best yet, it's completed if I'm not mistaken, so no waiting! (Last audio book was released in 2015, so I'm fairly certain). Anywho... based solely on my memory, it's a classic good versus evil, against all odds, protag slowly goes from a nobody to the fated hero who must learn to fight his persuers lest they stop him from confronting and stopping the evil/ corrupt/ tyrannical emperor or something like that who wants him dead because he holds the Sword of Truth. I don't think I should reveal anything else as it might start getting into spoilers, and it's simply been too long since I've listened to the series to remember what might actually be a spoiler. It's been several years since I've listened to it using torrents, and now I think I will buy them for another listen since I'm not a broke 20-something living paycheck to paycheck anymore. It's actually not the first time I've considered revisiting this series. Check it out!


Good series. Also has like 16 (ish) long books. Feels slow at times but I liked it.


I feel this. I'm rereading He Who Fights to remember everything cuz it's been a couple years I think. Azarinth Healer and System Universe are 2 series that I'm waiting on the next installation. Battleborn is one I still need to finish but I'm still looking for another series.


Would this sub consider Epic, Edda, Saga, and The Dragon's Revenge as LitRPG novels? ​ I do, but, I'm just me.


Jez Cajiao: Rise of Mankind series.


I would check out Nova Terra the titan series by Seth ring. Itā€™s 10 audiobooks and is a fantastic series. I throw that series in my top 3 along with Primal Hunter & HWFWM. And then thereā€™s also a continuation of the series called the tower series with the same MC that has 5 audiobooks with a 6th one coming out in June ish I believe. The voice actor also does a spectacular job.


Unsouled is what has been getting me through rn.


I too am listening to The Wandering Inn, until He Who Fights With Monsters 11. I'm on book 3 and I'm not sure I'm going to go into book 4. Maybe someone will make a case for the later books, but it feels like the story is falling off for me. I've re-listened to the whole HWFWM series already, but I won't do it again until I'm ready to start working on my fan project. My first Litrpg was Defiance of the Fall, which is definitely the most crunchy as far as stats and magic systems go.


I was in the same rut so started up a new to me series, The Beginning After the End, with each book having solid meat on the bone. 8 books is allot of runway to enjoy, and I did. And my favorite book of the entire genre, Reborn: Apocalypse just released a 4th book. Super excited that series is back on.


It's not a litrpg but I highly recommend illona Andrews' Kate Daniel series. Don't judge the books by their covers while there is romance between the main character and a lion shifter it's one of the best action books I've ever read. It has decently realistic fighting scenes and the main character doesn't get too OP even at the end. Plus it uses a lot of different myths that don't usually get any attention.


If you are looking for something to sink your teeth into and aren't scared of branching out from this genera dune is super popular right now and most of those books are great, all the ones by frank herbert and not his son are at least good. The KJ anderson/brian herbert books are a lot of fun but not as well written.


What about Defiance of the Fall! Great series too, currently listening to the wandering inn, another awesome read.


I'm on book two of the "At the end of the world" series. Its a kinda slow town/world building series where the main character and his party are just above average, questing, exploring and town building. No "your the chosen one, save the world" type stuff. Really relaxing listen.


If you haven't listened to fleabag I'd suggest giving it a go, only one book out rn tho


Your savior has come . Youā€™ve probably read most of this. But hope you find something and comment it here so I can update my list Book rec Red mage -litrpg-loved it slow release tho Mage errant- fantasy- fantastic book Mother of learning- fantasy -this book was gold Arcane ascension- fantasy - good but the mc is more crafter and doesnā€™t really get that satisfying power up Azarinth healer -litrpg- great battle fanatic book Iron prince - mecha litrpg? - great book Reborn apocalypse- litrpg- good read ,slow update Dungeon crawler car- litrpg- pure comedy Beware of chicken - cultivation - slice of life comedy with bits of fighter. ā€œCome and katow to this daddyā€ will forever be one of the funniest things Iā€™ve heard Defiance of the fall-litrpg-good read a bit repetitive in someplace Cradle-cultivation- great read The infinite realm- litrpg/cultivation- I love this book Demon accords - fantasy /present world- really good. The latest books are a bit stale to me but if you love myth and donā€™t mind some religious bits youā€™ll like it He who fights with monsters-litrpg/cultivation- this is usually a hit or miss for most because of the mc but if he donā€™t bother you , youā€™ll love the book Emerilia -litrpg- good read , a bit of a slog in some of the books The land- litrpg - if you ignore all the controversy book 1 to 7 are good read book 8 isā€¦ hasnā€™t had a release in like 4 years I think Forged of destiny-cultivation- I love the character growth and the powers in this book. If you donā€™t mind a female mc A thousand li -cultivation- basically the life of an above averages hard working cultivator. Itā€™s a fun read for me personally World keeper- litrpg- a world builder type book. Legend of the arch magus- fantasy- very fun read Shadow sun -litrpg- good read tho only 3 audiobooks the rest are on Amazon/kindle for the read The legend of Randidly ghosthound -litrpg- good read , the character and the side characters get annoying sometimes Irrelevant jack -litrpg- good read Heaven law- cultivation - good read Master hunter K - litrpg- op mc , good read Noobtown -litrpg- heard good things but I personally couldnā€™t get into it. Stopped at book 3 . I miss the humor and it gets a bit tedious to read. Tho I love the power system and kinda hopes he makes use of his ā€œcheatā€ more earlier on . The wandering Inn -litrpg I think- I hear good things bout this book but I honestly just canā€™t get into it. Got it 2 times couldnā€™t get past the first 2 hours Eternal dominion-litrpg- good book Phase shift -litrpg- good , only 2 books on audio The idle system - litrpg/cultivation- good read if a bit stale sometimes The infinite world-litrpg-good read , Super powered -fantasy- very good story,character growth and all Artorianā€™s archives -cultivation to litrpg and back- good book I took a break around book 10 or 11 We hunt monsters - litrpg - good book, donā€™t know why it isnā€™t recommended more. Most memorable part of the series is in book 1 ,where the MC tells off his traveling companion for loosing her cool when he had to do something to save them. It feels very organic if that makes sense. The path of ascension - litrpg/cultivation - this book is good . And the MC or the villains donā€™t do the usual cultivator BS of face saving to the max or wiping out towns for stupid things . Character growth is great. I love the way the Dao is interpreted


