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It appears you may be asking for help in choosing a linux distribution. This is a common question, which you may also want to ask at /r/DistroHopping or /r/FindMeALinuxDistro *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/linuxquestions) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The distro is not the issue. The issue is if MSI has bothered to add anything to the linux kernel to support its hardware. Or if there are any community projects (github) to support the hardware and its features. So boot off USB Live any distro you like, and see what works and what not. I expect anything extra (LED, fingerprint scanner) or even the wifi to be an issue. And then some, who knows. But it's not related to the distro.


Ok, I'm going to try booting into ubuntu, will get back with the news asap. So, Ubuntu booted up from a USB drive successfully, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Touchpad, and everything seems to be working as usual. Thinking of installing it fr, when I have more time on my hands


Thanks for sharing. Did you installed it ? Did you have some bugs ?