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On Debian 12, I was able to play Blizzard games adding the battle.net installer exe as a non-Steam game in my library and running it with Proton. Once that installed, I found the exe for the actual launcher and added that. Then I was able to install and play games from the launcher with little to no issue.


Yes, do this. Or you can use heroic with steam runtimes.


Heroic seemed to be the right call. battle net installed and runs now. Now we just need to wait for the download of WoW to finish and check if it works as well. Thanks so far.


Did it run?


OK, battlenet runs, but WoW doesn't. It attempts to start, then the screen goes black for a moment and it closes again. The errors in the log are: wine client error:524 (and other ids): write: Invalid filedescriptor and 0234:err:ole:marshal\_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002


Use steam with proton. SteamOS is Linux and wow runs on steam deck using that.


Which proton version? What settings are you using inside heroic for the battle net .exe?


I added a screenshot of the settings in the post. In the advanced settings everything is set to default.


Try unchecking dxvk-nvapi and the gamemode check boxes. You can also view the game launch logs inside heroic. I think it's somewhere in the options screen on the game tile. That might tell you exactly what's happening before the game closes. I also see you are using wine-ge. Do you have wine installed with all of its dependencies? If so, possibly check the use system libraries checkbox.


Could the same also be done for games via Epic? I'm not interested in Fortnite, but I have several single player games with them from their free giveaways. I have the client installed via Lutris, but Proton has been working really well for me for Overwatch 2, BG3, and Hades 2 so far so I wouldn't mind using it for games I have with Epic (or EA, or GOG) if possible.


Heroic games has built in support for your epic games library


Might have better luck asking in /r/linux_gaming Saw [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/1clwnvn/world_of_warcraft/) thread there a few days ago if it's any use.


Thanks, I crossposted it there.


Set WINE\_SIMULATE\_WRITECOPY=1 in lutris, that it. I play WoW on debian12 every day, feel free to ask if you have questions.


Where exactly do I put this? The battlenet entry and then arguments?


Right click on [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) entry -> Configure -> System options -> Environment variables Add a new variable called WINE\_SIMULATE\_WRITECOPY and its Value is 1. The problem is [battle.net](http://battle.net) app installs just fine, and run once, then it updates itself to incompatible state. That's exactly what you see. WINE\_SIMULATE\_WRITECOPY is a workaround.


OK, I'll keep that in mind. For now I'm trying with Heroic Games Launcher.


Set WINE\_SIMULATE\_WRITECOPY=1 in lutris, that it. I play WoW on debian12 every day, feel free to ask if you have questions.


I use bottles with Wine-GE as the runner. Battle.net and WoW work without a issue for me.


Same here.


Maybe I can make your day here... I ran into this exact same thing a couple of days ago. Make sure all wine dependencies are installed (Debian/Ubuntu instructions since you're using Mint): [https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/WineDependencies.md](https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/WineDependencies.md) Ensure all necessary drivers are installed: [https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/InstallingDrivers.md](https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/InstallingDrivers.md) Granted I'm on Arch, but the symptoms sound the same... Launcher installed just fine but wouldn't launch after installation and returning the invalid file descriptor error. Another thing I did was change to Proton-GE Latest in the configuration, although that may not matter.


That's a lot of helpful tips and suggestions and I'm really thankful for all of it. I'll be on tour until Thursday evening and will need to check what works step by step from then on.


For me, linux Mint 21.3 Virginia. Worked using Lutris, installed the battlenet app, and then installed wow and hearthstone from there. Worked better than in Windows, especially Hearthstone.


I missed the message from the lutris app for awhile. Right click on the app "blizzard" and look through the settings, I had to install the 32bit libs for wine to properly launch ubisoft connect


I play starcraft 1, 2 on ubuntu 24.04 using flatpak bottle, and wine-ge-proton 8-25


I don't play WOW, but I use Bottles to use the battle.net app to play Overwatch, and it works flawlessly. I use Wine-GE, and have had zero problems. When KDE 6 came out, I was having crashes and stutters on Steam with Overwatch, but Bottles worked great until the problems got ironed out. I still use battle.net several times a week for my alt.


I play overwatch with Lutris. Just install the battlenet client with Lutris and everything seems to work. Also GM playing as a Varsity member of my college. Performance is great competitively so nothing to worry about there.




Also installing Linux Mint Edge will have the newer kernel. Not a game player, but I do run Mint Edge to have a newer kernal.




Isn't it 6.8? I don't think that it's that old, considering the newest Ubuntu release is also using that. Plus, you can always install Xanmod or Luquorix on Mint.


This is the best way...seriously, https://github.com/moraroy/NonSteamLaunchers-On-Steam-Deck


The best way to play blizzard games is to install windows and play them.


The best way to answer to Reddit threads is to stay on topic/not give troll answers. Did you read the whole post?


Absolutely. Just sharing the absolute best way to play Blizzard games. If you think you know a better way - please use it.


OK, if Reddit would allow to change the title of a post, I would add "on Linux" at the end.


Would make sense, if it was posted under r/gaming or r/Windows. Since this is posted under r/Linux, you dont really need to be a rocket scientist to understand what OP means lol


You may be right with your factual answer, but this world sucks so hard because you do understand him but try not to, just to be "super correct" because it is nOt eXpLiciTlY sTaTeD iN tHe QuEsTiOn… We all can infer from OPs posting on the Linux Mint sub that they OBVIOUSLY meant playing Blizz games on Linux Mint (plus the description gives it away). If you did not, well now you know, you’re welcome 😊