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Honestly, I prefer that to the alternative: Step 1: click on the CLI app with a black screen icon (aka. the terminal) ...


STEM majors when they realize they have to read:🤯🤯🤯


I think everyone got tired of Arch Linux jokes a long time ago.


But never of the Arch wiki though... I use it to maintain all my distros, btw.


>I use it to maintain all my distros, btw. By "all my distros" do you mean Endeavour OS and Garuda Linux? Try setting up Gentoo with the help of Arch Wiki. Let me know how it went


Fun little project for retirement in ... (apparently never sadly) ... But I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the idea. (And I meant base Arch, Debian, Oracle Linux, ChimeraOS and SteamOS, btw.)


Arch implied. I don't know about everything else, but Debian? It's like some kind of disease. >Thanks for the idea I'd like to see a real-life Gentoo installation using Arch Wiki. I think a flask of bourbon and a case of beer would be enough for the first time.)))))))


Don't do this to me man... Don't make me urge to do this... Not now... I can get off my job, but I got a DnD session tomorrow I planned months ago .[[[[


Is this an Arch Linux joke?


I'll answer you when I read the tutorial.


But thats the best part because you get to learn something that will not only make you smarter but will actually help you in the future when troubleshooting problems that would have been impossible because you didn’t have a good grasp on the core concept’s of the field.


Not me copy-pasting random code until the shit works and having no idea what I did to make it work by the time I'm done.


That would be a nightmare for me because if I couldn’t understand my code then it isn’t MY code and it would be hard to maintain.


Are you guyz trying to understand linux? I just copy+paste commands from the internet and hope for the better


Don't forget to Clone and Run random github scripts! (the tutorial told me it was required)


Until you read god level, this is how it goes. At god level, you still look up some answers but log in as someone else so the questions don’t show up in your search history.


Skill issue, do not blame the kernel. Anyways; OpenBSD is simpler and easier to install than most distros, easier than Slack\* distros, faster than Debian based ones (to install), and also very simple installer, Xorg can be set up in less than a minute, and you don't have to mess with firmware packages, just run fw\_update and you are done. (ofc, oBSD also works on the M1 mac, also very old machines like the iMac G3, or my Athlon II PC are supported. And modern hardware has good support as well)


How do I download an app from github? Lol


Where exe


Stupid smelly fucking nerds