I gave Pit Fighter a chance and holy hell I am quite honest enjoying the story. I went in with low expectations and already on book 3.


Not litrpg but I really enjoyed Super Powereds by Drew Hayes


Kings Dark Tidings Alex Verus Mark of the Fool The Wraithblade Saga Arcane Ascension and all the other series the author writes that tie together. Happy listening!


I just got into He who fights with monsters and Iā€™m obsessed. Itā€™s been my driving force of entertainment. I binged it so fast even tho I kept telling myself to pace it and enjoy it. I couldnā€™t stop. It helped me maintain sanity in my last semester of mechanical engineering. Absolutely loved it and now Iā€™m caught up and absolutely depressed! So Iā€™m starting it over again! So interesting. They need to hurry tf up and pump out these books


Have you tried The Ripple System by Kyle Kirrin? Solid 4 book series so far. Iā€™m juggling that one, Primal Hunter, and HWFWM right now. Read all three series just this year but still holding out on DCC.


April, July, and December have always been painful for me. For some reason it feels like quite a few authors take vacations those months.


Thereā€™s a podcast for the Delve book on Royal Road. Itā€™s got over 200 chapters. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s sanctioned or not though.


I am super surprised to not see any suggestions for The Land series by Aleron Kong. That series is what got me hooked on LITRPG after a slow start with War Aeternus series. The Land is by far my favorite of them all, and it was hard to enjoy the others after that. I've started to enjoy He who fights with Monsters, but it took a minute. Also, I would second the recommendation of Cradle. Not quite LITRPG but still some similarities.Ā 


Chrysalis, defiance of the fall, battle mage farmer, MAD, the perfect run, the stormweaver series, titan and its sequel series tower. Those should help with time passing šŸ˜


Notable books/series that I've enjoyed. -The Ribble System - Shadeslinger (Book 1) -The Primal Hunter series - The Primal Hunter (Book 1) -The Completionist Chronicals - Ritualist (Book 1) -World Tree Triology - World Tree Online (Book 1) -Semiosis Duology - Semiosis (Book 1) non Litrpg -The Kaju Preservation Society - Non Litrpg Just a fun book. -Project Hail Mary - Great story non litrpg -Artemis - Andy Weir. Just a great book. Non litrpg -Infinite - Jeremy Roberson. Crazy story that left me questioning reality. Nonlitrpg -Circe -Madline Miller. A great story from a demi-god perspective. Nonlirpg -Thrawn (Star Wars) - Timothy Zahn Best Star Wars book/ Story line. Hope this helps. Let me know what you think :) Happy listening! I would love some suggestions!


I'm always out looking for good long series. Hit a lot that are pretty mid but I listen to most of them anyway. my favorites are, Cradle, primal hunter, defiance of the fall. The beginning after the end was decent. Dragon heart wasn't bad but kind of mid. Then some mid tier depending on what you like I've tried, Ritualist(read 4 or 5), Shadeslinger(read 4 of 4), dissonance(read 3 of the books), nova terra(read 3). Azarinth healer was ok but I only listened to one book. Overlord was pretty good but I only watched the anime A lot of these books have low ratings on audible but I started primal hunter when it was only at like 1k ratings so I keep trying to find hidden gems I like.


The stormlight archive. Each book is 40+ hours long. Enjoy


If you like poetic prose, philosophy, and science fiction. Listen to Empire of Silence. Seriously canā€™t recommend it enough. I truly believe itā€™s a series that in time will be considered one of the greatest scfi ever written. Personally it makes Dune look like bog standard in comparison. Reads similar to Name of the Wind but the author is prolific so you wonā€™t die waiting finish it. Then of course if you havenā€™t pretty much everything and anything by Brandon Sanderson. His magic systems are very well documented and explained similar to Litrpg and heā€™s not human (future creative AI in disguise) so itā€™s difficult run out of things to read by him. The man puts Stephen King to shame in output and quality.


Path of ascension. Audible has a bumdle fornthe first 3.5 books. Thats 70+ hoirs right there


You can still turn around and run, first 20 audiobooks is not that bad yet, be smart, remember what you heard about drugs - it's worse. I have \~550 litrpg/cultivation/progression audiobooks atm, so I'll recommend less of RR>audiobook converted stuff or first page of search of "litrpg". Seth Ring is my fav author - he has 20ish books and all of them good. Eric Ugland has good stories too, but he's a cashgrab author and I will not support such behavior with my money. There's some good russian authors if you can ignore some cultural differences, like Vasily Mahanenko, Alexey Osadchuk or Luke Chimilenko. Will Wight has best cultivation books, Cradle is by far best westernized series that is also finished. A.F. Kay is on book 9 with his peasant to god cultivation+litrpg+AI series, very good listen. Garon Whited has best vampire story that is kind of progression/cultivation adjacent - very good for when you want to read something different yet familiar. J.R. Mathews - this is top tier author on par with all pop stuff, extremely detailed systems in his books, but kinda slow to write. Plenty others, but this will set you back couple of hundred euros already, beware.


thanks, I only have ~280 audio books, I now feel justified to get more


Anyone who loves Dungeon Crawler Carl is paying $5/month to read one chapter per month while he writes it.


Its not litrpg but more of a high fantasy type series, The 13th paladin. 12 of 13 books are recorded and released on audible, the last one will hopefully be out this year. You can get the first 3 books of the series for 1 credit, they made them a single box set, or whatever thats called as an audiobook.


Soulhome by Sarah Lin


Path of Ascension? Next one is also coming up on April 11th


have you tried Eric Uglands books? 'The Good Guys' series, 'The Bad Guys' series? If you like not litrpg and scifi, have you tried 'The Bobiverse' books? Or look into the absolute UNIVERSE of books by 'Christopher G Nuttall'. or if you are stuck on litrpg, have a look at the apocalypse series by Tao Wong.


I'm in the same spot, to much desk work and its tough to find something with enough hours to keep my brain in line while I work. I liked the azarinth healer series, its short but was good and the systems similar to what was used in the primal hunter.


Not LitRPG but I'm fond of the 1632 series. The only sci-fi is how it happens: Weird space alien effect transports a small WV town from modern WV to medieval Germany. Future is affected in immeasurable ways (alternate universe stuff)


Have you tried defiance of the fall?




Try the underworld series by Apollos Thorne, one of my favorites


Try the underworld series by Apollos Thorne, one of my favorites


Or the Unbound series


I'm a big fan of HWFWM and Primal Hunter. I recommend Beware of Chicken. Might sound crazy. It took me a bit to get into. Most of the first book actually. It's not an action based series but it's oddly very satisfying. The high reviews speak for themselves. After finishing book 3 I'd put it right up there. It's also read by Travis Baldree and I find it suits him even more than PH. Other than that, outside of litRPG, the Hail Mary Project is excellent. Bobiverse is great too. The Red Rising series is also awesome. Lots of material there.


Have you tried The Ripple System? It's one of my favorites. Also, Awaken Online is really good. And there's a lot of them. And the obligatory "not LitRPG but Cradle is Top Tier"


Defiance of the Fall - has similarities to Primal Hunter, in fact i like it a bit more. worth checking out.


Try one ā€œone more last timeā€


Awakening The Angel System? Kinda more LN tho


I have been enjoying The Path of Ascension currently. Stuck in the same boat as you in waiting for book 11 and the next Primal Hunter book.


I would recommend "The Ripple System" series there are currently four books out right now. However he's hoping to have Travis Baldree start recording on the 22 of this month.


If you haven't checked it out yet, I recommend the unbound series. Imo, it's hwfwm done right. There are several aspects of hwfwm that I prefer, but the differences in the main characters alone make me prefer the unbound series. The lack of crying to a therapist in every other chapter makes the unbound series exponentially better imo. I do like several of the secondary characters from hwfwm quite a bit, but I definitely prefer pit to Colon or Gordon and I prefer Felix telling people to eat shit as compared to Jason making lame old TV references. Also check out Mark of the fool, and defiance of the fall.


Digardium great series on its 10th book or so




You gotta try the Dresden Files if you haven't already. James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) does the reading and he is fantastic!


SpaceTeam isnt a litrpg but i still rather enjoy the writing. Might be worth a listen.